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Messages - big dog

Pages: 1 ... 111213 1415 ... 305
Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: October 01, 2019, 02:01:53 AM »
Today's the day lads.

Also the soundtrack's been released.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: September 27, 2019, 06:59:51 AM »
3 has some of the weakest gunplay in the series.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 26, 2019, 06:03:28 AM »
Boris Johnson: Best way to honour murdered anti-Brexit MP Jo Cox is to get Brexit done.

Fucking disgusting. What he's basically saying is that if MPs want to feel safe again they have to do what he wants. Taking no responsibility for his own inflammatory language.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: September 25, 2019, 04:48:42 AM »
Aight, how do I unlock Nightfall strikes?

I completed two strikes, I go to speak to Zavala and he only gave me some gun and Nightfall is still locked.

If only this game also told you what the pre-reqs are rather than just saying "Prereqs not met"
I believe you have to reach Level 20 and complete the Red War campaign.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention - I am lvl24 and I have completed the CP. The lvl20 achievement is still locked. I think I'm screwed here. Thanks Bungie...
Achievements generally take a while to unlock for some reason, power cycling your console sonetimes helps. Unlocking Nightfalls may be tied to light level actually as they are an endgame activity.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: September 24, 2019, 02:43:23 PM »
Aight, how do I unlock Nightfall strikes?

I completed two strikes, I go to speak to Zavala and he only gave me some gun and Nightfall is still locked.

If only this game also told you what the pre-reqs are rather than just saying "Prereqs not met"
I believe you have to reach Level 20 and complete the Red War campaign.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 24, 2019, 09:33:38 AM »
the supreme court has ruled that boris' prorogation of parliament is unlawful

The Flood / Re: what's this?
« on: September 21, 2019, 04:06:53 AM »
Do you fuckers see why people a lot leave the site now? Nice going. We just lost a quality member.

"Hurr but he's not a quality member he's a fu-"


Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 12, 2019, 07:01:39 AM »

brexiters are a fucking cult i swear

The Flood / Re: im hosting fucking balto tonight
« on: September 11, 2019, 01:31:31 PM »
Thoughts on TWD season nine?
easily in my top 3 seasons, if not top overall

What makes you say that
the new showrunner has clearly listened to the majority of complaints people had about the show up until that point and addressed them pretty well. pacing is much better especially compared to the negan seasons. dialogue is a lot more natural and the corny speeches have been dialed down a lot. characters like negan and eugene have been toned down to be less ridiculous and come across more as actual people than they did before. the show has finally started giving characters stuff to do and the main trio (daryl, michonne, carol) are all relevant to the main plot in some way. great villain that brings an element of horror back that's been missing for years. i could go on but coming off of season 8 this season was a miracle.

True the overall quality is better but with Rick being gone, I think it's a damn near fatal blow for the show
No one else has that presence like Rick does
Except for Negan but he's pretty just pacified into being Uncle Negan now
The old gang just feels dead tbh
I don't know, I like Rick a lot but I feel the show has benefited from his absence. While he was on the show characters seemed to orbit him but didn't really have lives of their own. Now we're seeing characters talk who've never really interacted before (this was the first season where Carol and Michonne spoke to each other, for example). And having Daryl as a central character for the current storyline just works, whereas I don't think Rick would have had the same impact despite having most of Daryl's role in the comics.

Actually Rick being gone just shows how much the main cast didn't really know each other
They kinda just broke off into their own groups and I felt like a lot of them were neglected
And the people they did focus on were really hit or miss
I mean I fucking hated Carl 2.O
I generally liked most of the new cast. I thought the acting for Carl 2.0 was marginally better than Chandler Riggs' acting. Lydia is probably the best "child" (actress is 18 but playing a child I guess) actor the show's had and she already fits quite comfortably among the main cast. The only newbie I didn't really warm to was Kelly.

I think the problems this season had probably would have been lessened had the Negan War ended in like episode 11 of Season 8 with the remainder being Rick's farewell arc as it happened in Season 9. That way, Season 9 could have started with the massive time jump which would have been a bit less jarring than it taking place in the middle of a season, plus the audience would have had more time to get over Rick's departure.

That said, I think that given the absolute shitheap of falling ratings and actors leaving that she had been left with, the new showrunner did about as well as she could have done.

