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Jesus Christ. Who the fuck thought any of this was a good idea.

Serious / Lol, Greece is still up to its shenanigans
« on: April 07, 2015, 11:55:42 AM »
Demanding reparations for World War Two bigger than their current bailout deal.
Greece has demanded nearly €279bn in reparations from Germany, more than the value of its current bail-out, as the cash-strapped country continues to pursue compensation for crimes carried out by the Third Reich.

A parliamentary committee established by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras put an official number on the claim, which includes the cost of a forced Nazi loan made by the Bank of Greece and the return of archaeological treasures.

Greece suffered a brutal occupation at the hands of the Third Reich in 1941, with over 40,000 people starving to death in Athens alone.

Previous Greek calculations for the cost of the country's occupation have stood at around €160bn. The revised figures however amount to nearly 10pc of Germany's GDP.

Mr Tsipras has called the reparations question a "moral and ethical" issue for his country, repeating his demands during a visit to Berlin last month.

Greek ministers have also touted the idea of seizing German assets in the country to compensate the families of victims of Nazi war crimes.

A poll carried for Greek radio found more than 80pc of Greeks agreed with the pusuit of Nazi war debt claims.

Berlin moved to quickly to reject the fresh claims. Vice chancellor Sigmar Gabriel described the proposal as "dumb" and said it risked conflating Greece's current debt problems with historical grievances.

“If you bring two areas that have nothing to do with one another, both heavily burdened issues politically, into a single context, then you make it damned easy for those from whom you want something simply to exit the debate and say ‘you can’t do that’,” said Mr Gabriel.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has also resisted re-opening old wounds, insisting Berlin has honoured its obligations during a compensatory accord signed in 1960.

In a further sign of a hardening in attitudes towards their creditors, Greek lawmakers also voted to establish a committee examining the circumstances of its 2010 bail-out by eurozone creditors and the IMF to the tune of €240bn.

"After five years of parliamentary silence on the major issues that caused the bailout catastrophe, today we commence a procedure that will give answers to the questions concerning the Greek people," Mr Tsipras said to parliamentarians on Tuesday.

Finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has claimed the economy was unfairly lumbered with the liabilities that it is now struggling to pay off as its coffers run empty.

Mr Varoufakis has claimed Europe dealt with his country's bankruptcy by "loading the largest loan in human history on the weakest of shoulders - the Greek taxpayer."

Oh, Greece.

Serious / Does anybody else here suffer from epistemic angst?
« on: April 05, 2015, 06:35:13 PM »
It's the phrase I use to describe the concern that the propositions you're making are obviously false, and yet for some reason you can't realise it. Or, in another form, the concern that other people's criticisms are valid and your responses inadequate, yet you just can't realise it.

I don't know if this is like, a 'thing'.

The Flood / daily reminder that this kid exists
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:31:24 PM »

« on: April 04, 2015, 06:24:14 PM »

Those still living shall envy the dead.

Serious / Defending the Patriarchy and destroying Feminism
« on: April 04, 2015, 04:07:52 PM »
The problem with this idea of the patriarchy is that it's an altogether nebulous and yet omnipresent which, seemingly, everything can be blamed on. If you want to take a restrictive view of "patriarchy", it's very easy to knock down. For instance, women hold 60pc of all wealth and 51pc of all stocks, and run 40pc of all private businesses. And, of course, women control the household finances too. The fact simply is that society seems to be altogether lacking in systemic, institutionalised “glass ceilings” against women—the number of Fortune 500 CEOs who are women is at a historic high, and (controlling for exit rates and background) women are paid more and promoted more aggressively—doesn’t bode well for this orthodox definition, either.

So, in order to find a more agreeable definition of "patriarchy", we turn to Wikipedia: "Feminist theory defines patriarchy as an unjust social system that enforces gender roles and is oppressive to both men and women."

So, at least now we know what we're talking about. The (subtly) coercive enforcement of gender roles. Yet, this utterly fails to account for the fact that in more gender egalitarian countries like the Netherlands there is still a significant deviation in risk-tolerance between men and women. Actually, there is a general trend for more gender egalitarian countries to have a higher degree of auto-segregated professions. And indeed, we've seen the same data from the US as well, where differing degrees of competitiveness between individuals goes a long way in explaining the disparity. In fact, personality differences are central. Women and men differ all across the globe, but most of all in egalitarian, developed societies.

