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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Serious / Re: Why are liberals so condescending?
« on: March 29, 2016, 09:51:04 PM »
Nice confirmation bias.
Gee, LC, it's almost like you don't know me at all.

It's not like I haven't already thought of this, and still think its a tendency liberals/progressives display to a greater degree. As I said in the OP, my evidence is anecdotal--I could be entirely wrong. But in my experience conservatives don't really consider liberals as quite literally on a lower level than themselves, whereas this--and incredulity that others could think in such a manner--seems true when flipped around.

Maybe it's because my experience of other conservatives is limited mainly to British conservatives, but then I don't see why British conservatives should be exempt from this. And, if anything, vitriol towards conservatives is even greater here. Fuck, there's even a name for it: it's called the Shy Tory Factor.

Serious / Why are liberals so condescending?
« on: March 29, 2016, 05:05:13 PM »
An obviously provocative title, which of course doesn't apply to all (and perhaps not even most) liberals, but there seems to be this irritating trend among modern/social/progressive liberals to be ridiculously condescending and dismissive of people who don't agree with them. Most of my evidence for this is anecdotal (although there's a connection with liberals' recent over-representation in academia somewhere), but to illustrate this allow me to share part of a post from the "Being Liberal" facebook page:

JB) Yes, people living in red states are actually this stupid. [in reference to a news story]

(W) EDIT: We apologize to all the liberal, smart people who, for whatever reasons, live in the red states as a minority. We acknowledge that it's tough to live blue in red states, and we salute you for having to deal with your neighbors daily! The comments following Beth Stoneman's thread below rightfully indicated that our lede, indeed can be read as an inflammatory generalization. We promise to get better, and avoid those... but can you please, ramp up you efforts on educating your neighbors?

Serious / Re: Thank you based Russkie
« on: March 29, 2016, 10:37:22 AM »
>claims the russian military

Sure thing, buddy.

Serious / Re: What keeps you going?
« on: March 28, 2016, 07:48:52 AM »
Deep down I just want to be able to exist in a state of contentment, which is something I've been chasing for a long time.

Ultimately, though, duty keeps me going. But it's a heavy burden.

You don't see me scarred for life.
Trust me, everybody here strongly disagrees with you on that.

I was watching it while eating dinner.

Made me wish I had rabbit, instead of lamb.

The Flood / Re: Does your personality suit your avatar image?
« on: March 27, 2016, 10:35:53 AM »
I always get told by people at uni that I'm most similar to Badger from Breaking Bad. So fuck it.

The Flood / Re: Meta is coming to America
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:58:51 PM »
Going to study there, Meta?
Yeah man.

The Flood / Re: Meta is coming to America
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:38:00 PM »
I actually haven't decided yet.

The Flood / Re: Did the drugs just kick in?
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:37:04 PM »
That pre-high anticipation and feeling of "I'm about to come up hard" is always super intense for 'my friend' with MDMA. Especially when double-dropping; like a fucking freight train.

The Flood / Re: Meta is coming to America
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:20:12 PM »
Yeah man.

I'll be flying over September next year.

The Flood / I can't be the only one who fucking despises coriander
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:43:49 PM »
Whenever somebody I know is making a curry, they're always throwing in some fucking coriander. Not only is it disgusting, but the taste is so strong it pretty much overpowers the curry itself.

Fuck coriander.

The Flood / Re: I got new selfies for you
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:46:32 AM »


What a movie.

The Flood / Re: What countries have you been to?
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:44:09 AM »
Lanzarote in the Canary Isles.

I've also travelled through France, the Netherlands and Belgium but have not stopped there.

Will also be moving to America in late 2017.

The Flood / Re: Is anti-fat shaming undoing evolution?
« on: March 25, 2016, 03:14:22 PM »
If our goal as productive humans is to make life easier for future generations and prevent/reduce suffering
So, in that case, you do in fact agree with me that it has fuck all to do with what is "evolutionarily good".

Being evolutionarily good =/= reducing suffering. Think before you type; making statements like 'everybody with a brain should care about this' isn't very endearing when you don't even know what it is you actually care about.

Serious / Muslim man in Glasgow stabbed by another Muslim.
« on: March 25, 2016, 03:06:34 PM »
Supposedly for wishing "a very Happy Easter" to his "beloved Christian nation".

