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Messages - More Than Mortal

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A lot of the literature and proclamations from those on the centre-left is inspired by the Gatsby Curve, which states there is a relationship between the inequality of income distribution and the lack of social mobility. Social mobility is obviously important because it essentially moots the effects, or sense of injustice, of inequality.

And, as I'm sure we're all aware, since the 1980s income inequality has widened substantially while social mobility has remained relatively flat. Taking data from a study by Raj Chetty et al. we can see that, when comparing regions in the US, the Gatsby Curve doesn't really hold:

There appears to be a much stronger correlation between family structure and social mobility:

(Also, anybody interested should check out Robert D. Putnam's Our Kids, which is a great book about the relationship between inequality and family.)

Indeed, a 2000 paper by the Federal Reserve found that changing family structure accounted for 52pc of of the increase in the 50-10 ratio, and 49pc of the increase in the 95-5 ratio. Which support's Chetty's (et al) conclusion that the single strongest correlate of upward mobility is the proportion of single-parent families.

Serious / Tension in the South China Sea
« on: May 28, 2015, 10:52:48 AM »
It's becoming increasingly clear that China has staked its reputation on success in the South China Sea, and accordingly has adopted a more aggressive and cocksure stance. Diplomacy will not end Chinese aggression, only a clear message from the US.

There has been some hope as the Pentagon has apparently been considering more hardline tactics to use against Chinese expansionism in the region, however it seems that the situation is worse than was first thought; the Chinese warned off an American surveillance place at least eight times with the message: "Foreign military aircraft. This is Chinese navy. You are approaching our military alert zone. Leave immediately."

Why is this important? Well it's unclear whether or not the aeroplane was actually within the 12 nautical miles of the artificial islands which China considers sovereign territory. If this zone is the same as what the Chinese referred to as the "military alert zone", then it appears that Chinese reassurances over continued navigational freedom are untrue, as they tried to command the US plane while it was in a non-territorial space.

There is speculation about whether or not the Chinese will establish an ADIZ over the South China Sea as they did with the East China Sea in 2013; that's besides the point, however, as the Chinese have been challenging American operation within that airspace since 2001, as well as more recently threatening the Philippines.

It's no secret that China has been building it up its military with the goal in mind of establishing a regional hegemony, much akin to the actions of Iran, and the artificial islands being constructed in the Sea are being outfitted with runways.

The Chinese seem to view geopolitics with a vertical structure of power, where the biggest dogs get the biggest piece of meat. Technically, China has no right to expand its sovereign territory in the way that they have--but they don't seem to care. China has a growing arsenal and collection of military equipment, seemingly tailored to American weaknesses, and will have 40,000 stealth UAVs by 2023; three versions of which will have precision strike capabilities.

The Americans need to pick up the slack and move towards the 12-mile zone which the Chinese have claimed as sovereign territory; it isn't a nice choice, since doing so will increase tensions and not doing so would only legitimise the burgeoning Chinese hegemony. Meanwhile, the government continues to sit back and dismantle US military capacity. 

Serious / The biggest failure of the Conservatives
« on: May 28, 2015, 09:36:14 AM »
The "legal highs" bill of the new Conservative government is probably the worst bill of the lot. It's an unspoken truth that drug users, when denied their choice cut, will simply switch to something else and the recent "explosion" in legal highs seems to bear this out.

In June 2008, $7.6bn (or 33 tonnes) of sassafras oil were seized in Cambodia, and the following year ecstasy virtually disappeared from British clubs. And, concurrently, the purity of street cocaine has fallen from 60pc in 2002 to just 22pc in 2009.

And, as the quality of ecstasy also decreased, a new drug known as mephedrone began a wave of popularity. Law changes and harsher enforcement in India which led to the drought of ketamine in the UK led to users--knowingly and unknowingly--taking the substitute known as methoxetamine. And, of course, most legal highs are cannabinoids which seek to replicate the effects of cannabis. 

Were it the case that cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy not so harshly regulated it's fair to say that these myriad legal highs probably wouldn't exist in the same capacity. The government, however, simply won't tolerate such thinking and so must ban legal highs as they crop up, despite the fact that cannot and never will be able to keep pace with the rate of drug production. When mephedrone was made a Class B drug in 2010, it's no surprise that drugs like NRG-1 and "Benzo Fury" rose up to take its place.

So, what is the Conservatives' solution to this? Just fucking ban everything, as the new psychoactive drugs bill will prohibit the trading of "any substance intended for human consumption that is capable of producing a psychoactive effect". Yet we all know that banning something doesn't just make it disappear, an expert panel commissioned by the government acknowledged that the 50pc increase in seizures of Class B drugs in 2012-2014 was driven by the continued sale of mephedrone. And while the usage of mephedrone has fallen compared to pre-ban levels, its purity has plummeted and its street price doubled, as other drugs have come into the market to fill up the slack in usage.

