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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Serious / Re: How much value do you put on human life?
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:33:15 PM »
Human life has no intrinsic value.

Ending a life using a gun, or an abortion clinic, either way your murdering somebody. But only one is illegal.

But I suppose we'll agree to disagree, because morals also play a factor.
Agreeing to disagree is intellectual cowardice.

There's nothing inherently wrong with killing another human being. That's just how it is, and you'd be hard-pressed to find somebody who genuinely thought that it was.

Abortion isn't about whether or not you're killing a person (you are) it's about whether or not it's better, for Civil Society, to have it legal and safe (it is).

.You don't believe every sperm is a person, and neither do I.

However when conception has happened, and a human being is developing (meaning its going to be like you and me), that's totally different.

As I said: deeming that future person as "inhuman" because people believe somehow that "doesn't look like a baby yet = not human" is just a cop-out.

You still have to justify how that's of any consequence.

The Flood / Re: Why do people get massive hard-ons for George Carlin
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:18:38 PM »
Well, yeah. I don't think anyone here is arguing that we should treat Carlin like a philosopher.
I'm just talking about people in general. A lot of Carlin fans I come across see his overwhelming fatalism and confuse it for philosophical or intellectual profundity.

Serious / Re: Conservative or Liberal?
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:17:17 PM »
This is why Serious can't have nice things.

Serious / Re: Conservative or Liberal?
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:15:21 PM »
Conservative on economics

Liberal on social issues
You didn't read the OP, evidently.

The Flood / Re: Why do people get massive hard-ons for George Carlin
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:11:26 PM »
The thing is, the cynical, bitter cunts are usually right.
That's way too broad a range.

Yeah, it's understandable how people are cynical and bitter, but that's a result. It's a descriptive, not pre-scriptive term. People shouldn't strive to be bitter or cynical.

And there's a massive gulf between being a social critic, as most of us are in some capacity, and an actual political, philosophical authority on the matter.

The Flood / Re: Why do people get massive hard-ons for George Carlin
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:07:04 PM »
I think he's funny and somehow I've never managed to disagree with him (maybe I haven't watched him enough?)
Probably not.

He did used to hope that every natural disaster would get worse and worse, and that aliens helped the Ancient Egyptians build the pyramids.

1) so killing someone is ok now?

2) if you were the one being aborted, would you still support abortion? Support the fact that you never get a chance to live or breathe, simply because of somebody's preference?
1) That's not the claim I was making. I'm saying it isn't innately, inherently, in-and-of-itself immoral to end another human life.

2) If I was the one being aborted? That really is a non-question. I wouldn't have any experience or intellectual capacity to know about what I was missing out on. It's virtually the same as complaining about the fact that many potential persons have been lost because a guy wanks into a sock.

What a shame none of them will ever be able to live or breathe.

The Flood / Why do people get massive hard-ons for George Carlin
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:58:57 AM »
Yeah, I'll grant the guy was really, really fucking funny.

But he was no philosopher. Just a cynical, bitter cunt.

Gaming / Re: Hey Meta!
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:47:29 AM »
Damn, Fixer was fucking awesome.

Supers were tougher than Droidikas though, which was a fucking bitch. I could feel my anxiety rising whenever those fuckers'd come out.

I can see it now. Do you remember  the ones that had only rocket arms? Walking fucking tanks those fuckers were.
Oh God, those fucking spider droids, though.

They were easily the worst.

Gaming / Re: Hey Meta!
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:42:50 AM »
Damn, Fixer was fucking awesome.

Supers were tougher than Droidikas though, which was a fucking bitch. I could feel my anxiety rising whenever those fuckers'd come out.

Gaming / Re: Hey Meta!
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:37:48 AM »
Oh God, just all of the Kashyyyk missions.

Fighting alongside Wookiees? Who wouldn't love it.

But that fucking bridge though. Holy shit that was a crazy run wasn't it?
Goddamn, is that the one where you have to blow it up but the bombs are duds or something like that?

