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Topics - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 161718 1920 ... 67
Surely this is just fucking ludicrous? You don't get to turn your back on the responsibility you have for your child simply because--had it been up to you--you'd have had an abortion. That's ridiculous. You accept the risks of sex when you commit the act.

I am trained in economic calculation and I’m the top Austrian price theorist in the entire Mises Institute. Your arguments present nothing to me other than the usual New Keynesian claims regarding idle resources and the profit-and-loss mechanism. I will refute your assertions with precision the likes of which academia has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with arguing in a peer-reviewed journal that Say's Law is invalid and the "accelerator" and "multiplier" of the consumption function determine levels of employment? On the contrary, my friend, you are committing a very deep economic fallacy. As we speak I am contacting Peter Klein, Mario Rizzo, and Robert Murphy and your citation is being copied into my abstract, so you would do well to prepare for a comment. The comment that wipes out most of the claims asserted in your paper as though they are a priori principles, despite your other statements to the effect that they must be confirmed inductively somehow. You are going to be hard-pressed to respond in the next volume. I can publish in any journal, in any volume, and I can respond via a great variety of methodological approaches, and that's just with my own arguments. Not only am I extensively trained in the deconstruction of fallacious arguments, but I have access to the entire set of academic databases with economic sciences included as subjects and I will use them to their full extents to respond to your unfounded presuppositions. If only you could have known what response your otherwise non-controversial paper was about to bring down upon you, perhaps you would have reconsidered publishing it. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you are facing the consequences of intellectual laziness. I will bombard you with corrections and expositions, and you will be overwhelmed by them. You may have to reconsider the theoretical underpinnings of your methodology, professor.

Serious / UK to take in 20,000 migrants over five years
« on: September 07, 2015, 01:04:47 PM »

Serious / Criticising Islam could be made illegal in Quebec
« on: September 06, 2015, 05:17:15 PM »
Jesus fuck.
The Quebec National Assembly is considering a bill that would be used to criminalise criticism of Islam under the aegis of banning "hate speech".

Bill 59, introduced in the National Assembly by Minister of Justice Stéphanie Vallée, is ostensibly designed to crackdown on hate speech, but the head of the Quebec Human Rights Commission (QHRC), Jacques Frémont, has been quoted saying that he would use the new powers to target "people who would write against … the Islamic religion … on a website or on a Facebook page."

The law would allow the QHRC to "apply for a court order requiring [alleged hate speech] to cease" and would further impose a fine up to $10,000 if "a person has engaged in or disseminated such speech". The exact monetary value of the fine would be determined by the Human Rights Tribunal.

The act states that the purpose of the various prohibitions is not to limit speech which "legitimately" informs the public but it casts an extraordinarily broad net, stating not only that hate speech will be punished by law but that "a person [who] has acted in such a manner as to cause such speech to be engaged in" will also face penalties.

Under the proposed law, the QHRC would keep a list – available online – of all those who have been engaged in 'hate speech', as determined by the Tribunal. This measure has been compared with the registration of sex offenders, to which only police have access.

In another particularly troubling detail, the Commission would not need to wait for a complainant to come forward and it could initiate an investigation itself.

The legislation would also allow the Commission to apply to a court for "any emergency measure" if the Commission has "reason to believe" that a threat to "health or safety" exists. This will allow the Commission to "put an end to the threat."

An NSS spokesperson commented: "It is very worrying to see a democratic legislature using tricks taken straight from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's (OIC) playbook to effectively ban blasphemy and criticism of religion.
"It is an Orwellian nightmare that the proposed law in Quebec would leave a human rights body tasked with determining the monetary fine for criticising religion, and that the QHRC is seemingly boasting about its potential role in using this legislation as a de facto blasphemy law.

"Nor is this a problem limited to Quebec. In Northern Ireland a Christian preacher, James McConnell, is currently being prosecuted for what authorities call a 'grossly offensive' sermon in which he criticised Islam. We haven't seen any evidence of incitement to violence in his remarks.

"None of these events are isolated. They all take place in the broader context of a relentless assault on free speech being pursued though any number of means. Aside from violence and terror, this agenda is being advanced at the UN by the OIC, and in legislatures such as this case in Quebec, or in the UAE, which recently made it illegal to 'offend God'.

