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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 426427428 429430 ... 502
Serious / Re: A poll about dumpster diving
« on: September 21, 2014, 04:44:04 PM »
It's in bad taste, I think, but it's certainly not immoral.

Serious / Re: Why do we gaol people who commit victimless crimes?
« on: September 21, 2014, 04:41:30 PM »
Like drug dealing?
I was thinking more along the lines of possession and consumption, but sure, drug dealing could fit.

Serious / Why do we gaol people who commit victimless crimes?
« on: September 21, 2014, 04:36:38 PM »
I consider myself a proponent of the prison abolition movement, but this really isn't a radical sentiment. Imprisoning those who commit victimless crimes is patently regressive.

Why the fuck does it still go on?

The Flood / Re: How do you want to die?
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:59:11 PM »

Serious / The more things change, the more they stay the same
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:29:20 PM »
Who am I referencing here?

"godless, free loving, subversive, treasonous, indecent, dirty, and with menacing hairstyles."

No, it's not the hippie counterculture movement of the '60s.

It's the Russian Nihilist counterculture movement of the 1860s.

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:51:54 PM »
A Christian is a Christian and that's really it
So Jeffrey Dahmer was a good Christian?
No, nor was he bad. He was simply a Christian. Good and bad are subjective, just as morals are
That's why you go to hell for sinning, correct?

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:46:08 PM »
A Christian is a Christian and that's really it
So Jeffrey Dahmer was a good Christian?

Serious / Re: People who don't believe in evolution are not worth talking to
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:44:30 PM »
The distinction really is meaningless. Macroevolution is fundamentally identical to microevolution, just on a different timescale.

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:40:54 PM »
dat truescotsman doe

How is what I said NOT moral? I'm advocating for people that get hostile remarks and even attacks constantly.

In order for it to be a No True Scotsman, secularism and atheism would have to be the same thing.
I'm calling out you saying that to be a Christian, I must display certain ideals.
Oh, I didn't say that at all.

I'm just saying you're a bad Christian, I'm not saying you aren't a Christian.

Serious / Re: Should I resurrect Psykana? <.<
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:40:04 PM »
Evolution of the Serious board:
le Jesus face
Hamas news central
Economics 101
Psykana Librarianus

I'm for it.
I should warn you, I'm a reactionary.

I won't allow my era to be usurped >.>

Serious / Re: People who don't believe in evolution are not worth talking to
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:39:08 PM »
After all, evolution is a theory and theories are not 100% fact
Evolution, as a theory, is one of those theories where you have to formally hold out for possible contenders but you know there won't be any. Evolution is as established as gravity or the Earth rotating as opposed to heliocentricity.

Natural selection is the only part of it which isn't as established.

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:37:29 PM »
dat truescotsman doe

How is what I said NOT moral? I'm advocating for people that get hostile remarks and even attacks constantly.

In order for it to be a No True Scotsman, secularism and atheism would have to be the same thing.

Serious / Re: Should I resurrect Psykana? <.<
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:35:57 PM »
I might as well change my name to Mr. Economist.

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:30:24 PM »
I'm being just as militant as Door does with his atheism
First of all, Door is militant with his secularism, not his atheism.

Second of all, that has literally nothing to do with this thread. Aren't Christians supposed to have comparable, if not superior, moral reasoning? You don't seem to grasp the Golden Rule, at all.

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:24:25 PM »

I'm "conservative" on some issues and I'm religious. That doesn't mean I have the fucking right to deny somebody a way they identify and perceive themselves. It's not affecting me nor is it hurting me. And it sure as hell isn't hurting you either. Go to some third world country and display your ignorance; it's not welcomed here
Please, stop being so fucking militant.

Serious / People who don't believe in evolution are not worth talking to
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:23:13 PM »
I voted for option 1.

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:05:17 PM »
The people here who try and make jokes about identifying as helicopters
I'd just like to point out I'm not claiming people actually do try to identify as helicopters.

Serious / Re: Capitalism - a new perspective
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:00:05 PM »
Who's steering where the technology evolution goes?
The consumers.