But, let's actually look at the gender roles the "patriarchy" is supposed to be enforcing in one way or another. Using Planned Parenthood, we get these lists of traits. Masculinity: independent, non-emotional, aggressive, tough-skinned, competitive, clumsy, experienced, strong, active, self-confident, hard, sexually aggressive, rebellious. And for femininity: dependent, emotional, passive, sensitive, quiet, graceful, innocent, weak, flirtatious, nurturing, self-critical, soft, sexually submissive, accepting.

So let me introduce you to Camile Paglia, a passionate feminist who celebrates freedom, opportunity and individuality while acknowledging the idea that gender roles spring from basic truths about the human condition. She decries the "whiney", white, middle-class feminism for going off-track and not sticking to the message of independence, self-reliance and responsibility. And what do those words signify? A good person. A responsible person. One of her most inflammatory statements is that were Western civilisation left originally in the hands of women, we would still be living in grass huts. And the few matriarchal societies on Earth, like the Khasi people, actually support this perspective.

And yet, the personal ideals that Paglia support are commensurate with the masculine traits that Planned Parenthood listed: independence, competitiveness, self-confidence. . . But this isn't about masculinity and femininity. It's about prosperity, and the general well-being of society. Society is ultimately a meritocracy, and the ideals that feminists have set themselves against essentially define this meritocracy. They are complaining about a system which allows those with the correct personal traits to rise to the top, where they fucking belong. It may be true that men are more pre-disposed to the traits which bring success, regardless of gender "oppression" or coercion (as the sources I've provided would suggest), but the truth of the matter is that people with this capacity will have a greater propensity for success.

If you want to call this capacity "masculinity", then go ahead. But you're twisting the nature of society to fit your ideology. If feminists want to try and complain that they're being "oppressed" because of societies enforced "gender roles", it is really nothing more than a function of "masculine" traits to produce results and the likelihood of the people with such traits to rise to the top.

>the "patriarchy" is a nebulous idea, and the traditional definition is easily knocked down.
>therefore the patriarchy is either the covert or overt enforcement of gender roles.
>yet more egalitarian countries show greater disparities between men and women.
>camile paglia is a feminist who decries modern feminism and its rejection of things like responsibility
>society is a meritocracy
>people with "masculine" traits are more predisposed to rise through the ranks
>the meritocracy has given us great prosperity
>feminists are the victims of confirmation bias, by looking towards the top and seeing "masculine traits"

Serious / ISIS fighters hit by deadly, flesh-eating disease
« on: April 04, 2015, 02:31:49 PM »
Digital Journal
Hundreds of Islamic State fighters in the Syrian city of Raqqa, capital of the self proclaimed ISIS caliphate have been infected by Leishmaniasis which can become fatal if not treated with a simple course of medicine.

Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a parasite and is transmitted by the bite of certain types of sand flies. Worldwide, about 2 million new cases are reported each year causing 20,000 to 50,000 deaths. The disease causes large open wounds which eat away flesh and enlarged spleen and liver.

Initial cases were reported in war-torn Syria last year and doctors from organisations like Medicines Sans Frontieres were trying to curb the outbreak, but have left the area since ISIS took control. Local medics with little experience of treating Leishmaniasis are left to deal with patients now. It is also reported that jihadi fighters are refusing medical treatment which has led to it spreading extensively.

Dr Hotez, President of the Sabine Vaccine Institute has termed the situation out of control.

Recently, World Health Organisation (WHO) had warned of epidemics as Syria's health system had collapsed after years of civil war. An estimated 64% of Syrian public hospitals have been damaged, destroyed or shut down due to the continuing conflict, according to the organization, " Save the Children". The situation is further aggravated as ISIS, in its attempt to impose Shariah in the areas it has captured has required doctors to change their practices. Doctors in Raqqa were told last month that they would be fined if they delivered babies by “unIslamic” Caesarian section.

get #shrekt isis

The Flood / Fucking hell, I just bought the best lighter ever
« on: April 04, 2015, 12:45:39 PM »

beastly af

Muslim communities in parts of Britain have a “cultural” problem that has allowed Asian men to view women as commodities to be abused, Sajid Javid, the Culture Secretary, has said.

