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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 104105106 107108 ... 502
Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 30, 2015, 02:01:35 PM »
And that's supposed to be ok because products become a little cheaper for us?
Are you forgetting this makes everybody better off? We all have a greater quality of life as a result of this process; economists aren't part of some conspiracy to keep the middle class down.

So because other people were shitty he's good because he was slightly less shitty?
No, he's good for navigating the US from 1987 to 2001. He has a better record than most.

Buzzwords and jargon and excuses for everybody but the people getting shafted.
Where? What buzzwords and jargon have I even used? Wages are a question of productivity, which is helped by free trade in the long-run.

We don't need to "pay more attention" to the fact that people's lives are being ruined, we need to PREVENT that from happening.
And I suppose the fact that the policies I support perform precisely the function of minimising lives being ruined? Shitty education and the war on drugs is responsible for far more ruined lives than outsourcing.

Serious / Re: Russia begins bombing in Syria
« on: September 30, 2015, 11:20:19 AM »
they're just trying to keep Assad in power
While the Russians have no love for Islamic terrorists, given their issues with the Chechnya, that is exactly Russia's long-term goal. They have been staunchly pro-status quo in the Middle East from Libya to Syria to the point where relations with the UK have been the worst for decades.

Serious / Re: Russia begins bombing in Syria
« on: September 30, 2015, 11:04:40 AM »

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 30, 2015, 10:49:07 AM »
No I haven't; read what I said. I said, on the whole, it's beyond worth doing. Does it have drawbacks? Yeah, but these don't outweigh the benefits.
A bunch of people losing their jobs and going broke doesn't outwork the benefits for the already rich?
The benefits for free trade span across the board; I agree with you that the disemployment effects of outsourcing for some workers should be paid more attention to, and there should be policies to remedy this like a more effective welfare state, but we have to remember all people are consumers and not just workers (well, the number of the former outweighs the latter) and the benefit to the former is unanimously considered larger than any disemployment effects.

For acting like he's the shit when he was wrongn about a lot.
Greenspan was easily the best Fed chair the US has had prior to 2001, and while he certainly made mistakes past 2001 with the housing bubble we ought to remember that most people--like the most recent former chairman, Bernanke--also got the same things wrong, as well as the HUD and of course financial executives who led the charge in the fall in underwriting practices. 

We need better wages, fuck benefits.
Sure, but like I say that's an issue of productivity. Welfare is there to smooth the ride for those at the bottom, those who suffer frictional unemployment and those who suffer at the hands of the business cycle. If you want to raise wages, then it's a question of raising productivity. Welfare is a useful tool to help facilitate this.

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 30, 2015, 08:57:54 AM »
You've just admitted it's a bad thing.
No I haven't; read what I said. I said, on the whole, it's beyond worth doing. Does it have drawbacks? Yeah, but these don't outweigh the benefits.

He deserves it.
For what, exactly?

Benefits and your wage are like gravy for mashed potatoes. We need more mashed potatoes.
What does that even mean?

The Flood / Re: Guys I have a Serious™ question
« on: September 29, 2015, 02:44:57 PM »
I think of you as Persian.

Although I haven't heard your voice.

The Flood / Re: The Answers - Part 1
« on: September 29, 2015, 02:28:46 PM »
Holy shit you sound like John Goodman.

that isn't literally fucking owned by the companies it's supposed to regulate.
Gee, that must be why the FDA is routinely criticised for being too sluggish. . .

Does regulatory capture happen? Sure, but bureaucrats are usually more concerned with keeping their cushy government job. If you want to make the FDA better, you need to streamline the system and make it more efficient/quicker. The problems with the FDA today are, by and large, little to do with corporations pushing through their products.

Hell, the FDA doesn't even allow the reduction of the risk of cardiac arrest to be advertised on Aspirin, despite the fact that it's a well-known benefit.

Look at the ingredients. Don't be a sheep.
That's a great way of bringing society to a halt when everybody--most of whom are fucking stupid, let alone totally ignorant of pharmacology--is checking the fucking ingredients of their medicine.

With stem cells.

British surgeons have taken a “big step forward” towards curing the most common form of blindness by developing and successfully performing a ground breaking operation.

