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Messages - big dog

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Gaming / Re: Pet Peeves in video games
« on: November 30, 2017, 05:38:15 PM »
great ones like The Killing Joke

Nothing involving the Joker has ever been "great".
bet you feel like a retard


is this suicide squad
david ayer cut this scene because it scared him so much

The Flood / Re: Disney did nothing wrong
« on: November 30, 2017, 05:25:40 PM »
fuck i need to play kotor 2 again

The Flood / Re: Disney did nothing wrong
« on: November 30, 2017, 05:24:30 PM »

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - Search for the Griffin
« on: November 30, 2017, 12:26:13 PM »
Update 4 - Ghost in the Well

Back at the White Orchard Inn, I updated Vesemir on the griffin. Now wasn't the time to go after the griffin yet; I still wanted to do some side quests and level up again. One of the notes I picked up from the noticeboard earlier was written by a peasant looking for their brother, who had been missing ever since a battle some time ago. I met the peasant, Dune, in a nearby village, one that had been burned to the ground. He gave me more information about his brother, Bastien, and the two of us set off together to find him. At the site of the battle, Dune told me that Bastien had been carrying a Temerian shield, and so we set out to find any corpse with one.

On the battlefield, we were attacked by ghouls feeding off the dead. After killing them, we were able to find a few Temerian shields among the many corpses that littered the field, but none of them belonging to Bastien. After a while, Dune's dog caught a scent and ran off. He led us to a shack, where Bastien and a Nilfgaardian soldier were holed up. It turned out that the two had both been injured, but helped each other to safety. Dune told Bastien to come with us, but Bastien didn't want to leave the other soldier, Rhosyn, behind. I encouraged Dune to take Rhosyn in, and he soon agreed. He thanked me for me help, and I was on my way.

I headed down to the well, that was apparently haunted by some creature. I found out that it was likely to be a noonwraith, tied to the area for some reason. Inside the well was a skeleton hanged by a rope. Its left arm was missing - I found out that it was likely a bracelet keeping the noonwraith tied to this place. I jumped into the well and found the missing arm at the bottom, with the bracelet attacked. Returning to the skeleton I found, I burned it and the bracelet together to summon the wraith.

This was a long fight - I suppose that's my fault, because I didn't prepare for it at all and was just hitting it with a sword, but eventually I put the wraith down. I returned to Odolan and gave him the good news. I told him not to bother with a reward, and save it for his daughter instead. He gave me something anyway.

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Infinity War Trailer
« on: November 30, 2017, 11:10:17 AM »
i guarantee that there will be at least five bits in the film where it's one continuous shot zooming around each of the heroes doing cool shit while the generic avengers soundtrack plays and then at the end it zooms out to show all of them standing in a badass pose

The Flood / Re: SEP7ABOWL 2017 3: ULTIMATE EDITION SIGNUP (35/48)
« on: November 30, 2017, 03:21:55 AM »

Gaming / Re: Pet Peeves in video games
« on: November 29, 2017, 04:37:11 PM »
when npcs are straight bustas

The Flood / Re: Disney did nothing wrong
« on: November 29, 2017, 11:55:22 AM »
Yeah, but they cancelled The Clone Wars

There really wasn't much they could do. I've posted about this before.
no, disney clearly hates prequels fans and wants them to suffer!!!!!

The Flood / Re: Disney did nothing wrong
« on: November 29, 2017, 11:54:28 AM »
I just want the lore of and connected to KOTOR 1-2 to be canon. From what I've seen it doesn't seem to conflict with anything or create any inconsistencies, and it takes place thousands of years before the movies anyways.
we can dream

only thing is if they were to bring kotor 1 and 2 back into the canon they'd most likely also bring TOR into it, especially considering it's still active

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Infinity War Trailer
« on: November 29, 2017, 11:47:55 AM »
im just excited for the new nerd crew on this

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Infinity War Trailer
« on: November 29, 2017, 10:24:21 AM »
bruh, look at this duuuuude

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - White Orchard
« on: November 28, 2017, 09:55:49 AM »
Will you twerk on stream for a donat?
ill dab on stream
Can you get a life on stream?
only if you donate
Okay fedora man, I shall donate to your broadcast.
Have the wallet ready.

