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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: So I finally played Density.
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:20:11 AM »

When I played the demo, I figured I wasn't going to pick up the game. It can be fun with friends, but at the moment, I don't have any to play it with or any who really play it for that matter. So, all I can say is,

They worked on this project for 5 years? Really?

Gaming / Re: Replace a word from a video game quote with "balls".
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:54:42 PM »
"I've got balls of balls."

That was my first choice you bugger.

Second was Walter from Fable 3. Yells out balls into a cave. "I just have one balls to say. BAAAAAAAALLLLLLLSS!"

The Flood / Re: Would you go to a casual sex/swingers club?
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:53:06 PM »
Quote poor bastard. You can crash at my place if you want to hit the few in San Diego up.

All good. I'm not a people person nor am I a traveler. My eyes will never see San Diego, nor will I ever be in a room larger than our old town hall filled with people for a funeral or wedding.

Gaming / Re: I'm broke and out of gold
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:39:22 PM »
Heyo, good news compatriot. You're lucky I don't keep all my money in one spot so I'm never actually full on broke.

I found 20 bucks worth of change that our old couch ate. So I'll head on over to the store and see what I can get ya tomorrow.

Right, I forgot. 20 bucks will get ya three months worth of live. So, merry early christmas. Or halloween if you want. Maybe even thanksgiving.

The Flood / Re: goodnight floodies
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:27:25 PM »
You guys really need to stop being racist and calling Elegiac a dingo.


He's a kangaroo.
I mean how would you like it if I called you a moose just because you're Canadian?

I know I wouldn't like it if you called me a horse or cow because I'm an American.

Yeah, but nobody fucks with Moose. I'd be fine with that. Nobody fucks with kangaroos either cause they can knock your shit up pretty easy.

The Flood / Re: goodnight floodies
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:21:34 PM »
You guys really need to stop being racist and calling Elegiac a dingo.


He's a kangaroo.

The Flood / Re: Post your ignore list!
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:19:24 PM »
Oh shit. So this is how we go down in flames? Not through rage and butthurt, but silence and tumbleweeds?

The Flood / Re: Would you go to a casual sex/swingers club?
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:02:06 PM »
Well Charlie. I don't think a swingers club would do very well in my province. Over half of the population are old enough to be considered elderly. So that's around 5-600 thousand old people shuffling arournd. And let me tell you, time, winds, and too much sun do not make pretty cougars.

Then there's the fact that I live 4 hours away from the nearest "city"(actually should be called a town due to it's population)

So, out of 600 thousand old folks, that leaves 400 thousand people left to go to a swingers club. Now, my province has a population of roughly 150 thousand natives in it, and they stick to thier reserves very much so. There is only one city in my province where you see a lot of natives, and that's because of it's proximity to a reserve. But for all intents and purposes, we'll cross the native folks off the list since they stick to themselves.

So that leaves 250 thousand young people. Who either leave this province for work at the earliest oppurtunity, or get a ring on their finger, or they're kids.

Swingers clubs have a pretty damn low business rate here. 8 months of winter destroys people's urge to go outside, or anywhere for that matter.

So, to sum things up nice and neat.


The Flood / Re: Original Bnet join year?
« on: September 12, 2014, 06:29:02 PM »
My long lost original officially set foot on the forums I'd come to know so nicely over the years on 2008.

Gaming / Re: I'm broke and out of gold
« on: September 12, 2014, 06:24:12 PM »
Tell you what bud. Give me a few days, maybe a week or so, and I'll work something out for ya.

The Flood / Re: Would you end the Internet?
« on: September 12, 2014, 03:28:04 PM »

While it has its ups and downs, all it comes down to is the fact that people don't use a little moderation and self control over how much time they spend on it, or how much they tend to ignore often important things.

A little moderation and not such a dependency on it whenever you get stuck on something goes a long way.

Gaming / Re: So I played Destiny.
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:33:51 PM »
I'm guessing more content will be added in DLC.

Which isn't exactly good, but at least I think that we haven't seen everything.

I don't like having to pay for DLC that should have been part of the main game, I think the two DLCs will give a little bit of story to the Hive and Fallen since they where just there to shoot at in the main game.
I think the thing with the DLC was more Activision's doing, but I do not know. Bungie is obviously going to shit with the people they have working there, so I could be wrong.
It doesn't really mater who's decision it was, we the customer are the ones getting fucked over. Like take you for example, you paid full price for a game you can't even play because of an issue Bungie can't seem to fix. Wasn't that what the Beta was for? To get the servers ready for release?

