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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 215216217 218219 ... 502
Lol at all these neophobic fags saying they wouldn't want to.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon'ing and driving
« on: March 30, 2015, 04:48:17 PM »
I meant to ask, does the Prius handle well?

The Flood / Re: I'm smoking in the middle of a school day
« on: March 30, 2015, 04:45:45 PM »
fags will ruin your lungs and kill your first-born

The Flood / I'm smoking at 11pm
« on: March 30, 2015, 04:44:02 PM »
out my window though

my dad tells me off for havin a cheeky fag in my bedroom

Serious / The rise of Eurosceptic and Right Wing parties in Europe
« on: March 30, 2015, 04:42:38 PM »
And when I say Right Wing, I mean mainly in terms of social policy--especially immigration and culture. There isn't really an economic consensus.

We can see it pretty much all over Europe. In Britain, obviously, UKIP came first in the last EU elections and are now the third most popular party. In Sweden, the Swedish Democrats took 12pc of the vote and was third place in the 2014 General Election and similarly to UKIP the main parties have tried to keep them from exerting any influence.

In France, Front National took 12 mayoralties in 2014, and came first in that year's EU election. Geert Wilders and the Party for Freedom is also somewhat popular in the Netherlands. And Law and Justice, the second biggest political party in Poland, is also Eurosceptic.

I think we all know what this means:

eu a shit

I can't wait for the day where a Muslim business owner refuses service to a Christian and they lose their shit about their religious freedoms being denied.
>implying moslems should be allowed to own businesses

The guy said that he had been a barber for over 40 years and that in all this time, there hadn't been a single white person to walk into his store to get his hair cut. He said that blacks stuck exclusively to their community, and whites to theirs, unless they absolutely had to do something that forced them to venture out of this community.
Now that you mention it, it reminds me of this:

While bigotry is obviously a bigger problem than I had first considered, I don't think we should undersell the tolerance of a lot of people or the power of voluntary auto-segregation even in fairly tolerant societies (we have it here between whites and Asians, and Sweden is having some trouble with its growing Muslim population).

That being said, while I don't agree with government enforced tolerance, I'm more open to the idea that laws like this aren't a good idea in certain places.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that Islamaphobia isn't real
« on: March 30, 2015, 03:04:18 PM »
Dude I just made a million bucks yesterday and fucked the director's daughter. Shit was so cash.

I don't care who wrote the law, I care what effects the law will eventually have.
You should. The people writing the law have a vested interest in its contents.
Why the hell should I care if an anti-semite has written a law which will result in the bankruptcy of neo-Nazi businesses?

People can be wrong about the best ways to service their interests.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that Islamaphobia isn't real u
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:49:45 PM »
Fair question, what's your problem with me?
Me first.

Weren't you leaving here?

Yeah, in a decent world, that would work Meta.

That's not how it works though.
19 other states have laws like this.

Okay, and? In Texas, you can fuck a horse because the law says it's okay. That doesn't mean we should continue to pass laws in other states condoning sex with animals. You can marry your first cousin in 23 states as well.

Just because one state has a law does not mean it should be acceptable or pushed for practice in other states.

And yet the world hasn't ended. This really isn't anything new, and I think people on both sides of the aisle are blowing it out of proportions.

Let's take a look at the lobbyists who helped write and push for the law, shall we?

Guy with the yellow tie, goatee? That's Micah Clark, a dude who is well known for his anti-homosexuality rhetoric to the point that he publicly raged against a lesbian teenager for wearing a tuxedo. He continued to spread the belief that it is a curable disease.

Guy directly behind Mr. Clark in the tan suit is Mr. Curt Smith, the President of the Indiana Family Institute and a man who has publicly compared homosexuality to bestiality and adultery. He himself helped write the bill. A bit more information on him

There is no "religious belief" that says a business leader should not be able to serve someone because they are gay, or because they are black, or because they are female. The argument that this law is meant to protect religious businesses due to their beliefs fails on that argument because no where in the bible does God, Jesus, or any other religious icon say "Hey, dude. You own a bakery and follow my practices? Great! You can stop serving those people"
I've admitted that I could very well be wrong about this law. There's a serious, non-trivial probability that I am.