When you streaming next?

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - White Orchard
« on: November 28, 2017, 09:46:49 AM »

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - White Orchard
« on: November 28, 2017, 09:43:12 AM »
Update 3 - Search for the Griffin

As I rode back to the village, I came across an old woman trying to get into an abandoned house. She told me that her frying pan had been borrowed, but never returned, and she was sure that the thief was inside the house. Not the most urgent of problems, but she did tell me that she had no other pans. I can sympathise with her, I suppose. It's not good when a flatmate someone borrows your pan and forgets to wash it up return it.

I broke down the door to the house to find a dead man sitting up against a wall. In the kitchen, I found the missing frying pan. Turned out that the man had only wanted the soot from the pan to make ink, so that he could write some letter. There were also some burned documents in the room. I returned the pan to the woman and explained what had happened, as well as telling her to bury the man's body. She thanked me and we parted ways.

Farther up the road, I stopped to talk to a man named Odolan about a well that was haunted by a wraith. I volunteered to deal with it, although I probably wouldn't do it just yet.

I reached Mislav's home, but it looked like he was out. I used my Witcher senses to track him down. I found him out hunting wild dogs that were causing trouble for the village. I helped him kill them, and in return he led me to the place where several Nilfgaardian soldiers had been killed by the griffin. From there, I followed some tracks through the woods to a griffin nest. There, several mangled corpses lay, including that of a female griffin. After inspecting the area, I headed back towards the village.

My next stop was talking to the Tomira about buckthorn. When I found her, she was tending to another of the griffin's victims, Lena. She told me what I needed to know about buckthorn, and then we turned our attention to Lena. The girl was certain to die, but there was the possibility that one of Geralt's Witcher potions could save her. Unfortunately, there was also a risk that the potion could also leave her in immense pain as Witcher potions don't work the same way on normal humans. Right now she was fairly peaceful, soothed by Tomira's own methods, so for now I left the two of them, heading to the river. Diving to the riverbed, I was able to find some of the herb I needed.

As I passed back through town, I stopped by the noticeboard to look at some of the quests available, seeing as I would probably need more experience before going after the griffin. I came across a short blacksmith whose workshop had been burned down. He suspected that it was due to him working for the Nilfgaardians, although he didn't have much of a choice. I agreed to find the arsonist for him, and started by following a trail of footprints behind the workshop. They led me to the river, where I was attacked by some weird blue creatures. They were pretty tough, although them being Level 4 that wasn't much of a surprise. Thankfully the guards were there to help me defeat them.

Back on the trail, I eventually came across Bram, the merchant who Vesemir and I had saved earlier. Again, he was thankful, and offered to trade. I declined, and kept following the footprints until I came to a house. Sure enough, inside was the suspect, Napp, whose hand had been injured by the same beasts that had attacked me earlier. He tried to bribe me into forgetting about the arson, but I wasn't having any of it. He didn't like that, and was about to start a fight, but I was able to calm him down and bring him to the dwarf. Napp tried to apologise, but Willis beckoned some guards over, who took him away to hang him. Harsh, but the guy was a dumb, drunken pyromaniac.

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - White Orchard
« on: November 28, 2017, 09:31:03 AM »
Will you twerk on stream for a donat?
ill dab on stream

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - Witcher Training
« on: November 28, 2017, 07:34:33 AM »
Update 2 - White Orchard

Something that's pretty cool about this game is that when loading in you are shown a brief cutscene explaining what is happening in the story right now. That was a really nice touch from the developers.

Vesemir and I came across a helpless wagon driver who had been attacked by some winged creature. They tried to attack the beast, but it flew away after injuring Vesemir. The man, Bram, thanked the two Witchers, and offered a reward. I declined; this guy had just lost his horse and whatever he was transporting, I didn't want to take more from him. However, we did ask him if he had seen the woman they were looking for, and he pointed us in the direction of an inn owned by a relative of his.

