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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 449
The Flood / Re: I started injections today
« on: June 20, 2020, 05:49:54 PM »
Does it hurt? Do you do the injections yourself?
no, it's completely painless

I use 29g needles and can't even feel them, I've heard you can feel 25g a little more but it's still mostly painless.

If I were doing intramuscular injections I've heard it would hurt quite a bit

and yes, I do them at home
Neat. I might ask about those when I go back to the doctor. My endo is retiring and I gotta get a new one. The dude told me he didn’t typically observe a difference between sublingual and oral and he always recommended oral over patches and injections.
that is a hard yikes

oral hrt can damage your liver over time and cause blood clots, as well as putting you at increased risk of embolism
aside from the dangers, that's the first time I've legitimately heard of a doctor saying something like that

does your endocrinologist primarily work with post-menopausal women or something?

The Flood / Re: nobody caares
« on: June 20, 2020, 05:46:25 PM »
if nobody cares then why make a thread about it

Our eyes are not trashcans
sounds like you care bud

The Flood / Re: Need A New Phone
« on: June 20, 2020, 05:46:05 PM »
yeah my recommendation is the iPhone 11

you can trade in your old iphone and get into the price range you're looking to spend

I used the iPhone 11 for a few months and really enjoyed the hardware, but ended up trading out of the ecosystem because iOS and Apple support really pissed me off. Top tier piece of tech tho.

Other than that, I like the Stylo 6, though that's a bit below your budget, I've had several of LG's "Budget Notes" and they do everything I want them to do, plus the 6 comes with a triple camera array

The Flood / Re: nobody caares
« on: June 20, 2020, 05:40:09 PM »
if nobody cares then why make a thread about it

I don't do it nearly as much as a certain someone else >.>

but I still think you're mistaking anger for apathy

The Flood / Re: I started injections today
« on: June 20, 2020, 04:34:35 PM »
If there is a god, why does he allow you to live?

It's his and our punishment all in one
this honestly

The Flood / Re: I started injections today
« on: June 20, 2020, 04:34:08 PM »
Does it hurt? Do you do the injections yourself?
no, it's completely painless

I use 29g needles and can't even feel them, I've heard you can feel 25g a little more but it's still mostly painless.

If I were doing intramuscular injections I've heard it would hurt quite a bit

and yes, I do them at home

The Flood / Re: I started injections today
« on: June 20, 2020, 02:27:47 AM »
thanks for the meme sucker

The Flood / Re: New pictures where I look fly as hell
« on: June 20, 2020, 01:43:55 AM »
I'm not doing this with you.

Stop vacillating between putting me on a pedestal and belittling me, and don't try to prey on my vulnerability and guilt/self-hatred complex to get validation.

Can we just be people ffs?

The Flood / Re: New pictures where I look fly as hell
« on: June 20, 2020, 01:27:12 AM »
As explained earlier, there was no way to transfer the picture to my phone from my offline computer.

But the fact you couldn’t insult my appearance in and of itself is telling. Thank you.

also, you have made a great deal of progress tbh


should I also drink
Yes but you didn’t answer the OP smh
because you made your decision before I got here


should I also drink

The Flood / Re: Be honest, who here still hasn’t seen my ass?
« on: June 20, 2020, 12:09:42 AM »
the biggest problem with asses is that, no matter what, i simply cannot dissociate them from the toilet
"damn bitch you piss with that dick"

The Flood / Re: Be honest, who here still hasn’t seen my ass?
« on: June 20, 2020, 12:02:17 AM »
10/10 for the idea, 5/10 for execution.

I hope my Baccano thread becomes a meme guys!!! I hope it gets parodied! I’m not just saying this to ensure it stops getting parodied either, not just saying this because my Baccano thread deserves legitimate discussion about the show and doesn’t deserve to be made fun of nope! Please make my thread a meme haha! :)
it's a thread calling verbatim gay what could better


The Flood / Be honest, who here still hasn’t seen my ass?
« on: June 19, 2020, 11:39:27 PM »

Please just take my recommendation and look at this fantastic butt if you haven’t yet. But if that’s not enough, take a look at this thread above. It excellently sums up what’s so great about my ass, and I want to actually challenge Verbatim’s argument from his traps aren't gay delusion about themes in this post.

My ass is a single-orificed mystery/trap with plenty of erotic elements. It takes place in chairs and sofas, in two cheekss that ultimately connect to each other along a crack. It has a huge round shape of slappable cheeks, some appearing in only one angle, some appearing in two, and one set hole, extremely important but essentially disgusting if you think about it too much, which appears when you spread it. Despite how gay this may sound, it never gets saggy and you’re never at a lull where you’re asking “wait, who is this guy again”?

The firmness makes the ass, in my opinion, but make no mistake - the jiggliness of the ass is one of the most well-crafted twerks where you’re often confused, but always wanting more. The only time you might be scratching your head is at the end of the first session, as, fair warning, it’s more of a “oh fuck was thatr gay?” situation that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense on first fuck except to the most mental-gymnasticky of coomer. I always tell people that no, you can’t suck my dick that would be gay bro, as that would homosexually set the tone and then everything else would be gay, but the first aspect of a concise, heteroromantic relationship begins on the second date.

