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Messages - big dog

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The Flood / Re: Your user number dictates what Pokemon you transform into.
« on: February 22, 2016, 08:00:07 AM »


Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: February 22, 2016, 03:13:49 AM »
I want to fight Brian Reed.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Days 19 and 20
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:32:53 PM »
Day Twenty-One - Carson's Trip to the Brothel

Today, things were looking better. The group was well-stocked with food and materials, and moods were the best they'd been in a long time. Things got even better when Carson was listening to the radio. Peacekeepers were coming, and they'd put an end to the war within the next few days. They just needed to survive those next few days.

Decisions had to be made. Peacekeepers may have been on their way, but the group needed to do their part. During their time here, they'd done many things, good and terrible, and it was time to make up for them. The military outpost and the brothel both needed to go. It was decided that Ender would take on the military, and Carson the brothel. Ender's erratic temper would be dangerous in a situation like the brothel, where innocent lives were being held hostage. Carson would be more rational, and less likely to get the prisoners killed. Whereas Ender was better with a gun, and would probably be able to hold her own against the soldiers. It was decided. Carson packed up and headed for the brothel.

Carson moved cautiously to the front of the brothel, where he was met by a trader. "Might as well make this quick," thought Carson. He pulled out his shotgun and shot the man straight in the chest. The man reeled back, lifting his own gun. Carson got another shot in, killing the man. As that one fell to the ground, another bandit burst in. Carson fired twice, downing him quickly. Two more came. The third one managed to hit Carson in the shoulder before he met his demise. The fourth hit him too, but Carson kept going until the four of them were dead.

It seemed as though no more were coming. Carson entered the house, walking through the hall. A fifth bandit appeared ahead of him. Carson turned, scurrying up the stairs as the man chased him. Carson was too quick. He managed to hide. As the man came rushing past, Carson lodged a knife messily into the back of his neck.

He'd done it. All five of them...dead. He still had one more thing to do, though. He searched the house, trying to find where they were keeping the women. He came to a locked door in the basement, and looked through the keyhole. There they were. God knows how long they'd been held for. Carson picked the lock and freed them. He gathered some supplies, particularly ammunition, before leaving behind him the carnage that had just ensued. Five heavily armed bandits, dead. And he'd come out with simply a scratch.

That was one stronghold down. Thanks to Carson, the group had now done their part to help out a few of their fellow refugees. Now, only one adversary remained, the ones who had been murdering and raping civilians as much as the bandits had: those assholes at the military outpost.

Gaming / Re: Favorite CoD maps?
« on: February 21, 2016, 12:34:30 PM »
Rust obv.

The Flood / Re: Draw each others avatars thread? (I am really bored)
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:08:51 AM »
draw mine please

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:04:25 AM »
Who's side is Roland on? During that level in Halo 5 when all those AI's are pledging themselves to Cortana we hear Roland as well, but at the end of the game we see he's still with the humans. Is he a double agent for Cortana or is he a double agent for the humans?
Pretty sure you don't hear him pledging to Cortana and he's still on the Infinity's side.

Serious / Re: Jeb Bush Drops Out of Race
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:39:03 AM »

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Days 19 and 20
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:23:45 AM »
going well
Maintaining the place is actually getting a little harder now that winter's here and Carson can't seem to stop being either wounded or sick...
how long did you set the winter too?
Short, iirc. It's only a 30 day game so didn't  want it being too long.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Days 19 and 20
« on: February 20, 2016, 06:57:21 PM »
going well
Maintaining the place is actually getting a little harder now that winter's here and Carson can't seem to stop being either wounded or sick...

The Flood / Re: God's creatures
« on: February 20, 2016, 05:30:05 PM »
Look at this fat fuck.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Days 17 and 18 - Winter is Here
« on: February 20, 2016, 05:08:32 PM »
Day Nineteen

Thanks to Fedorekd's findings, the group was able to make some improvements to the cooker. They were now able to cook more using less fuel. Hopefully they'd be able to do the same for the heater. Food was beginning to run low, but at the moment, things were okay. Only cold. Very cold.

Flee went to the ruined villa where Ender had previously killed the couple. His priority was more materials, but he was on the lookout for food too. Unfortunately, he found no food, but the place had lots of materials.

Day Twenty

Carson had fallen sick, but they still had several bottles of pills. He'd be better in no time. The trader, Marko, came by again. Fedorekd used the jewellery he'd found to buy several cans of food. The group started thinking about the military outpost on the other side of town, and how they'd go about raiding it. They had also caught word of a brothel run by bandits, where several women had gone missing. They'd have to investigate that at some point.

