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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Meta ilu but stop shilling out for surveillance states
The collection of metadata isn't surveillance. It facilitates surveillance, sure, but surveillance is the direct collection of data. If you want to shit on anybody, shit on FISA (and yes, they do deserve to be shit on).

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:42:27 AM »
They were asking for it.
Fuck you. What a stupidly immoral thing to say.

Snowden is a goddamn hero.

Releasing information about the collection of metadata I can get behind, at least then there's a degree of transparency with the NSA and the FISA court. But when you start taking asylum in Russia, don't read half the shit you put out and then let it fall into the hands of terrorists and talk about cyber warfare with China then you're a treasonous scumbag.

Serious / Russell Brand U-turn on voting; says to vote labour
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:11:32 AM »

What a fucking nonce. According to him, if you're in Brighton Pavilion you should vote Green, if you're in Scotland you should vote SNP and if you're anywhere else you should vote Labour.

What an intellectually dishonest, uninteresting phenomenon of a drug-addled, narcissistic brain. I knew, fucking knew, he would turn this into some class warfare bullshit between the righteous and open-eared Ed Miliband and the Tory toffs.

Fuck you Russell Brand. Fuck you and all the un-principled bullshit you so happily stand for.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:06:35 AM »
The war on free speech continues.

>thinking someone other than you should have any say whatsoever over what you put into your own body
Why do all of your considerations about libertarianism begin with what's being put in people's bodies?

It gives the impression you're a faggot cokehead with a persecution complex.

Serious / Re: Breaking news: the NHS is still fucking terrible
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:16:10 AM »
For example, there were many Democrats who voted against ACA even though that was pretty much Obama's signature act.
"Many"? More like 34. Which is incredibly small when you consider there were 49 Blue Dogs in the House at the time.

Serious / Re: Breaking news: the NHS is still fucking terrible
« on: May 03, 2015, 05:31:36 PM »
So the Democrat's stated official policy is to block anything the other party proposes?
No, but it's naive to think voting doesn't take place across party lines for both the Democrats and the Republicans.

And, not to mention, it was after all George Bush who increased Medicare by 131pc.

Serious / Re: Breaking news: the NHS is still fucking terrible
« on: May 03, 2015, 05:26:45 PM »
Good luck getting any functioning public programs passed with the Republicans in House
Republicans are usually just as bad as Democrats in this regard.


Sanders is a fucking joke.

Serious / Re: Breaking news: the NHS is still fucking terrible
« on: May 03, 2015, 04:01:45 PM »
medicaid and medicare are very barebones
So barebones they have a significant funding deficit despite repeated refunding efforts. Not to mention, Medicaid's limit is 113pc of the poverty line.

But how is Obama shitting on the USA's federalization?
I'll reply to this tomorrow.

Verbatim, I'll reply tomorrow when I've had some sleep.

There are more capitalist/ultracapitalist societies like China, India, and the US

None of those are "ultracapitalist". Not to mention, the US has fallen down competitiveness ratings since 2009 and various bullshit legislation like the Dodd-Frank Act.

Unitary systems are good for small and relatively homogenous countries; federalism in the United Kingdom probably wouldn't be a good idea. Devolution has caused enough issues all by itself.

When it comes to large countries like Russia, or culturally/ethno-linguistically diverse countries like Switzerland, then federalism tends to be better. For the US specifically, federalism is definitely better and its a shame Obama is content to shit all over it.

At least give me time to respond.

How could you even possibly price things meritoriously? You either do it by supply and demand, or not at all. Supply and demand is the only system of allocating scarce resources that actually makes sense. Trying to price things on some other notion has led to depravity every single time it has been tried, and no, it's not just a case of not being tried correctly, it just doesn't work.
please explain
I'm not sure how to elaborate further. Having prices determined freely on the basis of how much of something there is and how much demand there is for that something is the only system that makes sense and has worked. You can't price things meritoriously; it doesn't even make sense.

The economy operates on productivity, not merit. At least you can measure productivity and other variables like supply and demand. Pricing things any other way would fail due to informational deficits; it's the reason the government can't set prices, it just doesn't have enough information to do it properly.

The rich contribute disproportionately to the public coffers; often at the expense of productivity growth, I might add.
and what's productivity growth

developing a new iPad?
Depends on the model you're using; but put simply it's a growth in our ability to convert inputs to outputs.

if your new product isn't a fucking breakthrough in technology, it's probably not worth it
What makes you the arbiter of "worth" in this situation? If you don't like a product, you're free to not buy it and to persuade others why they shouldn't buy it. But it's exactly this system of free consumer demand which means we aren't living off the land with no time for philosophy, literature, art or anything else of higher value than a new iPad.

(part of the evil of capitalism is that it's self-sustaining, like a cancer)
Except it isn't; capitalism will end itself eventually. Capitalism is unsustainable in the very long run precisely for the reason that it's too innovative.

