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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 151617 1819 ... 502
Meanwhile several afghanis who worked with the British military as translators were killed by the Taliban recently as they were stuck in the country due to their request for asylum being denied. Their wives and children were killed too.
Fuck me.

The British government has no problem banning the likes of Geert Wilders or Tyler the Creator. If you want to come here and preach hatred in some Saudi-funded Wahhabi mosque? Be our fucking guests. Come and divide our communities.

Serious / Re: Several electors plan to vote for John Kasich over Trump
« on: December 20, 2016, 04:48:29 AM »
>Hillary had the most faithless electors since James Madison 200 over years ago.

Every time I think she can't possibly get any more BTFO, she still keeps on getting more and more BTFO, and it's fucking amazing.
Still won the popular vote fair and square. If we weren't a shit country, that would've made her president.
Trump led everywhere but California. America is a federal nation, comprised of constitutionally sovereign states. Allowing California to strongarm the rest of the country would be ridiculous.

From the Guardian:

A Pakistani Muslim cleric who celebrated the murder of a popular politician is in Britain on a speaking tour of mosques. The news has alarmed social cohesion experts who fear such tours are promoting divisions in the Muslim community.

Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri has been banned from preaching in Pakistan because his sermons are considered too incendiary. However, he is due to visit a number of English mosques, in heavily promoted events where he is given star billing.

Qadri publicly praises Mumtaz Qadri who in 2011 murdered his employer, Salman Taseer, a popular Pakistani politician who spoke out against the country’s blasphemy laws. Qadri was executed earlier this year but to his tens of thousands of supporters he remains a hero who defended their interpretation of Islam.

Mumtaz Qadri was a key influence on Tanveer Ahmed, the Bradford taxi driver who in March stabbed to death Asad Shah. Shah, a member of the Ahmadi Muslim community who ran a convenience shop in Glasgow, was targeted after messages he put out on social media including an Easter greeting to Christians.

His was one of several recent high profile murders in which a Muslim from one community was killed by a Muslim from another community for holding what they considered to be “blasphemous” views. In February, a former Sufi imam in Rochdale was murdered by two Islamic State supporters whom they claimed was practising “black magic”. In May, a Sufi Muslim leader was hacked to death near the north Bangladeshi town of Rajshahi in what police said was an attack by Islamic extremists.

Qadri, considered by many scholars to hold moderate views except on blasphemy, was due to speak at the Falkirk Central mosque in Scotland, but his invitation was withdrawn after a public outcry. However, the Observer has established that he is due to appear at several mosques in England.

The Sunday Post in Scotland reported that Qadri has been labelled a “firebrand” by the authorities in Karachi and barred from preaching his incendiary sermons. He was accused of acting in a manner “prejudicial to public safety and maintenance of public order”. He was banned from addressing crowds in October, according to a legal document seen by the Post.

Video footage on social media sites shows Qadri telling crowds that the killing of Taseer was lawful.

Irfan al-Alawi, international director at the Centre for Islamic Pluralism, a US thinktank, said Qadri received large sums of money for his UK tour and accused him of increasing tensions among different Muslim sects.

“Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri and the likes of him should not be allowed to enter the UK or Europe because he incites hatred and he claims to be a Sufi, but the message of Sufism is love all and hate none,” Alawi said.

“The Sunni Muslims do not need Pakistani or Indian imams to enter the UK and preach hatred. Just as Zakir Naik was banned, the government should be hard on these preachers of hate and also with the people and mosques which invite them.”

Naik was an extremist Islamist preacher barred from preaching in the UK by Theresa May, when she was the home secretary, in 2011.

Flyers promoting Qadri’s appearances in the UK, obtained by the Observer, confirm that he is due to preach on Sunday in Leicester, in Woking on Boxing Day and in Bolton on New Year’s Eve. It is believed he will also make appearances at other mosques.

None of the three mosques responded to requests for comment.

Haras Rafiq, chief executive of the Quilliam Foundation, said Qadri was the type of preacher who presented new challenges for promoting cohesion in Britain’s Muslim community.

“These are people who may not be extremist in the way that we know Isis or Boko Haram are extremist,” Rafiq said. “But when they apply the blasphemy law to justify the killing of other Muslims for not being the right Muslims then we have a huge challenge. Anybody who supports the murder of another person is dangerous.”

A Home Office spokeswoman said: “We do not routinely comment on individual cases.”

The idea behind veganism is that it would be morally permissible to exploit animals for food if only they could give their consent first.
I think the idea is more to do with suffering, than consent. You could pretty easily make a vegan argument against eating meat that consents to being eaten, on the grounds that it would suffer significantly.

I think that would be a rather more reasonable and rather more moral argument than "it's okay if it consents".