I mean, even the Home Office acknowledges that there is no "obvious relationship between the toughness of a country’s enforcement against drug possession, and levels of drug use in that country".

Serious / Re: Oregon passes law to regulate vaping
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:31:37 AM »
We smokers are a proud, oppressed race.

Serious / Re: Seattle's $15 minimum wage
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:30:17 AM »
He says the taxes in Seattle are fucking heavy, so really they NEED $11 an hour.
Or they could just, y'know, lower the taxes?

It is when the end result was a ton of lives saved and the liberation of the Indian people.
Lol, Mother Theresa is probably responsible for the deaths of more people than their saving.

And read this about Gandhi.

Also, fuck Theresa and Gandhi. Horrible fucking people.
Theresa was a fundamentalist who thought planned parenthood was the biggest evil on the planet, and didn't actually have an interest in alleviating the pain of her "patients".

And Gandhi was a sectarian, primitivist fuck who was happy to let the British Army fight the Japs for him while he fucked around with his "civil disobedience".
That seems nitpicky and oversupplied.
Criticising the medicinal practices of somebody who cared for the sick, and the motives of somebody who claimed to be for peace is nitpicky?

Serious / Re: Ian Bremmer: Time’s Running Out for America
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:41:10 PM »
Give me a quick run-down?

It's not like they were going out of their way to hurt people really.
Theresa was; she literally believed that suffering brought people closer to Jesus.
Hardships bringing you closer to God isn't really something that means you want to harm people. A lot of people believe that, it doesn't mean they will go out of their way to harm people at all.
Which is totally why she denied anaesthetics to people.
She still saved lives, and helped a lot of people.
Lol, more people probably died due to her lack of care than lived.

I agree on you with Theresa, but Gandhi was just doing right by his people. You can't argue that the British treatment of Indians wasn't fucking atrocious at the time.
Sure, but Gandhi wasn't the right man for the job.

It's not like they were going out of their way to hurt people really.
Theresa was; she literally believed that suffering brought people closer to Jesus.
Hardships bringing you closer to God isn't really something that means you want to harm people. A lot of people believe that, it doesn't mean they will go out of their way to harm people at all.
Which is totally why she denied anaesthetics to people.

It's not like they were going out of their way to hurt people really.
Theresa was; she literally believed that suffering brought people closer to Jesus.

Neither of those things make them horrible people. Theresa still cared a lot for people and humans as a whole, and Gandhi was just following what he believed was right.

They were still great people who were caring and did great things to help those in need, far from being horrible people.
If what you believe is right is wrong you're still a cunt, especially when you're as fucking malicious as either of them. Just ask Hitler.

The Flood / Re: Cutest user????
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:10:11 PM »
which is cute on dogs, not people

The Flood / Re: There should be a reason to downvote a user.
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:08:02 PM »

I just downvoted everybody in this thread.

>JFK exists anywhere on that list

Opinion disregarded.
It's a list of heroes to villains. They aren't saying JFK is a villain.
Oh, I'm an idiot. But still, putting Princess Diana over JFK and Churchill? Ugh.
Churchill should be first.

The Flood / Re: What is the worst fetish
« on: May 27, 2015, 06:57:30 PM »
foot fetish is disgusting

The Flood / Re: What is the worst fetish
« on: May 27, 2015, 06:57:07 PM »
Bondage and latex.

Like, they're not even human features, so why would you be attracted to them?
fuck you man

latex is the shit

>JFK exists anywhere on that list

Opinion disregarded.
It's a list of heroes to villains. They aren't saying JFK is a villain.

Also, fuck Theresa and Gandhi. Horrible fucking people.
Theresa was a fundamentalist who thought planned parenthood was the biggest evil on the planet, and didn't actually have an interest in alleviating the pain of her "patients".

And Gandhi was a sectarian, primitivist fuck who was happy to let the British Army fight the Japs for him while he fucked around with his "civil disobedience".

The Flood / Two's company, but three's a fucking crowd
« on: May 27, 2015, 06:30:11 PM »

Also, fuck Theresa and Gandhi. Horrible fucking people.

Below Stalin, Mao, Lenin and Genghis Khan.

While Mohammed scored more highly than JFK, Napoleon, Washington and FDR.

And people wonder why I think academia is fucked.

Serious / Seattle's $15 minimum wage
« on: May 27, 2015, 05:55:48 PM »
So somebody just sent me this:

Well, isn't that dandy? Apart from the fact that it's a heaping shit of misinformation and fallacious reasoning.