Since capitalism is about competition, I don't see how this is a function of capitalism. Most competition is stifled by government regulations which restrict entry into a specific industry. Especially when it comes to intellectual property reform.
it's a function of capitalism, obviously, because if you're the only one making products on the market
Which is a monopoly. Which is very rarely a function of capitalism. The only monopoly I've ever known to sustain itself without legislative help was the De Beers Diamond Corporation. Funny thing is, after the market was opened up, diamond prices went up.

you've never met someone who "prefers" apple to samsung?
you've never met someone who prefers xbox to playstation?
you've never heard of terms like "brand loyalty"?
Yeah, and I think they're all retarded. But, again, you're misapplying something as being a function of capitalism; people are loyal about all manner of things from sports to skin colour. It's a fairly common cognitive bias, regardless of whatever economic system you have set up.

there are people who won't even buy products made out of country, like it should matter
Which is a function of protectionism, which absolutely isn't a function of capitalism. I agree that people who go on about 'muh domestic industry' don't know what they're talking about.

the fresh refers to those individuals who are just out of high school and are either going to college or are trying to get themselves a job--the next generation of hapless consumers, if you will
Knowledge and information is becoming ever more important in the modern economy; it's not surprising that younger people are therefore somewhat disadvantaged.

Not a function of capitalism; it's mostly a function of mental illness, Ronald Reagan and the shocking mental health infrastructure in America.
would building homes for the homeless be a function of capitalism?

no, that would be socialism
because i believe everyone--EVERYONE--is entitled to a home[/quote]
That wouldn't be socialism, at all. Unless you count state socialism as a form of socialism, which I don't, but that's a judgement call. Nonetheless, people are entitled to nothing; and even then it would be unfair to call one programme out of a whole economy "socialist". There's no moral principle which dictates people must have a home.

It's only worth it insofar as it has a net positive outcome, and I should point out many libertarian and capitalist economists are in favour of providing 'trailer parks' for the homeless where they can receive therapy and look for a job. Supporting capitalism doesn't mean you're against any kind of welfare scheme imaginable.

Which is a result of companies responding to consumer demand.
which should probably raise a red flag in your mind telling you that supply & demand is a broken system[/quote]
It's a broken system because people don't like what you like?

I'm not claiming the outcomes are always as efficient as possible, I'm saying the system of pricing and resource allocation is more efficient than any other system you could name. There are numerous ways of correcting externalities (like pollution) by simply manipulating the price system (via taxes most of the time) instead of throwing the entire capitalist structure out with it too.

Hell, it's why I support policies like the EITC which subsidise low wages.

Not to mention, if this ever does change it will most likely be as a result of the development of synthetic meats--which is a function of capitalism.
capitalism breeds innovation[/quote]
It does. It's why the capitalist systems in the world are the most innovative, it's why capitalism has been the most productive system in human history. Competition works.

living in a country where we forcefully shove all future generations into excruciating student debt
Which is a function of the fact that the government tells you your not allowed to default on such debt. The system in the UK is actually one of the best in the world I'd wager, and it's by no means anti-capitalist or debt-free.

costs are determined not meritoriously but by the irrational concept of "supply & demand"
How could you even possibly price things meritoriously? You either do it by supply and demand, or not at all. Supply and demand is the only system of allocating scarce resources that actually makes sense. Trying to price things on some other notion has led to depravity every single time it has been tried, and no, it's not just a case of not being tried correctly, it just doesn't work.

the rich do not pay their fair share in taxes
The rich contribute disproportionately to the public coffers; often at the expense of productivity growth, I might add.

corporations can have a death grip on every consumer's balls if there's no competition in the market
Since capitalism is about competition, I don't see how this is a function of capitalism. Most competition is stifled by government regulations which restrict entry into a specific industry. Especially when it comes to intellectual property reform.

duping us into thinking that one thing is really so much better than the other
Not really. Have you ever met anybody who's really passionate about buying Aquafresh toothpaste over Colgate, or whatever you want to use? I haven't, and if you have then it seems like you know some fucktards who wouldn't do well under any system.

the fresh cannot make a livable wage on their first shitty-ass dead-end job
The "fresh"?

1% of the population being fucking homeless
Not a function of capitalism; it's mostly a function of mental illness, Ronald Reagan and the shocking mental health infrastructure in America.

and for those of us in the population who are smart enough to realize that eating animals/their extracts is also evil and unsustainable, some of us have to skip meals--often whole days without food--because they cannot afford expensive vegan food
Which is a result of companies responding to consumer demand. Not to mention, if this ever does change it will most likely be as a result of the development of synthetic meats--which is a function of capitalism.

The Flood / tusken raiders are the moslems of star wars
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:55:07 AM »

refuse to assimilate

are disgusted by things which don't conform to their barbaric values

and they always hide their true number

Are you fucking kidding me?
Taking a stand in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz are whistleblowers Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

Activists and members of Germany’s Green party unveiled the life-size bronze statues on Friday.

All are considered heroes on the political left for leaking US intelligence documents.

