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Messages - More Than Mortal

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So what, just let him walk the fuck away and not arrest him? Fucking lol
You know exactly what I mean; reductio ad absurdum doesn't make you look clever or justify the way you're treating the matter.

I'll have no fucking problem taking that pathetic piece of shit down if he EVER lays a single hand on me
Yeah, I can tell you've got the right fucking attitude, m80.

The Flood / Re: Your view on sloths
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:05:40 PM »
They're like the black people of the animal world.
Fucking lazy.

Considering I have a well thought out idea of how the Constitution works, it will be the day liberty thrives. If Challenger is going to be all big then I have no problem telling him the reality of his fantasy world. He'll be spending quality time with Bubba before he gets away with it
> i'll protect liberty
> if some guy i dont like so much as touches me i wont hesitate to take him down

Just shut up, man.


I could see that. I can believe you look like that.


>implying that's not already the direction it's going.

I wish the British labour party was this sensible. >.>
We all do.

The EU would probably become even more fascist.
Fucking lel.

Serious / Re: Why do you all hate on police officers?
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:57:28 AM »
I have massive amounts of respect for coppers who do the job right.

Murdering a 'cuffed man in the back of your police car? No. They should swing.

The Flood / Re: Shitposters are bros, yo
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:47:56 AM »
>mfw google translate is shit with latin
>mfw you ate my face

“My son didn't shoot himself. I never believed it. I won't believe it,” said Victor White, Sr., the father of 22-year-old Victor White, III, who back in March, died from a gunshot wound.

It happened while handcuffed in the backseat of an Iberia Parish Sheriff's Office patrol car, during a drug arrest. According to State Police, who are handling the investigation, once at the jail, White refused to exit the vehicle.  As the arresting deputy requested assistance, they say white produced a handgun he had been hiding in his pants, and shot himself in the back.

But the autopsy, performed by the Iberia Parish Coroner's Office, reports the opposite, listing the cause of death as a gunshot wound to the chest. The family is puzzled as to how he could have shot himself in the chest with his hands cuffed behind his back.

"My initial response was correct, that something was awry, and that something had gone wrong,” said White, Sr.

The manner of death was ruled a suicide. But, the family of White aren't convinced.

State Police cannot comment, saying it's an ongoing investigation. White, Sr. says authorities aren't even talking to the family, leaving them without closure.

"Here is a family that, we are still grieving,” said White, Sr. “I'm angry the autopsy report took so long. I'm angry and frustrated with the fact that it's still not over."

What the fuck is wrong with the police in the U.S.?

The guy committed a robbery

The cops didn't know he had a gun

The guy kept getting near them

He pulled out a weapon

He was shot

End of the story

I would and will do the same thing when I become a cop. Oh, and let Challenger be all talk and actually go by what he says. I'll have no fucking problem taking that pathetic piece of shit down if he EVER lays a single hand on me
The day you become a cop is the day liberty dies. Talking like that, you don't deserve to be a cop. Stop making everything about this personal vendetta you have against him.

But considering Republicans are for smaller government

Serious / Re: Wow, my respect for Recon just tanked (Ferguson shooting)
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:15:48 AM »

There's plenty of other witnesses who are coming out and even changing their stories that replicate to the one told by the police department. Let's also not forget that the guy that was killed had just performed a robbery at a convenience store. When that came over the radio, the guy was trying to push the cop back into his car and attempt to take his gun.

Oh, and I love how challenged is trying to make the comparison of Chicago and Houston into racism. Nobody is making racist, only you are. You're the real racist
You should look at my other thread with the video.

The cops had no idea he had just committed a crime, they approached him with their sidearms drawn and Brown never laid a finger on one of the police officers.

Not to mention the racism that seems to circulate in that PD.

I'd kill myself.

Not even kidding or exaggerating.

git gud scrub

That's the problem. It doesn't matter how much money the government has, it never helps us out.
I agree. Which is why I support cutting taxes across the board and think NZ Labour's policy here is top-notch shit.

I don't trust a bureaucrat any more than I trust a corporate exec, so I don't want either of them having my money. And, funnily enough, giving my money to the former will almost always result in it being in the hands of the latter.

Or we could tax the shit out of the über wealthy and corporations instead of taking money out of Grandpa Jones retirement savings.
Grandpa Jones isn't paying social security tax, though, since he's already retired.

The point is not who pays for the spending, the point is who is doing the spending. I would rather have consumers boost aggregate demand in a positive way than have the government carpet-fund every fucking sector in the economy when it doesn't even work - no matter where the money comes from.

Yes, let's have even more money stolen from us for "spending".
I think you misunderstood the point of the policy.

The point is that the government doesn't tax anybody to a higher degree in order to run a deficit - or as I assume you're insinuating, for the sake of corporate welfare (I actually agree with you there) - but to lower social security taxes on citizens to encourage them to spend their own money.

New Zealand, harmonising the Left and the Right since 1990.