"The OIC desperately wants to see criticism of Islam criminalised globally, and too many 'useful idiots' in the West buy into their perversion of 'human rights' language to achieve this sinister aim. In August a senior Saudi official said that free expression was an 'abuse of religious rights'. The West must not be lazy in resisting this; or worse, compliant, as this piece of legislation is. Religions shouldn't have rights, and religious believers have no 'right' to remain unoffended by satire, criticism or ridicule."

This shit doesn't even make me angry any more, it just depresses me.

Serious / Survation poll showing lead for Eurosceptics
« on: September 05, 2015, 05:01:30 PM »
Good news, although nobody here really trusts pollsters after the last election.

The Flood / Fuck Robin Williams
« on: September 05, 2015, 02:42:17 PM »
He hasn't made ONE good movie in the past year.

Not one.

The Flood / There can only be one
« on: September 04, 2015, 10:00:07 PM »
All others are imposters. Pretenders to the throne.

Serious / When I find myself in times of trouble
« on: September 04, 2015, 09:42:44 PM »
Ben Bernanke comes to me,
Speaking words of wisdom,

The Flood / I'm retiring the Meta Cognition username
« on: September 04, 2015, 04:33:49 PM »
For one week.

Best proposal will be my username for the next seven days.

God save the Queen.

Serious / Is Bernie Sanders lying, or just stupid?
« on: September 03, 2015, 08:56:42 AM »
I was watching a couple of videos on Youtube of Bernie Sanders, and I noticed he often likes to bring up Sweden as Jesus Christ in the form of a country. Certainly his followers--and I presume Sanders himself--want to more closely emulate Sweden.

But I'm yet to see them advocate for free trade and investment, liberal immigration policies, a $0/hr national minimum wage law, widespread use of school vouchers, privatisation, low corporation tax and a 0pc inheritance tax. So is he lying, or just dumb?

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk

The Flood / Daily reminder that Class is 12
« on: August 25, 2015, 09:20:32 PM »
Or is he 13 now?

The Flood / Going on holiday for a week
« on: August 25, 2015, 09:07:13 PM »
Bye fuckers.

Serious / I just. . . I just can't do it anymore
« on: August 24, 2015, 05:28:06 PM »

I just can't stand the level of fucking insanity the human race is capable of producing. Are they mentally ill? Is this legitimate? Are they just a big fucking community of attention seekers?

They embody everything I hare about the human race.

Serious / Stock markets are plunging across the world
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:43:49 AM »
DOW is down 1,000 points, France has dipped 7pc, FTSE is down 6.5pc.

Too early to tell what the ramifications will be.

The Flood / Well my laptop just crapped out
« on: August 22, 2015, 11:05:27 PM »
Fucking thing won't charge. Thank God  I'm getting a new one.

The Flood / Does anybody else get ASMRs?
« on: August 22, 2015, 09:10:08 PM »
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a neologism for a perceptual phenomenon characterized as a distinct, pleasurable tingling sensation in the head, scalp, back, or peripheral regions of the body in response to visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or cognitive stimuli.

It's kind of like a euphoric, tingling sensation that spreads across (parts of) your body. Apparently the science on it is undecided, but there's strong anecdotal evidence for the phenomenon's existence. It can only really be described as a kind of non-sexual orgasm that happens in response to some kind of stimulus (as above); I never knew it was controversial, I've had them really quite regularly for as long as I can remember.

Gaming / Anybody else hyped for universim?
« on: August 22, 2015, 07:50:50 PM »

Serious / and ben carson fucking ruins it
« on: August 22, 2015, 07:05:55 PM »

Gaming / Anyone up for a Civ 5 / Medieval II: TW / EUIV game night?
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:35:44 PM »
We should organise something.

The Flood / Punk girl get's a "make-under", is actually attractive
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:19:15 PM »

Some people.

Serious / Seven dead in Shoreham aeroplane crash
« on: August 22, 2015, 02:56:01 PM »

Who holds a fucking air show that close to a motorway?

Serious / Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner could face manslaughter charge
« on: August 20, 2015, 04:50:09 PM »
Caitlyn Jenner could face manslaughter charges following a February car crash that killed one and injured seven.

Sheriff’s investigators plan to recommend prosecutors file a vehicular manslaughter charge against Jenner for the fatal crash on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.

Los Angeles County sheriff’s department spokeswoman Nicole Nishida said on Thursday that investigators found that Jenner was driving “unsafe for the prevailing road conditions” because her SUV rear-ended a Lexus, pushing into oncoming traffic.

