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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 101102103 104105 ... 502
Serious / Re: A serious question to our more conservative members
« on: October 13, 2015, 07:02:48 PM »
Most "Social Justice" causes don't really effect anyone.
Censorship, the loss of academic integrity, speakers being banned or run off university campuses?

Placing emotional justice over things like intellectual diversity, liberty and academic freedom is bad for everybody.

Serious / Re: Army: Women will have to register for the draft
« on: October 13, 2015, 04:29:55 PM »
I'm genuinely surprised at the people in this thread--who oppose the draft--effectively celebrating a doubling said draft on the basis that it's "gender equality" and the "next best option".

What the fuck kind of logic is that? Progressivism has become a parody of itself.
You're not doubling the number of needed draftees, you are dividing the burden of the needed amount across the populace in a way that doesn't discriminate based on genitalia.
Since when was any expansion of eligibility consistent with the position of abolition. . .

Serious / Re: Army: Women will have to register for the draft
« on: October 13, 2015, 03:26:28 PM »
I'm genuinely surprised at the people in this thread--who oppose the draft--effectively celebrating a doubling said draft on the basis that it's "gender equality" and the "next best option".

What the fuck kind of logic is that? Progressivism has become a parody of itself.

but they are far from a capitalist country.
Nobody's denying this.

But, again, so what? Is that supposed to validate their nominally socialist proclamations? What about the significant levels of government debt in the Chinese economy? The horrible mal-investment by the government? How about the fact that the most developed parts of the country--aside from the cities--tend to be FTZs around the Pearl River Delta? The income inequality which is blatantly the result of rent-seeking by party officials? The poor management quality of government-run companies, which is seen in pretty much every economy on the planet?

Saying China's recent spurt of growth--which was done via liberalising the economy and, of course, the catch-up effect which allows growth on what is essentially borrowed technology--can be used to justify a "very, very socialist" economy is just to be ignorant.

Funny that you yell Yay! Capitalism! And act like the USA led the charge, when the article named China as responsible for 3/4 of the success.

Isn't China kinda sorta a Communist Country?
China is a single-party authoritarian oligarchist state-thing.

China's recent success can be attributed largely to its shift away from Communism in the 80s.

But they are not a US style capitalist society
What a meaningless phrase. What about "US style capitalism" makes it special at all? What about the aspects of the US economy which are very un-free-market? Why does it matter, in the slightest, if a capitalist economy is replicating or similar to the US economy?

Economically? Very very socialist
Not at all; the main reason China has developed is because of the liberalising reforms of Deng Xiaoping in the 70s and its opening up to free trade. The same is true of India under Manmohan Singh in the 90s. It's not as if the socialist model of Maoist China suddenly starting working.

Serious / Re: 4chan (/b/) more inclusive than tumblr?
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:14:18 AM »
I'd wager that none of you have actually used Tumblr.
I did for a while, just to see what the fuss is about.

I don't like it either, but mostly for the format.  If you don't want to see SJWs, don't follow any.
The problem is their popularity, more than the idea that they're clogging up non-SJW's feeds.

Serious / Re: 4chan (/b/) more inclusive than tumblr?
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:07:44 AM »
I'd wager that none of you have actually used Tumblr.
I did for a while, just to see what the fuss is about.

Serious / Re: I don't understand why people were mad at Snowden.
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:07:05 AM »
Collection of metadata is not "spying". No data mining occurs, and everything is autonomous and anonymous; the phone book has more personal information about you than the NSA's metadata banks. Plus, you need to already have probable cause before being given a warrant to access the data.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 13, 2015, 08:25:41 AM »
I get it. You hate Muslims. You think they should die.
I hate Muslims because I think belief X has the capacity to cause action A?

You have a funny way of defining hate.

Stop hiding behind language. Your intent is obvious. Just fucking say it. Don't be a fucking pussy like a politician. You want every Muslim to die. If given the chance you would have a Muslim final solution.
Then I'd be at a loss to explain why I think the Kurdish and Rohingya struggles are some of the most important struggles of our time, or how I feel equal hatred towards groups like anti-Balaka or how I think the "cleansing" of Muslims in the CAR is a tragedy.

Too many caveats, really.