I think I understood that enough to just barely agree with it.

I added a bit for econotards.


Sorry all that econo-jargon just melted my face off ._.

Oh come on! It wasn't that bad!

The Flood / Re: Not being able to sleep is the worst.
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:19:11 AM »
i kno dose feels

been awake for about 30 hours now.


I'm actually surprised I didn't pick up on this sooner. But it seems like a policy proposal that could, in a very meaningful sense, reduce tensions between those of us who are of a more market-friendly strand and those of us who are more social democratic. Basically, New Zealand's Labour Party wants to put fiscal policy in the hands of the central bank.

For the uninitiated, fiscal policy is to do with the revenues and expenditures of government. Keynes - the namesake of Keynesians - advocated activist fiscal policy in times of recession such as deficit spending or cutting taxes.

Essentially, the Labour Party wants to give the central bank control over mandatory pension contributions, which could be lowered in times of slow growth or recession to boost aggregate demand. Scott Sumner, who like me is a neo-monetarist (usually adversaries of Keynesians), is quite taken with the idea, even though it'd probably be better to just stick with monetary stimulus.
However, I think it should go further than this. It should be expanded to all social security contributions, not just retirement savings. Put fiscal stimulus in the hands of the central bank, which is far better than it being in the hands of the legislature (can you imagine trying to pass another stimulus package?).

It's also translate-able. We all have social security in one form or another, with America's forms being eponymous and FICA, and the U.K.'s being N.I.

The best part? Lord Keynes himself is on board.
I am converted to your proposal…for varying rates of contributions in good and bad times. (June 16, 1942). Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. 27, p. 208.

…[Y]ou are able to show fluctuations in income of an order of magnitude which is significant in the context… So far as employees are concerned, reductions in contributions are more likely to lead to increased expenditure as compared with saving than a reduction in income tax would, and are free from the objection to a reduction in income tax that the wealthier classes would benefit disproportionately. At the same time, the reduction to employers, operating as a mitigation of the costs of production, will come in particularly helpfully in bad times.  (July 1, 1942). Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. 27, p. 218.

It's nice to see the Left some up with something so incredibly sensible.

For the econotards: New Zealand's Labour Party wants to give the central bank the power to vary mandatory contributions to pensions, so it can be lowered in times of recession to boost spending.

Serious / Re: Wow, my respect for Recon just tanked (Ferguson shooting)
« on: August 23, 2014, 08:49:08 AM »
Why do so many threads on this offsite turn into stupid bickering?

You got a personal problem? Take that shit to PMs.
you know w0t m80

your a kunt

whatre you goin tah f00kin do aboot it?

"No, I cannot holster my weapon, draw, aim, and fire my taser in 1.5 seconds.  Even if I could, I would not risk my life or my partner's life by using it and missing. 

Could one have drawn his taser while the other kept the subject covered?  Maybe.  It would endanger one of them for sure, especially since the subject was easily within range to lunge and cause harm before he died.

I promise you, if someone decides to come at you with a knife, you're not going to reach for your pepper spray."
Fuck, I didn't notice that.

That being said, British police officers in this country deal with knives on a daily basis, without the use of deadly force. I'm more understanding of the officers' position though, but it is still blatantly evident that there is a problem with methods of enforcement and the racism within the force.

Serious / Re: Leading Scottish intellectual supports Yes Campaign
« on: August 23, 2014, 08:09:47 AM »
Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Either way, the ultimate irony for the scots is that England would actually be better off if they left. Very little would change apart from less subsidies being sent past hadrian's wall.


Silly eejits.
You can move threads, can't you?

Anybody else got anything mildly interesting?

Regarding the video in the OP, you should all read this.

And none of this is made any better by jumping to eager conclusions.
He didn't have a knife. . .

Serious / Wow, my respect for Recon just tanked (Ferguson shooting)
« on: August 23, 2014, 05:19:15 AM »
So, there was a status which Recon had commented on (we're friends on Facebook), and the status was: "I usually carry a pistol. What do you think would happen to me if someone punched me in the face and I shot them six times?"

Recon's reply:
Sadly Jim, for far too many people, your injuries would be irrelevant and overshadowed by your response. For many people the issue would be your gun and the fact that you had one (clearly "looking and eager to use it") the fact that you fired, the outcome of that shooting (such as a body on the deck) and why you (as the misinformed strongly believe) "chose to shoot 6 times" and/or "why didn't you just shoot once to wound?".

Even more telling and discouraging? Each of those other aspects would be a multiplier if the person who attacked you first was of a different skin color. I know you, and I know that race wouldn't be a factor if someone were to attack you. The fact that you were attacked and responded in order to stop the threat would be your only motivations.

I always thought Recon was a guy virtually without biases, who withheld opinion until all the facts were present. Sigh.

Guardian posted a story 20 minutes ago about a cop on suspension after wildly racist comments. Updated OP.

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