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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Serious / Re: Are you pro or con on these issues?
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:21:32 PM »

War in Afghanistan - NO! Get the fuck out of there. Quit making the same mistake the Soviet Russians did.

The war in Afghanistan was arguably the most justified war fought by the U.S. since WWII.
Closely followed by Iraq.

Honestly, Iraq--despite its flaws--was one of the best decisions Bush ever made. Better than his shitty domestic decisions, anyway.

University is supposed to be amazing, a transformative experience which is informed by student unions across the country. Yet people don’t give a toss about their student unions, no one cares about the NUS, and activism is dying at all but a few hardcore universities. This generation of students has been pissed on by the government and fees, and privatisation, and all anyone seems to want to do is roll over and let it happen.

Do you know why this is? It’s because our universities and student unions are too similar to our government; they are too stunted by white men. White men might want to appropriate injustice as theirs, desperate for something to struggle against, but it’s a hobby they’ll pick up and drop as soon as the first comfortable finance job beckons them over.

We need to ban white men and their activism dilettantism from student unions. We need powerful women and minority ethnic people to bring their passion back to the heart of student politics. Being a student union president should no longer be a place for privileged whiteboys to swing their dicks around before graduating into a world that is in no way affected by what they claim to fight for.

More importantly, we obviously live in a world that looks favourably on white men. In order to bring about change in our racist and sexist society, it must start in our universities. If women and minority ethnic people were in positions of leadership across all universities in the country, we would have a diverse graduating class of future leaders in every industry.

“Oh but, it’s racist to ban someone on the basis of their skin colour, and sexist to ban them on their gender,” cry the assembly chorus of confused souls trying to turn the language of progress into a weapon to further entrench the establishment. It’s not. You’re at university, go and ask a humanities professor. Learn something.

White men have had the last several millennia in charge, and it’s been a s***show from start to finish. A new generation of powerful women and minority ethnic people is ready to lead and change. It is time for you to bow down.

I honestly don't fucking believe this. The guy/girl who wrote it has remained anonymous, but the Independent revealed they are a journalist. These fucking SJW racialising feminists are creeping into the mainstream, and they're spewing utter, utter horseshit.

Fuck me, it's not just horseshit, either. It's racist and sexist horseshit.

I need to fucking lie down before I have a cunting aneurysm.

Serious / Re: Ted Cruz is a serious Republican candidate
« on: March 27, 2015, 12:48:26 PM »
The thing I love about Jeb Bush is that he manages to come across as a moderate and respectably conservative simultaneously.

Cruz is talented, but like you say, he's too conservative. He may be skilled, and pose a threat to other candidates in the primaries, but I don't think his skill would save him from the liberals and independents who would balk at the idea of having someone like Cruz in the White House.

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 26, 2015, 06:44:54 PM »
Yay, arms race.

Serious / Re: Are you pro or con on these issues?
« on: March 26, 2015, 06:34:45 PM »

Mind explaining your reasoning on the death penalty?
I only support it for cases of terrorism.

Terrorists are like the one group of people who are literally never worth keeping alive.

Serious / Re: Are you pro or con on these issues?
« on: March 26, 2015, 06:16:37 PM »
Environmental Protection - weakly for
Why are you against protecting the only planet you have to live on? Since when was contaminated water, habitat destruction and animals going near extinct by habitat lose a good thing?
"Weakly for"


Holy shit, dude.
It kinda defeats the purpose of making the other person looking like an idoit when you respond in a way that makes you look like one as well including acting like a child.
I would, if he didn't ask like a fucking sperglord.
Lel. Nice double standards you got there. You insult me for that post but yet you think it's OK to make a post like that in response about it. Like I said above the only thing you accomplish is making yourself look like a bigger fool than the person you respond to.
Why are you assuming this is about looking like an idiot?

You asked an incredibly loaded question that completely mis-represented my view. If you want to know more, just fucking ask, don't twist it and turn it to try and pigeonhole me, and make it look as if I don't care about thinks like contamination or animal welfare.

The Flood / Re: Can you see my avatar properly?
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:48:07 PM »
Looks like Malc to me.

Serious / Re: Are you pro or con on these issues?
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:26:31 PM » instead of responding like a douche, how about you explain your position?
I would, if he didn't ask like a fucking sperglord.