But then you would admit it's Good Muslims and Bad Muslims, which is what I'm saying. If there are good and bad, then it isn't the religion
Which is stupid, because we know about the differing theological beliefs that underpin Salafiyyah and Ahmadiyya and Shi'a. In the same way we know about the difference between Messianic Jews and Anglicans; expecting everybody within one religion to act the same way (in order to be able to validate the hypothesis that religion motivates action) is fucking stupid.

Serious / Re: "America does not have a gun problem..."
« on: October 12, 2015, 09:02:46 PM »
Less than 3% to 5% of all US crimes involve people with mental illness, and the percentages of those crimes actually involving guns is lower than the national average of these crimes commited by people without a mental illness.
I call bullshit; something like half of the prisoners in the US (or globally) have ASPD.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 08:58:45 PM »
I get it. You hate Muslims. You think they should die.
I hate Muslims because I think belief X has the capacity to cause action A?

You have a funny way of defining hate.

Stop hiding behind language. Your intent is obvious. Just fucking say it. Don't be a fucking pussy like a politician. You want every Muslim to die. If given the chance you would have a Muslim final solution.
Then I'd be at a loss to explain why I think the Kurdish and Rohingya struggles are some of the most important struggles of our time, or how I feel equal hatred towards groups like anti-Balaka or how I think the "cleansing" of Muslims in the CAR is a tragedy.

Too many caveats, really.

Personally I always felt that since I'm here now and not having a sensory experience of any kind would literally be unnoticeable, then whatever led to me being here now could very well happen again given an infinite expanse of possibilities metaphysically.
That which explains everything explains nothing.

Basing beliefs on vagueness like that is dogmatic, at best.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 08:10:11 PM »
I get it. You hate Muslims. You think they should die.
I hate Muslims because I think belief X has the capacity to cause action A?

You have a funny way of defining hate.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 08:08:49 PM »
I'd wager a combination of poor social/economic conditions

and mental issues in some of the extremists

Saying "Hurr Durr, it's all the religion's fault!"
It is the only relevant factor we've identified with a degree of confidence. People in France didn't murder each other because they were poor; the Branch Davidians acted as they did from religious motivation, etc. etc. We can draw a direct line between these peoples' professed beliefs and the actions which follow.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:58:32 PM »
The reason that there are so many Islamic terrorists is poverty.
You should probably try knowing what you're talking about, before talking as if you know what you're talking about. There is no correlation between poverty or education when it comes to either hate crimes or religious extremism.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:33:35 AM »
Early threads I'm sure you've either grown out of or were just being hyperbolic.
Not as far as I'm aware; I've never made a sweeping statement regarding all Muslims and their various characteristics unless such characteristics must be there practically by definition, such as broad things associated with religions and religious belief in general, or things like the content of scripture.

Either that, or I was joking.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:31:56 AM »
If your purpose in posting those statistics wasn't to indicate that being Muslim means you are a threat, and/or you sympathize with what extremists have done, then what was your point in posting it?
Class literally claimed extremists/fundamentalists constitute "a fraction of a percent" of Muslims. The question isn't whether being a Muslim necessarily makes you a threat, it's about the magnitude of threatening Muslims.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:27:30 AM »
You HAVE made horrible statements referring to the population as a whole in the past.
When? Where?

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:22:44 AM »
And Meta?
Anti Islamism being a bad
Because the vast majority of muslims are no different than your harmless Christian grandma. Only the extremists are something to worry about, but every religion has its extremists. This whole Glenn Beck bullshit is pure fear mongering.
78pc of Muslims think the Danish cartoonist back in 2005 should've been prosecuted for those cartoons.

25pc of Muslims supported the 7/7 bombers.

24pc believe suicide bombing can be justified, and this rises to 36pc among young Muslims specifically.

33pc believe apostates should be killed, while 28pc favour turning the country into an Islamic state.

And--here's the kicker--these statistics are all from Britain. Get the fuck out of here with your PC bullshit.
Literally what?

Posting statistics about specific communities within the Muslim population means I'm talking about the population as a whole? As opposed to, y'know, the communities to which those statistics refer?

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:12:40 AM »
This extremist minority meme has to stop.
Oh my god fuck off

I was taking your posts seriously and considering your points until I saw this

anyone who calls random shit memes is a waste of space. Drink bleach. "Meme" isnt just a word you tack on to the end of arguments to sound cool and superior.
Oh so I guess you can just disregard all my points because I said a word that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Just come out of the progressive closet dude.
I am a progressive, lol. That's hardly a bad thing.
Okay, so political labels aside, do you have any genuine rebukes to mine and Meta's arguments that isn't just 'lol ur sauces r shit.'
That's all that needs to be said. You can't post the most biased and doctored survey in decades and expect me to take it seriously.
I posted five sources. . .