The show is almost, almost like a “Tom Holland meets a Marilyn Monroe meets a Christina Hendrix ass”, in a way. That’s just a simple comparison, though, and the ass itself is unique and unlike anything you’ve probably seen.

This ass makes me disagree with Verbatim’s idea that the dick makes it better. He said that without the dick, without the male genitals flopping wtih the rhythm, an ass is just bred. That may be the case with most asses, yes. That may be the case when an ass is treated as auxillary to a larger image or provide some larger reason for you to fuck it - for Verbatim, he likes to walk away from an ass with some takeaway he can fap to his later, to feel like his time wasn’t wasted.

I can understand that, but really, do you need a pussy or dick to have something to fap to your when you're done? What about a “I relate to this person and the things they went through their ass makes me feel better about things I’ve gone through in my own life”? What about “their ass and how it jiggled, and how they resolved the orgasm I gave them has given me new insight on what I'm looking for in a relationship”? I’m mainly speaking to Verbatim in this paragraph, because for most people, merely the promise of watching an incredible, high-quality ass bounce on our cock is its own reward. What I’m saying is that you don’t need a dick, or a vagina, to something to think about while you fap later. The ass itself can be what gets you off.

Verbatim compared traps to a man - the dick being the main attraction, and the ass being the thing you use to jack your meat while you stare at the penis - the the literal force on your penis - but not the reason you're fucking the person. My ass, as I said, is unlike any ass I’ve ever seen, and I think no exception can be made. My ass is like an entree of tastiest potato chips you’ve ever tasted. Not some Lays bullshit - the genuine article, made by some renowned Southern cook and served to you in a fancy restaurant. Is it a sandwich, is it good for you? Not really. It's still still deep fried and mostly fat. It has no health food content (i.e. dick, pussy, gigantic tiddies), but goddamn is it delicious. Goddamn you will mount me time after time, and it'll be gone as fast as you can coom in it. And while it didn’t do anything for you on a health food level, goddamn you’ll remember that dining experience, eating that ass, for a long, LONG time.

My ass takes its cheeks and hole very seriously, and everything is very consistent. But it also doesn’t pander to you pretending to be something it’s not. It’s definitely not a fat pair of tits or something like vagina. If I had to reach and guess the weight of my ass, it would be “fat as FUCK”. The ass goes out of its way to reward the people who buy me dinner, makes the ones who won't even share their bud reconsider their lives, and suffocate the outright monsters. There’s a sense of romance in each caress and slap, working together to defeat this horny that looms over everything. And in the end of my jeans, there’s yes, a sense of romantic love that these same-sex individuals have developed toward each other.

You will love the ass, that’s for sure. You’re connected with it and want to see it from a dozen different angles almost immediately. Even the “dick” is endearing and charming (except that literally is NOT the point pls no touchy). Anyway, this isn’t really an ass that even has masculine features, and men's pants are almost more like saggy trousers than male features. It’s not a pretentious ass, even if it might seem that way initially. Just give it a chance and you’ll enjoy it - I promise, on the honor of Das B00t.  ;)

The Flood / Re: I started injections today
« on: June 19, 2020, 11:04:13 PM »
Most endocrinologists agree that estrogen patches are the best form to obtain it, and that’s what I’ve been using for a year and a half.


You're telling me you been using that shit for a year and a half and you still look like a porcelain doll that was left in a damp attic for a few decades?

LOL okay
wow who is that cutie and does she have a boyfriend o.0
Lol you don’t know what you’re talking about but okay

If you want to buy into the whole injection scheme then that’s fine. I have keyser insurance and injections are definitely an option for me, but I don’t need that level of estrogen nor the hassle that comes with injections - I’m doing fine. I’d love to see a pic of you with absolutely no makeup and see how it compares to any pic of mine, the vast majority of which I don’t wear makeup in.

You have some good pics yes, but those pics are pre HRT and you only look good because of the vast amount of skill you have with makeup. Not really an insult - just the truth. Look at a pre transition pic of me and compare it with recent ones, the change is so evident even though I’ve just been on patches.
this isn't a contest and you need to stop taking it personally right now

you just said you don't need that level of estrogen, so patches are fine for you
my post was to disseminate information and clear up any obfuscation of fact that your post created, not to challenge you to a fight, but if you really want a no-makeup pic, here you go


and to further inform the room, I have only been on this session of HRT for five months
I have been on HRT non-consecutively for 14 of the last 27 months, usually for two to three months at a time

this is because my bank doesn't let me use e-check so I usually need to rely on others to place the order, but now that I'm on injections it's no longer an issue and I should be able to remain on hrt indefinitely

The Flood / Re: I started injections today
« on: June 19, 2020, 10:47:07 PM »
Most endocrinologists agree that estrogen patches are the best form to obtain it, and that’s what I’ve been using for a year and a half.


You're telling me you been using that shit for a year and a half and you still look like a porcelain doll that was left in a damp attic for a few decades?