But since you asked nicely, I will answer. The people claiming we can reverse climate change by this point are largely deluded. The carbon emissions today are going to be the ones which begin to melt permafrost in 2040. Do I agree with minimal regulations to reduce things like pollution (say, a certain kind of filter on a car exhaust)? Yeah, sure. Do I agree that property rights should be protected, and tort law enforced, so we don't witness things like externalities and tragedies of the commons? Of course.

But, when it comes to the U.K. and its position globally with the big picture and carbon emissions, we're largely inconsequential. Pollution is a job primarily for the U.S., China and India. It comes down to the fact, really, that good economic policy is good environmental policy, and we shouldn't hamstring ourselves on the altar of Green fetishes and idealisms, and we need to begin promoting things like nuclear energy and GMOs within a system of free enterprise.

Serious / Re: Are you pro or con on these issues?
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:15:36 PM »
Environmental Protection - weakly for
Why are you against protecting the only planet you have to live on? Since when was contaminated water, habitat destruction and animals going near extinct by habitat lose a good thing?
"Weakly for"


Holy shit, dude.

Serious / Re: Are you pro or con on these issues?
« on: March 26, 2015, 03:47:02 PM »
Is there "necessary abuse" in your mind
How the fuck else would my dog learn not to shit on the carpet if I didn't break his legs every once in a while?

Don't the police require a warrant to get access to CCTV recordings?
In the U.K.? Pfffft.

I'd imagine they need permission from the Home Office, which is normally just granted on request. Not to mention, corruption in the British police isn't exactly on the down-low at the moment.

He's not suggest they run police cameras through their house or anything.
The problem with this is that Closed Circuit Television isn't usually that closed circuit. It's open to an array of abuse by the government.

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Discuss ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Climate denial is entirely about money and ideology.
I'd love to watch you tell the ruined families and maimed children why ideology was a good enough reason to support revoking the funds which could've helped them mitigate their suffering.

Scotland Yard chief thinks every home should have CCTV cameras
Homeowners should consider fitting CCTV to trap burglars, the country's most senior police officer declared yesterday.

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said police forces needed more crime scene footage to match against their 12million images of suspects and offenders.

And he called on families and businesses to install cameras at eye level – to exploit advances in facial recognition technology.

Article on the same thing, but from the Telegraph.

The world is run by utter fucking morons. Fuck me.

The Flood / What kind of parent do you think you'd be?
« on: March 26, 2015, 02:29:00 PM »
Feel free to comment on other users too.

I don't really have any intention of having kids, but I'd imagine I'd sort of be a hard-up, "you get what you earn" father. Not necessarily strict or authoritarian, but sort-of detached and not mollycoddling.

Serious / Are you pro or con on these issues?
« on: March 26, 2015, 01:37:19 PM »
Also, add some nuance. So, like, strongly or moderately or weakly for, for instance. I'll post my own list, and then post the issues separately in a spoiler below so you can just copy-paste them.

