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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 407408409 410411 ... 502
You can be pretty certain the abrahamic god doesn't exist. To say you're certain any sort of supernatural deity doesn't exist is where the folly lies.

This is, practically verbatim, what my philosophy teacher said today.

I got into a heated debate with her about the Danish cartoonist and I said "my rights don't end where somebody else's feelings begin". She said "why not?" She went on to claim that since the cartoonist knew there'd be controversy and knew it'd cause offence, and intended there to be, he deserved to be legally prosecuted.

We both got really heated and I told her you can have fascism or free speech,  not both. It ended with her saying she's entitled to her opinion and she wouldn't change her mind.

I'm genuinely disgusted and disturbed that a teacher in a liberal,  21st century nation can even begin to entertain the idea that freedom of expression can be limited in such an arbitrary way.

It's bloody disgusting.

Serious / Re: Which are more annoying?
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:24:59 AM »
I personally don't see Socialism being inevitable.. I am seeing an economic collapse and society will realize greed and the desire for more money is what brought the destruction.. And hopefully from a few brilliant minds, we execute project Venus and evolve past the need for a currency system.
Over the next few decades, 45% of jobs are high-risk for automation.

Human labour will be made redundant, and private property will cease to be an efficient resource director.

The Venus Project, by the way, is a load of shit.

Serious / Re: China's one-party system is superior to democracy
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:21:51 AM »
China's doing exceptionally well at the moment by combining civil and economic freedoms. The lack of political freedom makes it easier for the government to respond to the people.

However, Western democracies are overwhelmingly conservative in their nature for the very reason of stopping big, overly-effective governments. One wrong move by the Chinese and it all comes tumbling down.

Serious / Re: Which are more annoying?
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:08:00 PM »
ook right before 1913.
I'm talking about taxation in general, not just income tax. I'm not a massive fan of income tax, and I think taxes on property and consumption are superior. That being said, I think certain taxes - like transaction, inheritance and corporate income - should be eliminated first.

On the whole, however, I agree that rampant taxation can lead to horrible expenditure problems. Accordingly, I'd probably support any lowering the general tax rate and a relatively strict adherence to no government borrowing.

However, I don't think much of this will be accomplished since the trend of both social and political change runs behind technological change. Human labour will probably be made obsolete and the problem now will be a non-issue, so this is really just a hypothetical exercise for me.

Serious / Re: Which are more annoying?
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:57:21 PM »
But taxation IS theft.
Deontic morality is a joke. If you can empirically show me that no taxation would be consequentially superior to the current paradigm then fair enough, but until then taxation remains justified.

And what's wrong with a free-market?
Nothing, the market is actually quite amazing. The point is people who hold it up as an end in itself are stupid. (Again, deontic morality). If the market was consequentially devastating, nobody could seriously advocate it.

The State is the reason it's a mess right now by stifling competition which prevents any real advances. (this only applies to an informed society)
I don't disagree.

Serious / Re: Which are more annoying?
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:37:34 PM »
I'm at a loss, so I'll just explain why all are annoying.

Liberals - tend to be really whiny and wishy-washy, appealing to emotion and concepts like "fairness" and "equality" over proportionality and justice. They seem to completely lack a sense of scale as a result, and have no idea how to properly construct a liberal value-system in relation to rampant dogmatism.

Socialists - socialism is inevitable and I look forward to it (I think I'll see it at least begin in my lifetime). The problem with people who readily identify as socialists is that they're either I) revolutionaries who want to force class conflict or II) centre-right social democrats who aren't really socialists. So they're either idiots or liars.

Feminists - anybody in the Western world who identifies as a feminist has priority issues.

Libertarians/anarchists - retarded appeals to deontic morality like "taxation is theft" and other such bollocks. An absolute hard-on for the free-market and an inability to concede that the unaccountable corporation can be a nightmare in a situation where the State isn't properly equipped.

Conspiracists/doomsdayers - just fracking dumb. Greatest examples of confirmation bias.

Conservatives - usually the vocal ones are social conservatives and they appeal to tired old notions of family values and anti-abortion sentiments; inexorably linked to religion. Absolutely have no appreciation for more abstract and diffuse notions like civic nationalism, parochial loyalty and preservation of order, thus turning conservatism into an ideology instead of a philosophy and dogmatising it.

Religious people - liars, charlatans or people who don't understand science on the whole. Liars because they can't know if God exists, even as some claim; charlatans due to faith-healers, hoaxers and tricksters; scientifically illiterate because the vocal ones think scripture and Thomas Aquinas's bollocks have any intellectual authority.

Homophobes/Islamaphobes - while I take issue with the use of the latter word, bigotry is simply a social cancer; no explanation needed.

Serious / Re: Psychopathy tests
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:27:51 PM »
The second test isn't accurate at all. Just saying that now.
What makes you draw that conclusion?
It said I had something I definitely do not have.

If you want a cast-iron test just ask yourself three simple questions:
- Do you relate emotionally to other people?
- Do you feel guilt?
- Have you never felt the desire to - or pleasure of - manipulating other people to serious degrees?

If the answer is yes to all three then the test is wrong.

Serious / 9 Reasons to want a lot more Immigration
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:26:41 PM »
1. We could increase global GDP by 67pc to 147pc. This means we could more than double global wealth.

2. Immigrants create jobs, they don't steal them, because there is not a fixed pool of employment.

3. They contribute more in taxes than they cost in services or welfare. In the U.K., they contribute more than natives.

4. They'll also be vital to the future, as immigration has massive potential to help offset government debt.

5. Immigrants are incredibly entrepreneurial, with more than half of the silicon valley tech businesses having an immigrant as a key founder, and in the U.K. 17pc of immigrants set up their own businesses.

