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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 405406407 408409 ... 502
I subscribe to the idea that every living thing on the planet is directly responsible for every action that their body and mind makes.
What the hell are you talking about? You do realise responsibility confers an obligation or duty, to which you can be held to account on occasions of failure? How on Earth do you propose every living thing is held to account? Like I said: utterly vacuous.

If you think you're the king of denmark and bash someone's skull in because you're the king then you're responsible for the actions you take in that mindset. I don't give a flying frack about what voice is telling you to do it, that voice is still a part of you and you should be responsible for keeping it in line. 
I don't know what to tell you; you're expecting people to be responsible for something they, by definition, simply cannot be responsible for.

No, it's their mind and actions that do it, and whatever personality that takes over during that time is going to come out again, so why let the person off because one part of their mind has a different thought process? it's still the same fracking mind and body doing it.
You seem to be misunderstanding me. I'm not disputing that some force other than the mind of the individual is the proximate cause of such crimes, I'm saying that the mind of the individual is determined by things which that individual cannot possibly have any control over. The notion of duty becomes meaningless when you understand that, and it's clear that efforts of "justice" must be made social instead of atomistic.

If you kill a psychopath because he's too dangerous to be released, you're not holding him morally responsible for his actions - it isn't punishment. It's a preventative measure for the safety of the society in which he has committed crimes.

It's because they ARE responsible.
So delusional people are responsible? People with serious emotional deficits are responsible? What notion of responsibility do you subscribe to, exactly? because it seems completely vacuous.

there is no magical force that made these people kill. it was their own mind and their own actions that murdered people.
Except their propensity for serial murder is not determined by them in the slightest. Saying it was "their own mind and their own actions" is completely inconsequential when their mind is pre-determined in extremely important ways.

I may be being dense here but I don't understand what you're trying to say here. If you could expound it would be much appreciated.
People who are either delusional or depressive, bipolar, manic - whatever. People who can't keep their thoughts tracked to the reality of the situation (believing they're the king of Denmark) or people who can't regulate their emotions properly.

State moral universalism. All people hold the same responsibilities and if they should violate them then they will be found guilty by a court of law and sentenced to rehabilitation if at all possible or to death if rehabilitation is not possible.
Well I disagree in principle with the State prescribing morality, although I do believe there are moral facts. However, rehabilitating people (or killing them) for violating this code seems to be to be a concession that these people can't be held morally responsible. If they could, you wouldn't be trying to rehabilitate them or, if you're killing them, they're simply to dangerous and psychologically inept to be held to account.

If an individual were to beat a man to death for raping his wife, it's clear that no rehabilitation is necessary and that capital punishment would be a joke; it's clear that this man has moral responsibility.

because if they're messed up in the head to the point where they kill, then they shouldn't be a part of society anyway. it's better off for everyone if people that messed up are behind bars where they can't kill or hurt anyone in society.
You're answering a question I didn't ask.

If you know you are that broken then you have a moral responsibility to prevent harming others through taking your own life.
First and foremost, how do you hold the psychotic or emotionally unstable to account in that paradigm.

Secondly, how can you possibly give these people a moral responsibility when they have an emotional deficit which makes them unable to connect with everyday moral responsibility?

They are 100% responsible, and for the record, all murderers are psychopathic/sociopathic.
That's nowhere near true. Most murders are crimes of passion.

How can you possible hold a mentally ill person morally accountable?

If they know full and well what they're doing is wrong
They evidently don't. It's one thing to understand that murder is considered immoral, it's entirely another to connect with that on an emotional level.

You didn't answer the question anyway. I don't care how you feel about them.

Serious / How morally responsible are psychopaths and serial killers?
« on: October 10, 2014, 12:31:00 PM »
The reason I bring this up is because you will never find a serial killer who isn't psychopathic or mentally ill in some way. Accordingly, what degree of moral or social responsibility can we afford such people? Are they, truly, evil?

Consider, as an example, Jeffrey Dahmer. You'd struggle to call Dahmer a psychopath, as he seemed to display some degree of remorse for his crimes. Dahmer raped, murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys. He would often commit acts such as necrophilia, cannibalism and preserving trophies. Dahmer was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety Disorder. Psychologists took a while to decide whether he was legally sane, as he clearly could not control his impulses, had serious lapses of feelings of worthlessness and had an incredible fear of abandonment.