Tonight, Ender's destination was the construction site again. Her priority was finding supplies, however she was also hoping to perform a small test. In the event that the snipers were still there, she'd say how she could fair against them, with her assault rifle and combat vest. Unfortunately, they weren't there, but they'd left their camps behind. Ender found a great amount of food. She gathered it all up and went back to the house.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Sixteen
« on: February 20, 2016, 02:20:22 PM »
Day Seventeen

Another raid had happened. The group managed to chase the raiders off, but not before Carson and Ender were injured yet again. They only had one set of bandages, which went to Carson. Ender would go to the hospital tonight.

At the hospital, Ender received some treatment. It wasn't enough, but it helped. One of the guards asked Ender for help. There had been another shelling, and some supplies were lost. He asked Ender to return any supplies she found in the rubble. During her search, Ender wasn't able to find any supplies, only materials. She took what she could, and returned home. It was getting cold.

Day Eighteen - Winter is Here

Snow had fallen. Large piles of snow were forming in the front garden. This wasn't entirely a bad thing; they could melt down the snow, clean it and it'd provide a decent source of water. The bad part was how cold it was, but they had a heater to combat that issue. Ender and Fedorekd had completely healed up, and Carson was getting there. There was a knock at the door. A scared woman named Zora wanted their help in boarding up her house from bandits, to protect her daughter. Carson went with her. Things were looking better than they were a few days ago, the group was taking a more positive attitude towards things.

Fedorekd was not happy with this, however. He felt that everyone was needed at home. Despite his personal feelings, he accepted it. Flee and Ender were both on board, and even Ender showed a sign of happiness. While cooking dinner, Fedorekd realised that one of the biggest problems was the efficiency of the stove. He had plenty of food, but the group used so many materials to fuel the thing that they weren't able to use them for anything else. Fedorekd decided it was time to upgrade the stove, and he knew where to get the materials.

The decrepit squat was full of spare materials. Even after this supply run, they could still come back for more materials. Fedorekd made sure to bring some food, in case the homeless person was there, and indeed he was. Fedorekd gave the man some food, to the beggar's delight, and in return he was shown to a hidden set a barrels, where Fedorekd found some jewellery. He took the jewellery, thanked the beggar, and left.

Septagon / Re: Why is a "warning" a 1 day ban?
« on: February 20, 2016, 01:32:59 PM »
Hi Dad.

Gaming / Re: Cringey E3 press conferences
« on: February 20, 2016, 01:03:38 PM »

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Fifteen - The Halfway Point
« on: February 20, 2016, 05:20:51 AM »
Day Sixteen

While Fedorekd was away, Flee had gotten into an argument with the other group members, although they managed to calm him down. On the bright side, everyone's wounds were healing up, and they'd be back up to full strength very soon. Flee built a heater. It was getting cold, and winter was not going to be pleasant.

Flee went to a decrepit squat later. His priority was materials; they needed wood for the heater, as well as more materials to build things. The place was a wreck, which was no surprise. It was a wreck even before the war.

He found a decent amount of materials. Wood, spare parts, electronics. He'd have to come back again when he needed more. When he reached the other side of the building, he met a homeless person, who begged him for food. Unfortunately, Flee had no food on him, so he couldn't help.

Despite telling them that he had no food on him, the beggar continued to follow him as he scavenged materials. This was getting frustrating.

Flee took off all of a sudden, hoping to lose the beggar. He went upstairs, and found a grisly sight. A decomposing corpse sat on an armchair, in a room blocked off by iron bars. Flee studied the scene, but then he heard footsteps. The beggar knew where he was.

Flee decided to leave the place. He was carrying as much as he could, anyway. The beggar would probably die by the time he returned.

The Flood / Re: American Sniper
« on: February 20, 2016, 02:50:48 AM »
Great movie. Made me damn proud to be an American. Best country on earth.

The Flood / Re: Jokes in extrememly poor taste.
« on: February 19, 2016, 06:09:53 PM »
People like Das are fucking immature assholes.


read that one carefully

« on: February 19, 2016, 05:16:55 PM »
Let's dance.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Fourteen
« on: February 19, 2016, 02:37:04 PM »
Day Fifteen - The Halfway Point

The group were beginning to question their place in society. Between them, they'd killed a total of fourteen people. People who had been just like them prior to the war, living normal lives. Were they any better than the humanitarian aid raiders, or the bandits at the church? Flee went as far as to call himself a "war criminal", and sat on the floor, refusing to move. Ender had to talk to him. Everyone needed a talking to.

Fedorekd went to an abandoned cottage. It was completely empty, and there was a decent amount of stuff there. As soon has he entered, he found a fridge filled to the brim with food and water. Upstairs, he used his crowbar to access a room containing medical supplies. He was surprised no one had claimed this stuff earlier. This stuff was easy, no murder required. Was it really necessary to kill people in order to survive?