I'm gonna keep saying it. What we got wasn't a Beta. It was a demo. It's not fucking possible to gleam relevant data from only a mere week. Because what you do in a beta is, you take data, than shift things around and knock things over, and then rebuild things with your new knowledge.

Bungie basically just lobbed 25% of their game out there and called it a Beta.

The Flood / Re: Fartmonkey is visiting the offsite
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:14:54 PM »

New folks gonna new folks.

The Flood / Re: Sexual Discussion
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:47:15 PM »

The Flood / Re: I log onto Steam and the first thing I see is this
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:37:14 PM »

Yeppers. This is the first video I see whenever I show up on youtube.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 12, 2014, 12:49:01 PM »
Now then! This is what I wanted to hear. You and me are very much familiar in some regards, except that we exist on the opposite end of the spectrum. Now, before we start anything, I'd like to link you over on to something. And you're going to read it because 3 days ago, the weight of what sits on my shoulders snapped. And, at this moment, I am still very much so struggling not to be drowned out by all that I currently look at. You're going to read it, and understand that three days ago, I broke. I shattered into bits. And I took one of those pieces, and wrote that. When you're done, come back and listen to what I have to say.

Now, I assume you've read what I put down. Through your eyes, it would give you only more reason to believe in what you hold close correct? And you know what? I can relate. That's fair. When you look at things, it can look like it's not fair. For every good day there's a bad day out there. In fact, there can be many. And usually, there are.

So who, or what would want to live in a world like that? Why would you bother introducing something into an existence where it can get hurt? We as people tend to gravitate to what we like. Things that make us happy and give us pleasure we move towards, while things that hurt us or give us pain, we move away from. Yet regardless, pain will come anyway. There's no avoiding it because that's how the universe works. You can't have only one side of the coin, and you never will. But, here's where things are different between you and I. In all likelyhood, this won't amount to much. But perspective is important on things, so bear with me here.

My life, for the most part, has been bad. Compared to some people, my woes aren't so big. But, regardless, everything I went through as a child, a teen, and early adult wasn't a picnic. In fact it was terrible. It's a wonder I've even managed to hold even a remote semblance of a decent life in my hands with everything that I've had to go through.

But if you went up to me, and asked if I could take all those days back, every bad day, wipe them clean, poof, gone in one shot. I wouldn't accept the offer.

Every single event leading up to now is what made me who I am. And if you took them away, I wouldn't be who I am now. The pain, and the suffering, every experience, good or bad, shapes people. And right now, I'm in a low spot of depression. But I've been there before. I've been so low, that a few years ago, I used to take walks in the night. I'd climb my town's radio tower, all the way to the top, and hang over the edge. See just how far I could lean over before I had to steady myself. I was close. So close to letting go.

But I realized something. If I let go, I'd be inflicting pain and suffering on the few I called friends and family. And if I went through with it, I'd be a selfish bastard. So I walked down from the tower one night, and the next morning, I opened up to somebody. Told them everything. And then I started trying to get back up, to make something of myself.

Now, by extension, my family has troubles too. They've always had troubles, even more so than me. I am just the product of a long line of troubles. But I aim to change that. The only three reasonably normal people in my family would be me, and my sister, and her husband. Everybody else beyond that has something plaguing them. And all three of us have had our bad share of things. But something changed a little while back. My sister and her husband had a kid. And you know what that did? It brought the family together.

I would never have accomplished half of what I have today if I didn't believe that I could make something good for my niece. My mother, who hates my sister's husband with a passion, and has her own burdens to carry, has softened up so much over the years. And although she's got a long way to go concerning progress, the changes she made when that child showed up was not only unexpected from her, but quite surprising.

In general, because of that child, a lot of good has come. And because of every single shitty day beforehand, my niece is the wonderful person she is today. And if she were never born, all of the good things that have happened since then would have never happened.

Now, where you believe that because pain exists, we should all essentially lay down and die through the course of generational degredation, I have a respect for life and all that it brings. The moments of happiness wouldn't be what they are if we didn't go through the bad shit first. And I believe, that because of our perspective on things, and the incredible power of enginuity that we as humans have, we can balance things. We can make things fair. We can make things good.