Absolute star of season nine has to be Judith. She's definitely Rick's daughter and she brings a nice motherly angle to Michonne. Dog is a nice edition to the team too. The new people are all pretty cool except for Luke. That guy's acting just makes me cringe. I would have preferred they just stuck with the old crew though and flesh them out more. There are so many people I'm not sure who's who anymore (where the fuck was Oceanside this whole season)

The Whisperers are badass tho. Beta is like if the Undertaker was in TWD.  They make walkers scary again and tbh I'm kinda rooting for Alpha because she was actually hella reasonable the entire season lol
I think the main problem this show has now is its's run out of "main cast". You have your veterans (Daryl, Carol, Michonne) who are more or less untouchable until the actor leaves. But then you have the "new veterans" (Tara, Eugene, Rosita, Gabriel) who have their fans but absolutely could not carry the show if the old veterans were to leave. Now we also have newcomers (Negan, Ezekiel, Judith, Lydia, Connie, etc) who have all become fan favourites in the past season or so, and could carry the show eventually but at this point it's too early.

So there's now this situation where you have a group of characters who you can't kill off, a group that couldn't become the main cast but also can't quite be fully killed off yet, and a group that's too new to become the main cast but also would be a huge waste to kill off, leaving the show with a cast that's too bloated (although season 9 did a pretty good job of thinning the herd). With the Whisperer War coming up it would be a good time to get rid of some more characters but I think the writers need to be careful who they kill off.

I think season nine was a good stepping stone but they gotta do something to shake up the cast
Like some major lore changes
What do you think of Michonne pulling a Negan on the Whisperers?
We see her with Lucille in the season ten trailer
What do you mean by lore changes? I think Season 9 did a pretty good job of handling its characters and the Season 10 trailer looks very promising but yeah I'm thinking there needs to be another big culling of sorts or certain characters need to go away for a bit.

At a guess that scene is either a vision of some sort, or it's Michonne handing Lucille to Negan and getting him to fight in the war.

The Flood / Re: I found another hilarious gif :^)
« on: September 11, 2019, 06:10:36 AM »
Stop posting.

The Flood / Re: im hosting fucking balto tonight
« on: September 11, 2019, 03:23:04 AM »
Thoughts on TWD season nine?
easily in my top 3 seasons, if not top overall

What makes you say that
the new showrunner has clearly listened to the majority of complaints people had about the show up until that point and addressed them pretty well. pacing is much better especially compared to the negan seasons. dialogue is a lot more natural and the corny speeches have been dialed down a lot. characters like negan and eugene have been toned down to be less ridiculous and come across more as actual people than they did before. the show has finally started giving characters stuff to do and the main trio (daryl, michonne, carol) are all relevant to the main plot in some way. great villain that brings an element of horror back that's been missing for years. i could go on but coming off of season 8 this season was a miracle.

True the overall quality is better but with Rick being gone, I think it's a damn near fatal blow for the show
No one else has that presence like Rick does
Except for Negan but he's pretty just pacified into being Uncle Negan now
The old gang just feels dead tbh
I don't know, I like Rick a lot but I feel the show has benefited from his absence. While he was on the show characters seemed to orbit him but didn't really have lives of their own. Now we're seeing characters talk who've never really interacted before (this was the first season where Carol and Michonne spoke to each other, for example). And having Daryl as a central character for the current storyline just works, whereas I don't think Rick would have had the same impact despite having most of Daryl's role in the comics.

Actually Rick being gone just shows how much the main cast didn't really know each other
They kinda just broke off into their own groups and I felt like a lot of them were neglected
And the people they did focus on were really hit or miss
I mean I fucking hated Carl 2.O
I generally liked most of the new cast. I thought the acting for Carl 2.0 was marginally better than Chandler Riggs' acting. Lydia is probably the best "child" (actress is 18 but playing a child I guess) actor the show's had and she already fits quite comfortably among the main cast. The only newbie I didn't really warm to was Kelly.

I think the problems this season had probably would have been lessened had the Negan War ended in like episode 11 of Season 8 with the remainder being Rick's farewell arc as it happened in Season 9. That way, Season 9 could have started with the massive time jump which would have been a bit less jarring than it taking place in the middle of a season, plus the audience would have had more time to get over Rick's departure.

That said, I think that given the absolute shitheap of falling ratings and actors leaving that she had been left with, the new showrunner did about as well as she could have done.

Absolute star of season nine has to be Judith. She's definitely Rick's daughter and she brings a nice motherly angle to Michonne. Dog is a nice edition to the team too. The new people are all pretty cool except for Luke. That guy's acting just makes me cringe. I would have preferred they just stuck with the old crew though and flesh them out more. There are so many people I'm not sure who's who anymore (where the fuck was Oceanside this whole season)

The Whisperers are badass tho. Beta is like if the Undertaker was in TWD.  They make walkers scary again and tbh I'm kinda rooting for Alpha because she was actually hella reasonable the entire season lol
I think the main problem this show has now is its's run out of "main cast". You have your veterans (Daryl, Carol, Michonne) who are more or less untouchable until the actor leaves. But then you have the "new veterans" (Tara, Eugene, Rosita, Gabriel) who have their fans but absolutely could not carry the show if the old veterans were to leave. Now we also have newcomers (Negan, Ezekiel, Judith, Lydia, Connie, etc) who have all become fan favourites in the past season or so, and could carry the show eventually but at this point it's too early.