Serious / Re: Truck in Germany drives into a crowd
« on: December 19, 2016, 03:07:29 PM »
Truck supposedly had 2 people; passenger died on scene.

Serious / Re: Truck in Germany drives into a crowd
« on: December 19, 2016, 02:51:53 PM »
Truck supposedly hijacked, from reddit livefeed:

Translation: Ariel Żurawski, owner of the transportation company to whom the truck belongs, told TVN24 that he had last contact with the driver around noon. "According to me, they did something to the driver, hijacked the truck and they did what they did. This wasn't my driver. I vouch for him, he was my cousin" - he added.

Serious / Re: Truck in Germany drives into a crowd
« on: December 19, 2016, 02:47:25 PM »
Truck reportedly going 40mph.

A suspect has been arrested.

Serious / Re: Truck in Germany drives into a crowd
« on: December 19, 2016, 02:39:36 PM »
Over 50 injured.

Serious / Re: Truck in Germany drives into a crowd
« on: December 19, 2016, 02:26:01 PM »
Nine dead.

Serious / Re: Truck in Germany drives into a crowd
« on: December 19, 2016, 02:19:07 PM »
I'm going to punch something.

Capital punishment would be too light for these fucking scumbags.

Serious / Re: Russian Ambassador to Turkey Killed by Gunman
« on: December 19, 2016, 01:52:17 PM »
In an emergency Russian State Duma meeting, Russian Senator Franz Klintsevich said that NATO was [probably] behind the hit. He specifically said that NATO secret services were involved in the attack.

Serious / Re: Truck in Germany drives into a crowd
« on: December 19, 2016, 01:49:14 PM »
One death so far, according to the Daily Mirror.

Serious / Re: Truck in Germany drives into a crowd
« on: December 19, 2016, 01:43:25 PM »
Not again.

Serious / Re: Russian Ambassador to Turkey Killed by Gunman
« on: December 19, 2016, 11:48:38 AM »
The only good Russian is a dead Russian.

Serious / Re: Several electors plan to vote for John Kasich over Trump
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:56:44 AM »
I'm going to ejaculate all over my room if Kasich ends up as president.

Oh how I wish
For which?

Serious / Re: Several electors plan to vote for John Kasich over Trump
« on: December 19, 2016, 09:49:29 AM »
I'm going to ejaculate all over my room if Kasich ends up as president.

The Flood / Re: Need cheering up
« on: December 18, 2016, 04:32:35 PM »
Shit, man. Don't even know what to say. Don't know how close you are, of course, but when my grandma eventually goes I'm going to be utterly inconsolable.

Godspeed, bro. We got your back.

Oh no.

A private company operating in a capitalist market takes advantage of dubious advertising opportunities.

I am truly shocked.

The Flood / Re: What is something you still cannot do, despite being easy?
« on: December 18, 2016, 01:47:10 PM »
Can't make a vulcanian greeting with my left hand.
I can't do it with either.

The Flood / Re: this meme is certified dank
« on: December 18, 2016, 02:13:44 AM »

The Flood / this meme is certified dank
« on: December 18, 2016, 01:50:50 AM »

From the FT:

David Davis’s wide-ranging hearing with MPs from the Brexit committee yesterday provided new indications of where government policy is heading. Theresa May insists she is not providing a running commentary on her negotiation but the Brexit secretary has provided a few valuable insights into government thinking.

The timing of the government’s Brexit plan. Mr Davis said the proposals would not be published until February at the earliest. He said there are “quite a few decisions still to be made", noting that the government will be guided by 57 industry sector analyses that it has commissioned from civil servants. He did not indicate whether plan would be in the form of a white paper, a green paper or something lighter.

It is no surprise that Mr Davis is leaving publication as late as possible. If the Supreme Court upholds the demand for a Commons vote on the triggering of Article 50, ministers will want to curtail debate. The vote will certainly be passed but ministers do not want to see the bill amended by MPs.

Britain will not negotiate with the EU over immigration. This was the most striking revelation of the day. Many had assumed that, at the heart of the UK-EU talks, would be a simple bargain: the more the UK restricts migration controls on EU citizens, the less Britain could expect privileged access to the single market.

Mr Davis is taking a more ruthless approach. He said UK immigration levels would be set “in the national interest”, they would be subject to “clear control by this parliament” and the precise migration policy that Britain sets would not feature in the talks with the EU.

In some ways, this is no surprise. Mr Davis has long believed that EU states will not want to restrict Britain’s privileged access to the single market because their own manufacturers need to export to the UK. Immigration policy is also something that successive UK governments will want to fine tune regularly after Britain has left the bloc. Even so, the EU’s negotiating position is bound to be influenced by how restrictive Britain’s border controls look set to be.