6. Immigrants send home more money to the developing world than we do in aid. (About 3x as much).

7. A seasonal migration programme in New Zealand was more effective at alleviating poverty in developing countries - by giving entrepreneurs experience - than any other method.

8. Since the year 2000, 40,000 people have died trying to migrate in unsafe conditions due to criminalisation.

9. The public wildly underestimates, at least in the U.K., the extent of immigration we already have. The public thinks immigrants make up 31pc of the population, when it is really 13pc. They also think Muslims make up 25pc, but the reality is that Muslims comprise about 5pc.

Serious / Re: Psychopathy tests
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:11:00 PM »
The second test isn't accurate at all. Just saying that now.
What makes you draw that conclusion?

Serious / Re: Liberals (on Bill Maher) debate what to do about Islam
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:47:19 PM »
Why am I supposed to care about what's going on in the world?

You been reading Ayn Rand?

Serious / Liberals (on Bill Maher) debate what to do about Islam
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:42:11 PM »
dat biased title doe


I think a shorter version of this video was posted in another thread not too long ago, but it didn't generate much attention.

Basically, who do you think is in the right here?

The Flood / Re: The Metalution is Over
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:29:25 PM »
Good riddance.

Your trial date for inciting a revolution is October 31st.
I could just pay ridiculous amounts of reparations and sign a godawful treaty, so that in about 15 years somebody far worse than me comes around and commits the greatest atrocity in history?

The Flood / Re: The Metalution is Over
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:25:59 PM »

The Flood / The Metalution is Over
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:23:47 PM »
I'm sorry, brothers. I have failed. The Metanation will never be as one in this great land. The Promised Land won't be ours. But do not despair, the march of progress will continue on. Remove the Meta from your name; let us continue as one people.


I also compiled an album for all the propaganda which came out of that, if anybody feels like taking a gander. If anybody wants to contribute to it, too, post the posters and I'll add them for the sake of art.

Well, that was more fun than it should've been. It's over now, though. Return to your families.

« on: October 07, 2014, 04:09:59 PM »
There's no need for the Emberians to resist the Metanites.

We have extended our friendship to the Weeaboos, and would be willing to grant you suffrage. The Metakorps has need of young soldierly men in its ranks, and you'd be welcome.

Our true enemies are the Sep7anite 7ascists.
For all of our history, the Emberians have been an independent people.

Your expansion is a threat to our culture, and we will fight back when necessary.
Your independence is guaranteed if you support our aims.

« on: October 07, 2014, 04:05:50 PM »
There's no need for the Emberians to resist the Metanites.

We have extended our friendship to the Weeaboos, and would be willing to grant you suffrage. The Metakorps has need of young soldierly men in its ranks, and you'd be welcome.

Our true enemies are the Sep7anite 7ascists.

The Flood / Re: JOIN THE METALUTION! I await Cheat's correspondence.
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:00:29 PM »
The Metanites would be willing to grant the Weeaboos suffrage, if they support our cause.

The Flood / Re: JOIN THE METALUTION! I await Cheat's correspondence.
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:49:21 PM »

Stay the course!

The Flood / Re: JOIN THE METALUTION! I await Cheat's correspondence.
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:35:49 PM »
Funny. We said the same thing about you.
I demand to speak to Cheat.

The Metanites will not be contained. We will have our Metareignty!

Your inquiry has been received and is pending review. Estimated completion time: 3 years. Thank you for contacting Sep7agon Industries.
I take it back.

At least 7ascists could make the trains run on time.

The Flood / Re: JOIN THE METALUTION! I await Cheat's correspondence.
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:28:34 PM »
Funny. We said the same thing about you.
I demand to speak to Cheat.

The Metanites will not be contained. We will have our Metareignty!

The Flood / Re: JOIN THE METALUTION! I await Cheat's correspondence.
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:25:39 PM »
Cheat, feel free the launch the nukes now.
I didn't know I was dealing with 7ascists.

The Flood / Re: JOIN THE METALUTION! I await Cheat's correspondence.
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:23:07 PM »
taste defeat meta

You've merely served to push all the Metanation into one place at one time.

The Flood / Re: JOIN THE METALUTION! I await Cheat's correspondence.
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:17:35 PM »
That merger was relatively painless.

Well done to the Sep7ianite authorities.

« on: October 07, 2014, 03:10:25 PM »
Alright guys, it's getting to the point that the amount of threads on this subject is just clogging the forums. Cut back on it, and any new threads related to the "Metalution" are getting merged into this one.
Lock all of the other threads to do with the Metalution.

We'll keep this as the only one.

The Flood / JOIN THE METALUTION! I await Cheat's correspondence.
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:01:37 PM »

The Flood / Re: Welcome to Meta Flood
« on: October 07, 2014, 02:56:45 PM »
I jsu got on, what's with this meta shit going on around here?

Meta's friends joined with the prefix "Meta" in their name.

Now we are all Meta.
Please be more specific.

I have sparked a revolution.

The Metalution.

The Flood / Re: You are, all of you, vermin
« on: October 07, 2014, 02:55:38 PM »
Purge may be incoming.
You threaten us, Sep7ianite?

The Flood / Re: You are, all of you, vermin
« on: October 07, 2014, 02:53:34 PM »
...what the hell is even going on?
Some of my friends joined with "Meta" before their names.

Now, I am amassing disciples and apostles. Join the Great Crusade, become Meta Nuka.

You will be loved in our ranks, I will guide you to the Promised Land.

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