You missed my central point, however, which is that we seem to be blowing this out of proportion. I don't care who wrote the law, I care what effects the law will eventually have.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that Islamaphobia isn't real
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:46:21 PM »
Proving my point
Good, I didn't have a problem with your point.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that Islamaphobia isn't real
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:42:46 PM »
Also, nice backhanded comment
Don't you have something you need to do in your empty garage?

Yeah, in a decent world, that would work Meta.

That's not how it works though.
19 other states have laws like this.

And yet the world hasn't ended. This really isn't anything new, and I think people on both sides of the aisle are blowing it out of proportions.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that Islamaphobia isn't real
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:30:13 PM »

Islam is real though
It's propositions are false is the point.

I'm sure even you can grasp that.

The Flood / Daily reminder that Islamaphobia isn't real
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:25:25 PM »

No, you fucking lunatic.

The Flood / Re: Are you a Country or a City Person?
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:00:00 PM »
I'm more of a suburban guy, myself.

Serious / For those of you who wonder why I hate the BBC
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:21:36 PM »
First and foremost, it's a bastion of political correctness. It has acknowledged it's culturally liberal bias. There is also a show in the UK called Room 101, wherein guests choose what they hate most to essentially be eliminated from existence. During a hypothetical discussion involving BBC executives, it was theorised that Sacha Baron Cohen would choose kosher food, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bible and the Qur'an. . . All but the Qur'an were deemed acceptable things to banish to Room 101.

A BBC journalist has taken flak for claiming that she cried when Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was rushed to hospital in 2004, and the BBC has managed to upset Hindu and Sikh communities by making a disproportionate amount of material about Islam in relation to other Asian religions. On top of this, it's coverage of the Arab Spring was also "over-excited".

It has also shown to be somewhat inept in issues dealing with terrorism. It refused to call the terrorists in the 2008 Mumbai Attacks "terrorists", instead opting for "gunmen". They also did exactly the same thing with the Charlie Hebdo shootings this year.

And in 2011, it finally admitted that it's award-winning 2008 documentary exposing Primarck's use of child labour in India was fake.

You don't really have that here in the UK.
Only with the Moslems.

Serious / Iran is now refusing to give up its nuclear stockpile
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:47:45 PM »
NY Times
LAUSANNE, Switzerland — With a negotiating deadline just two days away, Iranian officials on Sunday backed away from a critical element of a proposed nuclear agreement, saying they are no longer willing to ship their atomic fuel out of the country.

For months, Iran tentatively agreed that it would send a large portion of its stockpile of uranium to Russia, where it would not be accessible for use in any future weapons program. But on Sunday Iran’s deputy foreign minister made a surprise comment to Iranian reporters, ruling out an agreement that involved giving up a stockpile that Iran has spent years and billions of dollars to amass.
Not that a Shi'a theocracy should have any nuclear capability at all.

But, hey, another nail in the coffin of the myth of Iran's innocence.

Passing legislation like this in the name of religious freedom is dishonest.
I agree, but for me it's more of a private property issue.

Well liberalism isn't a religion, so I'm not sure what your point is.
While I obviously think religious people, and thus their convictions, are incorrect it's still about a wider point of convictions in general. I'm not thinking in explicitly religious terms.

Although Flee's post leads me to consider the idea that I might just be underestimating the amount of bigotry that exists in America at the moment. While I stand by the law in principle, it's entirely possible that--consequentially--Challenger is right, and I am wrong.

Genuine question:

I know the Bible says gays aren't cool. But what exactly is the religious belief where you're not allowed to serve/interact/share a community with gays?

There isn't one. Like I said earlier in the thread, it's not about not wanting to serve gay people, it's about not wanting to participate in activities which are contrary to one's convictions.
..but if there isn't anything about denying services to gays in your religion, then it isn't a violation of your religious freedom.
There's nothing about liberalism that means I should decline services to neo-Nazis.

I should still be able to do that, though.

