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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:27:21 PM »
Common math shows that less immigrants means less deportation because it's bound to the number of illegal immigrants present. More illegal immigrants means more deportation
That's just not true.

Restrictive immigration laws lead to more deportation. There's no mathematical necessity that deportation should correlate with the presence of illegal immigrants.

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:24:02 PM »
Except we are not in a war

Because military operations should be restricted to international conflicts? We absolutely are at war in any meaningful sense of the word.

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:21:53 PM »
Democrats want to pass all these fucking laws yet the current ones are not being enforced effectively
And yet Obama has presided over one of the largest peacetime outflows of people in America's history.

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:20:04 PM »
We can EASILY take budget from the military and NSA and put that towards better supervision and prevention
You'll have to forgive me if I think military and intelligence operations take absolute priority over stopping some illegals coming in.

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:15:26 PM »
If you're here illegally then get the fuck out and wait your turn like my grandmother, aunt, and every other legal immigrant has done
Or we could actually improve the immigration system instead of resorting to childish "it isn't fair" rhetoric.

As if the state of Mexican prisons is any sort of reasonable comparison.

Serious / Serious question: is this actually racist?
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:29:42 PM »

Some of my friends think it bad that I find this really funny, because it's apparently racist.

Where is the line drawn? Discrimination, or merely prejudice? Is this video genuinely prejudiced?

I don't think it's racist, just comedy.

Serious / Re: Piracy
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:06:07 PM »
Piracy should be subject to the punishment of fines, which is then passed on to the content creators. The fines should also be heavier than the highest price of the material pirated.

Serious / Do people have duties as well as rights?
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:04:05 PM »
And what are they, legally and ethically? Should they be legally obligated, too, if they are not currently laws?

I think voting should be a legal obligation, although I don't believe one is ethically obligated to consent to the government of a party when they completely object to the system or its participants.

I also think we're ethically obligated to not hold the mentally ill as morally accountable, and to utterly reject punishment as a form of justice.

Serious / It's the 1790s, which political party do you support?
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:49:50 PM »
There are Alexander Hamilton's Federalists, or Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republicans?

The Federalists:Often supported the idea of creating a mercantile nation deeply involved in world trade, as well as turning the U.S. into a manufacturing powerhouse. Although, the trade didn't come without a degree of protectionism, and Hamilton favoured using tariffs to spur manufacturing growth. The Federalists also argued for the creation of a national debt, as well as a national bank. They also imposed an excise tax on whiskey.

Federalists generally supported a strong federal government capable of building infrastructure and maintaining this development, taking an "implied powers" approach to the Constitution which allowed elasticity. They were suspicious of mob rule, which has often led to criticisms of elitism.

The Federalists also supported greater ties to Great Britain, and desired to establish a strong navy and army.

The Democratic-Republicans: Supported the idea of a localist, agrarian economy un-involved with international trade. They also believed in small-scale local government to compliment the economic structure and strongly preserve civil liberties, and avoid the problems associated with large, centralised government.

They took a line of Strict Construction in regards to the Constitution, and criticised the Federalists ambitions to establish a national debt and bank as impermissible.

The DRs supported closer ties to the French.

I'd have been a Federalist, I think.

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:06:48 PM »
Obama isn't going to deport immigrants, for once?

Welcome news.

Serious / Re: My professor says we're drinking blood
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:56:03 AM »
I'd rather just make immmigration easier and provide a stable path to residency for those already in the country.

Serious / Re: Give me a good reason to make military impersonation a felony
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:12:28 AM »
It seems to be decent of any society to punish those who seriously try to engage in reaping the benefits of a duty they didn't perform. It's essentially fraud.

With all due respect, why would you openly disclose such information?

I know you have a right to do what you want with said information and being open about it to the right people certainly helps, but no matter what psychological or physical state I was in I wouldn't be so forthwith with that info, let alone making it freely availables to the likes of us.

I suppose it might come down to your impulsiveness as you mentioned, but fuck what do I know, I'm not a psychologist
A mixture of impulsiveness and narcissism.

The Flood / nvm
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:59:57 PM »
i have my answer >.>

pls lock

From what I can tell they seem like a hindrance.
Not always. If they motivate you and give you confidence, then they really help you out in life. Though you probably already know that.
Oh, sure, but I'm talking more about interpersonal emotions like love and attachment.

Things like ambition and pride are fine.

What's your opinion on emotion?
I don't really have one.

I mean, they can be fucking annoying, but I don't have much experience of them.

From what I can tell they seem like a hindrance.