A transitional deal is a possibility. Mr Davis’s position has shifted. Last month he told banking executives that he was “not really interested” in am interim pact. Now he is prepared to accept one “if necessary”.

Mr Davis’s stance remains more cautious than that of Philip Hammond. The chancellor said this week that all “thoughtful politicians” accept the need for an interim deal. Mr Davis will only back a transitional pact as a way of facilitating a free-trade agreement whose outlines are agreed in principle. “We need to know where we are going before we decide on the transition,” he said.

Even so, the politics regrading a transitional deal have shifted inside cabinet in a direction that will reassure many in the City.

The reversibility of Article 50. The British government has long insisted that Article 50, once triggered, cannot be reversed. It is easy to understand why ministers take this view. Any suggestion that it can be revoked will encourage the EU to play hardball in order to persuade the British to change their minds and reverse the referendum decision.

Mr Davis stuck to this line for the most part: “It’s very difficult seeing it being revoked,” he said. “We don’t intend to revoke it.” But then he added cryptically: “It may not be revocable. I don’t know.”

This may be a subtle indication that the government expects a legal judgment on this issue next year — and one it may not like.

« on: December 17, 2016, 04:07:07 AM »
Where is that from?
Just some comment on reddit.

« on: December 17, 2016, 02:14:58 AM »
Britain has some of the best intelligence services in the world and has strong links and agreements with countries around the world. Meanwhile Belgium has no clear lines of communication or information sharing between its amateurish services and has local police forces fumbling around trying to deal with terrorism without any sense of direction. Left hand doesn't know what the right is doing etc. They got a lot of flak for it after the Paris and Brussels attacks.

So, what the fuck is up with intelligence and law enforcement in Belgium, man?

When will we see that we're a single species?

Men need to realize that women really are treated unfairly. Women (and the associated SJW's and white knights) need to realize that the injustices of the past were decisions of the past made in light of those circumstances and were in no way the responsibility of those alive today.

Until we realize these two things, all we do us split our species down the middle.
You forgot to mention the fact that men are also treated unfairly and face significant problems in today's society.

You're part of the problem. This isn't about identity-based justice; it's just about justice.

No, I said that in my post.

And fuck you. I am a victim of those injustices. I am the better parent and I lost 50% of the time with my boys. I spend most of my time undoing her damage.

I am egalitarian. Men give women equality and women give up on the "crimes" men committed as a sex.

The idea of social "justice" builds an idea that there must be reparations. Nope. My father's crimes are not mine, and I will not stand trial for them. But I will be mindful of his crimes and will not repeat them.
Right, but you keep talking about women having to forget about demanding reparations for past injustices. I doubt most women even believe this should be the case; I'm talking about the increasing failure of young boys in school, the ridiculous rate of suicide among young men in my country and yes the unfairness in terms of divorce/custody/alimony and all that shit.

Women having to realise that the past is the past is a very small part of the equation.

I thought he hated safe spaces?
Never has, apparently.

>yfw he used this to distract you from important things

When will we see that we're a single species?

Men need to realize that women really are treated unfairly. Women (and the associated SJW's and white knights) need to realize that the injustices of the past were decisions of the past made in light of those circumstances and were in no way the responsibility of those alive today.

Until we realize these two things, all we do us split our species down the middle.
You forgot to mention the fact that men are also treated unfairly and face significant problems in today's society.

You're part of the problem. This isn't about identity-based justice; it's just about justice.

Why do people want to avoid confilict with Russia? I don't get it.

is it really that difficult for you to grasp why some would want to avoid war with one of the US' major power rivals

i dont think it is
Is it that difficult for you to grasp that it won't come to using nukes?

We shouldn't be so afraid to tell Russia what for.

i made no mention of nukes so i dont know why youd bring that up.
So what's the big deal?
Some people are pacifists and realize that death is death is death is death.
Somebody should tell those pacifists that different mechanisms of creating initial death can lead to wildly different magnitudes of further death.

Why do people want to avoid confilict with Russia? I don't get it.

Everybody knows Western imperialism is categorically worse than Russian imperialism.

A rather infamous Tory MP has been elected to the Women and Equalities Committee in Parliament. He has caused a furore in the past by referring to some people as "feminist zealots". He has also focused heavily on men's issues, calling for parliamentary debates on issues facing men on International Men's Day (we have such debates for women's issues, on International Women's Day) and highlights things like the gender disparity in sentencing for crimes, and the crisis of young male suicide in this country.

Naturally, everybody loses their shit despite the fact this is a perfectly reasonable appointment, and Davies will bring a much-needed perspective to the Committee.

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