So there's now this situation where you have a group of characters who you can't kill off, a group that couldn't become the main cast but also can't quite be fully killed off yet, and a group that's too new to become the main cast but also would be a huge waste to kill off, leaving the show with a cast that's too bloated (although season 9 did a pretty good job of thinning the herd). With the Whisperer War coming up it would be a good time to get rid of some more characters but I think the writers need to be careful who they kill off.

The Flood / Re: im hosting fucking balto tonight
« on: September 10, 2019, 06:06:05 PM »
Thoughts on TWD season nine?
easily in my top 3 seasons, if not top overall

What makes you say that
the new showrunner has clearly listened to the majority of complaints people had about the show up until that point and addressed them pretty well. pacing is much better especially compared to the negan seasons. dialogue is a lot more natural and the corny speeches have been dialed down a lot. characters like negan and eugene have been toned down to be less ridiculous and come across more as actual people than they did before. the show has finally started giving characters stuff to do and the main trio (daryl, michonne, carol) are all relevant to the main plot in some way. great villain that brings an element of horror back that's been missing for years. i could go on but coming off of season 8 this season was a miracle.

True the overall quality is better but with Rick being gone, I think it's a damn near fatal blow for the show
No one else has that presence like Rick does
Except for Negan but he's pretty just pacified into being Uncle Negan now
The old gang just feels dead tbh
I don't know, I like Rick a lot but I feel the show has benefited from his absence. While he was on the show characters seemed to orbit him but didn't really have lives of their own. Now we're seeing characters talk who've never really interacted before (this was the first season where Carol and Michonne spoke to each other, for example). And having Daryl as a central character for the current storyline just works, whereas I don't think Rick would have had the same impact despite having most of Daryl's role in the comics.

Actually Rick being gone just shows how much the main cast didn't really know each other
They kinda just broke off into their own groups and I felt like a lot of them were neglected
And the people they did focus on were really hit or miss
I mean I fucking hated Carl 2.O
I generally liked most of the new cast. I thought the acting for Carl 2.0 was marginally better than Chandler Riggs' acting. Lydia is probably the best "child" (actress is 18 but playing a child I guess) actor the show's had and she already fits quite comfortably among the main cast. The only newbie I didn't really warm to was Kelly.

I think the problems this season had probably would have been lessened had the Negan War ended in like episode 11 of Season 8 with the remainder being Rick's farewell arc as it happened in Season 9. That way, Season 9 could have started with the massive time jump which would have been a bit less jarring than it taking place in the middle of a season, plus the audience would have had more time to get over Rick's departure.

That said, I think that given the absolute shitheap of falling ratings and actors leaving that she had been left with, the new showrunner did about as well as she could have done.

The Flood / Re: im hosting fucking balto tonight
« on: September 10, 2019, 05:24:30 PM »
Thoughts on TWD season nine?
easily in my top 3 seasons, if not top overall

What makes you say that
the new showrunner has clearly listened to the majority of complaints people had about the show up until that point and addressed them pretty well. pacing is much better especially compared to the negan seasons. dialogue is a lot more natural and the corny speeches have been dialed down a lot. characters like negan and eugene have been toned down to be less ridiculous and come across more as actual people than they did before. the show has finally started giving characters stuff to do and the main trio (daryl, michonne, carol) are all relevant to the main plot in some way. great villain that brings an element of horror back that's been missing for years. i could go on but coming off of season 8 this season was a miracle.

True the overall quality is better but with Rick being gone, I think it's a damn near fatal blow for the show
No one else has that presence like Rick does
Except for Negan but he's pretty just pacified into being Uncle Negan now
The old gang just feels dead tbh
I don't know, I like Rick a lot but I feel the show has benefited from his absence. While he was on the show characters seemed to orbit him but didn't really have lives of their own. Now we're seeing characters talk who've never really interacted before (this was the first season where Carol and Michonne spoke to each other, for example). And having Daryl as a central character for the current storyline just works, whereas I don't think Rick would have had the same impact despite having most of Daryl's role in the comics.