First of all, Seattle's minimum wage isn't $15 and it's unemployment rate isn't 3.3pc. Seattle's minimum wage is currently $11, as of April, and its unemployment rate is 4.5pc; two big differences. The unemployment rate of King County--of which the city seat is Seattle--is currently 3.3pc and as far as I know KC is subject to WA's state minimum wage of $9.50.

Seattle specifically, has seen some negative consequences of the higher minimum wage among narrow-margin businesses. Restaurants and bars have seen declining employment rates and microeconomic inflation is being driven in that sector at around 4-5pc.

As the Seattle Times have noted, the employment fall in King County is probably due to seasonal fluctuations. Which, of course, makes sense. A bit of brief research tells me that King County is mostly suburban, meaning its labour market is going to be highly concentrated in services. As the seasonal cycle picks up for the WA economy as a whole, of course high-service areas are going to witness disproportionate employment growth.

I'm actually not lol
Former Mujahideen confirmed.

Serious / Re: Rick Santorum Announces Bid for President
« on: May 27, 2015, 04:52:16 PM »
Rick Santorum just needs to. . .

Well, die.

Here's a run-down of all the bills.

Welfare benefits bill:
- Freezes the main rates of working-age benefits.
- Reduces the benefits cap from £26,000 to £23,000.

Enterprise bill:
- Cuts £10bn of red tape.
- Creates a "Small Business Conciliation Service".
- Improves the business rates system.
- Caps exit payments to public service workers.

Tax bill:
- Bans a rise in VAT, income tax or NI contributions over the next five years.

Childcare bill:
- Will provide 30 hours of entitled childcare for 38 weeks of the year.

Housing bill:
- Extends the "right-to-buy" scheme.
- Requires councils to sell vacant houses.
- Introduces a "right-to-build", which includes the construction of 200,000 new social homes and a relaxation of the planning laws.

Energy bill:
- Gives local councils, instead of Whitehall, the final say on wind-farm applications.

Immigration bill:
- Introduces the offence of "illegal working", and allows the wages of illegal migrants to be seized.
- Consultation on funding apprenticeship schemes for British and EU workers by implementing a visa levy on companies using foreign labour.

Trade unions bill:
- Introduces a mandatory 50pc turnout for strike ballots.
- Will also require a 40pc vote in favour of that 50pc for industrial action to go ahead.
- Union members must also opt-in to political donations.

Education and adoption bill:
- Gives ministers more power to intervene in "coasting schools" and turn them into academies.
- Creates regional adoption agencies to facilitate adoption across local authority boundaries.

Cities and local government devolution bill:
- Gives the government the authority to impose mayors on certain areas.

Scotland bill:
- Implements the recommendations of the cross-party Smith Commission. This will give the Scottish parliament the power to vary the rates and bands of income tax, greater control over VAT and complete control over air passenger duty. It will also be able to change housing benefit payments.

Wales bill:
- Gives the Welsh assembly further powers, including over ports, energy developments, transport regulations, speed limits and sewerage services.

Northern Ireland bill:
- Establishes a body called the Historical Investigations Unit to look into unsolved deaths during the Troubles, as the 30 years’ of violence that beset Northern Ireland up to the early 1990s are known.

European Union referendum bill:
- Enshrines the promise of an EU referendum before the end of 2017.

Extremism bill:
- Given ministers and the police more authority to ban extremist groups.

Investigatory powers bill (AKA Snoopers' Charter):
- Makes companies retain metadata for at least 12 months.

Psychoactive substances bill:
- Outlaws certain legal highs.

Bank of England bill:
- Measures to make the BoE more transparent, requiring it to publish the minutes of MPC meetings alongside interest rate decisions.

Charities bill:
- Gives the Charity Commission more powers to disqualify both charities and trustees found guilty of wrongdoing.

Votes for life bill:
- Scrapping the system whereby British citizens living overseas lose their votes after 15 years.

The government also plans to bar Scottish MPs from voting on English laws, will introduce seven-day GP services and will raise minimum wage workers out of tax altogether. Out of fear of a backbench rebellion, wording around the scrapping of the Human Rights Act was very vague.

I can't find much to dislike here. I'm particularly a fan of the trade unions bill, the welfare bill and the enterprise bill. However, the BoE bill, psychoactive substances bill, extremism bill and housing bill don't really sit well with me.

Will try and provide more details if anybody is interested.

The Flood / Re: Meta and I are having fun, why don't you join us?
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:14:04 PM »
Many a naked lady in here

The Flood / Re: ITT: 10/10 albums
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:07:42 PM »

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