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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 125126127 128129 ... 502

The US has had seven different Congresses, fourteen years of the Supreme Court, two presidents, the directors of the NSA and Secretaries of Defense all supporting the collection of metadata. And yet somehow you have the authority to determine whether or not the anonymous, autonomous collection of impersonal data is unconstitutional.

>released a million documents
>acknowledges some of it fell into the hands of the enemy
>fled to russia
>started talking about cyber-warfare with china

If Snowden isn't a traitor, nobody is.

Serious / Re: So... why don't we ban outsourcing?
« on: August 13, 2015, 06:04:52 AM »
Yes, let's bring all the manufacturing jobs back to the US so American labour can be shifted into making expensive-ass goods which could've been made elsewhere in the world to the benefit of almost everybody.

Serious / Re: Door's 2A guide to the 2016 Republican candidates
« on: August 13, 2015, 05:44:12 AM »
Surprising to see that Trump is still among the best republican choices on a certain specific issue then.


The Flood / Re: Well, I tanked my A-levels
« on: August 13, 2015, 03:50:04 AM »
You can probably get into somewhere with that
I'm all right there, I got my insurance choice.

The Flood / Re: Well, I tanked my A-levels
« on: August 13, 2015, 03:17:22 AM »
did you get your placement at bham?

The Flood / Re: Well, I tanked my A-levels
« on: August 13, 2015, 03:13:43 AM »
ayy i got accepted into my one and only choice
throw that boipussy!!
What grades did you get?

The Flood / Well, I tanked my A-levels
« on: August 13, 2015, 03:01:30 AM »
I got three Bs.


The Flood / Re: This time tomorrow I'll have my A-level results
« on: August 12, 2015, 05:36:28 PM »
If I'm not on tomorrow it's because I've killed myself. Farewell, my friends.

Serious / Re: Should an undergraduate education be free?
« on: August 12, 2015, 03:57:50 PM »
Destroy the notion that college is necessary.
Oh, I completely 100pc agree with you there.

We have a 50pc school-leavers target in the UK for people who should be going to university, which is fucking ludicrous. If you fixed the quality of primary and secondary education--and perhaps put more emphasis on things like job programmes and apprenticeships--then you wouldn't have so many people thinking they needed to go.

Well, it wouldn't, first of all. You still have to get the degree, you realize, and that takes some hard motherfucking work. Free college =/= free degree.
Sure, but there are a lot of incentives acting on governments and higher education institutions that make keeping the standards uniformly high incredibly difficult. It might not be collectively rational for the government and universities to sneak students through the back door, or to lower test standards, but it becomes individually rational when you have funding incentives, prestige incentives et cetera.

Do you really mean that?
No, I'm exaggerating, but unfortunately not by much. Thankfully, highly specialised jobs like doctors--which require a PhD--still have an incredibly rigorous "weeding-out" process. I was thinking more of Bach degrees which are almost nothing to our generation.

I don't think getting a degree should be a matter of illusory, make-believe economic concepts like "worth".
It's hardly illusory that if everybody has a PhD, the PhD is worthless. Sure, if in 200 years everybody has a PhD then they're more intelligent than almost all of us today in absolute terms, but the point of credentials and higher education is to be relative. To separate the intellectual wheat from the chaff.

Because I don't think there's such a thing as "too many doctors". "Too many engineers." Whatever.
Sure there is. Well, maybe not at the moment--I don't have any evidence to hand--but it's certainly not a logically impossible situation.

There could never be enough of either of those two things.
If everybody was a doctor, there are too many doctors.

Serious / Re: Should an undergraduate education be free?
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:44:08 PM »
I would only consider that part of the problem. I don't know--you say they're not "cost-constrained" in one breath, and then point out that they can't declare bankruptcy in the next.
The lack of cost-constraints just means that the price of tuition doesn't deter people from going through higher education. Credit is highly available in both the US and the UK higher education systems.

Also, I'm ignorant. If you could walk me through in a few words what'll happen to you when you DO file for bankruptcy?
The point is that you can't file for bankruptcy.

The fact that you think it's evil to incur debt on people is irrelevant; it's the system which would make the most sense. I'd rather, in the UK, that the repayment system was more progressive, but it's pretty good as it stands.

All it does is make it accessible, which it very well goddamn ought to be.
It is accessible.

If more people come to college because of its accessibility... who cares?
Everybody should if it makes their degrees fucking worthless.

and please name a few of these positive externalities that i should be concerned about
I meant to say the positive externalities are minimal; like, pollution is a negative externality because it incurs costs on third-parties not involved in the transaction. In the same vein, college education doesn't incur any substantial benefits on third-parties not involved in the transaction, so funding HE through taxation is rather pointless and I'd say immoral. You're taking money from other people to fund something they will see minimal benefit from.

The Flood / Re: This time tomorrow I'll have my A-level results
« on: August 12, 2015, 07:13:04 AM »
I've taken a look at the EdExcel grade boundaries and now I'm preparing to kill myself tomorrow.
Same for AQA.

The Flood / This time tomorrow I'll have my A-level results
« on: August 12, 2015, 06:37:42 AM »
Shitting fucking bricks.

