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Topics - Cheat

Pages: 1 ... 678 9
The Flood / Spread the word
« on: August 14, 2014, 05:28:26 PM »
I think this forum has reached the "reasonably stable" stage, and it's time to start looking for new members to join. New members bring newfags and desticles, sure, but they also bring discussion and activity. Activity is good. So in order to promote recruitment, I've installed a referral system to track how many new members you bring in.

If you go into your profile, you'll find two new items. One is your referral count and the other is your referral URL. Use this URL to advertise Sep7agon and when a new member registers, you'll get the credit for it. My URL is below for reference:

So why should you recruit?
If activity and discussion doesn't do it for you, I'll also be adding the Fiesta nameplate to anyone who gets a yet-to-be-determined amount of new members registered under them. Fiesta, as in a bunch of confetti all over your user bar. It's pretty cool.

One more thing...
After we get some more members in here, there will be some "Mentor-like" ranks being handed out to awesome users. We're still working on the name, since Mentor sounds kind of dumb to me, but it'll make you stand out for sure.

That's it; I'm out. 8) 8)

News / Host Migration 18 August 2014 @ 1:00AM CST
« on: August 13, 2014, 03:46:35 PM »
If everything goes as planned, we will be changing hosts (hopefully for the last time) this Monday, early in the morning for those of you living in 'Murca. When this is happening, the forum will be unreachable as the IP addresses change. I'm hoping that the process doesn't take long, but IP propagation can take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two.

While the site is down you can get in touch with me and other members on the group or the emergency offsite, if you have the URL.

NOTE: When the site comes back online, you may have to hard refresh your browser and dump your DNS cache in order to view the forums.

The Flood / Halo 3 Shoops
« on: August 12, 2014, 11:37:31 PM »
These are kind of old, but I still get a few laughs out of them.



The Flood / MOVED: The Flood: Exodus ( Part 1 )
« on: August 12, 2014, 10:45:35 PM »
This topic has been moved to Art.

The Flood / MOVED: Journey's End
« on: August 12, 2014, 10:44:57 PM »
This topic has been moved to Art.

The Flood / MOVED: So I wrote a Destiny fanfic...
« on: August 12, 2014, 10:44:09 PM »
This topic has been moved to Art.

News / Art board is coming down!
« on: August 12, 2014, 10:17:51 PM »
Title for reference. The Art board is up, so if you're logged in, go there and read the rules.

All creative content is allowed, so long as it's not against the law to post it. We'll see how well you guys do with some extra freedom.

EDIT: The art board is coming down, not for misuse of the extra freedom, but from lack of fucking activity. It's barren in there, man. Expect it to disappear sometime tonight.

The Flood / Rules [Board closing]
« on: August 12, 2014, 10:15:24 PM »
So, we're shutting this board down, people. There's not enough activity to warrant keeping it open. If you'd like, someone (not me, I am lazy) can make an index thread in The Flood to link to all of these art/fiction/weirdshit threads and I'll pin it.
Hello, people, and welcome to the Art board. Below is a list of the things allowed to be posted here:
  • Anything made by you that is not against the law.
  • Anything made by someone else that you give credit to in your post and that is not against the law.

Think of this board as a little community experiment. Only registered members can see the Art board, so we're going to try allowing you guys a little more freedom in what you post. According to the list up there, it's pretty much anything goes (so long as what you're posting was made by you or you give credit to the creator), but since we don't want to shock some unsuspecting members, some guidelines are going to be enforced.
  • A clear NSFW warning must proceed the title of a thread containing explicit content. If you don't abide, you'll get a week ban and your thread/post will be deleted.
  • The title after the NSFW warning must accurately portray the explicit content you are posting. If you don't abide, you'll get a week ban and your thread/post will be deleted.
  • Spoilers will wrap around explicit content. If you don't abide, you'll get a week ban and your thread/post will be deleted.
  • A brief description of what the explicit content is will be placed above the spoiler tag. If you don't abide, can probably figure it out.

What constitutes "explicit" content? Could you post it on Bungie.old without getting banned? No? Well then, it's probably explicit. You may PM a moderator if you're not sure, but let's not be childish about this.

This place isn't permanent; I'm putting it up to both see how well we do with NSFW stuff as well as how much a separate board for creative content is needed. Be cool and we're all good. :)

News / Fuck Error Logs In Particular
« on: August 12, 2014, 12:56:56 AM »
Our current host is kind of sucking dicks, lately. They didn't tell me there was a database size limit of 1MB, and so when the error log for the forum made the database too large, it cut us off.

I've dumped and disabled the error logging temporarily while I work on getting a new host set up.

The Flood / Rule Change Feedback
« on: August 10, 2014, 11:44:26 PM »
A Dumb Door made a good point in the rule thread about allowing NSFW content. Click the link to check it out.