Mr Javid told The Telegraph that some of the values in certain communities were “totally unacceptable in British society” and must be discussed by the Government.

Mr Javid, the son of a Muslim bus driver, said a “misplaced sense of political correctness” prevented police and social workers from “properly investigating” claims of abuse.

His comments follow inquiries into sexual abuse by Asian men in Rochdale, Rotherham and Oxford. The scandals saw hundreds of vulnerable young girls fall into the hands of gangs because the authorities failed to protect them, often because police and social workers were fearful of being presented as racist.

Mr Javid said: “Well, first of all the perpetrators were disproportionately Asian Muslim men, and I absolutely think there has been a misplaced sense of political correctness that prevented authorities, whether social workers or police, from properly investigating what was going on.

“If we are to learn proper lessons from this, we have to look at the cultural side of some communities in Britain and see why it is that in some communities there are men that have a view of women that is completely unacceptable in modern British society; why do they have such a low value of women that they see them as commodities to be abused?”

The Culture Secretary, who is seen as a future leader of the Conservative Party, said the authorities had to “get to the bottom of this” and emphasised that “we have to look at the cultural aspects of it”. He urged communities to look into “what might be going on that we don’t know about”.

Mr Javid added: “We can no longer be held back in any sense by political correctness. I know plenty of people, British Muslims, men and women, who would 100 per cent agree with that, not only out of a sense of shame but also because of the fear of what else might be going on.

“Some of the values that certain people in some communities have, in their attitudes to women or on the question of freedom of expression, are just totally unacceptable in British society; and we do no one any favours when we don’t investigate or talk about them.”

He isn't entirely wrong.

The Flood / ah fuck you guys its a good song
« on: April 04, 2015, 11:05:08 AM »

discuss why this is a good song

« on: April 04, 2015, 10:59:15 AM »



The Flood / youre gay if you wouldnt fuck lady penelope
« on: April 03, 2015, 01:03:18 PM »

According to a Dutch firm, which reckons we could meet the world's agricultural needs in a space the size of Holland and with 10pc of current water usage.
A Dutch firm on the cutting edge of indoor agriculture estimates that producing food for the entire world could take place in a space far smaller than the area occupied by Holland, using just 10% of the water needed by traditional farms. The proposal is not without precedent – Japan already has one prototype urban farm that is 100 times more productive than farmers’ fields.

Noting that the vast majority of people will live in cities in the coming decades, PlantLab suggests a solution that involves using existing basements and purpose-built structures for our future food production. This means less energy, space, time and water than conventional methods.

Urban farming in controlled environments lets growers take full advantage of variables like custom lighting, using far-red LED lamps in this case that reduce moisture requirements for plants. Naturally, interior spaces are also free from the uncontrolled variables of weather and pests as well, increasingly reliability.

Automatic systems can optimize yields based on crop types, making indoor farms more effective than greenhouses and far more productive than fields. The ever-increasing efficiency and lowering costs of LEDs mean this method will only become more viable over time.
Vertical agro-factories when?

The Flood / My new favourite song: "Freaxxx"
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:38:05 PM »


The Flood / Holy fuck these guys are like Greenday but for queers
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:30:18 PM »

What the fuck is this?

Honestly, it's fucking worse than Greenday. Like, what the fuck.

Serious / Islamists target Christians in Kenyan University--147 dead
« on: April 02, 2015, 04:07:29 PM »
(CNN)The massacre that killed 147 people and wounded scores of others at a Kenyan university lasted for hours Thursday before the terror was over.

"It is a very sad day for Kenya," Interior Ministry Joseph Nkaissery said of the carnage at Garissa University College.

The death toll is the highest in a terror attack on Kenyan soil since the U.S. Embassy was bombed in 1998. More than 200 people died in the Nairobi blast.

A total of 147 people were killed Thursday, according to the official Twitter account of Kenya's National Disaster Operation Centre and Kenyan media reports. The agency also said 79 people were injured and 587 people were evacuated.