Fuck, I need to play it again; it's been years. Good job I have it on steam ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

if your parents were pro abortion, you wouldn't even be here to argue about this.

That seems utterly inconsequential.
It shows that supporters aren't very grateful towards being alive.
Can't say I agree.

I'd venture insofar as to say it could be considered immoral to not abort a baby which will be severely disabled. Nonetheless, while I agree life begins at conception, you need to be pragmatic. Legal or not, people will find a way to have abortions and it's safest when it's legal.

There's nothing inherently wrong in ending a life.

Gaming / Re: Hey Meta!
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:32:42 AM »
Oh God, just all of the Kashyyyk missions.

Fighting alongside Wookiees? Who wouldn't love it.

if your parents were pro abortion, you wouldn't even be here to argue about this.

That seems utterly inconsequential.

And no, animals are not comparable to a human life.
I'd have to disagree there, to some extent.

The great apes, particularly chimpanzees, deserve the right of personhood.

Perhaps dolphins too.

Oh, a self hating white guy.
Not at all.

A lot of groups out there hate white people and could legitimately been seen as a threat. ISIS and Islamists are a threat to the way of Civil Society, and that video of Neo-Black Panthers saying they need to "Kill some fucking crackers"? Pure, out and out racism.

I'm not saying racism against whites doesn't exist. I'm saying we, as a race, aren't oppressed.

What do?

Serious / Re: I honestly have no problem with what AP did...
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:16:58 AM »
I haven't seen a single psychological or paediatric justification for hitting a child under any circumstances at all.

I'm not going to say it should be outlawed, having authoritative parents is a good thing. However, there's a difference between authoritative and authoritarian, and this doesn't just cross the line. It does a fucking high-jump over it.

Unless the woman was raped or her life is in danger, all other abortions should be illegal.
Doesn't work.

I think it was Romania that tried it, but essentially it resulted in higher population growth and high rates of death among women. Pregnant women will find a way to have an abortion if they want one, and illegalising it makes it very, very dangerous.

Your dad a Daily Mail reader?

But he is a BNP supporter.

Yeah, the group that makes up 90% of the lawmakers is being oppressed.

Shut the fuck up, dad.

The Flood / DigitalZesty is a rare user
« on: September 14, 2014, 08:48:14 AM »
He's the only one of us who hasn't made an overall net contribution to the forum.

The Flood / iPad survives 1,300 foot drop onto concrete in G-form case
« on: September 14, 2014, 08:42:20 AM »

Lol, that's nothing. A nokia doesn't even need a case.

Fuck, the last time somebody dropped a nokia from 1,300 foot all the dinosaurs died.

The Flood / Re: greetings, and a real game
« on: September 14, 2014, 08:30:37 AM »
Fuck off Elegiac. I actually need to do some college work.

The Flood / Re: Blog post
« on: September 14, 2014, 07:56:32 AM »
That's probably the only spider I wouldn't immediately kill when I saw it.

Serious / Re: AMA me anything about my beliefs
« on: September 14, 2014, 06:04:55 AM »
Do you think that non-state driven institutions that receive state funding that comes from tax money should be allowed to collect a profit?

Any surplus should be re-invested.

Serious / Re: AMA me anything about my beliefs
« on: September 14, 2014, 06:03:02 AM »
Okay, serious matter now: opinions on math? As it's an almost completely deductive subject a lot of people are turned off by it, but I'm curious to see how someone with your adeptness for philosophizing reacts to it.
I'm slightly contemptuous of it, to be frank. I'm much more interested in empirics, and I think maths is the sort of reasoning which can lead people to embrace rationalism or, perhaps, dualism instead of empiricism and monism. I do recognise its importance in understanding, well, anything really.

Serious / Re: Your favourite thinkers, and how you disagree with them
« on: September 14, 2014, 06:01:01 AM »
I disagree with RFK that Communism is inherently wrong.
it is doe

dem commies

taken our guns

and our libertay

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