Abortion - weakly for

Affirmative Action - strongly against

Animal Rights - weakly for

Barack Obama - moderately against

Border Fence - strongly against

Capitalism - strongly for

Civil Unions - weakly for

Death Penality - weakly for

Drug Legalisation - moderately for

Electoral College - weakly for

Environmental Protection - weakly for

Estate or Inheritance Tax - strongly against

European Union - strongly against

Euthanasia - moderately against

Federal Reserve or Central Bank - moderately for

Flat Tax - weakly for

Free Trade - strongly for

Gay Marriage - moderately for

Global Warming is caused by humans - strongly for

Globalisation - strongly for

Gold Standard - strongly against

Gun Rights - weakly for

Homeschooling - moderately against

Internet Censorship - strongly against

2003 Iraq War - moderately for

Labour Unions - moderately against

Legalised Prostitution - neutral

Medicare and Medicaid - moderately against

Medical Marijuana - strongly for

Military Intervention - moderately for

Minimum Wage - moderately against

National Health Care - moderately against

National Sales Tax - strongly for

Occupy Movement - strongly against

Progressive Tax - weakly for

Racial Profiling - moderately against

Redistribution of Wealth - moderately against

Smoking Ban - moderately against

Socialism - strongly against

Stimulus Spending - strongly against

Term Limits - moderately against

Torture - strongly against

United Nations - strongly against

War in Afghanistan - moderately for

War on Terror - strongly for

Welfare - weakly for

Abortion -
Affirmative Action -
Animal Rights -
Barack Obama -
Border Fence -
Capitalism -
Civil Unions -
Death Penality -
Drug Legalisation -
Electoral College -
Environmental Protection -
Estate or Inheritance Tax -
European Union -
Euthanasia -
Federal Reserve -
Flat Tax -
Free Trade -
Gay Marriage -
Global Warming is caused by humans -
Globalisation -
Gold Standard -
Gun Rights -
Homeschooling -
Internet Censorship -
2003 Iraq War -
Labour Unions -
Legalised Prostitution -
Medicare and Medicaid -
Medical Marijuana -
Military Intervention -
Minimum Wage -
National Health Care -
National Sales Tax -
Occupy Movement -
Progressive Tax -
Racial Profiling -
Redistribution of Wealth -
Smoking Ban -
Socialism -
Stimulus Spending -
Term Limits -
Torture -
United Nations -
War in Afghanistan -
War on Terror -
Welfare -

The Flood / Re: You know, I just realized something.
« on: March 26, 2015, 01:05:09 PM »
I'd moderate.

But then I'm a power-hungry egomaniac.

The Flood / Re: Hey fags, snapchat?
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:13:07 AM »
I thought you were fucking leaving.

We've all been hornswoggled.

Serious / Re: An opinion piece I made on feminism
« on: March 26, 2015, 03:09:18 AM »
I enjoyed it.

Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 03:43:13 PM »
Anti-racism is defunct, though, because non-whites have equal rights, now. No one's racist anymore. :^)
Anti-sexism =/= feminism, however.

I'm absolutely an anti-sexist, but feminism is more akin to civil rights activism. Institutional and systemic racism isn't a problem any more.

Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 03:12:09 PM »
That is false, feminism is more geared to women than to men.
So? I'm just saying, if you're for equal rights, you can't exclude women. You can't.
The point being that feminism, being more geared towards women, is defunct in the Western World.

Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 02:53:38 PM »
We still have a duty, of course, to educate future generations about feminist/egalitarian ideals, though, do we not?
Education, however, is not the same as advocacy. We have a duty for education's sake, not for feminism's sake. I find it incredibly hard to believe that we will find ourselves, as a society, in a situation wherein we see some sort of regression back to sex-based bigotry.

Serious / Don't you just love America's free market?
« on: March 25, 2015, 02:34:36 PM »
Oh wait, it's not free at all.

In 2006, Google and EarthLink wanted to offer San Francisco free wi-fi. They were blocked when Comcast and Verizon claimed unfair competition.

Corporatism, go away.

Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 01:28:41 PM »
For me, feminism will always be, at its core, the same exact thing as egalitarianism, or the ideal that no person ought to be discriminated against solely for their gender, race, sexuality, etc. etc.
Sure, but feminism is explicitly active. It's a position of advocacy, not mere neutrality. Feminism has won, it's goal has been accomplished in the Western world. It's defunct.

Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 24, 2015, 07:59:33 PM »
Addressing the title, are you saying you're not a feminist because women are already equal in western societies?
Pretty much. Sexism, no doubt, still exists. Just not in any institutionalised or systemic way.

The Flood / Re: 40pc of muslims want sharia law in the UK
« on: March 24, 2015, 07:08:18 PM »
It will never happen anyway. Make a fuss over nothing.
We shouldn't worry about Britain First or the EDL, they'll never do anything consequential. . .

Serious / Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 24, 2015, 07:02:22 PM »
First and foremost, the gender wage gap (as a result of discrimination) has been pretty much effectively refuted as nothing more than an egregious myth. When you control for things like aggregate choices across a group of people, the wage gap virtually vanishes. When controlling for background and exit rate, women are promoted more aggressively. Not to mention, the way the wage gap is calculated massively distorts the results; basing the calculation on levels of hourly pay gives a much better, and much more conservative picture.

But let's say that women are pressured by society into doing different jobs, or leaving, and that there is a certain degree of cultural conditioning. This doesn't even begin to account for the fact that incredibly egalitarian countries like the Netherlands still witness a significant deviation in the risk tolerance of men compared to women. And it doesn't explain how more egalitarian countries on average have more sex-segregated professions.

A 2015 ILO report also concluded that discrimination is one of the lowest rated reasons women give for a lack of advancement in the workplace, and male-female differences in competitiveness actually go a long way in explaining any substantial discrepancy.

Men and women differ across the world in personality, but most of all in egalitarian, developed societies. Maybe, just maybe, the economic differences we see are actually a result of the Western world coming a long way in the liberation of women. The exercise of freedom is the causal factor here, not some imaginary patriarchy.

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