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Messages - More Than Mortal

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The Flood / Re: Triggered IRL
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:55:13 PM »
Fucking lol at that one guy clapping.

The Flood / Man, fuck people
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:53:30 PM »
People fucking suck. They don't change, they aren't useful, they're duplicitous and they stab you in the back. Fuck people, and fuck all their bullshit that comes with them.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:51:57 PM »
Let's get one thing straight.

Terrorism, hate crime and related ideologies are not a function of economic deprivation, social exclusion or mental illness.

Serious / Re: I feel I am becoming a Buddhist. I like it! : D
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:13:14 PM »
Meditation may be psychologically beneficial, but don't buy into the metaphysical bullshit.

They've also threatened revenge against the UK for injuring him.

Let them come, it's about time we brought back the fucking noose.

The Flood / Re: Cute pics :3
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:49:30 PM »

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:48:34 PM »
You're the only one who is upset about straw men.

I think I'm done here; you're impossible to have a proper conversation with.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:46:28 PM »


Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:37:34 PM »
So "killing" straw men is horrible and barbaric? LOL

Christ you must flood the place with tears when a tree gets chopped down. lol
I find it really funny how you can accuse me of ad hominem and, in the same comment no less, call another user a brown-noser and then try to make fun of me for thinking the idea of murdering apostates is barbaric.

If you don't have anything useful to say--whether it's couched in insults or not--then fuck off out of Serious.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:26:50 PM »
2) Even if they did behead straw men you would have a problem. Just admit it already.
Where did I claim I wouldn't have a problem with it? Of course I fucking would, it would be a horrible, Medieval display of barbarism.

The difference between you and I is that I wouldn't be trying to justify the actions of non-Muslims who subsequently try to murder them.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:15:48 PM »
So you only care about 1 side of the problem? Good to know.
No, you idiot. Muslims should be equally free to argue for and express all manner of outrageous claims. They should be able to behead straw-men with a sign saying "apostate" around their neck if somebody is willing to have such demonstrations on their property.

The point is apostates should then in turn not fucking murder them. I honestly don't believe that you can equate drawing pictures of Mohammed to murdering people for it; even you aren't that stupid.

Has Elder Scrolls ever been good?
morrowind and oblivion were good, and skyrim is a really great game if you're 10 years old and have never played an RPG before

get the fuck out you cunt fuck

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:02:30 PM »
Serves them right tbf.
Just like women in skimpy clothes provoke racists, right?

PC Gamer
Few things make me as happy as modders taking one game and stitching it to another. As Troy and Abed said, it only makes them more awesome.

Medieval 2: Total War is getting pretty old in the tooth, but modders are still working hard to find us some new ways to play it. The Elder Scrolls: Total War mod means you can now pit the various factions of Tamriel against each other in a war that can only be described as, well, total.

There are 20 factions to choose from, including The Kingdoms of Skyrim, Daggerfall, and Wayrest, the Clan of Blackmarsh and the Clan of Crowns, and the Great House of Hlaalu, Telvanni, and Dagoth, just to name a few. You can play as monsters too, like the hordes of Oblivion or an army of undead warriors. They're all custom skinned, so if you choose to side with Oblivion you'll really be marching around an army of Daedra.

There's a full map as well, based on The Elder Scrolls games, and appropriate custom banners will snap in the wind as you march your armies into battle.

The mod is not yet complete, but from my play session I'd say it's off to a good start. The campaign isn't finished yet, and there are some bugs, but I played a few custom battles and they worked just fine. It's also entirely in Russian, so in addition to the mod, which you can find a link for on this page, you may also need the English language patch. Even with it, some of the text still appears untranslated, though they're working on a better one.

Installing Medieval 2 mods isn't always easy, but there's a nice guide here on Reddit.

Fuck yes, finally.

The right to put whatever the hell you want into your own body is an issue of morality.
And issues of politics and economics--or how society should be structured and how exchange should take place--aren't issues of morality?

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:48:42 PM »
The only thing "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom of Expression" do, is opt to the better side of expression.

So yes, that shooting falls not under freedom of expression, but it falls under expression because obviously somebody got pissed off about it and went out to shoot some people.
Not true, it's like Popper's paradox of intolerance.

