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Topics - More Than Mortal

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The Flood / I get nude and cry
« on: November 13, 2014, 11:55:42 AM »


Serious / How intelligent do you see me as?
« on: November 13, 2014, 10:51:17 AM »
This is a bit more personal in comparison to my other threads. However, I posted this in Serious due to the sheer fact that I want a serious response, and the fact that this is the board with "intelligent" discussion.

I ask firstly out of sheer curiosity for how other's perceive me, and secondly because I value my intelligence as a personal characteristic over anything else. If you want to broaden this to an entire character-assassination, not just limited to my intelligence, go ahead.

I'll also tell you what I think of you, if you so wish.

Serious / Where do you stand on these issues?
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:19:56 AM »
In the spoiler below is a list of issues, to which you should response F(or) A(gainst) or U(ndecided).

Abortion -
Affirmative Action -
Animal Rights -
Barack Obama -
Border Fence -
Capitalism -
Civil Unions -
Death Penalty -
Drug Legalisation -
Electoral College (US) -
Environmental Protection -
Inheritance Tax -
European Union -
Euthanasia -
Central Bank -
Flat Tax -
Free Trade -
Gay Marriage -
Global Warming is Caused by Humans -
Globalisation -
Gold Standard -
Gun Rights -
Homeschooling -
Internet Censorship -
Labour Unions -
Legalised Prostitution -
Medicaid & Medicare -
Medical Marijuana -
Military Interventionism -
Minimum Wage -
National Health Care -
National Retail Sales Tax -
Occupy Movement -
Progressive Taxation -
Racial Profiling -
Redistribution of Wealth -
Smoking Ban -
Social Programmes -
Socialism -
Stimulus Spending (Fiscal) -
Stimulus (Monetary) -
Term Limits -
Torture -
United Nations -
War in Iraq -
War in Afghanistan -
War on Terror -
Welfare -

Abortion - F
Affirmative Action - A
Animal Rights - F
Barack Obama - F
Border Fence - A
Capitalism - F
Civil Unions - F
Death Penalty - A
Drug Legalisation - F
Electoral College (US) - F
Environmental Protection - F
Inheritance Tax - A
European Union - A
Euthanasia - F
Central Bank - F
Flat Tax - A
Free Trade - F
Gay Marriage - F
Global Warming is Caused by Humans - F
Globalisation - F
Gold Standard - A
Gun Rights - F
Homeschooling - U
Internet Censorship - A
Labour Unions - U
Legalised Prostitution - F
Medicaid & Medicare - A
Medical Marijuana - F
Military Interventionism - F
Minimum Wage - A
National Health Care - A
National Retail Sales Tax - F
Occupy Movement - A
Progressive Taxation - F
Racial Profiling - A
Redistribution of Wealth - F
Smoking Ban - F
Social Programmes - F
Socialism - A
Stimulus Spending (Fiscal) - A
Stimulus (Monetary) - F
Term Limits - A
Torture - A
United Nations - A
War in Iraq - F
War in Afghanistan - F
War on Terror - F
Welfare - F


Also, you guys should probably criticise my and other's opinions, because a Serious party ain't no fun unless shit gets Serious.

Serious / How the government caused the Great Recession
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:07:58 AM »

Here is Scott Sumner explaining the neo-monetarist idea about the Great Recession.

- Central banks had an unnecessarily tight monetary policy in the lead up to the Financial Crisis.
- The sub-prime mortgage crisis was an issue, but this tight monetary policy made it far worse.
- The Recession, technically, began about six months before the fall of Lehman Brothers.
- Falling NGDP caused the sub-prime issue to inflate.
- The falling NGDP caused a severe drop in aggregate demand, and led to a recession.

The Flood / No, fuck Class, what's your opinion of me?
« on: November 12, 2014, 03:53:47 PM »
I'm better than he is.


Serious / More "street harassment"
« on: November 11, 2014, 04:31:49 PM »

It's fucking endemic.

Serious / Nicki Minaj is apparently a Nazi
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:39:31 PM »

I'm not even sure what to make of this, to be honest. I put this in Serious because it seems to be quite a controversial issue regarding how far art should be allowed to go.

I'm not one to restrict art, but this is in bad taste. Especially since it was released around the time of the Kristallnacht anniversary.

The Flood / "Anaconda" Parody
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:10:59 PM »


The Flood / "All About That Bass" Parody
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:59:39 AM »

This is funny.