A man has been arrested after a popular Muslim shopkeeper was stabbed to death by another Muslim in a religiously motivated attack just hours after he had posted a message wishing 'a very happy Easter to my beloved Christian nation'.

Asad Shah, 40, was set upon with a knife and had his head stamped on in a shocking attack outside his Glasgow newsagents shop just after 9pm last night.

A police investigation has been launched into the full details surrounding Mr Shah's death, with officers pursuing a line of enquiry that the attack was 'racially prejudiced'.

Police Scotland confirmed to MailOnline that everyone currently involved in the investigation was a Muslim following the arrest of a man aged 32.

The appalling attack came just hours after deeply religious Mr Shah, who was keen to reach out from the Muslim community to Christian neighbours, posted heartfelt Easter messages on social media.

The 40-year-old was today due to be hosting a meeting with Christian friends about the importance of Easter.
Mr Shah, who is originally from the Pakistani city of Rabwah, posted his Easter wishes on Facebook at 5.10pm last night - just four hours before he was murdered.

The post, the last one he made before his death, said: 'Good Friday and a very Happy Easter, especially to my beloved Christian nation.'

And he added: 'Let's follow the real footstep of beloved holy Jesus Christ and get the real success in both worlds.'
In previous posts, he spoke out eloquently against violence and hatred and called for 'unconditional real love for all mankind'.

Scotland ain't doin' too good.

I thought Imams were a Shia thing?

Correct me if I'm wrong
They have different meanings in Sunni and Shi'a Islam. For Sunnis, imams are simply priests. For Shi'ites, imams are members of the house of the prophet.

The Flood / Re: Is anti-fat shaming undoing evolution?
« on: March 25, 2016, 12:43:18 PM »
because that's what's evolutionarily best for the species
Who cares?

The Flood / Re: Is anti-fat shaming undoing evolution?
« on: March 25, 2016, 12:41:51 PM »
When you feel attracted to a certain body type, it's your genetics dictating what would improve the species.
It's fucking amazing how different body types are considered attractive during different periods, then.

Serious / Imam of Scotland's largest mosque praises extremist killer
« on: March 25, 2016, 10:43:44 AM »

The religious leader at Scotland's biggest mosque has praised an extremist who was executed for committing murder in Pakistan, the BBC can reveal.

Imam Maulana Habib Ur Rehman of Glasgow Central Mosque used the messaging platform WhatsApp to show his support for Mumtaz Qadri.

Qadri was hanged in February after murdering a local politician who opposed strict blasphemy laws.

In a statement the imam said the messages had been taken out of context.

He said that he was expressing his opposition to capital punishment.

In messages seen by the BBC, Imam Maulana Habib Ur Rehman says that he is "disturbed" and "upset" at the news of Qadri's execution, before writing "rahmatullahi alai", a religious blessing usually given to devout Muslims and meaning may God's mercy be upon him.

In another, he says: "I cannot hide my pain today. A true Muslim was punished for doing which [sic] the collective will of the nation failed to carry out."

The Flood / Re: How ling had it been since you slept?
« on: March 25, 2016, 08:49:38 AM »
I woke up like three hours ago after twelve hours sleep.

Should've made this post last night. I had panda eyes.

The Flood / Re: Does Britain produce the worst rappers?
« on: March 25, 2016, 08:33:22 AM »

The Flood / Re: Does Britain produce the worst rappers?
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:40:53 PM »

Serious / Re: Verb was right
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:36:23 PM »
Honestly I'm not concerned about your philosophy; obviously we disagree on several other things too. It's worrying to see you making any change; I'd be saying the same thing if you suddenly decided to convert to Christianity.
Fair enough.

I know I need to sleep, I'm exhausted.

I'll return to thinking about this tomorrow and think about it more over the come weeks. Consider the level of conviction in this thread to be relatively low, at least for now.

Serious / Re: Verb was right
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:28:04 PM »
I'm on my phone right now so my replies are going to be brief, but I think someone like you would be a fantastic parent, even knowing that your kids will feel pain. I believe every parent should think long and hard about what kind of life they'd be giving their kids. If you've decided that what you couldn't give them is worth it, that's your choice, but I think everyone on this site would tell you otherwise.
Don't get me wrong, on some level I would love to have kids. If there's one things I adore about children its their curiosity, even if you can't hold a conversation with them as equals. There's something attractive about guiding a boy/girl into a man/woman and then letting them make their own lives.