Serious / Re: Should an undergraduate education be free?
« on: August 12, 2015, 05:09:12 AM »
No, for a number of reasons:

- University students, right down to undergrads, are not cost-constrained. The use of tuition loans insulates them from their eventual debt burden; the actual problem is that the students can't declare themselves bankrupt if they're unable to pay it back.

- The US labour market is currently highly over-qualified; encouraging more people to go to college by making it 'free' would spur credential inflation. The solution is to fix primary and secondary schools.

- The positive externalities of higher education are rather minimal, so forcing other people to pay for somebody's education just seems rather wrong.

Serious / Re: The university thought police is at it again
« on: August 11, 2015, 06:05:45 PM »
I have a question.

If American is a "trigger" word then why are they telling me to refer to white people as "European-Americans
Oh fuck.

Also, don't they know what gay people are?
Yes, because 1.7pc of the population is going to impact the results massively.

Besides, it's not like romantic relationships are the only channel through which this operates.

The Flood / Re: Did I accidentally log into Stormfront?
« on: August 11, 2015, 12:28:33 PM »
I am a bit too forgiving.
And way too sanctimonious.

Is this in addition to or because of the high school curriculum and teaching methods being based around female-typical learning styles?
In addition to, I'd imagine.

Both genders suffer from a mixed atmosphere--academically--due the distractions it causes. This is a separate issue to teaching styles/curriculum.

Serious / Re: The university thought police is at it again
« on: August 11, 2015, 07:17:20 AM »
Because that's not appropriating black culture...
Just don't even try to reason it through.

Serious / Re: The university thought police is at it again
« on: August 11, 2015, 07:14:09 AM »
Am I glad that the universities and general society over here has not been tainted with this kind of stuff I keep reading about.
It's happening in the UK, though. Shit's spreading to Europe.

About six months ago the national students' union banned gays wearing drag because it 'appropriates' black woman culture.
fucking what?
And they banned applause because it's 'triggering' to people with anxiety.

You have to use jazz hands, instead.

Serious / Re: The university thought police is at it again
« on: August 11, 2015, 07:11:55 AM »
What the hell is wrong with American?
It oppresses immigrants.

Oops, sorry. "Non-citizenised U.S. residents of international origin".

Serious / Re: The university thought police is at it again
« on: August 11, 2015, 07:06:18 AM »
Am I glad that the universities and general society over here has not been tainted with this kind of stuff I keep reading about.
It's happening in the UK, though. Shit's spreading to Europe.

About six months ago the national students' union banned gays wearing drag because it 'appropriates' black woman culture.

Serious / Gender mixing in high schools harms academic achievement
« on: August 11, 2015, 07:02:42 AM »
American Economic Association.
This paper finds that a student's share of opposite gender school friends negatively affects high school GPA. It uses the gender composition of schoolmates in an individual's neighborhood as an instrument for the gender composition of an individual's self-reported friendship network. The effect occurs across all subjects for students older than 16, but only in mathematics and science for younger students. Additional results indicate effects may operate inside the classroom through difficulties getting along with the teacher and paying attention, and outside the classroom through romantic relationships.

This would explain why I tanked towards the end of high school and in the first year of sixth form.

Serious / The university thought police is at it again
« on: August 11, 2015, 06:06:52 AM »
Holy hell.
When students arrive on campus at the University of New Hampshire this fall, they’ll be welcomed with a “Bias-Free Language Guide” to help them in their conversations.

Since college campuses have become very concerned with “microaggressions” being committed on their campuses, UNH decided to help their students understand which words might offend others.

But, according to Campus Reform:

"The university website encourages readers to understand that the guide 'is not a means to censor but rather to create dialogues of inclusion where all of us feel comfortable and welcomed.'"

A few of the words which are deemed “problematic” are:

Illegal Alien
Poor person
For each category, the University makes recommendations that, for the most part, are much longer and contain multiple words.

Instead of “poor person,” for instance, the student should say “person who lacks advantages that others have.” Mothering and fathering are frowned upon because they advance gender stereotypes. Instead, one should use “parenting” or “nurturing” because they describe the behavior.

“European-American individuals” is the favored term over “Caucasian.” And instead of “healthy,” use “non-disabled individual.”

The purpose is to:

"…not stereotype or demean people based on personal characteristics."

Students will be able to access the university’s 4,750-word web page to easily understand which words they are supposed to use when conversing with their peers.

The world is literally fucking insane.

reading Schopenhauer
Will and Representation is dry af

The Flood / Re: Faggot Awards 2054: Most Intelligent User
« on: August 11, 2015, 04:45:01 AM »
because he has a few things that i don't namely, patience
Oh that's what that is. I couldn't put my finger on how Pendulate was fundamentally different.

The Flood / Re: irl
« on: August 10, 2015, 07:09:39 PM »
I do this all the time. I don't even type it in, I just hit ctrl+shift+T without thinking.

The Flood / Re: Faggot Awards 2054: Most Intelligent User
« on: August 10, 2015, 07:05:43 PM »
Oldfag Sparkles
Strength Through Unity.

The Flood / Re: Faggot Awards 2054: Most Intelligent User
« on: August 10, 2015, 06:48:42 PM »
SU has rven himself t be the mst erudite and ersicacius fellw n the website
You make me want to hurt people.

The Flood / Re: Faggot Awards 2054: Most Intelligent User
« on: August 10, 2015, 06:44:07 PM »

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