Serious / Here's an idea: let's give each other political labels
« on: November 10, 2014, 02:40:26 PM »
There are a lot of threads about how people, themselves, identify but I think it'd be interesting to see how everybody views everybody else. So, think of a politically-minded user here and give them a label which you think is truly reflective, regardless of what they claim.

Door: Centrist, Liberal, Civil Libertarian, Political-atheist.

Kinder: Social Conservative, Protectionist.

Mad Max: Hardcore Democrat, Statist.

Slash: Centrist/Mild Libertarian.

Challenger: Populist.

Mr P: Confused Recovering Moderate Conservative.

Those are all the ones I can think to do at the moment.

Serious / I now have offers from all the Universities I applied for
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:43:43 AM »
I have offers from Birmingham and Reading at AAB.

An offer from East Anglia at ABB.

An offer from Essex at BBB.

And an offer from Plymouth at BCC.

Now I need to choose a first choice, and an insurance choice. Birmingham will definitely be my first choice, however, I'm not entirely sure whether East Anglia or Essex should be my insurance. I'm confident that I could get the grades for East Anglia, but the Essex course also includes a year abroad.

What does Serious think?

Serious / Feminism video shows how the movement is getting worse
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:32:52 AM »


Just what the fuck?

This is actually quite good. In order to balance the budget, you must make £48bn worth of cuts. You have to tick a number of policies which involve spending cuts or tax increases. Policies in red mean you'd be reversing promises already made to protect the funding of a certain service.

Make your way down the list, read the snippets of info and see how much of the deficit you've gotten rid of. The URL changes with each choice, so you can post your results when you've finished ticking the boxes.

I managed to make £26.3bn worth of spending cuts/tax increases, getting just over halfway.

I scrapped the winter fuel allowance.
I cut 10pc from the housing benefits bill.
I froze benefits for the working age population for 2 years.
I cut spending to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland by 10pc.
I abolished the Dept. of Culture, Media and Sport.
I cut 5pc from the international development fund.
I froze the defence budget.

The Flood / This is easily the funniest image I've ever seen
« on: November 09, 2014, 03:51:08 PM »
I'm in floods of tears.

Dog penis is NSFW.

Serious / You're made Supreme Dictator for the day
« on: November 09, 2014, 03:02:52 PM »
You can make up to five reforms each in economic, social and foreign policy. What do you do?

- Scrap the BoE's/Fed's monetary committee and put a nominal income target in place.
- Removing limits on high-skilled and educational immigration.
- Overhaul welfare along the lines of a Basic Income.
- Abolish corporation tax.
- Establish infrastructure bank.

- Graded legalisation of all drugs.
- Abolition of prisons in their current form.
- Focus on the rehabilitation of offenders.
- Massive educational drive regarding mental illness.
- Give control back to the schools to implement a uniform, minimalist national curriculum.

Foreign Policy
- Ground troops to combat ISIS.
- Support Assad's government.
- Take a hard-line against Iran.
- Support Israel.

Now, post yours and we'll judge them. Also, judge mine >.>

Serious / Does austerity work?
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:40:58 PM »
In economics, austerity describes policies used by governments to reduce budget deficits during adverse economic conditions. These policies may include spending cuts, tax increases, or a mixture of the two.
I can't say I'm an advocate, despite being a Conservative.

Austerity is more relevant in the U.K., but the States have also seen fiscal austerity since 2010-ish.

Septagon / All right, Cheat, what the fuck is this?
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:51:21 PM »

We have obnoxious fucking roll-over ads now?

Serious / Unlike Americans, Brits think taxation is a moral duty
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:35:14 PM »
Compared to the United States, people in Britain enjoy a far wider range of public services. For example, here the NHS covers the entire country but in America 41 million people are uninsured and live without regular healthcare. The welfare state isn't cheap, however, and people in Britain pay for it. In the United States the tax burden is 25.1% of GDP, but in Britain taxes consume 35.5% of the total economy.

The latest research from YouGov shows that most Americans (53%) say that your right to keep the money you earn is a stronger moral argument than a duty to contribute towards public services, something only 37% of Americans feel is the stronger moral issue. The situation is reversed in Britain, where 63% of people say that your duty to contribute is a stronger moral argument than your right to keep the money you earn.

Attitudes differ so significantly between the US and the UK that the responses of Democrats in the US are largely the same as the responses of right-wing, Conservative Party voters in the UK. 56% of Democrats and 55% of Conservatives say that the duty to contribute to public services is the stronger moral argument. This compares to 71% of left-wing Labour voters in the UK, and only 24% of Republicans in the US.

Really highlights the historic cultural disparities.