Vesemir rode to the town and entered the inn. One of the patrons there scolded the innkeeper, Elsa, for hanging a Temerian  shield on one of the pillars, and briefly argued with one of his friends about whether it should be there. As the Witchers entered, the men voiced their displeasure at the new arrivals. However, the innkeeper welcomed us warmly. We asked her about Yennefer, but she didn't seem to know anything.

I asked some of the villagers in the inn whether they had seen Yennefer. For some I could use my powers to influence them to talk, and found out that a woman matching Yennefer's description had passed through the village. Aldert Geert, a professor from Oxenfurt Academy, believed Yennefer's presence to be little more than a fairytale. I asked him what he was doing here, and he said that he was intending to chronicle the ongoing war. I encouraged him to continue, but to represent it accurately. He didn't respond very well, but he did offer to teach me how to play Gwent.

I'm not really a fan of card games in video games, so I can't see myself playing more of Gwent. I did beat Aldert, although I assume the game ensures that happens in the tutorial. I left Aldert and went over to speak with another of the patrons. He offered me a drink, but I refused. Elsa brought over two drinks for us anyway. The man revealed that he knew of Yennefer, and told me to check with the local garrison for information.

As I was exiting the tavern, I was confronted by three men who told me to leave, that my kind wasn't welcome here. I used my persuasion powers to convince one of them to back off, but the other two accused me of witchcraft, and attacked. I beat them both down fairly easily.

Upon reaching the Nilfgaardian garrison, the guards initially didn't let me in, but when I told them that I was a Witcher they were more welcoming. Seems like they have work for me. Inside, the Commander told me that there was a griffin in the area - the best I saw earlier - and told me to kill it. Only then would he give me more information. He told me to go see a hunter, Mislav, and a herbalist, Tomira. And with that, I was on my way.

The Flood / Re: Disney did nothing wrong
« on: November 28, 2017, 06:20:12 AM »

The Flood / Re: Disney did nothing wrong
« on: November 28, 2017, 05:27:24 AM »
bring back revan

Gaming / Re: Anyone play the new Assassins Creed?
« on: November 28, 2017, 01:56:01 AM »

The Flood / Re: Disney did nothing wrong
« on: November 28, 2017, 01:36:46 AM »
One fateful day on Tatooine, Luke Skywalker entered Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina and sat down at the bar. After Baba, who was apparently drunk, growled a few words at Luke, Dr. Evazan informed Skywalker that his partner, Ponda Baba, did not like him. Despite Luke's efforts to avoid a confrontation, Ponda attacked him. The scuffle was ended when Obi-Wan Kenobi severed Baba's right arm with his lightsaber.

Evazan tried to use his medical knowledge to replace Baba's arm, but the surgery was a failure, almost resulting in Baba's death. The two parted ways, with Baba swearing to impart vengeance on his former partner.

After a partial reconciliation, they reunited and set up a base in a castle on Ando. Evazan had created a mind-transferring machine, which Baba hoped would give him a new body. Evazan lured an Andoan senator to the castle, then trapped him in his machine. When Baba was in place, Evazan started the machine. Their bodies switched, Ponda Baba had the senator's body, but the senator, now in Baba's body, escaped the machine and chased them to the rooftop. He tried to kill the doctor and Baba with a thermal detonator, but, they jumped off the roof just before the detonator exploded, which killed the senator. Ponda Baba and Evazan swore vengeance on each other, as previously before.

Ponda Baba was later wanted by the Corellian Security Force for attacking various locations on Corellia's neighboring planet Talus, with the help of his Aqualish gang the Followers of Baba. However, the CorSec could not take him in themselves, so they hired a spacer instead, who was successful in capturing Ponda Baba and dispersing the rest of his gang.