The crash occurred on 7 February. Jenner was driving a black Cadillac Escalade when she rear-ended a Lexus sedan that slammed into a Toyota Prius that had slowed down or stopped on the highway, sheriff’s sergeant Philip Brooks said in February.

The Lexus veered into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with a black Hummer, killing the Lexus driver, 69-year-old Kim Howe. Jenner was pictured after the accident in sunglasses and a baseball cap, apparently uninjured.

Following the accident, Jenner faced lawsuits from Howe’s stepchildren and talent agent Jessica Steindorff, who was injured in the crash, seeking unspecified damages related to the crash.

Nishida says the case will be presented for final review next week. The district attorney will determine what charges Jenner ultimately faces.

If convicted of such a charge, Jenner would face up to one year in county jail.

Jenner, a former Olympic athlete known as Bruce, is currently transitioning to live as woman. The former patriarch of the Kardashian family debuted I Am Cait, a reality show about Jenner’s transition, in late July.

The Flood / Just went to see Disney Pixar's Inside Out
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:58:26 PM »
I honestly wasn't expecting much, but it was genuinely terrific. Easily one of their best films. If you have the chance, watch it.

The Flood / I'm seriously thinking about becoming a raper
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:29:25 PM »
I've been thinking about this for about a month and I think I need to just go and get it. I'm going to get a new knife and a mace-resistant balaclava, and then do some groin excersizes, among other things to improve my cunt-destroying brutality. I'm in college right now so it's not like this is my main plan, but I feel like it's something to try out.
The thing is I don't have the dick size or thrust power to make bruises (at least not yet), so if anybody wants to help find a victim I could try to rape it. I know a few guys in my city who I could collab with too.

The Flood / Finally quit my job today
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:53:15 PM »
Fuck you, retail.

You suck ass.

Sparking fears of a potential terror attack.

An British ISIS recruiter linked to several terror plots has reportedly been spotted in Birmingham with two suspected jihadis.

Sally Jones - married to Birmingham terror suspect Junaid Hussain - is feared to be planning an atrocity after slipping back into the country.

Special Branch officers are said to be on full alert after the sighting of the fanatic, who has been dubbed ‘Mrs Terror’ after arriving in Syria in 2013 to fight for the extremist group.

A source said: “This is worrying but Special Branch officers are working on this to track her down. Officers are in place at various airports to keep an eye out for her.

“There is intelligence that she was last seen in Birmingham with two individuals, aged 18 and 22.

“Detectives are also keeping an eye on shopping centres and large events.”

Scotland Yard refused to comment on the reported sighting of the mother-of-two.

She is married to Hussain, 21, who urged undercover reporters posing as prospective recruits to carry out attacks in Britain and sent them bomb-making guidebooks.

Jones also revealed in the online sting that she had recruited a female terrorist who is in Glasgow and is ready to launch a devastating attack at tomorrow’s VJ commemorations.

Hussain, originally from Kings Heath, is reported to be running the ISIS recruitment arm in the terror group’s stronghold of Raqqa in Syria.

Jones, a former punk singer, of Chatham in Kent, was also thought to be there.

Police Scotland said it was working with Met police after the reports of “potential terrorist activity”, adding the threat level in the UK remains at severe, meaning an attack is highly likely.

The Met’s Specialist Operations unit said it “remained alert to terrorist threats”.

It has also been reported that ISIS is plotting to blow up the Queen at the VJ commemorations, triggering an urgent review of security arrangements for the events.

A terror chief has claimed four or five British recruits who trained in Syria have returned here to launch strikes.

Can we bring back the death penalty so we can fuck these guys up if they try anything?

Serious / Britain's Bernie Sanders
« on: August 13, 2015, 04:08:00 PM »
Is this wacky fuck nugget:

Jeremy Corbyn.
  • Has referred to Hamas as "friends".
  • Wants to raise corporation tax to fund free higher education.
  • Wants to raise the top bracket of income tax, despite the fact that it would only raise a few hundred million.
  • Wants to renationalise the railways (they're already nationalised, but not many people seem to know that).
  • Wants to renationalise the energy sector (muh coal mines).
  • Wants to fund infrastructure projects by printing money.

What's with all the left-wing pseudo-socialist loonies at the moment?

The Flood / Well, I tanked my A-levels
« on: August 13, 2015, 03:01:30 AM »
I got three Bs.


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