Four gunmen were killed, officials said.

The Somalia-based Al-Shabaab militant group claimed responsibility for the assault.

Awaking to terror: 'I am lucky to be alive'

Islamist gunmen burst into the university before dawn Thursday, shooting students and taking hostages during early morning prayer services.

At one point, the attackers cornered a building in which 360 students live, but some of the students escaped, Nkaissery said.

Kenyan forces cleared three of four dormitories and had cornered the militants in the last one, the Interior Ministry explained.

"This is a moment for everyone throughout the country to be vigilant as we continue to confront and defeat our enemies," Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said.

There are usually four guards at the campus gates overnight, Jackstone Kweyu, dean of students, told Kenya's Citizen TV.

The attack was deadlier than an Al-Shabaab attack on the Westgate shopping center in Nairobi in September 2013 that left 67 people dead.

What is Al-Shabaab, and what does it want?

Witness: Gunmen shot non-Muslims
Joel Ayora, who was on the campus and witnessed the attack, said gunmen burst into a Christian service. Taking hostages from the service, they then "proceeded to the hostels, shooting anybody they came across except their fellows, the Muslims."

The attackers separated students by religion, allowing Muslims to leave and keeping an unknown number of Christians hostage, Agence France-Presse reported.

"We were sleeping when we heard a loud explosion that was followed by gunshots and everyone started running for safety," student Japhet Mwala told AFP.

"There are those who were not able to leave the hostels where the gunmen headed and started firing. I am lucky to be alive because I jumped through the fence with other students."

For hours after the attack began, heavy gunfire and explosions continued, said Dennis Okari of CNN affiliate NTV.

Photo of wanted man released
The ministry posted a "Most Wanted" notice for a man in connection with the attack. The notice offers a reward of 20 million Kenyan shillings, which is about $215,000.

The name listed is Mohamed Mohamud, who also goes by the aliases Dulyadin and Gamadhere. "We appeal to anyone with any info on #Gamadhere to share with relevant authorities and security agencies," the Interior Ministry posted on Twitter.

The post does not say what role the man may have played in the attack, if any.

It includes the words "Kaa Chonjo," which means to be on the lookout.

President: Kenya suffering from police shortage
Garissa is about 145 kilometers (90 miles) from the border with Somalia. Al-Shabaab militants have often launched attacks inside Kenya since the Kenyan government sent troops across the border to fight the group.

Kenyatta called on the inspector-general of police "to take urgent steps" to ensure that 10,000 recruits whose enrollment is pending "promptly report for training at the Kenya Police College, Kiganjo. I take full responsibility for this directive. We have suffered unnecessarily due to a shortage of security personnel. Kenya badly needs additional officers, and I will not keep the nation waiting."

The U.S. Embassy in Nairobi condemned the attack.

Police declared a curfew for the next several days in the region from 6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.

Garissa University College, which has 815 students, was established in 2011 and is the only public university in the region.

The Kenyan Red Cross and the country's health ministry organized a blood drive to help the victims.

Al-Shabaab's carnage in Kenya
The dangerously porous border between Somalia and Kenya has made it easy for Al-Shabaab militants to cross over and carry out attacks.

In a December attack on a quarry, Al-Shabaab militants separated Muslims and executed the non-Muslims, a spokesman for the group said.

Last month, the U.S. Embassy warned of possible attacks "throughout Kenya in the near-term" after the reported death of a key al-Shabaab leader, Adan Garaar.

"Although there is no information about a specific location in Kenya for an attack, U.S. citizens are reminded that the potential for terrorism exists," the warning said.

Fucking savages.

Serious / Any other Bongs watching the leaders debate on ITV?
« on: April 02, 2015, 02:25:12 PM »
Here's the run down:

Bennett -- bumbling Aussie fuck who keeps using "banker" as some fucking buzzword.

Farage -- somebody who can still suck you in, even if you disagree with him.

Sturgeon -- stupid Scottish fuck pulling out child poverty statistics and banging on about nuclear weapons and austerity or some shit.

Some fucking Welsh bitch -- some fucking Welsh bitch.

Nick Clegg -- what the fuck even can I say?