Surgeons at London’s Moorfields Eye Hospital carried out the first operation on a female patient with wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), characterised by leaking blood vessels. They now believe that the same procedure could apply to dry AMD, which accounts for nine out of 10 of the 600,000 people affected by the condition in the UK.

AMD affects central vision which is what you see when focus straight ahead, according to NHS Choices. In AMD this vision becomes increasingly blurred, which means that reading becomes difficult, colours appear less vibrant and people’s face are difficult to recognise. By 2020, it's predicted almost 700,000 people will have late-stage AMD in the UK.

However, after performing surgery on the 60-year patient, who was classified as legally blind, surgeons are optimistic of a breakthrough, although the full impact on her sight is known. She is one of 10 people to take part in the trial. After taking a single stem cell from an embryo and growing a patch of cells in a laboratory, these were then transplanted into the patient’s eye. The cells were taken from unused embryos created during IVF treatment.

“The reason why we are so excited is that we have been able to grow a perfect copy of the eye,” Professor Lyndon Da Cruz, a surgeon at Moorfields told the Telegraph. He added that he optimistic that the patient’s sight would be restored. “Having got this far, we feel it will work,” Prof Cruz said.

“There has been a lot of research behind this and this is now looking like a route to treatment.” The surgery could be routine within five years, he said. Professor Chris Mason, a professor of regenerative medicine at University College London, described the surgery as “a big step forward to curing a major cause of blindness.”

If the trials were successful he told The Telegraph that the therapy could be “affordably manufactured at large scale,” enabling all patients to benefit.

muh souls

The Flood / Re: "Did you wipe the server?"
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:56:16 AM »

To be fair, you could be pretty justified in not trusting the FDA and being indifferent to the WTO.

Big Pharma, for all its flaws, still manages to get too much slack.

The Flood / Re: Any 4channers here?
« on: September 28, 2015, 07:44:10 PM »
I used to visit /pol/ from time to time, but 4chan is honestly such a shit website. The design is awful, Moot fucked it up during Gamergate trying to bend over backwards for the guy who now owns it who sold information to third parties on his original anon image board in Japan and 8chan isn't much better since its owned by the guy who was CEO of the Japanese site while the information was being fucked sold.

The way threads are organised is fucking stupid. The discussion there is largely uninteresting. It's a fucking shitshow.

Serious / Re: I'm considering joining the army
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:13:32 PM »
Get a degree, go commissioned officer in the navy.

The Flood / Re: Damian Lewis is set up to play the next Bond
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:10:49 PM »
I would've liked Idris Elba, despite my grandma's protestations.

Serious / Re: How do you feel about this article?
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:05:17 PM »
I remember learning in my politics class that Reagan managed to win a place called Macomb County by a couple more percentage points than JFK had done due to the white working-class vote. Since LBJ, Democrats have (rightly or wrong) been seen as the party of the (black) underclass.

Serious / Re: New Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:58:27 PM »

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:54:51 PM »
but at least socialism has a concrete solution to the issue
Socialism isn't concrete in any way.

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 28, 2015, 09:18:21 AM »
I'm interested Meta, to you what is the right level of education the majority should have?
It's about the nature and the quality of the education rather than the actual level; there still exists a wage premium to going to college, so it's probably worthwhile to get yourself a BA or BSc in something, but a lot of individuals find themselves mismatched in the labour market because they have studied something somewhat useless in employment terms (art, gender studies, whatever).

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 28, 2015, 09:14:46 AM »
How is being unemployed for months when your high paying IT job got outsourced good?
It obviously isn't for the individuals in question, which is why I say we should pay greater attention to this effect, but across the entire economy it doesn't add up to even a fraction of enough to justify some kind of protectionism.


Not anywhere near the rate jobs are being shipped overseas.
There's currently an insourcing boom in the US due to rising overseas costs. Can't find any evidence for how it ultimately balances out, but like I said: job creation isn't significantly impacted by international flows of capital, but policies from the central bank and the government to do with things like stable demand, employment and human capital.

Greenspan is a fucking moron.
Greenspan gets too much flak.

