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Messages - big dog

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Serious / Re: Boris Johnson pushing for snap election December 12
« on: November 18, 2019, 07:52:39 AM »
the boomer army is ready

The Flood / Re: The Mandalorian
« on: November 16, 2019, 04:31:54 AM »
Actually quite relieved to hear this isn't going to be a super-serious borefest, that was the impression I got from the trailers. Still not sure if I'll be able to check it out. Even if Disney+ was available in the UK there's no way I'd pay for it.

Serious / Re: Boris Johnson pushing for snap election December 12
« on: November 16, 2019, 03:31:45 AM »
Labour have announced a policy for nationalising broadband. Seems like it could be pretty popular, and might give them the boost they need in the polls.

The Flood / Re: TWD season 9 is a return to form
« on: November 13, 2019, 02:01:38 PM »
i stopped watching it right around the time negan attacked the village, or whatever it was

i just remember someone getting destroyed by the tiger

soo i think it was like mid season 8? it's been a while
That sounds like the Season 7 finale.

The Flood / Re: TWD season 9 is a return to form
« on: November 12, 2019, 04:28:51 PM »
Season 10 is also pretty great so far, but I still feel like 9 is a new peak for the series.

Gaming / Re: The Outer Worlds
« on: November 12, 2019, 01:00:00 PM »
Just completed the game, finally.

Final mission is great. It's a bit like that of New Vegas where depending on your actions earlier on certain groups will join in the battle. I was able to trick a Board official into giving me their ID so I could simply walk through all the fighting with no trouble.

If you want to complete the mission diplomatically you REALLY need to put a lot of points in not just speech skills but stuff like science and hacking as well. If not, the game forces you to fight this robot which is an absolute bitch on Supernova. I ended up just loading a previous save and respecking my character to avoid it.

Also like New Vegas, once you complete the game you're treated to a slideshow with a narration telling you what happened to all the various characters and groups after the events of the game, which is nice.

Overall, solid game.

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: November 12, 2019, 04:29:59 AM »

The Flood / Re: The Mandalorian
« on: November 12, 2019, 02:14:58 AM »
I have mixed feelings on the matter. While a standalone Boba Fett movie would've been awesome, this lets us explore the lore of Mandalore/The Mandalorians a bit more.

I think there was actually a Boba Fett standalone film in production that got quietly turned into this.
tbh I don't particularly care for Boba Fett anyway. Not sure if I'll watch this but I've been hoping for stuff exploring the era between ROTJ and TFA for ages, really it's what I thought Rogue One and Solo should have done.

The Flood / Re: The Mandalorian
« on: November 12, 2019, 01:54:37 AM »
I genuinely believe this series was supposed to star Boba Fett, but then somebody pointed out that he wasn't a Mandalorian, and instead of coming up with a different name they just said, "Fuck it, make up a new character who is literally Boba Fett but is actually from Mandalore."
I think there was actually a Boba Fett standalone film in production that got quietly turned into this.

Serious / Re: Boris Johnson pushing for snap election December 12
« on: November 11, 2019, 08:19:38 AM »
Brexit Party have agreed to stand down in the 317 seats the Tories won in 2017.

Labour and Lib Dems need to stop flinging shit at each other if they want to stop a Boris government, and five more years of Tory cruelty.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: November 10, 2019, 05:03:02 PM »
Getting pretty close to hitting Undying. Soon will just need to wait for the Undying Mind boss fight to be released.
I'm currently slogging through the Randy's Throwing Knife quest as I work on that title.

I hate crucible. I hate scout rifles. FML.
I don't think it's still up but I found Momentum Control really good for that. And if you're looking to speed up your medals you'll want to bring in something like an SMG or a Fusion Rifle, the medal you get for getting multiple kills with said weapon in a single life gives you a decent amount of points.

Serious / Re: Boris Johnson pushing for snap election December 12
« on: November 03, 2019, 03:55:32 AM »
Tories are pulling out all the propaganda again. Ending the benefits freeze, halting fracking operations, just remember this is being led by Boris "£350million for the NHS" Johnson.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: November 02, 2019, 05:02:08 AM »
Getting pretty close to hitting Undying. Soon will just need to wait for the Undying Mind boss fight to be released.

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 02, 2019, 04:58:45 AM »
Did the guilty man either push his own stalk one inch farther into the ground, or raise the other stalk one inch out of the ground?

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 01, 2019, 04:50:19 PM »
Is the guilty man actually the one who planted the left stalk.

Serious / Re: Boris Johnson pushing for snap election December 12
« on: October 31, 2019, 03:18:32 AM »
Happy Brexit Day lads.