But we're still young. We haven't been around long enough, we haven't evolved far enough yet to look past our primal aspects. But that doesn't mean we still can't try. And I believe that the best way to do it is through example. I try to be the best that I can be, to any and all. No, I shouldn't say the best. The kindest. The fairest. And, someday, my little niece will be like that too, because her parents raised her with the same mindset. And she might start a family, and so on. And eventually, a trend might start.

There will always be pain, and there will always be challenges and suffering. But not if we try to stop it. Not if we, one day, as a species, break free of our primal shackles and our simple material greed. And the simplest way to do that is to be the best that you can. I will take each day as it comes. I will take the pain that it brings, and I will learn, I will remember, and move on, to the better days when they come, and I will enjoy them all the greater because of what I've gone through. I will respect what I have, and what has been given.

Life, no matter how hard it can be, how cruel it can be, is special. It isn't something to be denied or blocked, or taken away. If you've made it this far, then I have just one single thing to ask.

If life was so unfair, so cruel and wrong, then why did the kitten I mention spend every waking moment clinging to it? Why did it, in it's last hours, despite it's misery, still show so much love and affection, and the will to move and live, and enjoy and explore things?

Regardless of what we are, all of us cling to life for a reason. And denying that to anything, denying the possibility for change and experiences and everything that comes with it, is flawed.

Try looking at things in a different light one day. Maybe you'll see, and maybe you won't. But, that's our choice to make isn't it? And we all will eventually come to face the results of our choices down the line.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 12, 2014, 12:02:07 PM »
It's not a matter of how little you suffer—I'm saying even there's one organism on this planet who stubs his toe, I'm saying that is also a travesty that should also dealt with. The fact is, he didn't ask for that stubbed toe, and he didn't ask to be in a world where his toe could get stubbed. And getting his to stubbed implies that much worse things could happen to him, but there can be no better thing that happens to him than, say, being in love with someone. Which some would argue is actually a negative thing.

I ended up meeting this... absolutely wonderful family. A sweet old woman and her husband, who can't speak English very well, and their daughter, whom I met last? One of the most beautiful and understanding and fun people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. She taught me so much, not only about her state in Germany, but also about myself. I thought I was in love, if only I believed in that sort of thing. It had been a genuine experience, not one contrived like the times I saw the Colosseum in Rome and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. They paled in comparison to how I felt when I saw this girl for the first time, and all the stuff we did together. Having to say goodbye was one of the most difficult things to deal with in my life.

That said, let me reiterate your question. Do I wish I was never born?

I wish I was born in a world where moments like that are not only commonplace, but constant. Somewhere so peaceful and sublime, nothing could possibly get hurt, nothing could possibly be sad or angry.

This is not the world I was born in.

Now then! This is what I wanted to hear. You and me are very much familiar in some regards, except that we exist on the opposite end of the spectrum. Now, before we start anything, I'd like to link you over on to something. And you're going to read it because 3 days ago, the weight of what sits on my shoulders snapped. And, at this moment, I am still very much so struggling not to be drowned out by all that I currently look at. You're going to read it, and understand that three days ago, I broke. I shattered into bits. And I took one of those pieces, and wrote that. When you're done, come back and listen to what I have to say.

The Flood / Re: Satan Really Loves Vancouver
« on: September 12, 2014, 11:49:58 AM »
Yep. That sounds like my old home. Vancouver in a nutshell folks.

The Flood / Re: Help me Flood, you are my only hope.
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:07:25 AM »
Couple weeks ago, a friend of mine ran out of LIVE. So I hopped on over to the store and bought him a three month live card and asked for nothing back. And, maybe, I'd toss you some bucks over too if I had the money. But that was a few weeks ago.

I've gotta pay 1200 bucks for a compressor for our fridge.
380 for a dead kitten.
228 for the insurance renewal on my truck.
My truck's out of gas or extremely low at the moment and that's another 100 bucks.
And let's not get started on the mortgage to pay for roughly 60,000 bucks for the building I work in.
And the water bills, the electricity bills, and the daily food bills.
And! We can't forget another 1400 bucks for snow tires for the winter.

You and me friend, are broke in all accounts.


Gaming / Re: What's the most difficult part about playing Destiny?
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:58:33 AM »
Trying to play online and having friends kicked for no reason. Nothing from the beta changed.

