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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 585960 6162 ... 449
I guess I'll hijack this thread.

What kind of specs am I looking at for about £500-£600? I have a monitor and peripherals sorted so it's purely for the tower.

I'm looking to do light 3D work (anything really really intense I can use uni PCs but I would like to do stuff at home) and misc photoshop/ video stuff for general messing around. Not too interested in playing BF1 on ultra or anything, just wanting to play stuff like Stellaris or Civ or modded Fallout in regards to games.

Google tells me that's around 650-780 you ess dollarydoos.
It's a little more complicated than just changing the money.
Hardware is way more expensive outside of the US.

This build actually costs about £435 GBP if purchased in the US, but will run you £592.42
It costs $956 CAD, which is around £6 cheaper there.

It's one of the hardest parts building for other countries - how much the hardware costs.
I have a friend in Denmark who recently paid $1000 USD for a GTX 1080 Ti.

What content do you produce, Sol?
When I had better camera equipment, I edited a lot of very hi res stills, but now that I mostly work with materials provided by other artists, that has kind of fallen by the wayside.

I edit video in Final Cut Pro (not really a fan of Premier Pro) for a few friends who make shorts.
This is another thing I did a lot more of when I was shooting raw footage.

These days I mostly do modelling and texturing, either for mods or rendered images.

I do a lot of shop still, but the ceiling is usually 4k on most of the requests I fill, so no more xxxtra hi res raw image work.

Lately, I have started doing some audio work for a [super-secret] project on youtube, but that leans more heavily on my sound card (my 15yo Audigy 2 that somehow finds its way into every build I do because I'm too stubborn to buy a new one). Of course, if I was using onboard audio, I would definitely want a beefier CPU.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter players and Melee players playing Jenga
« on: July 20, 2017, 12:39:22 AM »
Smash in general is shit.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter players and Melee players playing Jenga
« on: July 19, 2017, 11:28:39 PM »
Fake. If that was a real melee played they'd refuse to play after a few bricks get replaced, complaining that this wasn't real Jenga and that the original tower was so much better.
That was really lame
It's true though.

The Flood / Re: What was your best post in any forum?
« on: July 19, 2017, 10:17:46 PM »
Definitely my thread 'Nobody is Born Gay' in

The Flood / Homescreen thread.
« on: July 19, 2017, 10:11:58 PM »
We /mobile/ now.

The Flood / Re: why wear a seatbelt when i'm already dead inside?
« on: July 19, 2017, 09:51:00 PM »
i thought u died lol
it's like you didn't even read the op smh

The Flood / Re: I wish I was Slytherin.
« on: July 19, 2017, 09:49:08 PM »
I'm totally Slytherin. I was even sorted into Slytherin. I am a pureblood of lies and deceit.
My sister is Slytherin.

She's mean.

The Flood / Re: I wish I was Slytherin.
« on: July 19, 2017, 09:46:17 PM »
I totally wanted to be Ravenclaw, but got sorted into Gryffindor :/

The Flood / Re: Only one more week online.
« on: July 19, 2017, 08:11:57 PM »
Only one more week online left for you? Why?

No, 7 more days of activity and I'll reach Marty status.
Oh. This status is probably something important, huh?

god bless you, flee
Just giving my 2c. Solonoid probably knows more about hardware in general than I do, but it seems that his PC has a different purpose than what you had in mind and doesn't offer twice the performance for the same price (especially for gaming it'll probably perform even worse). He's right in saying that there could've been some skimming here and there (mainly by going all AMD instead of Intel + Nvidia, which are usually seen as more reliable and high quality but more expensive), but I think you have a solid build picked out for what you want it do. It's a reasonable price and nothing is stopping you from investing in an i5 and another 8gb of DDR4 down the line for a build that I would consider downright good.
Looking at it as machine only for playing games and browsing the internet, it will probably get the job done for the next three years, and with what prehistoric wants to use it for in mind, I retract my statement.
Just don't expect to be doing a lot of content creation centric stuff, which is a large portion of what I do.

