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Messages - big dog

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The Flood / Re: Has your opinion on Trump changed?
« on: December 16, 2017, 07:58:13 PM »
ive given him 637 chances so far. Im prepared to give him more, and so should all of you be.

The Flood / Re: Has your opinion on Trump changed?
« on: December 16, 2017, 05:16:14 PM »

« on: December 16, 2017, 02:09:42 PM »
The Clone Wars film
I'm impressed anyone here actually remembered that shitshow existed.
it was the first star wars film i ever saw at the cinema

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - The Witch of Midcopse
« on: December 16, 2017, 01:44:51 PM »
What’s the rule on looting in this game?

If you loot in front of people they get mad but it seems like chests are just lying around everywhere

I want loot but I don’t really want to steal
fuck ive been looting everything i see and haven't gotten into trouble yet

« on: December 16, 2017, 11:51:33 AM »
A New Hope
Revenge of The Sith
Empire Strikes Back
Rogue One
The Phantom Menace
Return of the Jedi
The Force Awakens
Attack of the Clones
The Clone Wars film

Reserving judgement on The Last Jedi until I've seen it in about 3 hours but I'm guessing it's gonna be below TFA based on what I've seen.
I thought Rogue One was your favourite? And AotC?

« on: December 15, 2017, 07:31:46 PM »
1. A New Hope
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. The Last Jedi
4. The Force Awakens
5. Return of the Jedi
6. Revenge of the Sith
7. The Phantom Menace
8. Attack of the Clones
?. Rogue One

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 15, 2017, 05:58:18 PM »
The guys sitting next to me were the embodiment of the cretins that RLM makes fun of all the time.

When R2-D2 was son screen the guy to my immediate left gasped and whispered "R2!"

I wanted to learn over and say I his ear "he was in the last fucking movie dumbass"
I didn't get anyone that obnoxious when I went (a couple people did start clapping at the end though), but

Something I found amusing was at the end of Luke and Kylo's confrontation, when Luke disappeared and was shown to be on the island some little kids in front of me started punching the air, clearly pleased that Luke had survived the encounter and "beaten" Kylo Ren.

And then he died.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 15, 2017, 05:51:13 PM »
the whole film felt like Rian Johnson showing just how empty and derivative JJ's era was and trying to turn it into something interesting.

"Snoke is a Palpatine ripoff. He's dead now, and his death services the character of Kylo Ren"

"Rey's parents are junkies also stop asking it isn't important"
Yeah, it felt like it was trying to change up a lot of the OT-like landscape that TFA gave us, like the whole Emperor-Apprentice dynamic or the Boba Fett-type character.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 15, 2017, 05:19:35 PM »
I liked Rouge One. I think the prequels are pretty trash. CGI was laughable, acting was bad. Especially Annakin. IMO, TFA was the best Star Wars behind Empire Strikes Back. Now a lot of critics are saying TLJ is the best, even better than Empire. Something has people salty with this movie. Really divisive so far.
It pushes the sequel era more into being its own thing than being held down by the OT, with a lot of new, weird things. I love the direction they took with this film but for others I can see the change being quite jarring, or not what they wanted.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 15, 2017, 05:16:33 PM »
It's not as bad as Rogue One
I wouldn't say Rogue One was bad.

It has a nonexistent level of quality. I can't apply a "bad" label to it because there was nothing to the film.

It's one of the most boring films I've seen, it's not good either
It's probably the only SW film other than AotC I have no desire to watch again. I felt nothing through the entire thing.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 15, 2017, 05:13:12 PM »
It's not as bad as Rogue One
I wouldn't say Rogue One was bad.

It has a nonexistent level of quality. I can't apply a "bad" label to it because there was nothing to the film.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 15, 2017, 05:00:41 PM »

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - New Leads
« on: December 15, 2017, 04:37:59 PM »
Update 9 - The Witch of Midcopse

I decided to go after the witch first, as the quest had a lower recommended level. On the road I found some woman complaining about about something, so I stopped to check on her. Some nearby shrine had been toppled over, and she needed someone big and strong such as myself to lift it back up. I did so, and then she asked me to repair any other shrines and punish those who damaged them. I suppose if I find any on my journey I’ll do that.