The man behind the work Italian sculptor Davide Dormino explains that he wanted to “represent three contemporary heroes who have lost their freedom for the truth.” He says that they act as a reminder of “how important it is to know the truth and have the courage to know the truth.”

Entitled Anything to Say the sculpture encourages supporters to stand up for freedom of speech and information.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange faces extradition to Sweden to face investigation into accusations of rape and sexual assault, but fears he will be extradited to the US to face questions over his role in leaking secret US documents. He has taken asylum in Ecuador’s London Embassy. US soldier Chelsea Manning (born Bradley Manning) was convicted in 2013 on charges relating to the Espionage Act for leaking US intelligence and military documents to Wikileaks. She is currently serving a 35 year prison sentence. Edward Snowden is currently evading extradition to the US by taking asylum in Russia. He released classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) to journalists revealing the scale of the US government’s global surveillance capabilities.

Their statues will have fewer restrictions on their movements with a scheduled world tour.

As much as I dislike the government at times, intelligence operations are incredibly important for security, and whistleblowers should be prosecuted. Especially when they haven't even read half the shit they released.

Fucking traitors.

Halfway through the video and so far his only "proof" that god exists is "it's unlikely that the universe formed this way so there's got to be a god who created it". Should I continue watching?

The Flood / Re: Racism in the United States knows no bounds
« on: May 02, 2015, 04:25:38 AM »
The worst thing about this post is that you spelled "Tusken" wrong.


I'm not all that interested in Stephen Fry's original claims, but Russell Brand is just a joke.

He's an uninteresting, unintelligent fumbling moron who has no grasp of philosophy, metaphysics or epistemology. There are so many fucking fallacies and poor arguments. Goddamn I hate him.

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:09:24 AM »
What? I'm psychology major stfu :P
>taking the shit social science

should've been economics

even if your message is that capitalism is evil (and it is)
On what grounds?

It's the most productive system in the history of human economics, and will only die once it commits suicide by innovation. Even if you don't like the faults of capitalism (and yes, it has faults), there are no alternatives. Morality isn't an intellectual plaything to be mired in unrealistic counterfactuals; it's a very real and objective account of macro- and micro-social well-being.

I have never seen a system proposed that could even reach the levels of wealth and prosperity--for everybody involved--as capitalism does, in either practice or theory. The private accumulation of capital, wage labour and competition are what allowed us (and is still allowing us) to drag ourselves out of millennia of darkness and barbarism. To say it's an "evil" system is to do it a massive injustice.

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:01:01 PM »
Don't let your thread being locked hurt you THAT much...

I don't think you understand how much it triggered me.


Child sexual exploitation (CSE) in the West Midlands had "significant similarities" with patterns of abuse in Rotherham, a report said.
West Midlands Police's report said 210 young people had been identified as victims or at risk of CSE between January and June 2014.
It was put together last year, but has just been released following a freedom of information request.
Last month, a separate report said the figures could actually be much higher.
Led by Stephen Rimmer, a former Home Office director general, and commissioned by seven local authorities in Birmingham and the Black Country, as well as the police, it found up to 500 children could be at risk.
David Jamieson, West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, said Mr Rimmer's report included more up-to-date figures on victims, although both reports acknowledged abuse was usually "hidden" and the true figure could be much higher.
West Midlands Police published its report after it received an FOI request from the Birmingham Mail.
Multiple abusers
The force has charted CSE victims and offenders over recent years and said there had been a "consistent profile" of both since 2010.
The report said victims were typically white women aged 13 to 16, with about a third living in care.
"There are significant similarities to the Rotherham victim/offender and location profiles," it states.
It also detailed that of those victims living at home, about 25% had lived in care at some point, while up to 60% had a case worker.
Many of the victims were transported across the West Midlands by organised gangs and abused by multiple men, the report found.
Meanwhile, it said suspects and offenders were "typically Asian, of Pakistani heritage and aged from 17 to 40".
However, online abusers are more likely to be white males, it said.
Mr Jamieson said police were working with communities across the area to tackle the problem, while local authorities in Birmingham and the Black Country were now taking a more coordinated approach.
"I totally agree that more could and should have been done in the past, there's no question of that, and that's true right across the country," he said.

So Rotherham and Rochdale, then Parliament, then Scotland Yard and now the West Midlands.

And, as a society, we seem to be more concerned with the non-existent gender pay gap and whether or not to keep the green belt as it is.

I'm genuinely surprised people haven't rioted over this; it really is endemic.

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:47:00 PM »
I honestly hope you're joking.

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:18:36 PM »
I'm calling it right now Meta. I'm betting my hat. PSU's comin'. He's comin' for this thread.
"Swiggidy swoody, I'm comin' for ya moody."

Serious / Re: Breaking news: the NHS is still fucking terrible
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:06:21 PM »
I don't believe people should be making money off of healthcare.
Does it really matter if it works.
There's a lot of things that work but are ultimately seen as pretty bad, hence why we shouldn't and don't do it.
What? If something works then you do it.

If people don't like it, then fuck them.

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