The Flood / Re: im hosting fucking balto tonight
« on: September 10, 2019, 05:02:30 PM »
Thoughts on TWD season nine?
easily in my top 3 seasons, if not top overall

What makes you say that
the new showrunner has clearly listened to the majority of complaints people had about the show up until that point and addressed them pretty well. pacing is much better especially compared to the negan seasons. dialogue is a lot more natural and the corny speeches have been dialed down a lot. characters like negan and eugene have been toned down to be less ridiculous and come across more as actual people than they did before. the show has finally started giving characters stuff to do and the main trio (daryl, michonne, carol) are all relevant to the main plot in some way. great villain that brings an element of horror back that's been missing for years. i could go on but coming off of season 8 this season was a miracle.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: September 10, 2019, 12:27:56 PM »
i would join but i'm already an admin of another clan

The Flood / Re: im hosting fucking balto tonight
« on: September 10, 2019, 12:23:19 PM »
Thoughts on TWD season nine?
easily in my top 3 seasons, if not top overall

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: September 09, 2019, 03:48:05 AM »
Destiny came out 5 years ago today.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 07, 2019, 05:47:42 PM »
Amber Rudd has now resigned. The Conservative party is literally eroding before our eyes.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: September 07, 2019, 05:47:05 PM »
Is there any benefit to leveling up gradually rather than using those lvl40 bosts you get when you buy 'The Collection' ?
Depends on if you want to experience all the Y1 story stuff or not. Otherwise, no.

Is there a Sep7agon D2 clan?
Not that I know of. It seems only recently that Sep7agon people started playing D2.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: September 04, 2019, 03:30:20 PM »
Bungie are now lowering the price of the Forsaken complete collection, and anyone who owns Forsaken (but not the annual pass) now gets the year two annual pass for free.

The Flood / Re: I finally found closure on Clockman
« on: September 04, 2019, 03:29:28 PM »
Oh yeah, this popped up in my recommended a few weeks ago. It really surprised me.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 04, 2019, 12:13:33 PM »
Another Tory rebel, Caroline Spelman.

The Conservative Party is completely collapsing. Pretty much all that's left is gammons.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 04, 2019, 09:09:43 AM »

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 03, 2019, 05:38:29 PM »
Jesus Christ, Boris just booted out 21 of his own MPs, including Ken Clarke. He is now down to 289 seats.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 03, 2019, 02:25:21 PM »
Bozza's lost his majority and is set to lose as many as 20 more MPs if he does go ahead with expelling the rebel Tory MPs. What a wild time.

The Flood / Re: Nearly 4 months left of the 2010s my bro's
« on: September 03, 2019, 02:24:17 PM »
I find it hilarious how no one's mentioned GoT as a whole.

Had the potential to be legendary tier and would have made my list had it not utterly shat the bed post season 5.
I thought about it but at this point I identify the show more by season 5 onwards than the seasons preceding it which really sours things for me. Watching the previous seasons is made less enjoyable knowing that it all amounts to a dumpster fire in the end anyway.

The Flood / Re: Nearly 4 months left of the 2010s my bro's
« on: September 02, 2019, 02:05:24 PM »
Films are hard, because I don't really watch many. When I go to the cinema it's normally for a Star Wars film or the main Avengers films. I'm not really sure what I'd put as my top film of the decade, but some of my favourite films this decade have been Django Unchained, Baby Driver, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Coco, The Last Jedi, and Into the Spiderverse.

In terms of overall quality, definitely Better Call Saul. I can find very few faults with that show. But I also have to mention The Walking Dead. Although its quality varies (despite its most recent season being pretty great), I've been following it through my teenage years into early adulthood so it's become a sort of defining part of the past decade for me. It'll feel very weird when it is gone but I'll probably still be watching it even when it's on Season 40 and its viewership has dropped to about 5 people.

I don't pay attention to albums so nothing there.

As for games, overall I think I'd say Fallout: New Vegas. It has many flaws but even nearly a decade later I can still come back to it at any time and enjoy it just as much as I did years ago, and I feel that it offers a completely different experience compared to other open-world RPGs and even other Bethesda-style games. Honourable mentions would be The Witcher 3 (which I still need to finish), Red Dead Redemption 2, Undertale and The Walking Dead. Also for similar reasons to The Walking Dead TV Series, Destiny 2 is another one of my games of the decade, I think I've played more of it than any of the other games. And also it's really good now.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 02, 2019, 11:59:36 AM »
It's gotten to the point where Tories would rather let the UK break up, have a recession, see the end of the Conservative party, or a combination of those things than let Corbyn become Prime Minister. Like, come on, you would really rather see the country go to shit than see Corbyn become Prime Minister because you're worried the country will go to shit if he does? Even if he did become a caretaker Prime Minister it's not like he'd have a majority to implement any of his own policies in that time. It makes no sense.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 02, 2019, 02:12:21 AM »
So now Bozza has threatened to expel MPs from the party if they try to stop him.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 01, 2019, 09:26:30 AM »
So Michael Gove was on the Andrew Marr show earlier, and has now said that the government would be prepared to block any anti-no deal legislation and that in the event of a no deal Brexit, "everyone will have the food they need".

At least these Tories are being honest about being a group of elite autocrats, but they don't really have a leg to stand on anymore when they call Corbyn a radical who wants to undermine our democracy.

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