Higher paying jobs are being fucked with to create a job market where there's really no point striving for more than minimum wage.
But this is insanely conspiratorial; middle-income America has seen significant gains in compensation despite growing income inequality. This is a trend to do with productivity; skills don't suddenly become worth less when the rich get more greedy. Wage inequality is driven primarily by technological change which alters some workers' output more than others'. The issue to solving inequality--and poverty--isn't to call CEOs (the high-paid of which are such a small fraction of the labour market it's ridiculous that people focus on them) greedy cunts, string up financial executives and command companies to pay min-wage workers more. The solution is investment in things like education, expanding welfare like EITC, end ridiculous policies like the war on drugs which harms so many poor (black) families by splitting them up and throwing some dude in prison because he got caught with some weed.

Wages are low for a lot of jobs in a LOT of sectors. Let's not even talk about minimum wage.
We have the same issue in the UK, although it's much more pronounced; productivity is currently depressed. Workers' output simply isn't high enough to sustain the higher wages we'd like to see. It's also worth noting that wages aren't the only part of compensation; workers' also get things like benefits which contribute to total dollar compensation.

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:43:08 AM »
Personally I love the "economics is a zero-sum game" meme.
How is that relevant to the discussion at all?

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:39:43 AM »
A small business in Spain is something that makes around 2,000€ profit. They can't afford to hire people.
You can afford to higher somebody != you should higher somebody.

I haven't seen any literature on Spain's minimum wage so I won't comment on that specifically, but the productivity of workers and the value of their skills doesn't change if suddenly there is a price floor. Even if you can afford to pay somebody above that floor, their overall output might only justify a wage of $5/hr instead of $8/hr or whatever.

Not to mention, setting the minimum wage has absolutely nothing to do with the cost of living; the point (presuming you don't have something like an NIT) is to set it at the equilibrium point between the positive welfare effects of higher income and the negative welfare effects of disemployment. There is precisely no guarantee that this system will yield a sufficient enough income for those at the bottom.

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:34:26 AM »
The people losing their jobs and being out of work for months, however, aren't getting anything beneficial from it.
1. The global reallocation of labour globally is good for everybody.

2. Jobs are also insourced as well as outsourced.

3. Monetary policy reduces slack in the labour market; the biggest wave of globalisation was under the Greenspan Fed, and they managed to steer the labour market through A-okay.

4. The disruption that occurs in the labour market is so small and temporary--while the benefits of free trade are so large--that it doesn't even register mildly on a graph of unemployment. Should we focus more on the disruption effects of free trade and outsourcing? Probably, but it doesn't even begin to reach levels where saying "we should stop this" is a reasonable thing to say.

These are skilled workers in the IT field I'm talking about. And apart from outsourcing, we have a vast amount of Indians being brought into take over jobs in Silicon Valley and being paid half the wages Americans were being paid for the same work.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to say much about this, other than the fact that--over the whole economy wages have almost perfectly tracked productivity for the past several decades. When it comes to things like HB1 visas or whatever the fuck they're called, economists are divided on their actual impact.

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:29:50 AM »
One solution won't fix an issue that's been compounded for decades.
We're talking specifically about low wages; this is not a structural deficiency of the market, per se, but an unfortunate side-effect of people being unskilled or skilled in the wrong area (people are mis-educated more than they are over-educated; the college premium AFAIK is growing).

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:23:08 AM »
uninformed whilst shilling for people killing the minimum wage, killing skilled labor, and killing the middle class.
I want to kill the minimum wage because I prefer direct welfare to alleviate poverty.

I want greater investment and reform in education precisely because skilled labour is so important.

Mate, the least you could do is understand my position before criticising it.

Serious / Re: "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 28, 2015, 04:53:14 AM »
This is one of the issues that only capitalism could breed.
Because workers in a socialist society could never be under- or over-paid, right?

OT: Expanded welfare (like NIT) is the best option for combating poverty.

The Flood / Re: All we are is dust in the wind
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:30:48 AM »
God I love Kansas.

Serious / Re: A riddle
« on: September 27, 2015, 02:32:37 AM »
By Stendarr, this is no ordinary daedra! What are you doing to us, you demon-worshiping scum?

The Flood / Re: - The TV Tropes Article
« on: September 26, 2015, 06:48:41 PM »
This is brilliant.

Do me a character profile you fuck.

The Flood / Re: gonna try something new
« on: September 25, 2015, 09:12:21 PM »
What happens with your life if you don't, in fact, become an author?

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