youre kind of a fucking asshole btw
no shit

god bless you, flee
Just giving my 2c. Solonoid probably knows more about hardware in general than I do, but it seems that his PC has a different purpose than what you had in mind and doesn't offer twice the performance for the same price (especially for gaming it'll probably perform even worse). He's right in saying that there could've been some skimming here and there (mainly by going all AMD instead of Intel + Nvidia, which are usually seen as more reliable and high quality but more expensive), but I think you have a solid build picked out for what you want it do. It's a reasonable price and nothing is stopping you from investing in an i5 and another 8gb of DDR4 down the line for a build that I would consider downright good.
Looking at it as machine only for playing games and browsing the internet, it will probably get the job done for the next three years, and with what prehistoric wants to use it for in mind, I retract my statement.
Just don't expect to be doing a lot of content creation centric stuff, which is a large portion of what I do.


just so i have some peace of mind, build me a rig that will cost the same with double the power please
Very similar build sporting DDR3, a slight downstep with monetary advantages (especially in this performance range) one more full sized PCIe slot, and an 8-core CPU that I recently installed in a friend's PC (he likes it a lot, it's better than the Core i5 Black I swear by), and a Radeon RX 460 4GB I found priced at 120 CAD (no price population on pcpartpicker since Radeon is flying off the shelves)

CPU comes with a cooler which I have had hands on experience with and can verify it works very well so long as you don't overclock, the case includes a 200mm fan at the front, which creates ample airflow in the cuboid form. Paired with the dual onboard GPU fans you should have no trouble keeping air moving through the case.

The final price of this miniature monster is ~603 CAD, and allows four slots to upgrade your RAM if you decide to buy more later.
I see what you're saying, but the AMD is a much older and more outdated CPU with barely better (and often worse) performance for gaming due to much faster single cores and hyperthreading in the Pentium. And while it may come with a cooler of its own, I'd still recommend a proven brand name especially since he's in a hot environment. The motherboard may offer an extra PCIe slot and more RAM space, but it only works with older RAM and doesn't support anything other than DDR3. As far as GPU's go (which will be the most important part for him by far), the 1050ti comes in at up to 35% faster than the 460.

I agree with what you said in your later post about getting more out of a PC, but I think that for what he had in mind, his build is probably going to perform better for gaming. You can debate about things like the motherboard and importance of the added cores in the CPU, but this is definitely not twice the performance at the same price. For things like video games, it's probably going to perform even worse.

Also, where did you find that GPU for $120 CAD? I haven't found a single store that has it in stock under $200+.
Ryzen 5 1500X comes in at the same price point as the 8350, with decidedly better performance, but  I don't know a lot about AM4 motherboards, and wasn't comfortable recommending one.

Obviously, I'm not claiming to have created the end all be all of budget builds, but something with more versatile usability than what I see there.

And yeah, I rarely approach builds with a gaming-centric mindset, but it's also worth noting that gaming is a rewarding experience at 1080p on the hardware I recommended, though 4k is a bit of a lofty aspiration for it.


just so i have some peace of mind, build me a rig that will cost the same with double the power please
Very similar build sporting DDR3, a slight downstep with monetary advantages (especially in this performance range) one more full sized PCIe slot, and an 8-core CPU that I recently installed in a friend's PC (he likes it a lot, it's better than the Core i5 Black I swear by), and a Radeon RX 460 4GB I found priced at 120 CAD (no price population on pcpartpicker since Radeon is flying off the shelves)

CPU comes with a cooler which I have had hands on experience with and can verify it works very well so long as you don't overclock, the case includes a 200mm fan at the front, which creates ample airflow in the cuboid form. Paired with the dual onboard GPU fans you should have no trouble keeping air moving through the case.

The final price of this miniature monster is ~603 CAD, and allows four slots to upgrade your RAM if you decide to buy more later.

okay, well i can't cancel the GPU and case

so can you make do with using both of those things and change the rest to be cheaper
The case I recommended is actually twice as expensive as the case you bought, so it evens out the price difference with your GPU.

I don't know anything about the case you've chosen though, and wouldn't really know how many fans to recommend.
So before fans it's about $10 more, but I feel like that's definitely a good range to work in monetarily.

i can tell you right now those 8 cores in that 8350 won't make much of a difference at all in games

that pentium will have better performance in most cases

and with that motherboard you can upgrade to i5/i7 should you choose to in the future as well adding another stick of ram, a better gpu, and a m.2 ssd
That's true, I neglected to notice I was posting in the gaming forum and didn't really consider that not everybody gets as much use out their machines as I do.

But I also can't condone ever building a PC just for playing games, even though most people do it.

As for the GPU, it isn't as shiny or powerful as the gtx 1050, but they're in the same weight class.

