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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 370371372 373374 ... 502
Serious / Re: Obama: Classify internet as a utility
« on: November 10, 2014, 01:55:28 PM »
My only concern with treating internet as a utility, is that ISPs will likely start charging you based on how much you use, rather than a flat monthly fee.
I don't see what's wrong with that.

Serious / Re: Obama: Classify internet as a utility
« on: November 10, 2014, 01:52:55 PM »
I was split on net neutrality until I realised ISPs could create artificial supply shocks and raise the prices >.>

But yeah, if I were to prioritise government investment into a "top five" list, internet access would probably be there.

Serious / Re: Would extremely advanced AI find existence pointless?
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:10:23 PM »
So back to my main question, what do you think? Would it find existence pointless?
Yes and no.

I think it'd realise there's no inherent, objective, separate meaning to existence. I also, however, think it'd realise that intelligence has the ability to create its own, personal meaning.

Serious / Re: I now have offers from all the Universities I applied for
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:55:17 AM »
nor do I have any idea what "AAB, ABB, BBB, BCC" means.
Those are just grade requirements.

If I get, say BBB, Birmingham will revoke my place.

I'm essentially asking if I should go to a middle-ground University for the same course with a year abroad, or suck it up, go to a better Uni and not have a year abroad.

Serious / I now have offers from all the Universities I applied for
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:43:43 AM »
I have offers from Birmingham and Reading at AAB.

An offer from East Anglia at ABB.

An offer from Essex at BBB.

And an offer from Plymouth at BCC.

Now I need to choose a first choice, and an insurance choice. Birmingham will definitely be my first choice, however, I'm not entirely sure whether East Anglia or Essex should be my insurance. I'm confident that I could get the grades for East Anglia, but the Essex course also includes a year abroad.

What does Serious think?

Serious / Re: Senate Prepares for Battle with EPA
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:35:30 AM »
because of the EPA's harsh regulations
I'm not arguing that.

I take an active stance against the EPA's policies when it comes to rural communities. I'm simply arguing the point that, when it comes to the EPA actively trying to destroy the economy, nobody put words in your mouth because that's what you, quite idiotically, accused them of doing.

I'm not saying the EPA is all lollipops and sunshine.

Serious / Re: Senate Prepares for Battle with EPA
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:52:09 AM »
God damn you fucktards love to put words in people's mouths, huh?
Well. . . No.

You did, quite literally, accuse the EPA of wanting to destroy the economy.


I'm using the term "game" liberally.

You'll be fine.

It's basically a checklist with a moving bar.

Serious / Re: Feminism video shows how the movement is getting worse
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:40:16 AM »
Pretty sure that's just a tshirt marketing company hitching itself to a bandwagon <.<
FCKH8 is a t-shirt marketing company?

Nonetheless, the points made in the video - in the vulgar way they are - are more often than not made by fairly moderate feminists, and are still wrong >.>

Serious / Feminism video shows how the movement is getting worse
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:32:52 AM »


Just what the fuck?

cost on the NHS in the long term.
Obese people and smokers are actually cheaper to treat.

I ended up with £21.2 Billion.

For the record I would've cut just the Ministry of Sport and cut spending in just England by 10%, but that option wasn't available.
dem taxes doe

Serious / Re: Would extremely advanced AI find existence pointless?
« on: November 10, 2014, 09:37:09 AM »
But why would it develop greed or a lust for power, or even find value in existence simply because it's intelligent?

Why would it develop these human or animal traits?
I'm not saying it would. I'm saying it could.

It might not. It might be unbelievably benevolent.

Serious / Re: Would extremely advanced AI find existence pointless?
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:47:44 AM »
But if not programmed with the same "instincts" as us?
Programming goes out the window when you reach levels of intelligence like that.

This is actually quite good. In order to balance the budget, you must make £48bn worth of cuts. You have to tick a number of policies which involve spending cuts or tax increases. Policies in red mean you'd be reversing promises already made to protect the funding of a certain service.

Make your way down the list, read the snippets of info and see how much of the deficit you've gotten rid of. The URL changes with each choice, so you can post your results when you've finished ticking the boxes.

I managed to make £26.3bn worth of spending cuts/tax increases, getting just over halfway.

I scrapped the winter fuel allowance.
I cut 10pc from the housing benefits bill.
I froze benefits for the working age population for 2 years.
I cut spending to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland by 10pc.
I abolished the Dept. of Culture, Media and Sport.
I cut 5pc from the international development fund.
I froze the defence budget.

I have to disagree with you on the Anglican Church. It isn't harmless at all.

Thing should be crushed.
It just strikes me as a cat with no claws or teeth. And no legs.

What makes you think otherwise though?
Just some of the statements of previous, high-ranking clergymen. Graham Dow, for instance, said the '09 floods in Yorkshire were because of homosexuality. And then there's the issue of the Lords Spiritual in the Parliament who vote as a bloc to pass laws respecting abortion or euthanasia >.>

I have to disagree with you on the Anglican Church. It isn't harmless at all.

Thing should be crushed.

Serious / Re: Discuss the British Police State
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:06:51 AM »
>mfw im on the county bordering herefordshire
>mfw west mercia police is my constabulary

Why are so many English towns named X-shire?

Are you fuckers that crazy about Tolkein
"Towns" lol.

X-shires are counties. It comes from the Anglo-Saxon word Scir.

Serious / Re: I think some people forget Legality=/=Morality
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:05:16 AM »
I'm not even getting into the morality/law debate.

Just fuck it.

Serious / Re: Discuss the British Police State
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:02:27 AM »
>mfw im on the county bordering herefordshire
>mfw west mercia police is my constabulary

Serious / Re: Does austerity work?
« on: November 10, 2014, 07:24:48 AM »
Austerity is the government equivalent of spanking a child that got hit by a car.
I'd have thought you would've supported austerity.

Bong federal government

OT: The point you make is funny, actually. Unlike America, we still have an established church.

Serious / Re: Pope excommunicates pedophile priest
« on: November 10, 2014, 07:16:38 AM »
I'm still waiting for Cardinal Bernard Law to be handed over to the police.

Serious / Re: Would extremely advanced AI find existence pointless?
« on: November 10, 2014, 07:15:57 AM »
It'd probably be more of an existentialist.

And then enslave us.
What I'm saying is, what's the point? Greed and a lust for power are human traits. Without that programmed into the machine, why should it do anything to gain power, simply for the end goal of power?
Presumably any intelligence of that magnitude would be able to make its own values and qualities. It could see power as an end, or a means to another end this machine chooses to value. It could take its original programming ("Protect the human race") and take it to the logical extremes we would've never conceived of.

Serious / Re: Would extremely advanced AI find existence pointless?
« on: November 10, 2014, 02:00:22 AM »
It'd probably be more of an existentialist.

And then enslave us.

Serious / Re: What happened to the UN?
« on: November 09, 2014, 05:22:55 PM »
classically liberal ideas.
>ever being liberal

Serious / Re: You're made Supreme Dictator for the day
« on: November 09, 2014, 05:00:42 PM »
What is it with you guys and nukes?

Serious / Re: You're made Supreme Dictator for the day
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:54:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: This is easily the funniest image I've ever seen
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:42:02 PM »

Serious / Re: Republicans own the House, Senate, and governorship.
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:11:09 PM »
It's a shame, really.
No shame in the democratic process. It's what people want.
People can be quite easily wrong.

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