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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 358359360 361362 ... 502
Serious / Re: Are our most intelligent users liberal or conservative?
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:24:15 PM »

Choose one, and only one
Just to be clear I'm only talking about people who are pragmatically conservative or liberal, and thus don't entirely conform to the retarded dichotomy.

You could qualify my conservatism with a bunch of different prefixes.

Serious / Re: Utah Introduces Legislation to Bring Back Firing Squads
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:21:27 PM »
Like it or not, people out there are and want to be career criminals and nothing can be done to make them stop aside from keeping them locked up till they die basically
Well, y'see, that would only work if the U.S.'s justice system had a properly rehabilitative facet.

Which, to anybody paying even the tiniest bit of attention, it just invariably does fucking not.

Serious / Re: Are our most intelligent users liberal or conservative?
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:14:40 PM »
On the topic, I think it honestly comes down to the issue being discussed. Trying to lump issues that are extremely different (Foreign Policy, Economy, Social Issues, etc.) to gauge which side has the "most intelligent" users is impractical.
I suppose so, although I was trying to determine whether high intelligence + interest in a certain area like economics = conservative or liberal beliefs to a noticeable extent.

I'm not trying to be ham-fisted about it, or apply broad strokes and say fiscal conservatives are more intelligent than liberals, but I probably handled the OP clumsily.

Serious / Re: Utah Introduces Legislation to Bring Back Firing Squads
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:12:56 PM »
Why should we treat a criminal who has killed and raped multiple people in a gentle manner when they didn't do so to their victims?
Because the justice system shouldn't be based off punishment.

It should be based on restoration and rehabilitation. For those who can't be rehabilitated, I'm sure they have more utility than merely dying.
It should be based off punishment
I don't see that as a tenable position in any way whatsoever. Despite the philosophical issue with retributive justice needing free will as a foundation (when free will, to anybody willing to meaningfully engage with the idea, doesn't exist) there's simply no good reason why basing an ethical code on punishment is beneficial.

Serious / Re: Are our most intelligent users liberal or conservative?
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:10:25 PM »
(think how Kinder is a Libertarian despite supporting the militarisation of the police and opposing free trade (no, that's not a dig)).

Tell me what's so damn wrong with giving police body armor and rifles?

I oppose FTAs (free trade agreements)
Slow down, and apply cream to the sore area.

I made it explicitly clear that, even if I disagree with both of those opinions and find them incredibly vacuous, it wasn't in any way a criticism.

If, however, you'd like to argue that both of those opinions are commensurate with the Libertarian platform, then we have a discussion. If not, re-read what I actually said so you understand.

Serious / Re: Are our most intelligent users liberal or conservative?
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:08:51 PM »
Euro conservatives are so far left compared to conservatives in the states >.>
Funnily enough that's why I chose the term "conservative", so it'd be clearer to Americans. Using European terminology, you could probably call me a liberal since its essentially similar to "libertarian" is in America. However, liberal in America, and even here, is closer to the European term social democrat.

In saying that, though, I vote Conservative and I'm probably a lot more socially conservative than a lot of people realise. Regardless, though I'm definitely to the Right of a lot of European conservatives, so slotting me in there shouldn't cause too many problems.

Serious / Re: Utah Introduces Legislation to Bring Back Firing Squads
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:03:22 PM »
Why should we treat a criminal who has killed and raped multiple people in a gentle manner when they didn't do so to their victims?
Because the justice system shouldn't be based off punishment.

It should be based on restoration and rehabilitation. For those who can't be rehabilitated, I'm sure they have more utility than merely dying.

Serious / Re: AMA about my opinions/beliefs
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:01:50 PM »
Well there we go. Danka.
Danke mit einem E dinkel.

Serious / Are our most intelligent users liberal or conservative?
« on: November 21, 2014, 12:55:38 PM »
This is an interesting question, because I find it surprising (given my former biases) how many intelligent people can espouse fairly conservative positions, even if they don't, necessarily, identify with the label (think how Kinder is a Libertarian despite supporting the militarisation of the police and opposing free trade (no, that's not a dig)).