Since we do have access to the spoiler tag, I am open to the idea of axing a few of the current rules and opening up The Flood to mostly all topics, save anything illegal and a couple other items that are irritating (soliciting and spoiling movies/books/tv shows).

This potential new ruleset would also affect the other forums (Serious and Gaming, where applicable).

If Not Safe For Work threads were clearly marked in the title and the potentially offensive content was put in a spoiler with a short description about what was inside, would you be in favor of allowing them here?

The Flood / Your Best Troll
« on: August 09, 2014, 04:45:28 PM »
I need a few laughs and I'd like to see your best work. Here's one of mine that I'm rather proud of: Pentathlon Nameplate. That one spread to a few forums like Halotracker and HaloWaypoint.

Also, I did this one (the pictures, not the video): Halo 4 Alpha. Those screenshots floated around a bit as well, and popped up on several Halo 4 websites before launch.

Show us what you got.

The Flood / MOVED: Lol are they actually going through with this?
« on: August 07, 2014, 08:45:27 PM »
This topic has been moved to Serious.

The Flood / MOVED: I can only access the Flood and Serious boards?
« on: August 07, 2014, 05:21:13 PM »
This topic has been moved to Support.

The Flood / MOVED: Which Halo game had the best enemy variety?
« on: August 07, 2014, 02:52:38 PM »
This topic has been moved to Gaming.

News / Rank Information [Updated: 2015.7.12]
« on: August 07, 2014, 02:05:18 AM »

1. Ranking Up

Display Name | Respected Posting Frenzy

  • Rank on is, like many other online communities, determined by the number of posts one makes.To see your rank increase from "Newbie" to higher-tier ranks such as "Invincible", simply post regularly throughout the forums. Your rank, as demonstrated in the quote above by the green words, is the second set of words in your userbar.
  • Ranking up one's prefix, which is the title that comes in front of one's rank (colored pink in the example above), is an entirely different process. When you hit 100 posts, you will unlock the "Trust System". This allows you to either up or down vote a user once every twenty four hours - the more votes a person gets, the higher (or lower) their prefix will be. The Trust System can be located within a person's signature - simply click the down arrow in a person's userbar to find this.

2. Nameplates
  • Similar to the concept in Halo: Reach, nameplates are customizable additions added to the end of a person's userbar. There are a wide range of nameplates available for all members to use, which can be found in the "Nameplates" section of the profile drop down bar.
  • Occasionally, special nameplates will be added to gain entry into limited-time forums, such as the Anarchy Forum. Keep an eye out for announcements regarding this.

3. Userbars and Unlocking Customizing Options
  • The color of the one's userbar is tied directly to their Trust Prefix. Those with a negative trust will have black user bars, which become lighter as you rise through the positive levels. Once one hits Mythic, they will receive a blue userbar.
  • Sep7agon site staff can also have a custom colored userbar, no matter what their Trust Prefix is, to allow them to stand out in case they are needed. Forum Monitor's have a rust colored userbar, Forum Ninja's have a orange colored userbar, and the Forum Admin's have a gold.
  • There are also several customizable options for users to unlock, allowing them to customize the look and colors of their userbar. These options do stack, so in order to unlock one, you have to unlock the one before it. The customization options are as followed:
  • Custom Nameplate/Title Bar Colors: This option unlocks when one hits the Legendary prefix - in order to do so, this also requires one to have 3,000 posts. To enable your custom nameplate, select the "Imposter" nameplate and enter in a url for the image with the "Look and Layout" section of your profile.
  • Custom Title Bar Border: This option unlocks when one reaches the Mythic prefix, and can be customized in the "Look and Layout" section of your profile.
  • Custom Titles: This option unlocks when one reaches Marty. This will override your forum prefix and rank, replacing it with a custom title. To edit your custom title, head to your Forum Profile main page.

4. List of Prefixes, Ranks, and Special Titles
  • The following are the known list of current Trust Prefixes, Ranks, and Special Titles carried throughout the forums. This will be updated as more become known.
Trust Prefixes
-3. DeeJ
* Black bar

-2. Incoherent
* Black bar

-1. Bad
* Black bar

0. (N/A) - no rating/neutral rating
* Black bar

1. Respected
* Dark gray bar

2. Ascended
* Gray bar

3. Heroic
* Light gray bar

4. Legendary
* Very light gray bar

5. Mythic
* Blue bar

6. Marty
* Purple bar

Rank Titles
* Basic title for all members; Vast majority of holds this title; <25 posts

* Step above Newbie; 25 posts

Posting Spree
* Step above Member; 100 posts

Posting Frenzy
* Step above Posting Spree; 250 posts

Posting Riot
* Step above Posting Frenzy; 500 posts

Posting Rampage
* Step above Posting Riot; 1000 posts

* Step above Posting Rampage; 1777 posts

* Step above Unstoppable!; 3000 posts

* Step above Invincible!; 7777 posts

Special Titles
Plate Master
Members who have submitted a features and themes contributing to the Sep7agon Community.
* Depending on what normal title they are, their bar will be that color
* You won't necessarily be called a 'Theme Master,' but you'll be called, say, 'Plate Master' and the like.