The Flood / Fuck my place of work
« on: November 08, 2014, 11:46:58 AM »

That's right, Morrisons, fuck you.

I was at work today. Boy, oh boy, I could've cracked some motherfucking skulls. It's a Saturday which, at least in Bongistan is the busiest day of the week for supermarkets and the rain was utterly torrential. Not only this, but I - the new guy - was working on my fucking own.

I started at 10am, and the guy I usually work with - on Sundays - went home at 10.30. Sundays aren't so bad, because my colleague doesn't leave until 2 in the afternoon, and it isn't as busy. Anyway, if you wanted to graphically represent the busiest time of the busiest day for a supermarket, it'd be a bell-curve of 11am-through-1pm on a Saturday.

It's my job to run around the car park and grab the trolleys from their mini-bays in order to bring them to their main bay at the front of the store which can hold about 160 trolleys - among other things. Today, I was fighting in order to keep even one in that main bay. They were being taken out as soon as I could put them in. I didn't even have time to refill the baskets inside the store, so I presume somebody else got impatient and did it on my behalf.

Now, you're supposed to take your break around the middle of your shift which would've been 1pm for me. However, because I knew people would be complaining if I left the bay empty and just waltzed off for 45 minutes to eat, so I spent the next hour and a quarter filling the bay to about 75pc. I went for my lunch at 2.15pm, cut 15 minutes off and was back outside on the job by 2.45pm.

My line manager had the fucking audacity to give me a bollocking because, while I was having my lunch, the bay had gone from about 75pc full, to about 25pc full.

ITT: tell us about your shitty jobs.

Serious / American bible-thumper dropped into Scandinavia
« on: November 07, 2014, 04:44:34 PM »

And it's just as funny as you'd think.

« on: November 07, 2014, 02:22:21 PM »


The Flood / All right, faggots, I want a new nameplate
« on: November 07, 2014, 12:34:52 PM »
I'm studying U.S. politics at the moment in my G&P class and I'd like it to go with my avatar, too. Preferably blue, with some sort of allusion to the Democrats, the New Deal, the war with Japan or something like that. Just make it relevant.

Winner will get a congratulatory thread.

The Flood / Do you like my new avatar?
« on: November 07, 2014, 12:30:17 PM »
I like it.

Serious / Trojan Horse in U.S. computers set to cause economic catastrophe
« on: November 07, 2014, 10:51:51 AM »
Fucking Ruskis.
A destructive “Trojan Horse” malware program has penetrated the software that runs much of the nation’s critical infrastructure and is poised to cause an economic catastrophe, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

National Security sources told ABC News there is evidence that the malware was inserted by hackers believed to be sponsored by the Russian government, and is a very serious threat.

The hacked software is used to control complex industrial operations like oil and gas pipelines, power transmission grids, water distribution and filtration systems, wind turbines and even some nuclear plants. Shutting down or damaging any of these vital public utilities could severely impact hundreds of thousands of Americans.

DHS said in a bulletin that the hacking campaign has been ongoing since 2011, but no attempt has been made to activate the malware to “damage, modify, or otherwise disrupt” the industrial control process. So while U.S. officials recently became aware the penetration, they don’t know where or when it may be unleashed.

DHS sources told ABC News they think this is no random attack and they fear that the Russians have torn a page from the old, Cold War playbook, and have placed the malware in key U.S. systems as a threat, and/or as a deterrent to a U.S. cyber-attack on Russian systems – mutually assured destruction.

The hack became known to insiders last week when a DHS alert bulletin was issued by the agency’s Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team to its industry members. The bulletin said the “BlackEnergy” penetration recently had been detected by several companies.

DHS said “BlackEnergy” is the same malware that was used by a Russian cyber-espionage group dubbed “Sandworm” to target NATO and some energy and telecommunications companies in Europe earlier this year. “Analysis of the technical findings in the two reports shows linkages in the shared command and control infrastructure between the campaigns, suggesting both are part of a broader campaign by the same threat actor,” the DHS bulletin said.

The hacked software is very advanced. It allows designated workers to control various industrial processes through the computer, an iPad or a smart phone, sources said. The software allows information sharing and collaborative control.

I don't know why the DHS is telling the public before the issue's solved, however. I'm calling government-sanctioned bullshit.

Serious / Living with someone who is mentally ill
« on: November 07, 2014, 10:17:46 AM »
While I'm not sure he has received a diagnosis from a clinician, my mother has always told me my uncle is bipolar. And from personal experience, I can confirm that there is definitely something wrong with him and it probably is bipolar disorder - as opposed to something similar, like BPD.