I consider myself above-average, and I consider myself a Conservative as well as a conservative. I wouldn't want to presume that I'm among the most intelligent users, so I'll throw that out there and let you guys decide. If anybody wants to challenge my own categorisation as a "conservative", either, then I'm happy to welcome that.

Mr. P is a lapsed Tory, and I certainly think he's naturally conservative in a similar way to me, although I'd hesitate to call him ideologically conservative. Turkey is certainly one of the most intelligent, and from what I've seen he seems to be about as conservative as I am (again, feel free to dispute this).

There are three examples of, at least, moderately intelligent users who are all comparably conservative to varying degrees. Of course, we have intelligent users who're also dirty pinko liberal commies - like Icy, Commissar and Max.

So, let me round up with some questions:
- What do you think the distribution is of political/economic beliefs among the most intelligent users is?
- Do you believe the intelligent user's area of interest has a significant impact on their resultant beliefs?

Serious / Re: Why does music evoke emotion?
« on: November 21, 2014, 12:40:43 PM »
It doesn't, for me.

Serious / Re: AMA about my opinions/beliefs
« on: November 21, 2014, 12:37:33 PM »
So my question is, have you ever had that secondary impulse? Did you listen to it or not? And, most of all, what's the biggest thing that ever came out of listening to that little whisper? Good or bad?
The only sort of meaningful intuition I'm aware of is moral intuition, which people like me are woefully lacking in.

I think the best definition of intuition is cognition without or before reason, and in that case I don't pretend to realise myself having it in any form. The problem lies in confusing it with impulse, which I certainly have.

In answer to your question - I don't know. If I do exercise intuition on some level (which I'm absolutely sure I must do) it certainly isn't a substantial part of my life.

Serious / Re: AMA about my opinions/beliefs
« on: November 21, 2014, 12:15:14 PM »

Serious / Abortion and the father
« on: November 21, 2014, 11:57:57 AM »
Of course, parents needn't be together in order to care for the child. Indeed, one can be totally absent from the child's life, and still be legally mandated to pay support fees.

Basically, I want to ask a series of questions about the issue, to see where people stand:
- Should both parents be consulted prior to an abortion?
- Should the consent of both parents be needed for an abortion?
- If the consent of only one parent is needed, is the mother's desire for an abortion more important than the father's?
- If a man wants the mother to have an abortion, but she doesn't, does he still have an ethical "duty" to the child?
- If a man wants the mother to have an abortion, but she doesn't, should he be allowed to revoke any legal obligations to the child - such as paying child support?

How I answer, just for reference
1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.

Serious / Re: Utah Introduces Legislation to Bring Back Firing Squads
« on: November 21, 2014, 10:35:57 AM »
I support this.

Fucking christ.
Why is Ben Bernanke your profile pic?
I like to switch up my profile picture every now and again to public figures I (at least moderately) admire.
So you (moderately) admire incompetents?

The Bernanke Doctrine is trash.  If anything, it dug the 2008 recession even deeper.
The problem is largely the zeitgeist, not Bernanke himself and he even expressed regret over the Fed's actions during his tenure. Bernanke, while not being chairman, actually espoused views similar to my own.

I'm not sure how the Bernanke Doctrine worsened the recession either.

Serious / Re: Do you admire anybody you disagree with?
« on: November 21, 2014, 09:55:19 AM »
The two biggest for me are Milton Friedman and Ben Bernanke. The first for having some pretty defunct ideas

Friedman was entering adulthood during the depression. You can't really blame him for some of his teachings to be out of date.
I'm entering adulthood as we climb out of the great recession. You can't really blame me for disagreeing with his out-of-date teachings.

Facetiousnes aside, the guy did only die in 2006, and even recognised some of his own failures towards the end of his life. I'm not passing criticism.

Serious / Re: AMA about my opinions/beliefs
« on: November 21, 2014, 09:46:40 AM »
Do you hold any beliefs or ideas that contradict each other, even slightly?
None really come to mind.