Miliband -- trying to come off as Prime Ministerial and its fucking creepy.

Cameron -- the most competent, but he's got the burden of having a record to defence.

The Flood / cyclists shouldn't be allowed on the fucking roads
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:01:20 AM »
annoying fucks

Serious / A Compendium on the Great Recession
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:26:10 AM »
Since I haven't actually fucking got around to that video I was going to do, I figure I might as well just not leave all the assembled information to rot on my hard drive. So, I may as well post it here in the meantime. I've made posts on the Recession before, but this is probably the most definitive account I've managed to assemble to date.

The standard narrative of the Great Recession is that there was a housing bubble which led to a severe financial crisis which led to a severe recession through bank disintermediation. Financial disintermediation is essentially a credit crunch, when banks refuse to lend to one another and investment grinds to a halt.

This narrative is, I believe, incorrect. First and foremost is the housing bubble. It seems to me that the housing bubble was nothing more than a coincidence; a blip on the economy's radar that just confuses people. Looking at the number of housing starts per million people we can see a clear moderation in the previously cyclical nature of housing construction. Now, this would be interesting, if housing starts weren't commensurate with population growth at the time, largely due to immigration.

So it's not entirely clear that there was any *significant* mal-investment in housing in the first place; investors didn't dump their money into housing as part of a speculative frenzy. While there was a national rise in house prices over the period, looking at the states there's a significant difference in just how prices acted, which would suggest a supply-side issue as well as a general trend. Usually, people blame the Federal Reserve for the housing bubble, claiming Greenspan kept interest rates "too low for too long". However, the idea that the rise in house prices was engendered by the Fed doesn't hold up under scrutiny, as housing construction is driven primarily by long-term interest rates, which have been decoupled from the Federal Funds rate since the 1990s, most likely due to a glut in savings from countries like China, India and Saudi Arabia.

Not that the Federal Reserve should even need absolving from the creation of the bubble. Since the bubble seems to have been largely irrelevant. House prices peaked in 2006, and began a steady decline through 2007. Unemployment however, didn't rise significantly until mid-2008, when a **tight monetary regime** tanked the economy. And the Financial Crisis (I'm using the failure of Lehman Bros as the original metric) properly began just months after this decline.

By the time we actually began to see any real, recessionary consequences, housing construction had declined to match the nadir of the 1990s recession.  So, the decline of house prices obviously had no appreciable, negative impact on the economy.

Some of you are probably wondering where I got **tight money** from. Nominal aggregate income, which is one of the most reliable indicators of the stance of monetary policy--alongside inflation--declined mid-2008. We don't just need to rely on nominal income, either. The real interest rate on 5-year TBs appreciated sharply in July 2008 and Alan Greenspan himself presciently predicted a Recession by December 2007, cited stabilising profit margins which are *partly* influenced by monetary policy. And a month-by-monthlook at GDP illuminates the fact that the Financial Crisis only began months into the Recession. And, from the mouth of an actual economist, Richmond Fed insider Robert Hetzel has explicitly blamed the Recession on a tight-money failure.

Now, it's important to note that we would have had a financial crisis *anyway*, without a recession to trigger it. It just probably wouldn't have been so severe. Highly-rated mortgage debt was incredibly toxic, and Jeffrey Friedman has a good paper on how asset requirements actually incentivised banks to hold this kind of debt. Of course, high demand from Europe and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac further encouraged the holding of such debt (the latter two for political reasons).

It's not dissimilar from the Great Depression, which Milton Friedman identified as being a function of tight money much like 2008. It has been demonstrated throughout history that financial crises seldom lead to Recessions. The 1987 stock market crash (bigger, even, than 1929) led to virtually no stress on banks and didn't even register on the economy's radar. The crash of 1929, also, didn't even occur until after other indicators like industrial production were indicating weakness. Not only this, but the crash of 1929 didn't even cause a *financial crisis* unlike most people seem to think. The 40pc declination in the number of banks following the crash were due to small banks failing (as many had done in the '20s) and mergers, meaning no disintermediation and no credit crunch. The actual financial crisis was in 1933, when 11pc of all deposits were effected--1933 also happens to be the first year of recovery in the US.

