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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 225226227 228229 ... 502
If you understand the laws of physics in non-deterministic, negative form
Just shut the fuck up, for Christ's sake.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:31:12 PM »
It'd still suck (for me), since the UK is a beautiful country, and I want to visit it again and again. But if they leave the EU, it'd make it great deal more difficult for me to enter to country to visit.

See, personal interest guides opinions!!!
I agree actually, I really wish we had a more liberal attitude to immigration considering how massively important it is. I'm just not convinced that the current benefits offered by the EU are worth the costs.
Yeah. For you, you really have no reason to give a shit about the EU, since you don't seem like you want to leave the UK. And you probably only see its more negative aspects. So you'd see the EU in more negative light.

While for me, having the EU survive is pretty much what my future plans are resting on, and they'd be affected a great deal if the EU fell apart, so I see it in positive light quite obviously.
That's fair enough. I can't string you up by the bollocks for your opinion when all of your incentives line up that way.

Fuck off, already. For fuck's sake.
You only believe in objective morality because deep down you know that without it life is meaningless for someone who doesn't care about other people or feel sympathy.
You only believe in objective physics because deep down you know that without it the Universe is irrelevant for somebody who isn't operating from the same perspective as a sub-atomic particle.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:24:11 PM »
It'd still suck (for me), since the UK is a beautiful country, and I want to visit it again and again. But if they leave the EU, it'd make it great deal more difficult for me to enter to country to visit.

See, personal interest guides opinions!!!
I agree actually, I really wish we had a more liberal attitude to immigration considering how massively important it is. I'm just not convinced that the current benefits offered by the EU are worth the costs.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:16:42 PM »
And you're probably neutral or positive about them.
Positive about Farage and their policies.

Negative about their actual ability to govern. They're still to young, and I wouldn't trust them with the reins yet. Now, a minor Conservative government, with loose support from UKIP in opposition? I wouldn't mind that.

UKIP will probably end up being co-opted by the Tories depending on how the EU referendum goes in 2017, and whether or not the leadership can keep the party under control.
EU Referendum in 2017?

That could be a huge problem, since zero people out of my entire family living in the UK are actual UK citizens. All of them are living there either off of their French or Greek citizenship. Though they should be able to get UK citizenship on account of them living there long enough should they decide to leave the EU.
I don't imagine deportation will be an option during negotiations. EU citizens living in the UK at the moment will probably be fast-tracked for citizenship or given special rights of residency.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:12:28 PM »
And you're probably neutral or positive about them.
Positive about Farage and their policies.

Negative about their actual ability to govern. They're still to young, and I wouldn't trust them with the reins yet. Now, a minor Conservative government, with loose support from UKIP in opposition? I wouldn't mind that.

UKIP will probably end up being co-opted by the Tories depending on how the EU referendum goes in 2017, and whether or not the leadership can keep the party under control.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:08:11 PM »
emerikkan taking the test

political parties seem a lot less divided in the UK
Though, the only 3 relevant parties in the UK are the Conservatives, Labour, and the LibDems. And the LibDems are more of a minor party who tags along with the Conservatives or Labour depending on who wins (unless I'm mistaken?). There are like a dozen parties or so in House of Commons, but many of them just have between 1-5 seats.
UKIP is more important than the Liberal Democrats at the moment, and the Greens also appear to be on the rise. I'd say there are at least four relevant parties, maybe five.

And yeah, there are twelve parties currently in the Commons and five independents.

Fuck off, already. For fuck's sake.

The Flood / Re: House Project Thread: Price Estimates
« on: March 13, 2015, 05:26:00 PM »
This is some badass shit, man.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 04:10:11 PM »
emerikkan taking the test

political parties seem a lot less divided in the UK
"96pc similar to you"


Won't do much.

All of the emissions today will take until 2040 to reach their maximum effect. And 2040 is the point at which permafrost is predicted to begin melting.

Nothing short of scrubbing the air will help, really.