I stopped in a small village where I got a blacksmith to craft me a new sword. I also bought a treasure map from him, which I suppose could be useful. On my way out I was attacked by some bandits on horseback. I didn’t realise time slowed down when you held down your attack. In previous horse battles I was just waving my sword around hoping to get a hit.

I soon arrived at my destination: Midcopse. The people there seemed sceptical of my appearance, and overheard some mention the Bloody Baron. I asked one of the villagers where I could find the witch, and she told me that her husband had been to see her recently about a back problem. The husband was initially a little less forthcoming, but I used Delusion to get him to cooperate, and he willingly gave me the witch’s location.

While I was looking for the witch I was attacked by some weird new creatures - Nekkers. They seemed pretty weak, not too much trouble. When I reached her house, a small crowd was already gathered around it. The villagers were looking to her fix all of their problems, and she was getting visibly frustrated. After she’d had enough she told them all to go away and went back inside.

Following her in, I found that she had disappeared somewhere. After some searching and looting of her house, I activated some portal using a skull on one of her shelves. I entered the portal to find myself in some enclosed foresty area, with a structure in the middle. The witch, Keira Metz, was waiting for me in the bath. Geralt ogled her for a bit before she got out and put some clothes on. Turns out they were “old friends”. After a… prickly… conversation, she finally revealed that an elf had been asking about Ciri, and had told her to meet him at some ruins to tell him any information. So, the two of us decided to head over there.

At the ruins, the elf was nowhere to be seen. We went inside, only to find ourselves on a broken bridge. On the other end was the Wild Hunt, creating a portal to someplace. Keira created a portal to the other side. When I went through, however, I was dropped into some other area of the cave, and the portal closed before Keira could come through.

After fighting some drowners on my way back through the cave, I found Keira, clearly terrified, shielding herself from a bunch of rats. I destroyed the nearby nests and we briefly argued about whether to continue after the Hunt or not. Eventually, I convinced her to keep going. Soon enough, we found the Masked Man, the elf. Or rather, his “morphotic projection”. He gave a message that was clearly meant for Ciri, but Geralt was able to understand it. "Follow the sign of your sword." Ciri's sword had a swallow on it apparently, and that meant we had to look for swallow signs in the ruins to uncover more of the mystery. Keira and I headed deeper into the cave.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 15, 2017, 01:44:34 PM »
Just got back from the kinoplex.

I really enjoyed it. A lot. A very weird film though so I can see why it's been so divisive.

I felt like all the characters were likable, even Rose. I was expecting her to be fucking annoying from her first appearance but she ended up being okay. Daisy Ridley's acting has improved. Still not great, but better than in TFA. Something I really didn't like was Benicio Del Toro's character, and that was more a problem with his weird stutter thing than his actual character. Other than that, everyone gave a really good performance.

The humour wasn't as bad as I was expecting. There were a couple moments where it felt out of place (odd quips during Rey and Kylo's conversations, the sad Porgs, a couple other things) but in general I thought it was fine.

Story direction takes an unexpected, but IMO positive turn. I like that Snoke didn't end up being the endgame big bad (although I would have liked to have actually learned what he actually was). Luke's final scene was nice. There were a few bits where I was thinking "What?" but they didn't detract too much from the experience.

Super Leia really wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I found Sliding Rey more silly-looking.

The Canto Bight plotline didn't contribute much to the plot, but I think the film was better for it. It was a fun sequence that gave some much-needed development to the sequel era, and ended with a really nice, hopeful moment. Could have done without the drunken alien thinking BB-8 was a slot machine though.

The action scenes were some of the best in the series, and the film had quite a few. The film in general looks very nice, save for a slight overuse of greenscreen.

Also, what was the point in making a CGI Yoda puppet rather than just using a puppet? Or was it an actual puppet that just looked a bit weird?