How does this relate to 2008? Credit was at an all-time high by the end of the year, and the data seems to indicate that the financial system was fully repaired by 2009 at the latest, despite chronic anaemic growth. The key here is that depressed lending is a **real**, not **nominal** factor, which would lead to slower rGDP growth. The weakness in nominal GDP suggests an issue with tight-money. The problem wasn't loose money, too much debt or over-speculation by the banking system.

The problem was Ben Bernanke hitting the brakes in 2006-07 in response to a rise in oil prices.

- There was no mal-investment in housing, the bubble is largely irrelevant.

- An unknowingly tight policy was followed by the Federal Reserve, which led to the Recession and triggered the financial crisis.

- The financial crisis would've happened anyway, as the government incentivised the holding of risky-mortgage debt and had poor capital requirements.


Jesus fucking Christ. The economist in me wants to brush it off as statistically viable to specifically target women, which is why I didn't have a problem until the very end.

But holy shit.

The Flood / damn this gif still keeps me on the edge of my seat
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:15:29 AM »

The Flood / pulling an all nighter AMA
« on: April 01, 2015, 11:44:25 PM »
been at least over a day since i did one of these



fuck it

The Flood / Time heals all wounds
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:16:32 PM »
What a fucking useless platitude.

Time heals nothing. Pain doesn't go away. It's always there, in the back of your psyche. Time is to pain as being in New Orleans is to San Francisco. You've got some distance between you, but it's still there. And it'll still cross your mind from time to time.

Moral of the story: stop fucking whining and spouting of platitudes. Just get the fuck on with your lives.

The Flood / Cheat really IS a Jew
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:19:05 PM »
fuck you and your april fools


The Flood / I know I'm not insane
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:16:04 PM »
Sep7agon just went down for a minute, then.

The Flood / lol, a bunch of homofags just got lynched in russia
« on: April 01, 2015, 07:13:11 PM »

A group of young British Muslims have declared their own “jihad” against Isis and all other terrorist groups.

The Muslim Youth League UK announced an ideological holy war against the Islamic State at a conference in Glasgow on Sunday, saying militants had “no link with Islam or the Muslim community”.

It is concerned that recruitment by the group is on the rise in the UK, targeting teenage girls and boys with gory propaganda videos and social media accounts boasting of life under the “caliphate”.

Shaykh Rehan Ahmed Raza, president of Muslim Youth League UK, said: "Our efforts are aimed at deterring further ISIS recruitment in Britain and defending the Muslim community, who feel their religion has been hijacked."

He announced a seven-point declaration calling the killing of any person un-Islamic, whatever their faith, and condemning extremists’ “deviation” from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and the Koran.

“The emergence of the terrorists, who would use the name of Islam to justify their atrocious activities, was prophesied by Prophet Muhammad. He declared them as being out of the ambit of Islam,” the declaration continues.

“We challenge Isis, similar groups and their supporters ideologically and intellectually.”

The league also announced that it rejects Islamophobic “labelling” of Muslims as extremists or terrorists by politicians, the media and public.

“We ask Muslims from all walks of life, regardless of the school of thought to which they belong, to stand united against extremists who have hijacked the true teachings of Islam,” its declaration added.

“We call upon scholars and community leaders to raise a united and unwavering voice against extremism.”

While an unknown number of British men, women and teenagers have joined Isis in Iraq or Syria, its atrocities against civilians and the murder of foreign hostages has provoked widespread condemnation.

The Muslim Youth League and other groups are fighting back against its propaganda online and through engagement work in schools and communities.

“The barbarism and lack of respect for the sanctity of human life shown by Isis is a challenge to every civilised value, not least to the tenets of Islam,” a spokesperson for the group said.

The Muslim Youth League represents young Muslims in the UK and aims to promote unity and tolerance.

A spokesperson said its declaration of “jihad” against Isis hoped to inspire similar statements from other British Islamic groups condemning extremism.

At least 60 British women and girls as young as 15 have joined Isis in Syria so far, police say, including three London schoolgirls who disappeared earlier this year.

This would be a good idea if it wasn't I) Muslim, II) factionalist and III) denialist about ISIS's theology.

