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Topics - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 789
Gaming / Assassin's Creed Unity vs Rogue
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:16:51 AM »
Which game are you looking forward to the most, for those of you that play these games?



To me, Rogue seems to have the much more interesting story.  Unity, on the other hand, is offering a brand new engine, brand new mechanics, improved graphics, and I've been looking forward to see how the French Revolution got played out.

The Flood / Goddamnit
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:05:40 AM »
Go into maintenance mode just as the songs were getting good. :I

The Flood / The best thing in Doctor Who, ever.
« on: October 20, 2014, 12:31:53 AM »

That stole the newest episode for me.

The Flood / Gabe Newell started a new internet trend, apparently.
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:50:55 PM »

Damnit Gaben. :I

The Flood / Be glad you guys don't have to deal with this crap ._.
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:24:32 PM »

That guy is one lucky son of a bitch.

The Flood / I don't need to make a sleep thread
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:36:08 AM »
I got the next two days off, so time to stay up all night playing video games and drinking rum.

What are you little beans up this late for?

Serious / White Privilege
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:51:21 AM »
Saw this after some pressure from Nuka:


Pretty great stuff from Jon and brought a smile to my face to see Bill O' stammer and stutter around worse than Obama without a teleprompter.

Do you guys think "White Privilege" has still left a residue in our society?  I think it has, kind of.  It's not as prevalent, but it still likes to leave a stink in the communities, especially ones, like Jon said, with ghettos. 

The Flood / Some good ol' fashioned cringe.
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:30:04 PM »
Saw this while my dad watched Smackdown.  Was...kind of sad I did see it.


The Flood / I'm calling out SoporificSlash
« on: October 09, 2014, 06:51:10 PM »
To discuss the theory of Roose Bolton being a vampire/magic user.

What say you, man of Bolton?

Serious / Radical Offers Reward for Abducting President Obama
« on: October 03, 2014, 04:03:26 PM »
Click here

A dangerous and vile Facebook group has over 1500 members who, the group claims, "have made a pledge towards the Reward For Capture of Obama."
Change the conversation, change the world
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"This group is for those who have made a pledge towards the Reward For Capture of Obama," the Facebook page of Reward For Capture Of Obama reads. Its 1547 members -- assuming they voluntarily signed up and were not added to the group without their knowledge -- according to the Facebook group's About page, believe that "Obama is not the president, he cannot be impeached: He must be arrested. Therefore, this group is dedicated to the arrest and removal of Obama from the White House and Washington DC."

Among the group's admins is conservative militia leader Everest Wilhelmsen, leader of the Christian American Patriots Militia.

"Last November, Wilhelmsen sparked a firestorm after posting a message on the group’s Facebook page that the Constitution gave him the authority to assassinate President Obama and members of his cabinet," Addicting Info reports:

    Wilhelmsen reported in his post that his group has raised $116,872.00 thus far to pay as a reward to anyone to completes the task of capturing and permanently removing President Obama from office. Of course, we can assume that by “permanently” he means kill him. The reward is to aid the perpetrator of the crime. Wilhelmsen removed the report of the amount of money raised from the post yesterday evening.

Right-wing radio host Peter T. Santilli is listed among the 1547 members. Last year the Huffington Post reported Santilli "has drawn Secret Service scrutiny after going on a sustained rant last week that included a suggestion that he wanted to 'try, convict and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina.'"

In a Facebook post Wilhelmsen writes that it is "obvious that Obama is usurping the Office of President in willful disregard of Article II, Section I clause 5 of the United States Constitution and his senatorial oath. His father was not an American citizen and this fact alone disqualifies him. To be President a person's parents must both be American citizens."

Of course, nowhere in the Constitution does it state "To be President a person's parents must both be American citizens."

....Nothing like good ol' fashioned treason, bigotry and igorance.  Check out the Facebook page, it's really pathetic.  I wouldn't shed a tear if every single one of these fucks were arrested and prosecuted, but given how pathetically lax the Secret Service has been lately, they'll get to hang around and be arm chair warriors (until someone actually does snap and does something.)

I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but I wouldn't think about going around threatening to hang, abduct or kill the President or his family.  Do the Europeans, Canadians, etc. see stuff like this for their own political leaders?  I'm only asking because while I do know about the venom thrown at Bush, I've never seen stupid shit like this.

Serious / WIC, and other oversaturated welfare programs.
« on: September 17, 2014, 06:07:06 AM »
I fucking hate WIC.  Got pulled up as a cashier at work today because they didn't have enough people (Wal-Mart can't schedule to save their own lives) and my first lucky customer had WIC on her.  I had to call a manager over to help since I didn't know how to do it since I'm an Electronics salesperson, and we don't deal with that crap.

For our overseas users that don't understand, WIC (Women Infants Children) programs are an extra form of Government/taxpayer funded welfare.  It boils down to the customer getting select items that the WIC allows, such as a pound of cheese (any kind), cereal (whole grains) and milk (Skim or 1%).  I'm for welfare (for those that deserve it of course) but WIC is really pushing it.

For the process, you--the cashier--would have to check the items that the recipient's particular WIC check covers.  However, if you make a human mistake and you mistook the weight of the item, put in the wrong "kind" of food that's allowed, etc. you get a black mark.  3 black marks, and you're fired, even if it was all from one transaction.  It's stupid, because if you make a common human error you're toast.  I almost got my first black mark today because I almost accepted the wrong kind of cereal because the stupid customer "forgot" she put the accepted cereal in the food pile for her credit card.

I don't understand why food stamps wouldn't be enough, but hey I'm not a rich politician, so I don't know anything.  Are there any types of welfare that drive you insane, if not welfare as a whole?

Serious / English Nanny State gone wrong.
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:01:15 AM »
STOURBRIDGE, England – A school is implementing a biometric system to better track what students are eating each day.

fingerprint-scanner1The Express & Star reports students at Redhill School in Stourbridge, England will be fingerprinted in an attempt to reduce lunch lines and “monitor pupils’ diets.”

The system requires pupils to press a finger against a machine which converts the print into biometric data.

This can then be used to identify individual pupils accounts.

....what the actual fuck?  Wouldn't swiping a school credit card so that parents can track what their kids eat be simple enough?

(Also ignore the comments section, it's like a Republican Escapist.)

The Flood / And I've gone blind.
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:33:44 PM »
The site has officially blinded me with its brighter colors.

At least I have a legit reason to wear sunglasses inside without looking like a douchebag.

The Flood / People who write checks at checkouts...
« on: September 02, 2014, 08:28:41 PM »
Need to die. 

*He furiously texts while wasting a break in line thanks to a check - writing hag*

Septagon / Trust bars not showing up. :U
« on: September 01, 2014, 03:59:34 AM »
Yeaahhh I don't know what happened.  I could deliver karma to users, but for the past three days or so the - + bars have not shown up.

Is this a glitch/bug?

The Flood / Customers have great logic
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:28:50 AM »
Whine and bitch when we have no front - door security associates.

Whine and bitch when we get security associates by saying they're being persecuted when asked for a receipt.

Who else has fun stories about customers?

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