See people, this is why you don't have monetary unions.

It doesn't lead to anything good.

Serious / iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 03:14:00 PM »
General election coming up in less than two months time, now. So, seems appropriate. Post the link, not just a screenshot so we can compare the actual answers.

Here's the quiz.

Here are my answers.

At least, that's how it feels like in Greece.
Yeah, Americans felt the same about Nixon when he imposed price controls. If the population were truly competent, we'd be anarchists.

When you think the problem has been austerity and corruption, and then you turn around to find a party willing to increase spending and stand up to the fat cats over in the EU, of course you're going to feel like they're doing a good job. That doesn't make you correct, however.

Say whatever you want, but from my position, your view excludes the whole Greek side or interests.
See, this makes no sense.

Why would I have opinions on what's best for Greece if I didn't care about the interests of the Greek people? It saddens me deeply that the country has been thrown into turmoil to the point that Angela Merkel is depicted as a Nazi and the defence minister threatens to send Islamic fundamentalists to Germany.

The Greek people are having to put up with the consequences of their previous government's corruption and profligacy, as well as the incredibly poor and damaging policies of the European Union. I despise the rape that has occurred to Greece, and my only interest is solving the issue and increasing wealth and prosperity for everybody.

So don't tell me I don't.

I don't feel enough energy nor I have time to spend time and looking into solid evidence to back up the decisions that are currently being made, nor I think it's viable since I don't know much about economics to begin with.


The Flood / Re: I was "at the edge of my seat"
« on: March 13, 2015, 02:39:01 PM »

On the edge of your seat.

I'm really sad Gaara's not around any more. He was great.

"But Assad is better than IS!!!!"
Yeah, he kind of is.

would you resent such a decision (not its merits but its outcome)?

EU > Russia.

It would be flat-out immoral for the Greek government to pursue such a strategy.

But what about uploading and hosting it?
I don't know enough about the economics of child pornography to comment, really.

Paedophilia, to me, seems to be a medical issue and not a criminal one. The viewing of child porn doesn't necessarily involve any infliction of harm, and the dynamics of hosting these videos doesn't suggest to me that watching it could translate to any kind of serious communication of demand.

I think, much like I think with drugs, that it should be heavily regulated instead of criminalised. Child porn--if we find out its absolutely essential to the treatment of paedophiles--should always, ALWAYS be digital and guaranteed to not put any child in harm's way. So, to that end, the private production, uploading and hosting of real child pornography should absolutely be a heavily prosecutable offence.

So you're in favor of child porn?
If "in favour" constitutes not being punished for watching it, then sure.

I honestly don't think they're moving toward closer relations with the Kremlin.
Not at the moment, but it isn't unreasonable to consider some Machiavellian play from the Russians. Disintegrating relations within the EU, partially compounded by the possibility of a British exit in 2017, is very good for Putin and I've no doubt he'll exploit that in any way he can.

Greece sent its cabinet to Moscow just before the bailout was set to expire. If it really does get as bad as it could, then Greece could find the promise of cheap natural gas, Russian FDI and maybe even tourism very alluring. I mean, the first official visit to Tripras was from a Russian statesman. Greece has strong cultural and Orthodox ties with Russia, to the extent where 63pc of them have favourable views towards the country.

The Greek government is angry that the EU released a statement without its consent.
The new Greek government has spoken out against the EU partners over the statement that lays the blame for Saturday’s fatal attack on the Ukrainian city of Mariupol on Russia. Hungary, Slovakia, and Austria voiced similar objections earlier.

The government, headed by Prime Minister Alexis Tripras, said in a press release on Tuesday that “the aforementioned statement was released without the prescribed procedure to obtain consent by the member states, and particularly without ensuring the consent of Greece."

“In this context, it is underlined that Greece does not consent to this statement,” Tsipras added.

He voiced his “discontent” in a phone call to EU foreign relations chief Federica Mogherini.