In fact, it would be better if it didn't fucking exist and these morons just condemned ISIS like any other decent person instead of confusing the issue with theological points and more holy wars.

Fuck off.

She also recently spoke at the NUS conference I've posted about.

Her tweets are in the spoilers.
We pleased to see that our article on sexism at the 2015 NUS Women’s conference appear to have really struck a chord. It’s already received over ten thousand unique visits in just a few days and seeing as there’s so much interest we decided to write a follow up and examine some of the latest developments in the story.

The scandal began with a Tweet by Sarah Noble, who openly boasted of her proposal at the conference expressing the “need to remove men from society”. Such a hateful statement seemingly calling for the genocide of men isn’t too out of the ordinary in more extremist feminist circles. However, we discovered that Sarah sits on no less than three Liberal Democrat executive committees and also a a fourth position on the policy committee of Liberal Youth, and thus gets to influence policy for a major UK political party. In addition to its hateful content, the timing of the tweet is also unfortunate with the story mushrooming just as the Lib Dems launch their 2015 General Election campaign. Interestingly, Sarah also holds a senior position in administering a feminist block bot on Twitter that blocks and smears the likes of Richard Dawkins and Brian Cox amongst countless others, and we’ll have more on that subject that in our next article.

Unlike an equally vile article by the Independent which was also published recently, Sarah decided to leave her hateful Tweet in place we thought we’d take a closer look to see if it was just a one-off, or part of a pattern of hatred of men. Here’s what we found:

So men need removing from society and putting in the bin (though they’ll just crawl out like animals anyway).

Entitled pigs who abuse and objectify women? I guess that explains why we “need” to remove them from society. Still, in all fairness to Sarah, she’s never explained exactly how such a removal would take place and she hasn’t actually advocated for actual violence of any sort…

Ok, so she’s advocated violence against men once…

Well OK it was actually all men, and she’s done it twice now the link has various nursery rhymes on the same hateful, threatening and violent theme. Some make reference to murdering old men, cutting of men’s genitalia, dancing on dead mens’ graves and other similar hate crimes. Anyhow, onto the next tweet:

That’s three “kill all men” tweets for anyone who’s counting. Remember, this isn’t a random Twitter feminist we’re looking at here, she really is an influential Liberal Democrat politician who sits on three executive committees and a further policy committee too.

The Flood / which one of you FUCKS hid my lighter
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:49:42 PM »
it was either one of you or my dog

Serious / Can we stop making a big deal of the Indiana law now?
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:26:28 PM »
It looks as though the market is working, at least for Indiana.

Important bits are underlined.

At the Corner Wine Bar and Wellington Pub in Broad Ripple, the menu board outside proclaimed “service for everyone.” It’s a slogan that began popping up across Indiana Thursday, in doorways, on windows and other spots, in response to Gov. Mike Pence signing of Indiana’s hot-button religious freedom law.

The Broad Ripple restaurant and pub also posted the slogan in Facebook posts that were quickly “greeted with multiple ‘likes,’” its general manager Ashley Daubenspeck said.

The slogan’s meaning, she explained: “We don’t discriminate and we are happy to serve anybody.”

Hours after Pence signed the measure, dozens of calls by reporters to Central Indiana businesses couldn’t find one willing to admit it planned to use the new law to discriminate against some customers for religious reasons. That was the fear expressed most often by opponents of the measure, including gay rights groups and others.

Most businesses contacted Thursday insisted they had no desire to discriminate against any of their customers. For many, the law brought a new worry: that it will spawn a backlash of negative public reaction that will discourage tourists from coming to the state and some residents from spending money here for certain services.

One scenario sketched out by opponents of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was that the law would give wedding-related businesses the legal right to refuse to serve same-sex weddings. In 2014, an Indianapolis cake shop that’s now closed did just that. Years earlier an Indianapolis bakery wouldn’t sell its baked goods to a gay customer.

But several businesses in the wedding industry didn’t see the new law causing a rise in such practices.

Taylor’s Bakery of Indianapolis and Fishers, one the oldest bakeries in the state, said it has made many wedding and commitment cakes for gay couples, and plans to continue.

Our door is open to everyone,” said John Allen, the bakery’s president. “Why would you run off business? I don’t understand who would do that. I don’t know anyone who would.”