Tommy Lynn Sells was likely a secondary psychopath (or sociopath) who killed at least 22 people across the U.S.A., often in a haphazard and impulsive manner. Sells was molested as an eight-year-old with the consent of his mother and had serious problems with substance abuse. He was also incredibly emotionally unstable, in interviews both breaking down in tears at the thought of his crimes and at other times claiming to be the personification of hate. He had an IQ of about 80. Sells, like Dahmer, was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder alongside Antisocial Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression and psychosis.

Ted Bundy was almost definitely a primary psychopath who killed around 35 people, often in a relatively organised and sadistic way. Bundy was considered attractive and had considerable interpersonal abilities which allowed him to manipulate those around him. He was pre-occupied with notions of power and "possession" over his victims. Unlike Dahmer and Sells, he never abused alcohol or drugs and his IQ was around 136. He, unlike the other two, also got a degree (A Bachelor's in Psychology). While diagnoses were hard to pin, it's incredibly likely that, on top of ASPD, he also had Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Important Disorders:

Borderline Personality Disorder
People with BPD feel emotions more easily, deeply and for longer than most other people. Accordingly, it may take a long time for somebody suffering from BPD to come up or down to a stable baseline. People with BPD may feel joy more strongly than others, but they are especially susceptible to dysphoria and have an intense fear of abandonment. People with this are often behaviourally impulsive and interpersonally manipulative.

Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder wherein people periodically shift from constant feelings of depression and mania or hypomania (in the former, psychosis and delusions are usually present). People with this disorder are often impulsive while manic and anxious/guilty/angry/hopeless when depressive.

Major Depressive
We all know what depression is.

Psychosis is simply a loss of contact with reality. Believing you're the king of Sweden or that your neighbour is trying to invoke Satan to murder you are examples of psychotic thoughts.

Antisocial Personality Disorder is characterised by a persistent disregard for the rights of other individuals as well as a lack of empathy or remorse. They often lie, are impulsive, aggressive and rationalise their immoral behaviour. About one in three antisocial people qualify for a "diagnosis" of psychopathy.

Psychopathy isn't considered a clinical condition, and is often considered synonymous with ASPD. However, the research of Robert D. Hare seems to indicate that there is a difference between the two conditions. It seems that psychopathy is an extension or more developed form of ASPD. Psychopaths are considered bold and disinhibited as well as having comparable or good interpersonal skills. Sociopaths have more negative emotions like fear, anxiety and irritability. Psychopaths usually have little fear and rarely feel anxious, are usually charming and find it easy to manipulate people and are, almost always, more sadistic than sociopaths. Both have comparable levels of antisocial behaviour, but sociopathy is caused by adverse environment conditions whereas psychopathy is considered genetic, and psychopaths are born with an emotional deficit.

The Flood / WHOP IT OUT
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:22:50 AM »


The Flood / Re: WHOP IT OUT
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:22:21 AM »
Shit, this was meant to be in the Flood.

The Flood / WHOP IT OUT
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:20:45 AM »


The Flood / Re: What are your thoughts on Flying?
« on: October 09, 2014, 04:28:31 PM »
Love the take-off and the landing.

The in-between bits can crawl in a hole and die for all I care.

The Flood / Re: A firearm is not a weapon
« on: October 09, 2014, 04:25:48 PM »
I quote what the Japanese emperor said in WW2

Well first of all it was the Fleet Admiral of the Japanese Navy who said that. Except he didn't, and there's no evidence to support the idea it was uttered by anyone.

Whoever wrote that should be shot.

The Flood / Why the hell are we all jumping on the mods dicks?
« on: October 09, 2014, 04:22:21 PM »
Seriously. The new rules are bloody fine, stop whinging.


The Flood / Re: Got the chance to quiz an MP, what question should I ask?
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:52:32 PM »

What party?

*rubs hands*
Ask him when his party is going to scrap the terrible programme of Help to Buy and liberalise the planning system. Even Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, has said that housing prices are to do with tight supply.