A society which values tolerance must be intolerant of intolerance to some degree. It's a meta-behaviour to protect the wider value. As such, actions which limit others' freedom of expression must themselves be limited. Is this erring on the "better side" of expression, no I wouldn't say so. A Salafist Muslim is free to argue all he likes that apostates should be killed, but when you actually kill apostates you're very obviously harming other individuals' freedom to their own expression.

It's not about protecting some forms of expression over others; it's about protecting expression as widely as is possible.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:26:59 PM »
One that is most definitely not correct. But it still happened now didn't it?
Which is why "freedom of expression" is a philosophical and legal bit of linguistics, which doesn't extend to all possible expressions in reaction to all possible behaviours. Expanding the definition isn't really helpful, and is intellectually uninteresting. Sure, Islamic militants are expressing themselves, but there's a clear conflict between the philosophical-legal consideration of such a freedom to do so and everybody else's freedom to do so.

To paraphrase Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jnr: your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. Freedom of expression means the freedom to peaceably express ideas and thoughts and opinions. . . Not the freedom to bomb people expressing dislikeable ideas.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:14:38 PM »
However, with their freedom of expression, they'd probably kill you.
What? Since when was murdering a person commensurate with freedom of expression?

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:32:12 AM »
Being morally right
Is objectively impossible.
I have to say I disagree with this. Moral facts do exist.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:03:31 AM »

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:54:02 AM »
LOL so Israel doesn't murder innocent civilians?
And Hamas doesn't try their damned hardest to make sure that happens?
you're right, they don't
Wow. Not only do you hold ridiculous opinions about murdering people over free speech, but you blatantly deny established facts.

Fucking mind-blowing.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:53:01 AM »
Well if it wasn't for the invasion of Iraq we wouldn't have ISIS.
Yes, the group founded in 1999 which saw an explosion in popularity following the bigotry and incompetence of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is totally due to the Coalition.

I have to wonder, do you usually blame the troubles of countries with brown people in them on the West? That's just as fucking naive as the neocons who think you can establish flourishing democracies in five years.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:50:05 AM »
LOL so Israel doesn't murder innocent civilians?
And Hamas doesn't try their damned hardest to make sure that happens?

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:48:51 AM »
But dismissing someones claim of "muh free speech" after they got a well deserved smacked for being a prick is not bigotry, it's karma.





Fuck off with this savage horseshit.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:40:32 AM »
Being morally right doesn't make someone "disgusting". Being a bigot however, does.
Disliking Islam doesn't make you a bigot. . .

Rationalising the murder of those who do dislike Islam as "talk shit, get hit", however, is bigoted.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:27:59 AM »
It's called "Talk shit get hit".
You're a disgusting person.

Serious / Re: Russell Brand U-turn on voting; says to vote labour
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:14:48 AM »
Would vote Lab if I could,
That's fine, people can vote for whoever they like. The problem here is Russell Brand's duplicity and idiocy.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:12:21 AM »
Yeah just like Charlie Hebdo, it's not a free speech issue so stop using Charlie Hebdo as some kind of free speech martyr.
So. . . Getting murdered for drawing a satirical cartoon isn't a free speech issue.

Thanks, you've enlightened me. At least now I know you probably aren't worth listening to in the future.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:56:12 AM »
The war on free speech continues.
Nothing to do with free speech.
Right, just like Charlie Hebdo had nothing to do with free speech, or the shooting in Copenhagen. Hell this isn't even specifically to do with free speech, this is to do with civilised values as a whole. These kind of militants are the people who murder tourists in Bali and some of the most respected U.N. diplomats because the West wouldn't allow Indonesia to commit a genocide in East Timor.

You can't make these people happy, and trying to do so requires wholesale capitulation to their imperialistic aims and Medieval values. Don't give me this horseshit about how it isn't really about free speech, when it fundamentally comes down to people trying to murder other people over a fucking drawing.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:53:47 AM »
Well they kind of were. The group that organized the event is known as an anti-Islam group, so it really isn't that surprising
Right, because being anti-Islam means you're just asking for somebody to come and put a bullet in your head. Just like wearing slutty clothes means you're asking for somebody to come and non-consensually fuck you in your arsehole. That's all this is: sophisticated victim blaming.

I don't give a flying fuck who you are, you're entitled to express your opinions and beliefs and others are entitled to challenge you on such matters. Even when it comes to bigotry. Being a neo-Nazi and holding rallies doesn't give a green light for militant Jews to try and fucking murder you.

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