Classic Cakes in Carmel was of similar mind. “I have very strong religious beliefs, but I am not going to judge anyone who walks in the door,” said owner Ilene McHone.

Wedding planner Renea Gates said she serves all kinds of clients, and doesn’t care about their sexual or religious beliefs. “I’ve served Christians, Muslims, Baptists, atheists, gays, straight – I just don’t care,” said Gates, owner of Elite Coordinators. “I am going to keep serving everyone.”

Wedding photographer Jennifer Van Elk said she worries the new law could prompt gay couples to choose other states for wedding ceremonies and receptions, costing Indiana money.

“They will miss great opportunities to work with great people because the religious freedom bill will scare those great people away from getting married in our state,” she said.

Tom Trine, owner of Elite Banquet and Conference Center in Kokomo, sees little changing for him under the new law.

“I just don’t think it’s going to be a business killer,” he said. He said he knows how he’d react if a business owner chose to discriminate against him for religious reasons.

If somebody would tell me they don’t want to serve me then I wouldn’t want to give them my business. I’d go somewhere else.

Both the Indiana and Indianapolis area chambers of commerce decried passage of the law.

“In our eyes, the law is entirely unnecessary. The reactions to it are not unexpected or unpredicted; passing the law was always going to bring the state unwanted attention,” said Kevin Brinegar, CEO of the state chamber.

“The Indy Chamber remains opposed to this divisive and unnecessary law,” said CEO Michael Huber. “We warned of the impending negative economic impact this legislation would have on our ability to attract and retain jobs, talent, and investment, noting the bill will encourage current and potential residents, and visitors to take their business elsewhere.”

“Within moments of this legislation being signed,” Huber said, “this warning became a stark reality.”

The early fallout from the bill’s signing was an announcement via Twitter by CEO Marc Benioff that his San Francisco company will stop sending out-of-state staff to meetings in Indianapolis with its locally based ExactTarget division.

A Salesforce spokeswoman said Benioff wouldn’t expound on his remark.

At Shapiro’s Delicatessen, a near Downtown fixture, owner Brian Shapiro said he worried the bill would “foster anti-Semitism and a lack of tolerance.”

“Shouldn't the legislators be passing bills that help the business community, not hurt us? My great-grandmother, Rebecca Shapiro, once said: The only bad customer is the one that doesn't come in.”

The business community also suggested the law would impact the quality of their workforces. In testimony in the legislature while the bill was debated, several businesses said the law would hamper efforts to retain employees and recruit new hires because some might object to living in a state with a religious freedom law in place.

About 20 other states, including Texas, Florida, Illinois and Louisiana, have passed religious freedom laws since 1993 that are the same or similar to Indiana’s. Those laws passed for the most part with little or no controversy. The passage of Indiana’s law comes at a time of debate over same-sex marriage legislation that heightens the public sensitivity over sexual and other types of discrimination.

A consultant to the convention and meetings industry, Joan Eisenstodt, president of Eisenstodt Associates in Washington, D.C., said she’s never had a client ask her to avoid meeting in a state with a religious freedom law in place. But that could change with the public furor over Indiana’s passage of its law, she said.

“It’s been more on the radar and people are more aware of this,” she said. “Groups are going to be out there and make the connection” that a state has passed a Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

“It’s going to be a very interesting issue,” she said. “And Indiana is going to be on the forefront of dealing with this and is probably going to lose some (convention and meeting) business.”

Another meeting consultant, Tim Brown, CEO of Meetings Sites Resources of Irvine, Calif., said it’s unlikely that conventions or other groups will cancel already scheduled meetings in Indiana because they’d have to pay stiff cancellation fees to hotels. But the multimillion-dollar convention industry in Indianapolis could be hurt if groups that book conventions years ahead of time decide to avoid Indiana, he said.

“It’s hard to quantify,” how strong the anti-Indiana feeling will be in the convention and meeting industry, he said. “But you really are talking about the potential loss of revenue and jobs if it gets legs.”

If anything, the biggest problem with the law is the negative attention it brought to the state. It also looks as if the bakery refusing to sell to gays might have gone out of business. I guess people can be responsible.

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