The EU statement was published on Tuesday morning, saying that all 28 EU leaders had agreed that Russia bears “responsibility” for a rocket attack on the city of Mariupol that left 30 people dead on Saturday.

Brussels objected that the Greek government had been informed about the statement on Russia and Ukraine, but no one had contradicted it until Tuesday.

European Council President Donald Tusk initiated the EU statement, and claimed he had called Tsipras and the “sherpas” - top officials taking care of EU issues in each leader's office.

One EU diplomat reportedly said that Greece had attempted to remove the line blaming Russia for the Mariupol killing. Also, Austria, Hungary, and Slovakia tried, and failed, to “water down” the communiqué, the EU Observer website stated.

It’s the first time that such a situation - a retroactive abjuration of an EU line - has happened, EU Council official stressed.

Foreign affairs analyst Serja Trifkovich told RT that other countries might follow suit and oppose Brussels’ policies on the Ukrainian crisis.

“It’s very difficult in the EU to break the ranks. Now that Greece has made a move, I confidently expect that the Hungarians in particular, but perhaps also Slovakia and Cyprus, will [find] the courage to say no to the dictate from Brussels.”

The EU statement on Russia and Ukraine also urged for more sanctions, for considering “any appropriate action” against Moscow.

One of the measures being mulled is to block Russia from the global interbank SWIFT payment system.

Economist Max Fraad Wolff told RT that this would be a drastic measure.

“Let’s be fair and honest here: if you’re cut off from SWIFT, your ability to have any kind of normal business flow with the global commerce community is hampered.”

However, what he envisages is that “cooler heads will prevail” and that “we won’t see Russia cut off from the SWIFT system,” as it is “in very few parties’ long-term interests.”
If it is indeed true that the European Union initiated such a statement without the consent of the Greek government, Tripras is absolutely right to be furious. It is worrying, in one respect, however in that Greece has broken ranks knowing the geopolitical threat and the ground this could give to Russia. If the EU is good for anything at the moment, then it's acting as a buffer and power bloc to combat Putin's aspirations. Although, like I say, the EU should take responsibility for failing to follow the proper procedure.

However, the claims of Brussels and Tusk could well be true, also. If it is the case that the Greek government waited this long to contradict the statement, it highlights a worrying degree of wilful manipulation on their part in undermining the Union's governance. It also underlines a worrying trend which could be developing of closer relations between Russia and Greece, which wouldn't be good for the overall situation in Ukraine, or for relations between the EU and Russia--as well as the power bloc it is trying to establish around the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Flood / Re: So I realize I'm not racist
« on: March 13, 2015, 11:25:20 AM »
I agree.

Poor people suck.

Who even gives a fuck about product placement, unless it's like seriously fucking with the acting or the plot?

Netflix + Sony products = more money for Netflix = more money for HoC.

Which is good. Because judging by Season 3 it needs some more fucking money.

Plus, I bet Meta's reactions will get stupider as this thing goes on.
You really do need to quit with the arrogance. You're obviously attached to your country and its current government,  which is fine, but insisting that I'm stupid simply because I hold the opinion that the Greek government is following the wrong course--when I provide evidence for my claims--doesn't constitute an argument. You rely almost wholly on insults and thinly supported claims. It's pathetic.

Not to mention, I agree with you about the artefacts. . . But if you seriously think incredulity at demands for vicarious reparations--especially given the current state of the Eurozone--and at threats of property seizure is stupid, then you're more blinded by partisanship than I first suspected.

« on: March 13, 2015, 03:40:10 AM »
Rap is like vagina, eat it, beat it, till it bleeds
What the everliving fuck.

The Flood / Re: Add "Twerk" to a username
« on: March 13, 2015, 03:33:35 AM »

Serious / Re: So much EU/Europe hate in this forum....
« on: March 13, 2015, 03:11:10 AM »
Sue me.

It's not my fault undemocratic supranational economic unions don't work.

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