Ya'll were fools. That wasn't a beta. It was a demo. There's physically no possible way to test anything of any real worth or data in a "beta" when it's only open for a week.
You've got a point actually. It did feel a lot more like a demo than it did a beta.

And so now we come to a crossroads. Destiny seems to exist in a half and half state. Some liked it and were okay with it, and others didn't like it. So here's the real kicker.

500 million dollars and five years in development. Bungie wants this to become their next big series. But the real question is, knowing what Destiny is now in full, will you wait another potential five years for Bungie to do this again? Will Destiny still be relevant by then?
I think the rushed development for this game will be what ruined the franchise. This game was supposed gonna last the players for years and have tons of replay value, but I personally don't even see it lasting me more than a month. I doubt it'll stay relevant. It lacks a compelling storyline to keep players interested and the content is pretty dang limited. Which is all extremely tragic to me.

InB4 Bungie starts spewing out DLC in faster and faster incriments.
The day one $35 DLC would like to have a word with you.

Welp. There you have it folks. Bungie's gone corporate Skynet drone on us.

Gaming / Re: What's the most difficult part about playing Destiny?
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:56:36 AM »
Trying to play online and having friends kicked for no reason. Nothing from the beta changed.

Ya'll were fools. That wasn't a beta. It was a demo. There's physically no possible way to test anything of any real worth or data in a "beta" when it's only open for a week.
You've got a point actually. It did feel a lot more like a demo than it did a beta.

And so now we come to a crossroads. Destiny seems to exist in a half and half state. Some liked it and were okay with it, and others didn't like it. So here's the real kicker.

500 million dollars and five years in development. Bungie wants this to become their next big series. But the real question is, knowing what Destiny is now in full, will you wait another potential five years for Bungie to do this again? Will Destiny still be relevant by then?
I think the rushed development for this game will be what ruined the franchise. This game was supposed gonna last the players for years and have tons of replay value, but I personally don't even see it lasting me more than a month. I doubt it'll stay relevant. It lacks a compelling storyline to keep players interested and the content is pretty dang limited. Which is all extremely tragic to me.

InB4 Bungie starts spewing out DLC in faster and faster incriments.

Gaming / Re: What's the most difficult part about playing Destiny?
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:39:52 AM »
Trying to play online and having friends kicked for no reason. Nothing from the beta changed.

Ya'll were fools. That wasn't a beta. It was a demo. There's physically no possible way to test anything of any real worth or data in a "beta" when it's only open for a week.
You've got a point actually. It did feel a lot more like a demo than it did a beta.

And so now we come to a crossroads. Destiny seems to exist in a half and half state. Some liked it and were okay with it, and others didn't like it. So here's the real kicker.

500 million dollars and five years in development. Bungie wants this to become their next big series. But the real question is, knowing what Destiny is now in full, will you wait another potential five years for Bungie to do this again? Will Destiny still be relevant by then?

Gaming / Re: What's the most difficult part about playing Destiny?
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:33:02 AM »
Trying to play online and having friends kicked for no reason. Nothing from the beta changed.

Ya'll were fools. That wasn't a beta. It was a demo. There's physically no possible way to test anything of any real worth or data in a "beta" when it's only open for a week.

Serious / Re: Ask a psychopath anything
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:31:11 AM »
What's your view on money? I mean that as in, how much value do you place on it, and how much of your time and life would you spend trying to pursue it, if at all?
That's actually a really interest question. I don't place much value on money at all. I understand that 10 pounds sterling is equal to 10 pounds sterling.

However, I don't intuitively understand the value of money. I can be fairly loose with my own money, as well as other people's.

So, you don't hold much in the way of value for money. But you understand that in the current state of things, it is for the most part required if you want to live in relative comfort.

So, I ask, if it has little value, but not completely none, then how much do you value money over time? How much time, your life in hours, would you be willing to spend for what amount?

The Flood / Re: Asexual Discussion
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:31:00 AM »
Nah. Count me out and let someone else have the fun.

I'm asexual, anyway.
Asexual as in "I'm a butthurt fedora-wearer and I'm trying to repress my urges" or actually asexual?
Let me try this...hold on.

>Is 22
>Doesn't want to fuck anyone

Hey guess I'm late for the party too. I'm not real big of a fan of partners even. Longest I've been on my own in complete isolation without a word of human contact was three months.

That was fun.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:04:23 AM »

The Flood / Re: Would you pay for Verbatim to...
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:00:37 AM »
i'd rather die

It's all gone down the shitter.