Serious / Re: Net Neutrality Dead?
« on: November 27, 2017, 12:49:25 PM »
If you would all just stop for a minute and give trump a chance
he's just telling it like it is

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - Preparations
« on: November 27, 2017, 12:41:06 PM »
Update 1 - Witcher Training

Upon starting a new game I was treated to a nice cinematic where the protagonist, Geralt, and his companions are on the trail of some woman with magical powers. After a while our hero falls asleep and it seems that we've jumped back in time. Geralt is relaxing in a bathtub while a the same woman from before, now naked, reads a book. Some weird bug creeps into the tub and... does something... that makes Geralt wake up. The woman, who I assume is his wife or some lover of his, tells Geralt that he'd promised to train Ciri today, and so Geralt gets up and decides to go out. Thankfully there's an in-game codex where I could lookup who Yennefer was. I appreciate it when games like this include these and the way it's presented is very concise and helpful for new players such as myself.

My first task was to find the key so that I could unlock the room and get out. For this I was introduced to Geralt's Witcher Senses, which highlight objects of interest, although the key was large enough to find without. There were some minor things to interact with, which is nice.

Going downstairs I found an old man sleeping with an open book. He was meant to be teaching Ciri but fell asleep while Ciri ran away to practice her sword training. The old man, Vesemir, was unhappy with Ciri's behaviour, but I tried to calm him down. From what little I've seen so far, the dialogue system seems to do a decent job of telling you what each option will say without it being a word-for-word repetition of the voiced line, something games like Mass Effect and Fallout 4 struggle with. I'm not sure about Geralt's voice itself right now. His delivery seems rather flat and bored so far.

Anyway, Geralt went down to see Ciri, who was training with some weird pendulum contraption, hitting it with her sword and jumping around it on top of a fence. Geralt gives her some advice and tells her off for leaving Vesemir. After that, Ciri and I decided to race down to the courtyard, at which point I was given a tutorial on movement mechanics.

Reaching the courtyard, Ciri apologises to Vesemir and reveals that she had read the material he was teaching her. Now it was time for some combat training. I was expecting the combat to be your generic Assassin's Creed-style system, but from the looks of things it appears to have a tiny bit more depth than that.

Once I had finished the tutorial, Ciri decided to run away as Geralt and Vesemir shouted after her. Geralt looked at a training dummy that Ciri had slashed and noticed a piece of cut fabric sticking out of the head. Peeling it back, he found a human face behind it, bloodied and lifeless. When Geralt turned around, there was suddenly a monstrous ship floating at the walls of Kaer Morhen, and a villainous figure standing beneath it with Ciri. The thing raised its sword, and slashed down at the girl.

Geralt wakes up, back in the present. He discusses his dream with Vesemir, as well as a letter Yennefer had left him. They decide that it's time to get moving again, but before they can go anywhere the two of them are attacked by ghouls. These are taken out rather easily, and once the fight is over we get on our horses and ride off.

As far as video game tutorials go, this one was very good. It doesn't overstay its welcome at all, and it does a nice job of keeping it within the context of the story. Things are looking good already.

Gaming / Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - The Masked Man
« on: November 26, 2017, 01:56:27 PM »

Difficulty: Blood and Broken Bones
Character Level: 21

Main Quests
Kaer Morhen
Lilac and Gooseberries
The Beast of White Orchard
The Incident at White Orchard
Imperial Audience

Act I - In Ciri's Footsteps
The Nilfgaardian Connection
Bloody Baron
Ciri's Story: The King of the Wolves
Family Matters
Princess in Distress
Ciri's Story: The Race
Hunting a Witch
Wandering in the Dark
Ladies of the Wood
The Whispering Hillock
Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog

The Pyres of Novigrad
Novigrad Dreaming
Broken Flowers
Ciri's Story: Visiting Junior
A Favor for Radovid
Get Junior
Count Reuven's Treasure
The Play's the Thing
A Poet Under Pressure
Ciri's Story: Breakneck Speed

Destination: Skellige
The King is Dead - Long Live the King
Echoes of the Past
Missing Persons
The Calm Before the Storm

Act II - Uma's Curse
Ugly Baby

Act III - Wild Hunt

Side Quests
Following the Thread
Master Armorers
Black Pearl

Collect 'Em All

White Orchard
A Frying Pan, Spick and Span
Missing in Action
Twisted Firestarter
Precious Cargo
On Death's Bed