He is in his mid-to-late 40s and still lives with my grandparents. He does a lot for them, such as helping my disabled grandfather in and out of bed, and helping him out of his chair to go on walks around the house. He doesn't do this, however, out of choice. He doesn't still live with his parents out of a desire to help them; he doesn't have a job (and hasn't for a long, long time) and doesn't have any friends.

He goes up and down a lot, as you'd expect from somebody who's bipolar. I remember, a few months ago, that he was actually the happiest I've ever known him. He was smiling, friendly and slapping me on the shoulder while making jokes. I've always known him as aloof, and had learned to be wary of him even before I grasped that he is mentally ill.

Nowadays, he barely says hello when I walk in after college. Months ago (before his aforementioned "good" cycle) he snapped and shouted at my grandfather while helping him out of bed, throwing clothes and punching the light. A few weeks ago, he walked down into the kitchen and shoved my grandma out of the way of the sink, in order to fill his glass of water. And just now, as I sit in my grandmother's bedroom, I can here him in the adjacent room punching the walls and occasionally shouting.

I don't know whether it's just my family which has a somewhat considerable history of mental illness (depression, bipolar, personality disorders) or whether this is endemic in most families. Regardless, it's definitely a big enough issue to warrant significantly more attention than it gets. I don't know whether my family is an anomaly, and that it's unusual to live in such an environment that can be quite tense. Does anyone else have experience of living with somebody who's mentally ill? What's it like?

Serious / Americans, which do you think is more important?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:17:52 AM »
The House of Representatives or the Senate.

We're currently learning about Congress in my politics class, and being a top-notch Englishman my initial reaction is to think of the House as more important (as our Commons is), but from reading about it it seems as if there's somewhat more emphasis placed on the Senate.

Now, this is either because the Senate is genuinely more important/relevant in American politics, because it's elected (whereas our Lords isn't) or because the Senate has more power to check the executive than the House does.

Serious / Climate change denier may lead the Senate on science
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:01:16 PM »
New Republic
The GOP's Senate takeover means the chamber's leadership positions will be filled with Republicans next year. That's bad news for the environment: The Senate’s worst climate change denier, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, will likely chair the Environment and Public Works Committee. But it's also bad news for science: Texas Senator Ted Cruz, another climate denier, may be next-in-line to become chair of the Subcommittee on Science and Space, which oversees agencies like the National Science Foundation, NASA, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

In a February interview with CNN, Cruz said he doesn’t think the Earth is warming.

“You know, you always have to be worried about something that is considered a so-called scientific theory that fits every scenario. Climate change, as they have defined it, can never be disproved, because whether it gets hotter or whether it gets colder, whatever happens, they'll say, well, it's changing, so it proves our theory.”

He then parroted a myth beloved by deniers.

“The last 15 years, there has been no recorded warming. Contrary to all the theories that they are expounding, there should have been warming over the last 15 years. It hasn’t happened,” said Cruz. “You know, back in the ’70s—I remember the ’70s, we were told there was global cooling. And everyone was told global cooling was a really big problem. And then that faded.”

Cruz does believe in aliens, though.

"I am perfectly happy to compromise and work with anybody," he once said. "Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians. I’ll work with Martians. If—and the if is critical—they're willing to cut spending and reduce the debt."

Wouldn't a measure of income be better?

Serious / The highs and lows of different presidents
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:01:50 PM »
While we all have a vague conception of the quality of most presidents, almost all have exceptionally good and exceptionally bad things about their term(s). So, pick a few presidents and then one or two of the best and worst things about their presidency.

The Good:
- Kept America afloat, if not prosperous with the New Deal.
- Was incredibly charismatic and was able to lead the American people.
The Bad:
- Internment of Japanese-Americans at the beginning of the War.
- The Roosevelt Recession of 1937, chiefly as a result of monetary tightening and slashed fiscalism.

The Good:
- LBJ's Great Society.
The Bad:
- Gulf of Tonkin

The Good:
- Ended the draft
- Ending segregation
The Bad:
- Affirmative Action
- Watergate

The Good:
- Reduced inflation to 4.4pc
- Reduced federal income taxes
The Bad:
- Took advice from an astrologer
- War on Drugs

Bill Clinton
The Good:
- Good economic growth
- Free trade
The Bad:
- Bombing pharmaceutical companies in Sudan.
- Doing nothing about the genocide in Rwanda.

The Good:
- Iraq
The Bad:
- Everything else

The Flood / Why have the mods turned into Nazis?
« on: November 05, 2014, 03:50:45 PM »
Like, seriously?

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