Smash Master
Given to Pichu for winning the Super Smash Bros. tournament.

Special Rank Title given to Blazed Iron and Tiy, who are related to Cheat.
* Most distinguished by the bright blue or pink Userbar and text that accompanies it.

Special Rank given to lead admins/representatives of other established communities.
* Most distinguished by the Neon Pink/Purple Userbar and text that accompanies it.

Mystery Member
Title given to users who post Anonymously with the Anarchy Forums.
* If a thread is moved outside of the Anarchy forum, the title will remain, as will the anonymous cover.

Emotional Support
Title given to the mysterious Disembodied Soul, who carries a bright-red color scheme.

Forum Monitor
Member-Ninja hybrid
* One can have any type of member title and still become a monitor.
* Their title bar color is reddish color with a light red highlight around it.

Forum Ninja
Moderators of the Sep7agon website.
* One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja.
* Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it.

Master Forum Ninja
Highest possible title given out to a member. They have a few more tools than a regular Ninja.
* One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja.
* Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it.

Architect (Admins)
* They have golden text; title bar color is a dark yellow with a golden highlight around it.

Serious / MOVED: My last post?
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:28:25 PM »
This topic has been moved to Support.

The Flood / I'm the admin; ask me anything.
« on: August 05, 2014, 11:18:00 PM »
What the hell, I'll go for it. Go ahead and ask me anything.

And I'll try really, really hard not to ban anyone. ;D

Gaming / Bioshock coming to iOS
« on: August 04, 2014, 04:55:32 PM »
Ripped from


If BioShock Infinite's brief stopover in Rapture wasn't enough to sate your Randian desires, 2K Games' China studio is currently in the process of moving the original BioShock from last-gen consoles and PC to iOS. Like XCOM: Enemy Unknown before it, BioShock is a "premium" iOS game and thus carries a "premium" price -- that price is unknown thus far, but we'd put it somewhere in the $10 - $30 range. As one 2K Games rep told us in an interview late last week, "It is a seven year old game." So perhaps on the lower-end of that scale, then.

Other than that, well, it's BioShock. Would you kindly head past the break if you'd like to know more?

Yes, BioShock doesn't look as good on iOS. It's the truth. In-game lighting and shadows are cut down pretty dramatically, as are art assets. The grandeur of Rapture is distinctly less grand, which sucks some of the life out of one of my personal favorites. The first thing you'll notice is "iOS fire." The game's opening -- a plane crash -- puts main character Jack in the ocean surrounded by some hideously ugly fire animations. It's the first hint that the iOS version of Rapture has been shrunken down to fit within Apple's app store file size limitation, and it's a nagging issue that I couldn't shake in my hands-on time.

But maybe you haven't played BioShock before and you're not overloaded with lofty expectations (like me). First things first, you're in for a treat! Second, even without my lofty expectations, you should probably play this on a couch with an Xbox 360. BioShock is a great example of world-building in video games, and the iOS experience is a subpar representation. Simply put, between the lessened scale and the delivery medium, BioShock iOS is distinctly less immersive.

The good news is that it plays perfectly fine, even with touch controls. Admittedly, the touch control situation is not ideal. Like Grand Theft Auto's mobile ports, virtual buttons appear contextually on screen. Also like Grand Theft Auto's mobile ports, I found myself scrambling to figure out which virtual button to push as a gang of enemies descended on me. "But Ben," you ask with a hint of hesitation in your voice. "Why not use a bluetooth controller?" Well, you can. And I tried that with a MOGA bluetooth controller. That totally works.

Here's the thing: I don't carry a bluetooth gamepad on me. Do you? Does anyone? Okay, does anyone who isn't a crazy person? You can play BioShock iOS with a gamepad. But will anyone?

In terms of nuts and bolts, BioShock iOS doesn't have any of the extra downloadable content that the console/PC version has. It requires a newer iOS device -- iPad Air, iPad Mini 2, iPad 4, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C or iPhone 5 -- and straight up won't run on earlier devices (says 2K). It'll arrive sometime this summer at an unknown, "premium" price.

I am pretty stoked about this. Bioshock is one of my favorite game series (I am even a fan of the second one), and I'll probably end up buying this when it comes out if it isn't too much money.

The Flood / Fatcow Host Reviews
« on: August 03, 2014, 01:58:41 AM »
I took a look at the BBB page for Fatcow (EIG owns them), our previous host, and found some horrible shit. Apparently they suck as a host all by themselves without a DDoS attack.