Funeral Pyres
Ciri's Room
An Invitation from Keira Metz
Lynch Mob
Bitter Harvest
At the Mercy of Strangers
The Fall of the House of Reardon
Fool's Gold
Hazardous Goods
Wild at Heart
Magic Lamp
A Towerful of Mice
A Favor for a Friend
For the Advancement of Learning
Forefathers' Eve
Return to Crookback Bog
Fists of Fury: Velen

Defender of the Faith
Races: Crow's Perch
Gwent: Velen Players
The Truth is in the Stars

Fake Papers

Fencing Lessons
Haunted House
The Dwarven Document Dilemma
An Eye for an Eye
Redania's Most Wanted
A Matter of Life and Death
Now or Never
A Deadly Plot
A Dangerous Game
Honor Among Thieves
Carnal Sins

Gwent: Playing Innkeeps
Gwent: Big City Players
The Volunteer
Of Swords and Dumplings
Fists of Fury: Novigrad
High Stakes

The Gangs of Novigrad

In Wolf's Clothing
The Last Wish
Master of the Arena
Brave Fools Die Young
The Family Blade
The Lord of Undvik
Stranger in a Strange Land
Cave of Dreams
King's Gambit
Shock Therapy

In the Heart of the Woods
Fists of Fury: Skellige
Gwent: Skellige Style
The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory!
Practicum in Advanced Alchemy
Taken as a Lass
Abandoned Sawmill

Witcher Contracts
Devil by the Well
Woodland Beast
Jenny o' the Woods
Muire D'yaeblen
The Phantom of Eldberg

Missing Brother
The Beast of Honorton
Oxenfurt Drunk
The Creature from Oxenfurt Forest
The Merry Widow
Mysterious Tracks
Swamp Thing
The Mystery of the Byways Murders
An Elusive Thief
Doors Slamming Shut
Deadly Delights
Lord of the Woods
Strange Beast
Here Comes the Groom

Treasure Hunts
Temerian Valuables
Deserter Funds
Dirty Gold
The Things Men Do For Coin
Blood Gold
Freya Be Praised!
Not Only Eagles Dare

Scavenger Hunts
Viper School Gear
Griffin School Gear
Cat School Gear

So I finally got around to buying this game. GOTY edition was on sale for £13.99 on Steam so I thought, "Why not?"
This game has been on my radar for a long time now and I've been putting it off for several reasons. I'm not too big into fantasy settings - not that I dislike the genre or anything, I just struggle to get invested in most of them. I was also fearing that with all the praise surrounding it that I'd be giving myself really high expectations of the game that it wouldn't be able to achieve. And there's the fact that the game is apparently very long, and I wasn't prepared to commit to such a lengthy game in a series I wasn't familiar with.

However, seeing the game on sale I decided to go ahead and buy it. I've heard way too many positive things about this game that I can't ignore it any longer, and it seems like the kind of thing I'd have to play at some point. So here we are. This'll be a Verbatim-style playthrough thread, although I haven't decided if I'll be delivering it through text, videos, or a mixture.

I'm going in mostly blind although I am aware of some general plot aspects and vague spoilers, and I'd prefer to keep it that way, so no spoilers please. I'm not familiar with how the character-building works so I may update the OP with a tracker once I find out what it's like.

I should be able to start soon, once I find a decent break from my projects.

Gaming / Re: Why is software like this so hard to obtain?
« on: November 26, 2017, 01:29:24 PM »
sep7agon the game

Gaming / Re: What are some older games with timeless graphics
« on: November 25, 2017, 10:49:46 AM »
The 90's Oddworld games look amazing.
This. They honestly look better than New 'n' Tasty IMO.

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: November 25, 2017, 08:47:22 AM »
very cool!

titanfall off the radar days after release

The Flood / Re: SEP7ABOWL 2017 3: ULTIMATE EDITION SIGNUP (17/48)
« on: November 25, 2017, 05:23:04 AM »
i honestly don't know why you bother with signups, i would just pick people
If I'm not getting enough signups I typically go and pick from the (active) people on the high post count list, I just take signups first in case I miss out any currently active members with fewer posts.

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