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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 354355356 357358 ... 502
I separate my personal opinions from my political/professional ones
That's the biggest load of fucking nonsense I've ever heard.

This is an opinion thread, not a political platform thread
The amount of question dodging is

And I'm not being racist here, cities that have higher black population have a higher crime rate. Its a fact, not anything racist.
I agree.

I'm just saying that isn't because the population is black.

Serious / Re: That's it, fuck the Conservatives, I'm done
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:42:23 PM »
As for the ISP thing, that has to do with the government gaining more control over the internet right?
I wouldn't mind if there was a proper system of judicial discretion prior to the government being able to obtain information. I'm also not comfortable with them knowing who exactly was using a device at what point in time.

Nonetheless, yes, government control over the internet isn't a good thing. ISPs should be able to report any criminal activities they pick up on, but they shouldn't just be handing data over to the government.

Statistically speaking it's true.
No, black populations tend to have higher rates of crime when it comes to things like socioeconomics.

His area isn't more dangerous because it's full of black people. If it's relatively destitute, that'd make more sense, but for fuck's sake say that and don't be an idiot about it.

Innocent until proven guilty. If there's no clear evidence and grounds to call this man guilty, he should walk. Especially going by the forensic evidence and the tons of conflicting witness reports.
I agree with Flee.

I do live in VA. I also live in the part of VA with a very high percentage of black people. Darker the red, the more black people
I can't believe you quite literally just said your area is dangerous because of its black population.

Fucking. . .

Just fucking wow.

So what if this was a black officer trying to defend himself by some punk ass wannabe gangster cracker?
I'd kindly ask the black officer what the fuck he was doing shooting an unarmed honkey six times in the chest.

Serious / Re: That's it, fuck the Conservatives, I'm done
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:35:14 PM »
On top of this, internet and mobile phone companies will be required to hold more information about customers for the government to access, in order to allow the police to identify who was using a device at a given time.

The new laws will afford the authorities greater ease in seizing passports and stopping people from leaving or returning to the country.

May has admitted she wanted to impose wider restrictions on ISPs, but such efforts were thwarted by the Liberal Democrats.
Save for restrictions on freedom of speech, these are mostly good things.
I'm down with the passports stuff.

The rest is utter bullshit.

Serious / That's it, fuck the Conservatives, I'm done
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:28:48 PM »
In fact, I'm not going to vote at all.

Theresa May is going to introduce new measures to ban Universities from allowing extremist speakers on their campuses, and will make schools and prisons legally obligated to stop people from being "radicalised".

On top of this, internet and mobile phone companies will be required to hold more information about customers for the government to access, in order to allow the police to identify who was using a device at a given time.

The new laws will afford the authorities greater ease in seizing passports and stopping people from leaving or returning to the country.

May has admitted she wanted to impose wider restrictions on ISPs, but such efforts were thwarted by the Liberal Democrats.

This seriously damages my respect for the party, and I yet again feel betrayed. I'm sure I'll calm down by tomorrow, and will be able to look at it with a keener eye, but I doubt I'll be much less disparaging.

Ey, what's one more dead nig nog?
Said the Ferguson police department.

- I think the NHS should be privatized to an extent. I know this isn't a controversial opinion on this forum, but say that shit in the UK (especially Scotland) and you'll get practically lynched for it.
Brothers in Arms.

You identify as a libertarian right?
It's okay, though!

You don't need to agree with everything on a party's platform.


Are you kidding me? It's not "icky", it's fucking poison. Giving people food that causes cancer, heart failure, and a shitload of other diseases in't a solution to hunger.
You're going to have to excuse me if I trust the scientific consensus over you.

In the nicest possible way, these are the most ignorant and downright misinformed of the opinions you posted. Extra-ignorant ones are in bold, and the one's I absolutely detest are also underlined.

-Militias have the right to patrol the border and shoot on sight
-Bring back corporal punishment in schools
-Repeal ObamaCare and make it illegal for the government to pass similar taxes
-Politicians don't deserve to be paid or have a salary
-People should not be expected to pay taxes if the government can't balance the budget
-Religion is a basis for morals
-Gold standard is the only hope for the world economy
-Free trade agreements purposely exploit 3rd world countries
-Build a fucking wall and deport people who are here illegally
-Ban socialist and communist parties
-GMOs can't be trusted
-Suicide is evidence of natural selection
-Prisoners should not be charged for murder if they kill somebody behind bars
-Diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc is natures way of population control
-We've gone overboard on vaccination
-A person must pass a simple government test before getting a voter ID

These, however, I completely agree with:
-Legalize prostitution
-Life begins at conception
-Stop foreign aid and prioritize the nation before others
-Being able to comprehensible read and speak English should be a citizenship requirement
-Label groups like the KKK and New Black Panther Party as hate and terrorist organizations
-Monsanto should be broken up for being a monopoly
-Not all cultures are equal
-A wife's first priority is to be in charge of the household and children

-We need to stop giving a fuck about feelings. If a person gets offended then oh fucking well, get the fuck over it

If you support GMOs in any way, you're a fucking confirmed retard.
I support GMOs, but completely oppose patented seeds.