Serious / Re: The philosophy of donuts
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:19:16 PM »

Serious / Re: Capitalism - a new perspective
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:47:59 PM »
I don't think you're understanding the scientific geological factors here... like at all. Raw elements and materials cannot be expanded upon. We have only what the earth has to offer, and the question I'm asking is whether or not it's enough to create a middle class standard for all people AND to focus on technological innovation. I cannot tell if you just don't understand or if you're purposely ignoring my point, but it's frustrating either way.
And you don't seem to understand the market capacities for innovation. Raw elements and materials don't necessarily need to be expanded upon. If you use up raw materials, and diminish the supply (although, I might add, the USGS is quite confident on our incredibly ample supply of minerals) then technological innovation will result in ways, not previously known, to enhance the supply or the price will go up and only those willing to pay will have access and the market will develop alternatives to perform exactly the same purpose, as is what happened with copper.

Also, I answered your question. Massive re-distribution of wealth has the potential to cause deadweight loss which will slow, halt or even diminish economic activity and innovation - which will, in turn, slow technological advances. It also depends on your definition of "middle class", as everybody in America with zero income and subject to transfers are, by global standards, of the middle class.

Is that clear, now? Redistribution causes deadweight loss, which causes a slack in innovation, which causes a diminished capacity to efficiently exploit the Earth's resources or develop alternatives. The question of whether, if by some global regime, we could enforce middle-class standards (of whatever measure) on the entire population of the Earth is a mathematical one I can't answer, although I doubt the desirability of raising the floor to be in-line with the middle class and doubt the necessity of a government programme to increase bottom wealth in the first place.

The Flood / Re: Just be yourself!
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:12:35 PM »
I go away to answer an essay question on Oliver Cromwell and I come back to this. What the fuck is going on?

Serious / Re: A universal substance
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:11:17 PM »
Quarks vary too. There's at least six of them.
quarks vary just as much energy does, it's a natural occurrence in the world for something to have multiple variations, and that's why I think that they make up everything.
That isn't what he's asking, though.

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:10:07 PM »
I really, really don't care so long as nobody's making a big deal out of not legitimately being able to identify as an apache attack helicopter.
When I made this thread a few months ago on, you said that there were 7 billion genders.
There are, if you want to be technical.

But, when it comes down to what I, personally, recognise? I don't care. People can, and do, identify in whatever way they want. The point I'm making is that if you get pissy, I won't shed any tears.

Serious / Re: Capitalism - a new perspective
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:08:00 PM »
If you want more wealth, you need to take it from someone else.
I'm not being facetious when I say that's the single-biggest fallacy among lay-economists.

In answer to your question, however, yes, wealth redistribution has the potential to cause deadweight loss on the economy.

The Flood / Just be yourself!
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:43:03 AM »

Now link hands and skip around the equator in the name of world peace.

Serious / Re: The philosophy of donuts
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:34:56 AM »
but it's a little too superficial for my liking.
>implying donuts aren't the direct manifestation of the Lord on earth.

Serious / Re: The philosophy of donuts
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:25:24 AM »
too simplistic.
What do you want from an analysis of donuts?

Serious / The philosophy of donuts
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:11:00 AM »
Heraclitus: "You can't eat the same donut twice".
Plato: "All donuts share in ideal 'donut-ness'".
Aristotle: "A donut contains its donut-ness".
Descartes: "A donut's hole proves the existence of a donut".
Locke: "Donuts taste good to me".
Hume: "Donuts exist because I imagine donuts".
Kant: "A donut is equal to my total experience of donuts".
Mill: "Donuts are good if they make people happy".
Kierkegaard: "I have faith that donuts are delicious".
Marx: "Everybody deserves donuts".
Nietzsche: "Stop at nothing to get your donuts".
Wittgenstein: "Fried pastry, zero, parking lot spin, spare tyre".
Beauvoir: "Patriarchy is responsible for the shape of the donut".

I hope this helps you understand philosophy better.

The Flood / Re: What are/were your favorite subjects in school?
« on: September 21, 2014, 07:54:24 AM »

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 21, 2014, 07:27:29 AM »

Two. Male and female. That's all that exists.

you cannot prove that anything truly exists, as all you know is simply the world as it is perceived by you. and we all know our senses and brains can be easily tricked.
doom pls

sounds like idealism

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