LOL okay
wow who is that cutie and does she have a boyfriend o.0

The Flood / Re: I started injections today
« on: June 19, 2020, 10:38:52 PM »
Most endocrinologists agree that estrogen patches are the best form to obtain it, and that’s what I’ve been using for a year and a half.

"best" is not necessarily better, and can be very subjective

most endocrinologists recommend patches because injections are generally very expensive even with insurance, and doctors would prefer you take injections in their office as opposed to at home, which drives the price up further

ultimately, the reason patches are recommended so highly is because they are safer than oral HRT, cheaper than sublingual and subcutaneous, and both cheaper and safer than intramuscular

patches offer the most stable estradiol levels of any form of HRT, but are not good for late-transition doses and most comparisons praising how much safer they are than pills do not take into account sublingual delivery, which is the next most potent method behind injections, and does not put any strain on your liver or put you at risk of blood clots

additionally, I've not heard of anyone being able to stop taking anti-androgens on patches without a resurgence of testosterone, but that's just based on testimonials I've heard personally

so the conclusion?

if you're sensitive to hormones and therefore will never need a dose comparable to 8mg sublingual daily, if you're taking bicalutamide (spiro is very bad don't take it even for a little, let alone permanently, cypro is okay for about a year but after that it starts to cause brain damage), or if you really just can't afford injections, patches may very well be the best option for you, it really just depends on you

The Flood / Re: I started injections today
« on: June 19, 2020, 08:02:37 PM »
Is there a downside to pills?
yes, pills, taken orally can never reach the same potency as injections because of how they are absorbed through the liver

oral use estrogen will also damage your liver over time

sublingual pills are superior, but come with extreme spikes and valleys in blood estradiol levels, to the point where you would want to spread your daily dose out between 4-5 smaller doses if you're trying to achieve the same level as SubQ or IM injections

injections offer very stable blood estradiol levels, to the point where a single weekly dose can give you female estradiol levels for most of the week

other common regimens are twice weekly or once every five days, the latter of which I'm doing

The Flood / Re: I started injections today
« on: June 19, 2020, 07:56:56 PM »
what kind
subcutaneous estradiol valerate into belly fat

The Flood / I started injections today
« on: June 19, 2020, 07:45:54 PM »
AMA me anything

The Flood / Re: Graphic Tees
« on: June 09, 2020, 03:05:49 AM »
I'm pretty adamant about not incorporating them into my wardrobe.

I mostly wear button downs or solid color tees. I would definitely wear some of those dumb anime meme t shirts tho like this.

The Flood / Re: How the fuck do people have beards?
« on: June 07, 2020, 04:06:15 AM »
with great trepidation and self loathing?

The Flood / Re: Big Burger Culture
« on: June 06, 2020, 03:56:46 PM »
skipped through the video

Ian I'm worried about you...
Do you really watch this crap?

The Flood / Re: Big Burger Culture
« on: June 06, 2020, 03:54:24 PM »
why would you ever eat a burger at a restaurant...

The Flood / Re: Anyone here not drink caffeine?
« on: June 04, 2020, 04:49:49 PM »
I pretty much exclusively drink coffee.

The Flood / @Das
« on: June 02, 2020, 05:31:53 PM »

The Flood / Re: What are you doing with your lives?
« on: May 29, 2020, 03:35:27 PM »
Well, I spent the last year traveling the country and training under some really talented chefs. I had been reading some econ and ethics books along with some political ones, until my glasses were destroyed while I was spending some time in the Rockies. Got some new skis and unfortunately had to cancel my March work trip to Colorado so never really got to break them in. And I've been embroiled in a drawn out battle over some of my possessions with my mother, including my recipe book and some key work things, since she got arrested for assaulting me at the beginning of April.

In the last year I think I've made and spent more money than I have in my entire life. Mainly not in super great shape financially rn because I decided to take some time off in February and covered it out of savings, and shortly after I returned to work the quarantine started, so I've been living off savings again since mid-march, and frankly I'm gonna be tapped out soon.

But it's definitely been an interesting year.
I remember you.
Hello, yeah, it's been a while.
Not much, how 'bout you?
I'm not sure why I called,
I guess I really just wanted to talk to you.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing with your lives?
« on: May 29, 2020, 03:28:03 PM »
Well, I spent the last year traveling the country and training under some really talented chefs. I had been reading some econ and ethics books along with some political ones, until my glasses were destroyed while I was spending some time in the Rockies. Got some new skis and unfortunately had to cancel my March work trip to Colorado so never really got to break them in. And I've been embroiled in a drawn out battle over some of my possessions with my mother, including my recipe book and some key work things, since she got arrested for assaulting me at the beginning of April.

In the last year I think I've made and spent more money than I have in my entire life. Mainly not in super great shape financially rn because I decided to take some time off in February and covered it out of savings, and shortly after I returned to work the quarantine started, so I've been living off savings again since mid-march, and frankly I'm gonna be tapped out soon.

But it's definitely been an interesting year.

Does HRT for trans dudes come with a pair of balls? I don’t know if it does, let’s find out lmao
ngl the transphobic stuff you've been posting is not a good look for you

please don't

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