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Fourteen
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:59:41 PM »
Your character is literally about to kill herself. If I didn't have Fedorekd talking her down each day, she would have died a couple days ago.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Twelve
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:59:02 PM »
You're going to be the death of this group, I can tell.
I think you mean savior.
Flee and Carson are evidence that the group will do fine without you.
flee's too soft
He's still killed more people than you.

And his victims actually deserved it.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Twelve
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:55:47 PM »
You're going to be the death of this group, I can tell.
I think you mean savior.
Flee and Carson are evidence that the group will do fine without you.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Twelve
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:52:54 PM »
You're going to be the death of this group, I can tell.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:30:39 PM »
Ugh, the more I hear about Created shit the less excited I get about Halo.

I'm not against it, but I am highly puzzled as to why. With all they had setup with Halo 4 and the Forerunner books, and even revealing the Flood are still around in Escalation, why did they choose to go in this direction?
Because the writing team is retarded.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Thirteen
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:23:20 PM »
Flee is now level with Carson in terms of killcount, each having killed 5 people. Ender is on 4 kills. Fedorekd still has yet to kill anyone.

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Thirteen
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:22:07 PM »
Day Fourteen

Everyone except Flee was okay with Ender's actions. The group was able to enjoy a nice, healthy meal thanks to the massive amount of food they had. Fedorekd was feeling much better. When Ender awoke from her sleep, Fedorekd talked to her and tried to cheer her up. Carson was still badly injured, but his condition was improving. With more rest and bandages, they'd all be up to full strength. The house was now fully fortified, so they'd be able to repel attacks with ease.

Flee went to a semi-detached house in the evening, being the only one not wounded at all. Apparently, there had been reports of gunfire there, so he went fully armed and protected. Upon entering the house, he heard two people talking about a scavenger in the building adjacent to this one. They planned on taking him out. Flee didn't know why. One of the people, a woman, went into the bathroom to take some pills. She heard Flee below her, and went to check out the noise. Flee quickly took her out with his knife.

Leaving front door of the house, Flee was spotted by a guard on the first-floor balcony. He was fired at, but managed to dodge the shots, and killed the guard with a burst of his assault rifle.

Moving further into the house, he saw someone on the floor above him. He quietly crept past, into the bathroom. He took all the medicine and bandages he could find. He got back into a position where he could see the person on the floor above. He killed them.

Going upstairs, he found the kitchen, which contained a decent amount of food. Going over to the corpse of the person he'd just killed, he found someone sleeping in the room. Somehow they hadn't been woken up by the gunfire. Flee could have easily killed them there, but he decided not to, and left.

The Flood / Re: Grade the user above you
« on: February 19, 2016, 12:40:51 PM »

Gaming / Re: This Meme of Mine - Day Twelve
« on: February 19, 2016, 10:01:45 AM »
Day Thirteen

Things were bad back home. Carson arrived to find that Ender was causing trouble, and had gotten into a fight with Fedorekd, who had tried to calm her down. Fedorekd had lost the fight, Ender giving him a deep wound in the process. She was sitting down, refusing to talk or even move. Carson was feeling a little better, but still needed treatment. The group had only one set of bandages left. To add to the pile of problems, Flee was beginning to feel unwell, but they thankfully had a couple bottles of pills left. Flee took one of them, before hearing a knock at the door. There were two children, who had bravely made their way through the city to find the house. Their mother was sick, and desperately needed medicine. Despite the current situation, Flee gave them their last bottle of pills. It was the right thing to do.

Helping the children cheered the group up a bit. Ender seemed much calmer now, but tension still filled the air. Fedorekd didn't deserve that. She had no reason to attack him. Flee seemed to be the only one holding an optimistic attitude. He got to work on fixing up the defenses even more.

The group had heard about a military outpost on the other side of town. As expected, the assholes were well-armed, but the group's own armoury was getting to a respectable size, and one day they'd try to take them on. Today was not that day, however. Ender went to a ruined villa for tonight. The group saw best to send her out to avoid another fight.

Ender entered the villa to find a woman standing at the bottom of the stairs. Immediately, the woman ran upstairs. Ender chased her, but stopped when they passed the bathroom. She began raiding their medicine cabinet when she heard a man's voice say "I'll deal with it."

A man burst through the door, knife in hand. Ender jumped down onto the lower level, the man and woman following her. The man took the first swing, successfully drawing blood. Ender retaliated, slicing at the man. Both were bleeding. They each took more stabs and slices before Ender backed away, raising her assault rifle. The man ran towards her. She fired. He fell to the ground.

The woman ran over to him, crying. Oh well. He shouldn't have attacked her. Ender grabbed her knife again. She was heavily wounded, and it was all this woman's fault. She grabbed the woman by the collar and cleanly slit her throat. She took everything she could: food, medicine, bandages, and headed home.

Gaming / Re: The HaloFollower Drinking game
« on: February 19, 2016, 07:12:22 AM »

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