Fuck companies like Monsanto. I trust the science, not the companies.

Simply thinking and feeling
Funnily enough, both of those processes have neurological beginnings.

Serious / Should we distinguish between mental and physical illnesses?
« on: November 24, 2014, 01:19:48 PM »
I don't think so, to be honest. I think it's largely the reason people have such horrendous misunderstandings of illnesses like depression and personality disorders. Also, the historical stigmatisation associated with it - mental illness is almost seen like something of an impurity.

So, can anybody see any benefit to keeping the partition?

In what way?
Condemning paedophiles for being paedophiles is equal to condemning homosexuals or the mentally retarded.

How so?
The causes are wholly physical.

Only hypothetically. I highly doubt we could ever experience a situation with specific enough variables

How so?
Just given the current time-frame we have before permafrost starts to melt. It seems highly unlikely we'll stop it.

Serious / I think it's time for another "controversial opinions" thread
« on: November 24, 2014, 01:00:59 PM »
And because I'm quite obviously the most intelligent person here, if you disagree with me, you're wrong.

- Paedophilia isn't immoral.
- The Iraq War was good.
- Radical Muslims are probably some of the most dangerous people on the planet.
- The government caused the Depression and the Recession.
- Every single drug should be legalised.
- Mental illnesses don't really exist.
- It could, hypothetically, be ethical to kill people for their opinions.
- Collateral damage is more morally troubling than torture.
- Minimum wage should be abolished.
- Corporation taxes should be abolished.
- Adaptation is a better course of action for dealing with global warming.
- People shouldn't have to work for welfare.
- Immigration is almost universally good, and the process should be made much easier.
- I believe in European exceptionalism.
- Interest rates are a stupid way of looking at monetary policy.
- GM foods and nuclear energy are preferable to the status quo.
- Socialism is inevitable.

Agree? Disagree? What're yours?

Serious / Re: A very nice political/social attitudes test
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:28:46 PM »
Not all that accurate IMO.
I thought it was fairly good, although it's limited by its lack of nuance. It certainly overstates my economic convictions, and paints me as more progressive than I'd paint myself.

Serious / Re: Is bioremediation the solution to garbage disposal?
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:27:32 PM »
I'm open to any efficient methods of waste management.

For shit like this, though? This is why the government should put more funding into R&D.

Serious / Re: Need a paper topic about control and influence
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:08:59 PM »
Religion controls and influences governments in many undeveloped countries, like the U.S.
God is dead

Serious / A very nice political/social attitudes test
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:06:05 PM »
I quite enjoyed this.

Progressivism   67.5
Socialism           0
Tenderness   37.5

Your test scores indicate that you are a tough-minded progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with a journalist. It appears that you are distrustful towards religion, and have a balanced attitude towards humanity in general.

Your attitudes towards economics appear laissez-faire capitalist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a libertarian.

To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a cold-hearted principled centrist with several strong convictions.

Serious / Re: Secretary Hagel to Resign amid Pressure from White House
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:53:38 AM »
Or you know, the purpose of government is to work together to form a plan that makes everybody happy?
Um, no it isn't.

It's to provide stable, conservative governance. What makes people happy isn't necessarily what's best.

Regardless, you're completely ignoring that replacing somebody disagreeable with somebody more agreeable is a viable option to form a plan which makes everybody happy.

Serious / Re: Need a paper topic about control and influence
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:46:31 AM »
Religion controls and influences governments in many undeveloped countries, like the U.S.

Serious / Re: Secretary Hagel to Resign amid Pressure from White House
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:43:11 AM »
Guess I was wrong about Obama wanting to work with Republicans, seeing as he's firing the only one in his cabinet

That is totally logical thinking.
It actually is. Obama talks all big about gridlock and wanting to work with others but this proves he can't tolerate the ideas of others that are not his. Instead of working on a plan with Hagel, he just fires him
Would you be saying the same if Ron Paul fired a hawk from his cabinet?

Or if Obama had fired Ben Bernanke?

The president chooses the Chair and the board, so ultimately he's more powerful. In practice the president can act on his authority without needing the approval of a board.
Just seems like an unnecessary regression to be honest, especially given the reciprocal power of the Chair to influence presidential elections.

If I give you a gun out of a line-up of people, I may have bestowed that power upon you but, ultimately, it still leaves you in a position of more power relative to me.

If I know who you're going to shoot, does holding the gun (and subsequently the responsibility and blame) still feel like you're wielding more power?
What? I'm giving you a gun, not shooting anybody.

Ex post facto, you're more powerful than I in that situation.

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