In fact I opted onto the Radeon because I thought I wouldn't have as much wiggle room as I ended up having, and at just 670 CAD net cost, including it in this build falls just outside of the rang I would be comfortable endorsing as the same price range.

That doesn't really prove your original claim. Could you link a build at the same price with twice the performance?

The massive bottlenecking also seems overstated when looking at the reviews and benchmarks. "The Pentium offers around half the performance of a stock i7 7700K for 20 per cent of the cost". Yeah, it's expected to be bit of a bottleneck, but it's still enough to run Witcher 3 or Crysis 3 at 60+ fps on Ultra / Very High, Far Cry Primal and Assassin's Creed Unity at 80+ fps on Ultra, and the Division at over a 110+ fps on Ultra as well (all when paired with a Titan). It might be a bit of a bottleneck, but when it's capable of supporting a very CPU heavy game like Battlefield 1 at 70+ fps on Ultra, even when paired with just a 1060, you've got a solid CPU that won't hold you back much unless you go for really high performance. A "massive bottleneck" is a CPU that limits you to sub 60 fps even when paired with much better GPU's, not one that can achieve these results with recent games on ultra settings. And at such a low price, it's easily one of the best budget CPU's out there.

I agree that he could've saved some cash by going with AMD (as I suggested in one of my earlier posts), but I don't see anything wrong with this build. Hell, even the Rx 470 (which I believe is the closest equivalent to the 1050ti) appears to be even quite a bit more expensive in Canada. Some costs could've still been cut, but this looks like a pretty solid budget build to me. I'd be very surprised if you could put together one that's twice as powerful for the same price.

For $600, he got himself a PC that'll let him play all the games he wants, including some very recent ones at high settings with high framerates. It might not be the most min-maxed build possible, nor will it be great for really demanding tasks like 3D modeling, but it looks solid to me. One of the best low budget CPU's on the market, a good GPU, and components from prominent high quality brands like MSI and EVGA.

I'm not the biggest expert here, but I think it looks pretty good. I'll be happy to concede otherwise, but you're going to have to show some actual results and specific components to prove your point. You can't just say "you should've gone AMD", "you should've grabbed a quad or 8 core" or "you skimmed where you should've spent" without posting some specifics on how this could be improved.
I fully expect it to have half the performance of a CPU using the same architecture with twice the cores, and the AMD CPU I just recommended, at four times the cores, only offers double the power against the pentium as well, but also only double the price.

If he was building a more expensive machine, I might recommend he buy an i7, but that raises some issues as well.
I've been observing a lot of negative feedback about Kaby Lake architecture in general, and a lot of customers buying even the flagship 6700k have been disappointed. Frankly, buying anything before we see how Kaby Lake X does unsettles me.

So my ultimate recommendation came from the idea that playing on slightly older, but more proven hardware is a much safer, more economical, and ultimately more appropriate way for first time builders to get good performance on the machine they will probably remember forever.


just so i have some peace of mind, build me a rig that will cost the same with double the power please
Very similar build sporting DDR3, a slight downstep with monetary advantages (especially in this performance range) one more full sized PCIe slot, and an 8-core CPU that I recently installed in a friend's PC (he likes it a lot, it's better than the Core i5 Black I swear by), and a Radeon RX 460 4GB I found priced at 120 CAD (no price population on pcpartpicker since Radeon is flying off the shelves)

CPU comes with a cooler which I have had hands on experience with and can verify it works very well so long as you don't overclock, the case includes a 200mm fan at the front, which creates ample airflow in the cuboid form. Paired with the dual onboard GPU fans you should have no trouble keeping air moving through the case.

The final price of this miniature monster is ~603 CAD, and allows four slots to upgrade your RAM if you decide to buy more later.

well i bit the bullet and finally bought all the parts i'll need. probably putting it together in the next week or so.

i'm less than happy about the price but it's been a long time coming. at the very least, i'll be able to use this thread as evidence that console is ultimately better than PC, and the fact that i'll have a half decent PC will lend me some credibility and objectivity.

thanks to everyone involved
Oh dude.

Why why you build that.
You just flushed $600 down the toilet.

You could have built something twice as powerful for the same price.

i think someone would have spoken up if that was the case
You built a dual core PC in this, the current year.

I have a PC with pretty much that same loadout, and it can't even run all the features on a two year old distribution of photoshop.