Serious / Antarctica hits highest ever recorded temperature
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:14:55 PM »
Antarctica may have experienced its warmest day ever recorded on Tuesday, with the temperature reading of 63.5°F, reports The Weather Underground.

Tuesday's record high temperature follows another high reading of 63.3°F set just the day before. Until this week's heat wave, the highest-known recorded temperature on the continent was 62.6°F back in 1976.

The Antarctic Peninsula where the readings were made "is one of the fastest warming spots on Earth," reports The Weather Undergound. The website cites studies from 2012 that show the world is warming at a quickening pace.

Five nations and territories have tied or hit all-time high temperature records so far this year.

The Flood / Re: Reminder that Satan is the good guy
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:02:30 PM »
Enjoy your first time on reddit?
I actually found it on /pol/

But I do browse reddit, from time to time.

The fact that you think it's a good idea shows you don't understand what this law entails. I'm sorry, but no. It's a terrible law and it's an embarrassment.
You'll have to forgive me if I don't exactly place as much faith in the government's ability to legislate tolerance. Culture is always the driving force behind the death of bigotry; people like Kevin Hart, who're genuinely hilarious, have done more in the US to bridge the racial divide than the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ever could, especially following decades of government-enforced segregation and racism.

Serious / Re: The Iraq War
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:45:36 AM »
the ISIS threat can be directly attributed to the invasion of Iraq.
Actually, it's more attributable to us leaving and the sectarianism of Nouri al-Maliki. People who think the West is the cause of ISIS and the current situation of Iraq are just as naive as the neocons who think you can run around spreading democracy on a whim.

One reason why we're running airstrikes in Syria instead of toppling Assad already, and that's because as much of a bastard as he is, having a government to speak of is better than not having one. It helps to keep the region stable while not creating more enemies for ourselves.
The point is that his government is preferable to the Salafist militants trying to topple it, who are just as guilty in the use of weapons like sarin gas as their Alawite government. And yes, in the case of Syria, the government is a stabilising force.

But I've already dealt with how the situation in Iraq was--and continues to be--different.

Too big to be punished, and folks like you wouldn't let that happen anyway.
Damn right, I wouldn't. The UN's word isn't fucking gospel.

It's an independent country's right to be a shitty place to live.
And if people like you had been listened to: Libya would still have a nuclear arsenal bigger than we ever expected, we never would've traced the AQ Khan network around Pakistan and North Korea, the Taliban would still be playing host to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, Slobodan Milosevic would've made Bosnia part of a Greater Serbia, Kosovo would've been ethnically cleansed, the Clinton administration still wouldn't have done enough about Rwanda, the French wouldn't have successfully combated the Tuareg Rebellion in Northern Mali, Indonesia would've committed a genocide in East Timor and Saddam Hussein would still have a latent WMD capacity with a population riven with sectarianism and subjugated under his fundamentalist boot.

A majority of the Iraqi population says they feel worse off since the country was invaded. 'Welcomed' my ass.
Despite the problems Mordo has dealt with, stats from 2011 don't even begin to comment on how Americans were welcomed in 2003.

Nuance? More like "let's ignore the lies and abuses that were the basis of invading Iraq in 2003, and change them to more convenient reasons that have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight," while still ignoring the facts indicating that Iraq is such a crapshoot because of Western intervention. Hence, 'endorsement of lies.'
Pay attention. Me quite explicitly saying "Yeah, Blair and Bush fucked that one up" is not ignoring the lies and abuses.

The deposition of Saddam was seemingly the only positive outcome of the invasion. The abuses and overall sorry state of affairs in Iraq overshadow any other 'benefits' that may have come from the invasion.
If you can't see how the post-Saddam Iraq up until 2011 was better, almost invariably, than Saddam's Iraq I really don't have a fucking clue what to tell you.

Serious / Re: b-b-but muh p-patriarchy
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:33:58 AM »
Couldn't this be spun to say that society subconsciously thinks women aren't as capable so they have to go easier on grading? AKA patriarchy.
Which is the problem with the whole idea. It's like social justice, too. It's so fucking nebulous you can weave it around anything.

Serious / b-b-but muh p-patriarchy
« on: March 30, 2015, 09:28:15 AM »

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