But I've seen too much suffering in my own short life, among my family and inflicted on my friends to make me think it would be worth it for me to bring a child into the world. Today was the nail in the coffin really, and on a selfish level I couldn't put myself through it. Having to witness my grandma find out I was depressed, and just to think about how my friend's parents must feel right now to see their intelligent and perfectly respectable son turned into a paranoid mess. How much it must hurt them. I don't think I could endure that.

Serious / Re: Verb was right
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:20:52 PM »
And Turkey, I appreciate the compassion and the support. I really do. I consider you a good friend on this forum, and somebody who is perceptive and intelligent and enjoyable to talk to. But it's no secret I'm cynical, and I've made no attempts to hide my pessimism in the past.

This is hardly a U-turn for me. Merely an extension of what I already pretty much thought to be the case.

Serious / Re: Verb was right
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:11:16 PM »
Let me be clear.

I do not judge people who have children. How can I? It'd be like judging a lion for eating a gazelle. I'm not trying to tell others that they should feel they were better off never having been born. I'm not going to impose my own valuation of life on other people like that. My point is that, now, for me, the decision to not have children has a moral dimension. I don't feel that I can act in a way which is commensurate with my moral beliefs, while exposing a life to the potential of suffering in the same way I have in the past, the way my friend will in the near future, and the way his family inevitably will.

I, personally, do not think I could feel comfortable exposing a person to even the risk of that. It's a judgement call, and a decision I am trying to make really only for myself. If that wasn't clear, I apologise, but this is my point.

Serious / Re: Verb was right
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:01:26 PM »
By supporting anti-natalism, you're deciding that nobody's life was worth living for them.

And by not supporting it, you are equally imposing your own valuation on their life. How do we decide whose valuation is superior? We're both committing the same act of applying a value to other people's lives.

I'm not advocating for any coercive or violent measures here; I'm not even going to bother trying to convince people not to procreate. I just happen to think the evidence is tipped in my favour, in terms of whether or not the aggregate experience of humankind has been mostly negative or mostly positive.

We are allowed to try and draw objective conclusions from subjective facts. The absence of pleasure is not a bad state of affairs, given that non-existent people cannot experience any kind of deprivation. Not imposing suffering, however, is good precisely because it disallows any kind of negative experience.

Preventing negative experience = good.

A complete lack of (positive) experience = not 'bad'.

I would never wish he hadn't been born.
Why? Not only would he not have been able to murder innocent civilians, but we would also save some money by not having to pay for the cunts execution. If you think somebody better off dead, wishing they were never born seems more moral. The reduction in suffering that avenue opens up is significant.

Serious / Re: Verb was right
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:50:46 PM »
You should follow your dream of improving the world to make a brighter future for your friend, or people in the same boat.

I'm assuming you want to be a politician that brings the human race forward.
I plan to.

Why are you equating a moral objection to the imposition of suffering on a person with a lack of desire to improve the world?

The only moral imperative we have in this life is ultimately to try and reduce suffering, if only in some small way. I wouldn't even call them dreams; if I were following my 'dreams' I would've gone into marine biology, or primatology or astrophysics. I study philosophy, politics and economics as a duty. I'll do it because it's the right thing to do, not because I believe this world is one worth experiencing.

Serious / Re: Verb was right
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:43:24 PM »
The truth is that I believe that the problem lies in that you've experienced something emotional, but you don't have effective ways of dealing with it, so you turn to logic to express your angst towards the ufairness of life.
I've been awake for around 35 hours now because I stayed up all night trying to talk to him, and to keep him from harming himself or anybody else. I did what was necessary, phoning first campus security and then his parents, constantly keeping an eye on him until another friend of ours went to the hospital. I know exactly what I'm feeling, and I'm managing to hold myself together for the sake of my friend and his family.

I'm dealing with this better than you imagine, I think. Even if my friend's suffering evoked no emotional response from me--which a year or two ago it probably wouldn't have--I would still maintain the dysutility of suffering as an experience. Most suffering in this world is dysteleological. Note, I'm not going to campaign against people having kids, mainly because I see it as a lost cause.

But, for me? No. I don't think I could bring a child into the world.

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