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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 495051 5253 ... 502
The Flood / Re: you guys ever been to this site?
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:42:22 PM »
i'm afraid to click that link.
dw it's just Reddit

whatever you say g

Serious / Re: Dindus BTFO
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:14:36 PM »
that kid was raised right

I just assumed it was just to help get the child to start thinking and shit

Talking to them in an adult voice and without baby talk does that.
^this x1000

My grandma always used to talk to me as an equal, and would read to me to no end. This probably helped me more than sitting there making a fucking elephant noise or whatever. Apparently the more complex your vocabulary when talking to children, the more linguistically developed they'll turn out to be.

I wouldn't be so sure about May being definite.

Gove and May are gonna be tearing each other's arseholes out.

The Flood / Re: whats the point
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:47:23 PM »
end yourself you Anglo scumfuck

you actually made me laugh

The Flood / Re: whats the point
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:43:12 PM »
its not a difficult question, you absent minded fuck

It, truthfully and honestly, is no different.
In itself, I'd agree.

The wider implications, however, are not particularly endearing. A society in which the killing of newborns is commonplace is not really a society I think I'd want to live in; the kind of values regarding the value of life that could arise from such a practice are not particularly agreeable.

The Flood / Re: whats the point
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:18:19 PM »
to browse dank memes
this answer is surprisingly depressing

The Flood / Re: whats the point
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:01:35 PM »
"women are bad leaders b/c leaders have to be strong and not compassionate"
>favourite PM was thatcher
>would vote for theresa may over boris johnson

criminey lads

The Flood / yo this don can fucking ride
« on: June 29, 2016, 09:59:34 PM »



The Flood / Re: whats the point
« on: June 29, 2016, 09:24:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: whats the point
« on: June 29, 2016, 09:10:19 PM »
i can tell you and i are going to be good friends

The Flood / whats the point
« on: June 29, 2016, 09:07:25 PM »
tell me

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 29, 2016, 08:12:56 PM »
If I'd had been convinced by the Remain arguments, I would've probably regretted voting In simply because of how delicious the fallout has been.

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 29, 2016, 08:06:28 PM »
there will not be any cherry-picking and the UK will have to suck up all EU conditions and responsibilities that come with it.
This doesn't make sense, though. There are myriad countries with FTAs with Europe who don't have to accept the free movement of people; not to mention Merkel herself is facing an election next year and heavy lobbying by German industry.

I can see why she would reject Boris's proposal, which is basically joining the EEA but controlling our borders, but it wouldn't make much sense to expand this to any other kind of free trade deal.

Serious / Re: Unofficial Brexit Thread
« on: June 29, 2016, 07:09:16 PM »

The sticky isn't going anywhere anytime soon
I could always dance while on ketamine.

That would probably be funnier.

Do you know who Craig Whittaker is supporting? I'm curious to see who my mp is supporting.
I don't think Whittaker has declared for anybody yet.

Boris Johnson, former mayor of London, is running with the support of 24 Tory MPs.

EDIT: Boris has announced he will not be officially running; instead, Michael Gove will be the foremost Brexiteer running for leader.

Stephen Crabb (my choice), working-class Welshman and rather moderate, is running with the support of 13 Tory MPs. Interestingly, the MP for my constituency (also working-class) is Crabb's favourite to be Chancellor--Sajid Javid.

Theresa May, Home Secretary who stayed quiet during the referendum, is running with the support of 6 Tory MPs.

Liam Fox, on the Right of the party, is running with the support of one MP.

And Andrea Leadson, Jeremy Hunt and Nicky Morgan are all running with--so far--no MPs in support.

If you want to know who the MPs supporting them are, just ask.

in modern physics, logical positivism is a fundamental

In modern physics (and mathematics), logical positivism is a defunct and impossible means of expressing universal truths. It's reductionism for the sake of reductionism and adds nothing to the field.
see, i always understood the concept to be synonymous with empiricism--and that's sort of the angle i was arguing from

you're not about to tell me that that's not a means of expressing universal truth
Nah man, logical positivism is a specific way of approaching empirical questions. Empiricism as a whole is obviously dominant, but LP itself has been defunct for about 50 years now.

The Flood / Re: David and DB confirm GoT to be 8 seasons
« on: June 28, 2016, 10:09:27 AM »
Season 6 was shit. The pacing has just been awful.

Serious / Re: Who will be UK's next PM?
« on: June 28, 2016, 09:47:12 AM »

Serious / Re: When did patriotism somehow become xenophobia?
« on: June 28, 2016, 08:56:49 AM »
i would personally just prefer to say, "i care for my country"--it's neutral, agreeable, and a great deal less chauvinistic
I'd rather reclaim the mantle of patriotism from the chauvinists trying to take it, rather than simply let them have it.

it has to be monumental
I'd say the accomplishments of Euro-Western civilisations over the past few centuries have been pretty monumental. I mean, take rule of law; that's huge.

Accessibility constraints. I have a much higher chance of positively impacting British society than I do American society, or Canadian society or Malaysian society or whatever; this will probably become a much less relevant concern in the future, provided globalisation keeps on keeping on, but for the time being it still is.

Serious / Re: New EU "superstate" plan by France and Germany
« on: June 28, 2016, 08:08:33 AM »
I feel like we're just saying the exact same thing in every bread at this point.


Serious / Re: When did patriotism somehow become xenophobia?
« on: June 28, 2016, 08:04:23 AM »
that's pride in your forefathers
Well, yeah. A country is nothing but for its people. What's your point?

If you ask people why they're proud of being British, they aren't going to say "Look at this awesome passport I have!" They're going to tell you about our culture, our history, our institutions; whatever, just something that has to do with the fact that the people who came before us (and who we co-exist with) in a given polity or culture managed to do something correctly.

i'm gonna be blunt with you--being proud of somebody for not being a rapist ("for the most part") is pretty fucking stupid
You're missing the point. People in India and Pakistan will still probably face at least some condemnation for rape; the point is that a bunch of hairless apes within a given border have actually managed to create a society where rape isn't that commonplace, and is almost universally vilified.

I'm not saying we should be proud of ourselves because we aren't going around raping people, I'm saying it's a fucking good thing we have the cultural and institutional set up to actually deal with it properly. These kinds of institutional arrangements are not easy to establish, and certainly not commonplace in the world.

you're not gonna get a pat on the back from me for having the common courtesy not to rape people
Which is probably because you live in a society where rape is so universally reviled; if you had grown up in a culture where rape is commonplace, I think your attitude to non-rapists would be somewhat higher in such a society (assuming you kept the same values).

why not be proud of all marginally decent or greater societies, then?
I am proud of them. An American or a Canadian has just as much a right to be a patriot about their country as I do about mine; the point is that my efforts are probably better focused improving the society I immediately find myself in. But that's not to denigrate the accomplishments of other great societies.

didn't you say you stopped using drugs, or something
Logical positivism has literally been dead since Popper came along; the whole point of Popper's work was to build on those in the Vienna and Berlin Circles who came before him. The problem of induction makes verificationism untenable, and the whole school has basically been irrelevant since people like Quine came along.

Fuck, A.J. Ayer even said in the 1970s that the main problem of logical positivism was that nearly all of it is false.

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