Gaming / Re: The Outer Worlds
« on: October 31, 2019, 03:06:01 AM »
Just reached Byzantium, about 16 hours in. Taking my time to do side quests and stuff before progressing through the main quest. Monarch was pretty tough on Supernova.

Gaming / Re: The Outer Worlds
« on: October 30, 2019, 09:02:57 AM »
So whatd you all do with Edgewater and the power?
Diverted power to Edgewater but convinced Reed to step down so Adelaide could take over and persuaded the rest of the Deserters too. In hindsight I kinda regret it and wish I'd helped out the Deserters fully but oh well, it's pretty cool that there are quite a few ways to finish that quest.

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 30, 2019, 05:34:15 AM »
is the servant on the right actually the guilty one and the stalk grew just as the magician said and nothing nefarious actually happened overnight

Gaming / Re: The Outer Worlds
« on: October 29, 2019, 08:05:39 AM »
Nice to see that while the unsustainable AAA industry is collapsing in on itself a nice mid-budget game with no microtransactions, (as far as we know) no excessive crunch, and not all that much marketing can still be a success.

Serious / Re: Boris Johnson pushing for snap election December 12
« on: October 29, 2019, 08:01:20 AM »
It's happening lah's.

Corbo 2020

The Flood / Re: How the fuck do you get a girlfriend?
« on: October 29, 2019, 03:02:16 AM »
i just don't really want to impose my baggage on anyone

i need to sort myself out as a person before i'll ever be ready to think about stuff like that, but at the same time, while there are aspects of my personality that would instantly cause any relationship to go tits up, those tend to be the aspects of my personality that i like the most and consider integral to my identity

so yeah, lately i've been thinking that it's just not worth it, and the only reason i feel any pressure against that fact is because getting in a relationship is just one of those traditional things that we're all expected to do, which is anything but rational

and if that sounds like i'm just trying to make excuses or whatever, i fully recognize that it's ultimately my own fault that i never got with anyone—i hate the incel mentality more than anyone i know, so i'd hate to come across like one—but i'm genuinely finding less and less reasons to care about this shit
i thought you were dead

Gaming / Re: The Outer Worlds
« on: October 27, 2019, 09:59:27 AM »
It's pretty incredible this is free on Game Pass while Bruhthesda is charging 100 dollars to rent a private server on F76 lmao.
The Game Pass as a whole costs $3 less per month than Fallout 1st and now contains The Outer Worlds and Fallout: New Vegas, as well as over 100 other games.

I think Bethesda is broken.

Gaming / Re: The Outer Worlds
« on: October 27, 2019, 07:46:30 AM »
I'm on Supernova too, it gets a lot more manageable once you leave Emerald Vale, and you at least get an autosave when transitioning between instances.
Yeah after a few deaths I realised you could go in and out of Edgewater for a quick save, its handy after a quick run to an outpost.

Another complaint, the shotgun fucking sucks
I think in Supernova it's especially important to keep your guns up-to-date through tinkering, etc, especially those of your companions or you'll really struggle. But yeah, the shotgun does suck.

Gaming / Re: The Outer Worlds
« on: October 27, 2019, 05:31:16 AM »
I'm on Supernova too, it gets a lot more manageable once you leave Emerald Vale, and you at least get an autosave when transitioning between instances.

Gaming / Re: The Outer Worlds
« on: October 26, 2019, 11:47:42 AM »
This game is brilliant, like it's got all the best parts of the WRPG genre pre-Skyrim.

After playing it a bit more it's reminiscent of KOTOR more than Mass Effect.

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 26, 2019, 05:17:12 AM »
did both stalks grow

Gaming / Re: The Outer Worlds
« on: October 26, 2019, 04:07:45 AM »
i remember seeing it during e3, but not paying much attention to it

whats it about?
It's set in a group of colony worlds overrun by corporations, and you are a colonist who's been stranded in stasis for 70 years on a colony ship that never made it there. This old scientist guy wakes you up and sends you down to investigate the colonies and what happened.

How open ended is it, from your experience?
It's like Fallout: New Vegas with the hub-world system of Mass Effect. Rather than having one big open space you have several smaller open-world spaces that you can travel between in your ship. The game has full dialogue trees and branching story paths, and all but one character can be killed.

The Flood / Re: Completely coherent knowledge is likely impossible
« on: October 25, 2019, 01:38:02 PM »
Stop posting.

Gaming / The Outer Worlds
« on: October 25, 2019, 12:10:02 PM »
This came out today, is anyone playing?

I'm not too far in but it's pretty good so far. Like a mix between Fallout: New Vegas and Mass Effect.

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