The Flood / Re: Got the chance to quiz an MP, what question should I ask?
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:19:26 PM »
What party?

Serious / Do you think Buddhism is really a religion?
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:18:51 PM »
I'm split on the issue, to be honest.

Just seems like a supernatural philosophy to me.

The Flood / Re: Update on the bullshit drama with my philosophy teacher
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:36:26 PM »
Lol. If a teacher acted like that here then they'd be fired or some other shit
Well, I wonder what the head of year will be doing about it then.

The Flood / Re: Update on the bullshit drama with my philosophy teacher
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:36:39 AM »
lol higher education
Not in university yet.

In college, the stage between high school and higher education.

The Flood / Update on the bullshit drama with my philosophy teacher
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:34:30 AM »
For those of you who don't know, my philosophy teacher and I got into a heated debate about whether or not the Danish cartoonist who published pictures of Muhammad (inciting riots and assassination attempts) should've been prosecuted. It included such gems as me saying "My rights don't end where another's feelings begins" and her asking "Why not?".

However, the drama comes from the fact that after the lesson she went into the faculty room and said to my other philosophy teacher: "I could've punched Ashton during that lesson", and accusing me of being unable to see things from somebody else's point of view. Bearing in mind she had ended the debate by saying "I've made up my mind and nothing will change it," I felt a bit short-changed.

It would've been fine except for this morning, however. I would've been content to leave it be there and just allow us to ignore it in the future. However, when a girl who wasn't present in the lesson went to find out what she missed the teacher said: "Go to Ashton and ask him how idiotic he was." This really did anger me, so I told the girl to go to her and ask her how much she hates free speech. The girl returned with the message that I wasn't welcome in her lessons, that I'm hated and that she deserves an apology.

Later in the day, however, I got called into the headteacher's office. She asked for my side and I gave it, conceding I may have been a bit too assertive during the debate, but voicing my concerns over the teacher's personal attacks of me and continuation of the issue this morning. The head said the actions of my teacher "disturbed her" and that she'd talk to her about it.

Essentially, I got into a heated debate, annoying my close-minded, Islamist-apologist teacher and it resulted in her making intentionally offensive comments about my character to another teacher. She made further offensive comments this morning through one of my peers and I retaliated, unleashing her righteous and thunderous fury. If she thinks I'm going to apologise without her making some concessions of her own now (I was actually planning on apologising that day), then she can go fu­ck herself.

« on: October 08, 2014, 05:49:19 PM »
True. But it's not the marginally-overweight people who champion this song; it's those who are severely obese who use it to say "SEE SHE SAYS I'M PRETTY!"
So? Let them be fat. Why should you care at all?
Because we don't higher insurances rates, more stress on hospitals, more medical expenses, etc. because people refuse to take care of themselves.
I don't know about the U.S., but as an aggregate smokers and obese people are actually cheaper to treat on the NHS than healthy people by virtue of dying sooner.

Serious / Ebola patient in Dallas dies
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:47:04 PM »

Serious / Re: Psychopathy tests
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:34:04 PM »
Sites like these are detrimental to curing mental health problems. People self diagnose or lie on these test then go around saying they're psychopaths.
I agree, hence the bit in bold.

Not that medical treatment for psychopathy isn't abysmal as it is >.>

The Flood / Dutch presenter can't stop laughing at guy's voice
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:30:27 PM »

I'm gonna die.

The Flood / Black comedians
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:07:20 PM »

This is really funny.

The Flood / Re: I'm pissed off at my philosophy teacher
« on: October 08, 2014, 04:00:25 PM »
This doesn't sound skewed and terribly one-sided at all...
I said "My rights don't end where another person's feelings begin" and she literally said "Why not?".

Serious / Re: The biggest ass in American politics
« on: October 08, 2014, 03:55:29 PM »
"He was a peace advocate, a prohibitionist, and an opponent of Darwinism on religious and humanitarian grounds."

That's enough for me to hate him.

The Flood / Re: Joe Biden Sex Scandal
« on: October 08, 2014, 03:30:02 PM »
Big Dick Biden.

The Flood / Ebola spread to the United Kingdom
« on: October 08, 2014, 03:08:01 PM »

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