The Flood / Re: You caught your GF and best friend fucking...
« on: September 12, 2014, 12:52:53 AM »
You can split things three ways.

It's your fault because you didn't realize the finer details in things and you either got someone who was too loose, or you didn't realize that they didn't care enough about you not to do something that would hurt you like that. Or, you failed to realize that somewhere down the line you started fucking up and your GF basically fell out of line with you.

And for your friend and GF? It's their fault for instigating/ignoring what it would do to you.

At that point, all you can do is one thing. Your friend isn't your friend anymore. And your girlfriend isn't either. So, you say fuck em both and leave.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 12, 2014, 12:45:35 AM »
Not so. Death is an end. But it's not THE end. Look at everything around you. The universe has proven time and again, that everything is a cycle. I don't believe the consciousness that is housed in our bodies is ever truly lost. Death is a physical end. But are we truly lost?
...Yes. You have no evidence. Just speculative mumbo-jumbo crap. No sale.

Take a look at the life cycle of stars. A star forms, burns energy, and eventually, runs out of fuel. Most scientists believe that one of two outcomes happen. Either the core of the star collapses in on itself and forms a black hole, or the opposite occurs, and what's left of the star explodes. So, our big outer space furnace is gone right? For the most part, yes, this particular star is dead and gone.

But what comes in it's wake? A cloud of particles and elements as a result of the explosion. And, long after that first star exploded, matter, the very same matter from the first star, will clump together once more. And in the cloud, multiple stars will ignite. And the cycle will start once more. The physical form of the first star no longer exists. But the atoms that formed it are now spread out, existing in other stars, planets, and other things.

We barely understand how consciousness works. We know that our thoughts are the culmination of bioelectric signals and natural chemicals produced in our body. We know a little bit about the method, but not the how and why. Look at plants for instance. They have no physical brain. No physical central nervous system. And yet they retain memories and experiences. They actually physically remember events and act accordingly to their own experiences.

I can't say for certain that who and what we are is lost upon death. But at the same time, when you look at how things operate as a whole, I don't think we're ever truly gone. Everything around us consistently exists in a cycle of renewal and dispersal, and there is no denying that. The physical form is gone, but the underlying atomic structure of what once made something is, and always will be there.

And, one last thing. Thoughts are physical yes? You can't touch them, or pick them up, or anything like that. But, in order for them to exist, you need atoms, the funadmental structure of everything. If this is so, then what about ideas? We all create things through ideas. We take something, from out of our head, a seemingly non-physical idea, and apply what we know through our perception of the real world, and physically create something.

Essentially, we create something from nothing. But that, by all means, isn't possible. And therefore, in some form, that idea, the image in your head that you cannot touch or feel, still exists in some form among the web of the atomic structure. And if an idea can come from supposedly nothing, then perhaps our own thoughts return to some big pool upon death. Our body acts as a centralized hub of sorts, and when that goes, everything is set loose. But I don't think it ever disappears. Because nothing ever does completely.

But, again, we'll have to find out for ourselves when the time comes. You're buying the drinks if I'm right. If I'm wrong, well, I guess I won't have to buy you jack shit now will I?

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 12, 2014, 12:11:08 AM »
So, I ask, why such a self defeating belief? Why put an end to things through the starvation of the gene pool and reduction of generations?
I really don't understand what's so "self-defeating" about it. That implies that the game we are playing 1.) can be won, and 2.) is worth winning.

So we all die. Who gives a fuck? The Earth wouldn't. The animals definitely wouldn't. The universe sure as fuck wouldn't. Do you sit and cry your eyes out every day over the fact that there aren't any Martians or Venusians? I don't think you do. Our death isn't a bad thing. It's dying that sucks. And that's all you're afraid of.

Not so. Death is an end. But it's not THE end. Look at everything around you. The universe has proven time and again, that everything is a cycle. I don't believe the consciousness that is housed in our bodies is ever truly lost. Death is a physical end. But are we truly lost?

After all, every year or so, every last atom in our body is replaced. And while you cannot physically pick up a thought and touch it, a functioning universe is required for thought to exist, and therefore, even a thought, a memory is made up and composed of atoms. And yet, if we lose atoms and regain them through the endless cycle of renewal and dispersal, why are our memories not lost in the transfer? That, right there, implies that conscious thought is something more that goes beyond what we simply see from our perspective.

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