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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 438439440 441442 ... 502

The Flood / Re: If you could choose a mod
« on: September 14, 2014, 02:32:31 PM »
Why did you spell everybody's name wrong except Kinder's, you fucking autist?

Like the one on dear old Adam Smith in my avatar, would you wear it?

How about if they made it a capital offence?

The Flood / Re: Meta for Mod 2014!
« on: September 14, 2014, 02:27:07 PM »
Mod status has a weight limit
Oh, you fucking cunt.

Serious / Re: "Moral Considerations" test - really fucking short.
« on: September 14, 2014, 02:26:05 PM »
4.5 Liberal
4.5 Liberal
0.0 Liberal
0.0 Libertarian
3.0 Conservative

Why the intervals?
I was using a graph for reference, and it was based on those numbers.

The Flood / Meta for Mod 2014!
« on: September 14, 2014, 02:21:44 PM »
If Kiyo can do it, how hard can it be?

The Flood / Re: You guys know I didn't actually mute any of you right?
« on: September 14, 2014, 02:17:46 PM »
how can i not call you a faggot if this doesn't turn you on?

After Harlow, I wouldn't touch JewTheNoseKid with a barge pole.

Serious / Re: "Moral Considerations" test - really fucking short.
« on: September 14, 2014, 02:09:14 PM »
If you're going to post your results, at least fucking check to see which results your closest to.

Also Door, there is no fucking five you idiot.

The Flood / Re: You guys know I didn't actually mute any of you right?
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:57:06 PM »
No one cares.

Serious / Re: European Parliament buys 106 iPad minis for workers
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:52:04 PM »
The Daily Mail is shit because of its attitudes/opinions/editors.

Doesn't mean the basic facts aren't correct.

Serious / "Moral Considerations" test - really fucking short.
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:51:07 PM »
I'll put the results in spoilers. This is based on the work of Jonathan Haidt, who's extensively studied political implications of morality.

You must rate them from 0 to 4.5, in intervals of 0.5 in how important they are in moral considerations, and I will post the average results in spoilers. Then, you'll tell us which group you're closest to in moral considerations. Being a "moral conservative" doesn't necessarily infer you must be politically conservative.
So rate them as 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 or 4.5.
So, in other words, if somebody were to violate these foundations below, how important would they be in your condemnation of them?

Care/Harm Foundation: Protecting others from harm and being empathetic towards fellow humans. Usually follows with protecting them from abstract oppression like poverty or hunger.

Justice/Fairness Foundation: Treating people in proportion to their actions. Can be associated with things like advocacy for a living wage or, on the flip side, capital punishment. Such results are usually contingent on your score for the care foundation.

Loyalty/Ingroup Foundation: Devotion to an associated group, such as family, nation, community.

Authority/Respect: Taking things like tradition and certain authorities - like parents, the State, the law, a police officer - seriously and paying them due respect; in other words, how disturbed you are by people who act in an apparently flagrant or disrespectful manner to objects or agents of authority.

Sanctity/Purity: Avoidance of degrading things like actions - such as promiscuous behaviour - or foods - like GMOs. Also, making certain things sacred (such as the Constitution, for a civil example) or the Bible, or the Flag et cetera and whether or not somebody disgraces "sacred" objects.

Liberal Results
Care - 3.7
Fairness - 3.8
Loyalty - 2
Authority - 1.8
Sanctity - 1.3

Conservative Results
Care - 2.9
Fairness - 3.2
Loyalty - 2.8
Authority - 3.1
Sanctity - 2.4

Care - 2.6
Fairness - 3.2
Loyalty - 2.1
Authority - 1.7
Sanctity - 1

I came out as closer to Conservatives.

Serious / Re: Political election in progress in Sweden
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:20:44 PM »
Maybe you just have shitty parties. I personally love having more than just two.
Well, anything's better than Labour, Conservatives, Liberals and UKIP. . .