If you were budget shopping you should've bought AMD. Now you've got a PC with massive bottlenecking issues because nobody spoke up to say that you shouldn't buy that Pentium.

Your performance cap is around 4GB RAM and 2GB VRAM. After that it's just dick flexing room.
You skimped where you should have spent, and spent where you should have saved.
Reading through this thread, it looks like everybody recommended parts that they thought were good and affordable instead of parts that work well together.

I'm not trying to disparage you, and I'm not just AMD fanboi-ing either, just saying that you could seriously have gotten much more bang for your buck if you had bought a Quad or 8-core cpu from them. Higher performance in the lower price range is their niche.

Then there's you motherboard choice, which has limited you severely.
At your price point, you wouldn't have lost any performance going for DDR3, and could have gotten more memory and more PCIe slots if you had opted that way, in the same fiscal ballpark.

If you were looking to build at twice the price, a Core i5 would have been a great choice, but Intel processors are usually trash below $300, and using anything other than Core or Xeon is seldom a good idea.

The Flood / Re: why wear a seatbelt when i'm already dead inside?
« on: July 19, 2017, 04:59:09 PM »
ay mate

well i bit the bullet and finally bought all the parts i'll need. probably putting it together in the next week or so.

i'm less than happy about the price but it's been a long time coming. at the very least, i'll be able to use this thread as evidence that console is ultimately better than PC, and the fact that i'll have a half decent PC will lend me some credibility and objectivity.

thanks to everyone involved
Oh dude.

Why why you build that.
You just flushed $600 down the toilet.

You could have built something twice as powerful for the same price.

Gaming / Will Trade $15 Steam Gift Card for $15 Gift Card
« on: July 19, 2017, 04:34:04 PM »
Got a Steam Card worth $15, but I want a card.

Anybody interested in trading?

The Flood / Re: Mac and cheese is turning our kids trans!
« on: July 15, 2017, 12:53:40 PM »
Still not as dangerous to the heteronormitive male as Tetraethyllead  and leaded aviation gasoline is. Pilots and avfuelers  see a disproportionate amount of m2f individuals as any other profession does.

it's the fucking teLeaded gasoline I fucking tell you. Why else is the t4m section of craigslist swamped with old ass disgusting men? It's a side effect of when leaded gasoline was the norm for automobiles.
brb pouring leaded gasoline on groups of children to create a new race of traps

The Flood / Re: Say something intelligent
« on: July 13, 2017, 11:47:04 AM »
Capitalism will never work and all American presidents were and are monsters.
yea dude finally something we can agree on
Even Jimmy Carter? Harry S. Truman?
truman was a complete and total piece of shit

carter's bullshit flew under the radar due to the popular perception of him as a harmless ole peanut farmer who didnt due much as president but i think the people of zaire, guatemala, east timor, angola, afghanistan, and el salvador might have somewhat more negative opinions of the man's time as president, to put things lightly
Truman desegregated the military

How was Taft bad

How was Eisenhower bad

How was Lincoln bad

See, if you were to say some.presidents were monsters I'd probably say "okay". However, you instead stated that all were monsters. All were flawed as all truly mortal men are, yes, but many did great things.

All I'm getting from this is that you read a lot of the Pravda.
Lincoln was a Fascist, Ike ran witch hunts and Taft was very forgettable, which is not a good quality in a leader.

The Flood / Re: TIL
« on: July 13, 2017, 11:31:21 AM »
Gasoline is cheaper in Jersey than Pa and over there by law and attendant has to pump it for me.

Fucking explain the logic here please.
Because Pa is a fucking shithole, duh

The whole state reeks of manure.

The Flood / TIL
« on: July 13, 2017, 01:04:10 AM »
The instant you cross the Mason-Dixon line gas prices jump 40 cents

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: July 07, 2017, 02:56:55 AM »

A New Gods series to tie in to Justice League could be cool.
The scope of New Gods is almost untackleable.

Even the original comics were short lived because it's just so audacious.
In terms of storytelling, I'm not optimistic any medium is ready for the New Gods in anything other than supporting roles.


no more remakes

no more sequels

is nothing sacred to you

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon 3.0 Wishlist
« on: July 01, 2017, 01:50:39 PM »
A smashmouth videogame

avatar would be cool

more disney or pixar movies plz
We need an Avatar sequel with guns. That'd mix things up a little.
We need a direct sequel about Aang bringing a broken world together after he ends the Hundred Years War.

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