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 09:26:15 AM »
Anti Islamism being a bad
Because the vast majority of muslims are no different than your harmless Christian grandma. Only the extremists are something to worry about, but every religion has its extremists. This whole Glenn Beck bullshit is pure fear mongering.
78pc of Muslims think the Danish cartoonist back in 2005 should've been prosecuted for those cartoons.

25pc of Muslims supported the 7/7 bombers.

24pc believe suicide bombing can be justified, and this rises to 36pc among young Muslims specifically.

33pc believe apostates should be killed, while 28pc favour turning the country into an Islamic state.

And--here's the kicker--these statistics are all from Britain. Get the fuck out of here with your PC bullshit.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 09:18:01 AM »
I am anti-Islam insofar as I'm anti-any other religion for promoting values I think harmful. The problem is that Islam is--in today's world--comparatively the worst when it comes to this.

Someone want to explain why I should be concerned over this?
You shouldn't, which is the point of the OP. The shit flying around about TPP/TTIP is no different from the NAFTA scaremongers back in the 90s.

The whole secrecy thing about TPP has me concerned about it.

That makes two of us
Trade deals are almost always negotiated in secret to preserve the positions of the negotiating teams.


They have beefed up the TRIPS support from the draft and strengthened the provision allowing countries to ignore TPP when it clashes with public health policy.

The compromise on publication of IP registrations excludes the wording a couple of countries were seeking to allow them not to publish for things they considered obscene but makes it an objective rather then mandatory for most forms.

The first signs of harmonization, as with every other trade treaty its a statement of intent rather then actual harmonization. An international registry with a single application process would be a nice outcome. In this section they also dropped the adoption of traditional knowledge exceptions to patents and instead simply restated the last WIPO treaty.

Nothing unexpected in trademarks, only US change is that we are going to start recognizing geographical marks. All the advanced economies part to TPP already have domestic laws in place to deal with cybersquatting and the section simply mandates that parties have a process in place rather than enforcing anything draconian.

Patentability changes have been dropped since the draft, new section allowing countries to exclude patents on things they consider harmful.

Administrative delay extension has been made optional.

Data exclusivity has been retained on agricultural chemicals and pharma. Exclusivity for pharma is too short to survive patent exclusivity on IND's and TPP excludes new uses & compositions from exclusivity requirements.

Patent linkage has been mostly switched to a duration extension, USTO is pushing towards replacing pharma patents with a post-approval exclusivity period and this is a nice transition towards this. Remaining portions of patent linkage are much weaker then they previously were. Section also suggests countries adopt their own accelerated approvals process. It still contains an allowance for countries to adopt linkage though.

As expected biologics have a greater informational exclusivity period (8 years vs 5) but with a provision to come back to it in a decade for review.

Copyright terms are life + 70, already standardized in other treaties.

Explicit fair use requirement.

This is the copyright enforcement section that people were getting upset about before, some minor changes from the draft. As expected enforcement section doesn't require service providers to spy on people, hand over data whenever rights-holders ask for it or any of the draconian measures which people claimed would absolutely be in there. Not familiar with the IP protection regimes of all the countries party to TPP but everything seems fairly normal, I don't imagine this will impact anyone beyond the the developing economies. Criminal enforcement is only mandated for commercial scale violations but doesn't actually state what those penalties should be (beyond high enough to discourage). There is safe-harbor and notice & counter-notice in TPP though.

The Flood / Re: >getting up at 9 for a lecture
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:55:16 AM »
I have 9ams on Tuesday but it's other than that it's 11+ throughout the week.
How are you finding everything so far?
Good. All my flatmates are pretty chill; there's this one Polish dude who's high pretty much 24/7 with another dude in our flat who is Bulgarian and a dude a couple of flats below.

My workload is pretty heavy (no free days Mondays through Friday, with two to three lectures/classes most days) but it's not too difficult.

The Flood / Re: >getting up at 9 for a lecture
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:29:32 AM »
It was Web Design.
Huh, I had no idea Greece could still afford internet access.

The Flood / >getting up at 9 for a lecture
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:06:14 AM »
>which turns out to be about shit I've already read in the fucking textbook

fuck your ricardian model, prof

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