Overall though, I loved this movie. Right now I'd put it as my third favourite SW film, above TFA and below ESB. I may have to see it with again with other people next week so we'll see if that changes.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 15, 2017, 03:40:29 AM »

*destroys your ancient scrolls*
No spoilers please

The Flood / Re: The Internet Is Literally Dead
« on: December 14, 2017, 01:19:09 PM »

Based Ajit
fucker used a kotor screenshot as the background

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 14, 2017, 01:14:49 PM »
tbh the film is 2.5 hours long it probably needs an intermission

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 14, 2017, 01:00:53 PM »
I didn't use my phone during the movie you shits. For whatever reason, the movie had a break in the middle. Literally never seen that before over here.
I didn't realise those were still a thing. Last time I saw one was during the Chamber of Secrets.

The Flood / Re: The Internet Is Literally Dead
« on: December 14, 2017, 12:48:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 14, 2017, 09:34:08 AM »
Seeing it tomorrow, pretty excited.

Gaming / Re: Worst Game of 2017?
« on: December 14, 2017, 02:09:07 AM »
Bluehole are pretty scummy tbh.

The Flood / Re: The absolute state of white people
« on: December 13, 2017, 04:11:46 AM »
I don't see the issue here.

The Flood / Re: SEP7ABOWL 2017 3: ULTIMATE EDITION SIGNUP (41/48)
« on: December 12, 2017, 02:41:36 PM »
I guess this isn't happening.
it is, I just haven't had the time to fill in the blank slots lately. final deadline is thursday so should start sometime after then.

Gaming / Re: Fedorekd plays The Witcher 3 - Arrival at Velen
« on: December 11, 2017, 05:51:52 PM »
Update 8 - New Leads

As I was leaving the dead priest and his men behind, I was approached by a shady merchant offering to sell me a counterfeit pass that would allow me over some nearby bridge, one controlled by the Redanians. His price was ridiculous, so he offered me some work to possibly reduce it. He wanted me to protect his brother-in-law, who worked on clearing battlefields. I said I’d think it over, but at this point the quest seemed too high level to be attempted now. I didn't need to get across the bridge at this point in time anyway.

On the road to the Henrik’s location, I came across a wild dog patrolling outside a small house. Inside, I could see a young girl. I killed the dog, allowing her and some other children to come outside. The girl said that they hadn’t eaten in a week, so I gave her some food, and in return she gave me… a doll. Okay?

After a short ride, I arrived at the Inn at the Crossroads, where I was to meet Henrik. I asked the inkeep if he was there, but before he could say anything, a group of bandits wandered in. They started taunting me about how I have two swords, to which I bought them all a round of drinks. After a tense moment, everyone was calm - for now, at least. In a more private area, the inkeep thanked me for not starting a fight, and told me that Henrik should be in Heatherton.

Upon reaching Heatherton, I found the village empty and lifeless, save for a lone man being attacked by dogs. After I rescued him, the man told me of how the Wild Hunt raided the village, and tortured Henrik for information before killing him. Entering Henrik’s hut, I found his corpse. A key was inside his boot, and I used it to unlock a trapdoor to the cellar. Inside, I found a book containing notes on Ciri. It also mentioned two possible leads - a baron and a witch.

Gaming / Re: KOTOR Playthrough Thread
« on: December 10, 2017, 06:19:18 PM »
Trask Ulgo is the greatest star wars character

That's not DeadEye Duncan
That's not Luuke Skywalker
That's not Luuuke Skywalker
That's not Davin Felth.

Gaming / Re: KOTOR Playthrough Thread
« on: December 10, 2017, 05:57:17 AM »
I always get this and Old Republic mixed up, or is it the same

I dont know anymore
It`s the same
no it's not The Old Republic is a shitty MMO

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 General
« on: December 10, 2017, 05:49:40 AM »
Is the new raid good
It's one of the best IMO. Quite short (Crota's End length) but all of the encounters are pretty fun and aren't too frustrating or full of bullshit. We also get two enemy factions which is nice.

The Flood / Re: Deci is fat
« on: December 09, 2017, 04:53:04 AM »
chally is fat

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 General
« on: December 08, 2017, 04:39:33 PM »
This raid is already the best ever lmao.

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