The Flood / I got my cloak and dagger in a barroom brawl
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:19:08 PM »


Serious / Re: Political election in progress in Sweden
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:16:30 PM »
I wouldn't know what its like to have more than two parties.
Take it from me, it isn't great.

Serious / Re: Political election in progress in Sweden
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:10:48 PM »
How do the national, county and municipal election differ?

Who will you vote for?

How did you vote for the EP?

Serious / European Parliament buys 106 iPad minis for workers
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:09:39 PM »
Fuck me.

Hundreds of empty iPad Mini boxes were discarded at the European Parliament, prompting fears that bureaucrats are frittering thousands of pounds worth of taxpayers' money.

More than 106 boxes were pictured in a corridor at the Brussels parliament last week – with a total cost of £for all the tablets.

Speaking today he said: 'I walked past and I first thought it was piles of paper, but when I saw it was hundreds of iPad boxes I was appalled.

'It is an astonishing waste of taxpayers' money. I was absolutely flabbergasted that they thought it was necessary to spend more than £25,000 on tablets which are not needed for the job.

'I was headed off to a meeting and I just thought good heavens, I have to take a picture and show people this.
'Countries in the EU are in dire financial straits and this is being allowed to happen. It's a 'let them eat cake' attitude.

The Flood / Prehistoric men didn't know what they looked like
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:03:55 PM »

I'm talking about people who are capable of full empathy, now. That is, 90% of the rational population.
I don't understand.

Are you saying moral truths exist for those who are empathetic?

And that's your prerogative, as I stated, but really, recognize the basic truth that theft is wrong and realize that's just what he did.

^— I hate when that shit happens.
There's no such thing as a moral truth.

Serious / Re: Ask a psychopath anything
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:56:19 PM »
Did you choose the edge or did the edge choose you?
I chose the edge, obviously.

Serious / Re: Summarize your worldview in one brief sentence.
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:54:34 PM »
I am God.

Serious / Re: How much value do you put on human life?
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:52:58 PM »
So you value your own life more than others, right?

I know its just human instinct to value your own life more than others but just wondering nonetheless.
I prefer my own existence, I wouldn't say it's more valuable, however.

I could kill a person, but I wouldn't hold a grudge against he who kills me either. If that makes sense.

Serious / Re: How much value do you put on human life?
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:48:30 PM »
Human life has no intrinsic value.
So you also put no value on your own life?

As in you're not afraid of dying?
No, I'm not afraid of dying.

Do I value my own life? Of course, but that's not an inference of intrinsic value.

If a thief steals your money, wins the lottery, and gives the winnings to you, making you a profit, are you angry at him? He could have lost, he literally gambled your money away. If he lost, he would have nothing to return. Personally, I would've stomped a mudhole in him, verbally or otherwise.
I'd have shook his fucking hand.

Serious / Re: How much value do you put on human life?
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:46:22 PM »

Serious / Re: I honestly have no problem with what AP did...
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:41:10 PM »
>taking things out of context
Not at all. The age of a practice has absolutely no bearing on its desirability.
That wasn't the point of me saying "that's nothing new" though.
Maybe, maybe not.

Nonetheless, the consequence is to essentially remove any sort of moral culpability from the perpetrator.

Serious / Re: I honestly have no problem with what AP did...
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:38:38 PM »
>taking things out of context
Not at all. The age of a practice has absolutely no bearing on its desirability.

I'd have no problem with life itself if life itself was voluntary, so that's why I'm an anti-natalist. So, unless you declare yourself an anti-natalist, you can't make the "right to choose" argument. It's internally inconsistent and hypocritical to do so.
Out of interest, if a person were to absolutely declare that his parents made the right choice - almost like an ex post declaration of consent - would that absolve the parents of any wrongdoing?

Serious / Re: I honestly have no problem with what AP did...
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:34:24 PM »
This is nothing new.
Neither was slavery in 1863.

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