Serious / Re: Sexual Assaults on US College Campuses.
« on: November 20, 2014, 03:50:24 PM »
Never snitch on a brother.
Now that is excusing rape.

Serious / Re: Sexual Assaults on US College Campuses.
« on: November 20, 2014, 03:46:10 PM »
Oh ok. A significant percentage of Black people commit crimes. We gotta shut down all black people right?
No, but better education for the black communities would go a long way. Icy's arguing exactly the same thing for frats.

He isn't saying we should shut down frats.

Serious / Re: AMA anything about MY opinions/beliefs
« on: November 20, 2014, 03:39:55 PM »
Will it ever be Popper falsifiable
Do you hold that to be the sort of epistemic threshold?

Serious / Re: Sexual Assaults on US College Campuses.
« on: November 20, 2014, 03:07:56 PM »
How would you recommend dealing with the other problems?
Not a clue.

I'm nowhere near knowledgeable enough to comment on long-term solutions to the issue. This really isn't that much of a thing in my country, so I'm woefully uninformed for the most part.

Serious / Re: Sexual Assaults on US College Campuses.
« on: November 20, 2014, 03:00:10 PM »
Fact of the matter is, as shitty as it is, drinking is part of college life in America, and no amount of saying "don't drink" is going to fix that.
I'm not saying "don't drink" so much as merely "be aware". Purely precautionary of course, no solution which involves female students having to be overtly cautious and mindful when they want to have a good time should be permanent.

Serious / Re: Sexual Assaults on US College Campuses.
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:56:42 PM »
For the same reason, we need to focus efforts on female students when it comes to managing oneself with alcohol.

The efforts need to not be solely on the education of female students, though. These fraternities that are known to be breeding grounds for sexual assault need to be dealt with as well.
Absolutely, and I completely agree. I just worry there's a tendency to see any attempts at modifying the behaviour of female students as trying to justify the actions of the rapists, which is utterly untrue. It's merely pragmatic.

Serious / Re: AMA anything about MY opinions/beliefs
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:54:57 PM »
Do you think the private sector can completely satisfy our "needs" for scientific research at every level, without some sort of disequilibrium entering the situation if the government were to stop funding scientific research or give grants to universities?

Also, do you think there's an appropriate monetary regime for the central bank while we have one? Or do you view every option as equally bad, and simply think we should strive towards free banking ASAP?

Serious / Re: Sexual Assaults on US College Campuses.
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:51:52 PM »
I'm slightly with PSU on this topic. We recently had a judge in this country saying women need to learn to drink more responsibly, because it's making rape cases extremely hard on the judiciary.

By no means am I excusing the rapists, and I certainly think there is something of a sexual assault "culture" among students - although out of sheer ignorance, not malice. Education is the best option, and teaching students about what crosses the boundaries and where consent lies.

Education, however, is a marathon and in the meantime you need to prop your efforts up. You can have social programmes in Detroit, but you don't walk through the middle of the city with a fat wad of fifties. For the same reason, we need to focus efforts on female students when it comes to managing oneself with alcohol.

Fucking christ.
Why is Ben Bernanke your profile pic?
I like to switch up my profile picture every now and again to public figures I (at least moderately) admire.

Serious / Re: AMA about my opinions/beliefs
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:37:54 PM »
Europa Universalis IV or Civilization V?  Why?
EU, simply for the depth. Although I don't get a lot of time to play, nowadays.

Serious / Re: AMA about my opinions/beliefs
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:17:48 PM »
Ah yes <.<
I'll get through to your dirty commie brain soon enough >.>

And hell might freeze over too <.<
You know the deepest layer of hell is a frozen wasteland?

Serious / Re: AMA about my opinions/beliefs
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:09:58 PM »
Are you for or against genetic engineering in humans?
Strongly for.

Serious / Re: AMA about my opinions/beliefs
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:04:33 PM »
Do you think the United States could function without a federal government, or at least a severely limited federal government? Would this be beneficial or only make things worse?
No, it couldn't function without a federal government.

I certainly think the federal government could be altered and downsized, but it should be streamlined as opposed to crippled.

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