You don't think capitalism rewards ruthlessness?
No, that's what I'm saying, it's surviving in spite of society, not because of it.

It comes from a fluke, or a niche, or a blind-spot in "the tribe's" moral reasoning and emotional response. The way CEOs get away with this is by exploiting such situations, and psychopaths can only get away with stuff like that because they're <1pc of the population.

If you tweaked some of the variables, and had child labour in the middle of London, excessive pollution and ruthless CEOs, they'd probably face some sort of social backlash. The fact that this ruthlessness tends to be comparatively diffuse and removed from people's situations is the reason their emotional response isn't the same as it would be in a more concentrated community.

Humans show signs of self-domestication, and that's because the formation of moral communities was paramount to our survival. We would kill people who violated the codes of these moral communities, and psychopaths (among other mentally ill people) would've been straight-up killed if they acted out. You can't  found a community of psychopaths, because their success is quite literally predicated on the exploitation of the non-psychopathic.

I feel like most of that applies to almost everyone though.
Like I said to Raptor, you have to inflate it to the point where it is no longer normal.

When I say rage, I don't just mean frustration. I mean literal, wanting to fucking hurt somebody rage. And devaluation of people isn't just being disappointed, it's literally hating somebody for a length of time.

Impulsivity isn't just spur of the moment shit, it's committing petty crimes on a whim and then lying to authority figures and trying to blame others.

See what I mean?

I find myself questioning the naturalistic fallacy on these grounds.
Mere coincidence. Rape is also fairly natural.

Think of it like a hierarchy, with more sophisticated emotions catering to more sophisticated social structures.

but it's possible that psychopathy is the next evolutionary step for humanity.
Have you ever noticed how any intelligent species with a decently functioning social order has a capacity for empathy?

It's quite literally the emotional foundation for all of civilisation.
I'm not disagreeing, but there are always examples of rich, successful people who are responsible for the misery of thousands or even millions of people.
That's more of an evolutionary anomaly than stepping-stone. Psychopathy is surviving in spite of society, not necessarily because of it. The psychopaths you see at the top of the ladder (and there are quite a few) are those who have learned how to play the game.

Most psychopaths just blend into society, and sociopaths tend to either be on the fringes, just hanging on or in prison.

you seemed pretty rused
If I was so easily insulted, I wouldn't have the capacity to commit quite blatantly antisocial things.

I was just confused why somebody as, seemingly, rational as yourself would make such a banal remark. But, as it turns out, you're le ebin rusemaster

you're acting as if i expected this to go another way.
No, I'm acting as if you should've expected it to go any way.

Which is, y'know, what people normally do when they ask a question.
maybe i just wanted to insult you?
Mission failed, then.

you're acting as if i expected this to go another way.
No, I'm acting as if you should've expected it to go any way.

Which is, y'know, what people normally do when they ask a question.

but it's possible that psychopathy is the next evolutionary step for humanity.
Have you ever noticed how any intelligent species with a decently functioning social order has a capacity for empathy?

It's quite literally the emotional foundation for all of civilisation.

doesn't make it any less fucked up
I didn't say you'd find it any less fucked up. I'd just have thought that, coming into a discussion about psychological disorders, you'd have expected some sort of level of fucked-upedness as to find commenting on it asinine.
i did expect that answer. why would i ask the question if i expected you to say no?
I didn't say that. I'm saying when you found yourself in a situation where that was an appropriate question, you probably should've been aware enough of the possibilities and the context of the discussion to, on some level, expect what the answer could've been. Knowing a person is potentially a psychopath, and then acting in some way offended when they say they could kill a person is like being disgusted when you ask a homosexual if he'd ever have a cock in his ass.

doesn't make it any less fucked up
I didn't say you'd find it any less fucked up. I'd just have thought that, coming into a discussion about psychological disorders, you'd have expected some sort of level of fucked-upedness as to find commenting on it asinine.

I can come to the logical conclusion that psychopathy is probably the most effective evolutionary mindset
Eh, not necessarily.

The neurological and emotional deficits of psychopathy can lead to pretty poor life choices, and indeed some characteristics are correlated with higher suicide risk and lower socioeconomic status. From a purely genetic standpoint, it's beneficial and you can see that in its survival.

However, once you start getting into group selection and the moral community aspect of sociology, psychopathy really does fall-down. Essentially, there's a reason your hardware is empathetic.

What kind of rage we talking?
As in wanting to hit somebody for telling you to get dressed.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Podcast #1 - Question Segment
« on: November 18, 2014, 03:41:11 PM »
Can I be on the next podcast?

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