Check it.

News / We have a new host now
« on: August 02, 2014, 06:32:39 PM »
In case you didn't know, yesterday night the forum was hit by a major DDoS attack that crashed the server and took the host's website offline for an hour. They've basically told me they cannot tell who was behind the attack because it involved many different IP addresses and the combined requests were several gigabytes worth. They kicked the site off of their server and we now have a new one.

But since we have a new server, some stuff might still fuck up. Namely, remember that error that would pop up in the beginning (max_questions)? That is now once again possible, so I'm trying to work with this host in order to fix it before it happens.

We can also get hit by this attack again, if the jerk is so inclined. I will be looking into things I can do to guard against it, but it's very difficult to stop an attack of the magnitude we experienced.

More on this stuff as I know more.

EDIT: your avatar is now broken if you uploaded one. You need to re-upload it.

What we know:
Your site is under a major DDoS attack. We have null routed the domain to stop the traffic effecting our servers. We will have to ask you to find alternate hosting for your domain as our platform can no longer support you.
The traffic was coming from a multitude of sources, it's most likely that some form of botnet was responsible. At it's peak we were receiving ~10gb of inbound traffic to the domain. Unfortunately in extreme cases like this we do have to advise that a site cannot be hosted on our shared platform in order to ensure services remain reliable for other users.

UPDATE: Some strange shit is afoot. As most of you probably know, Crouton and I have been working on figuring out who was able to DDoS the site and knock us right out of our host. Well... It gets kind of sketchy.

I requested the UDP Traffic logs from Fatcow to see what the fuck was going on, and was transferred to several people before they basically said they didn't keep track of them. Read below (unedited):



Thank you for contacting support.

I have escalated your issue to our Technical Specialist to provide UDP traffic logs for your host . You should be hearing from them within 12-24 hours.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please let us know and be sure to refer to the link for the quickest service.


Shravya U
Customer Support

I will be handing this ticket over to one of our System Administrators to check if we can provide UDP traffic logs . We cannot assure that we can provide the logs. We will update the ticket regarding this soon. You should be hearing from them within 12-24 hours. If you have any questions in the meantime, please let us know and be sure to refer to the link for the quickest service.


Prithviraj K
Technical Specialist

Im sorry to inform you that, unfortunately we are not logging UDP traffic for customer site.

For any further assistance in need, please update Support Console.


Kalandar M
Technical Specialist

If that's not strange enough, I did a little searching for reviews on the hosting service and came across this:
We are a Internet Radio station that was running on a dedicated server at another hosting company. We moved to FATCOW to save money thinking we would get the same or better service. After only 2 days on their servers, they shut off our account and website without ANY warning. They claimed we caused a DDOS attack and thus they suspended our account. They would not allow us to talk with Tier 3 support or explain what happened.

They simply told us to go away. We moved our site to a better know hosting/registrar.

I am a Cisco Engineer with over 25 years in this business. I have never been treated in this manner.


It's pretty much word for word what happened to us, save for the dedicated server. So... I'm not so sure what happened anymore. It's true that when we switched hosts, someone was trying to bring the site down (and mostly failing, since it only slowed everything down), but it definitely wasn't of the same caliber as the first attack.

Very fucking strange.

The Flood / MOVED: Destiny just got a tad more interesting
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:53:51 PM »
This topic has been moved to Gaming.

Septagon / What I'm Working On
« on: August 01, 2014, 02:15:35 AM »
I thought it might be helpful for those of you who are waiting for improvements to see what I am immediately working on to improve the site. So, below are the few items I am either working on, or are going to work on very soon. Not everything that needs to be fixed is on here; these are just the immediate items.
  • Global Topic Mod
  • Edit board layout to simplify
  • Fix Disembodied Soul's PMs

Here are a few things I plan to work on in the future:
  • Take over DeeJ's job at Bungie

The Flood / I need Ideas for a Website
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:56:41 AM »
I regularly peruse new TLDs and interesting website domains that are for sale, and a few months ago I came across one that I thought was awesome enough to buy it right away:

For real, if you type in into your address bar you'll get the site.

Anyway, I came up with a logo and a general color scheme (blue and white) but I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. I need your opinions and ideas; what should I turn this thing into?

The Flood / MOVED: Perspective on why gun violence exists
« on: July 31, 2014, 02:54:44 PM »
This topic has been moved to Serious.

News / Serious Discussion
« on: July 31, 2014, 02:53:10 PM »
The religious/political forum is now up. Please follow the rules posted and play nicely, or you'll get a face-full of the banhammer.

Serious / Read This Before Posting [Edited]
« on: July 31, 2014, 02:39:58 PM »
As the title of the board suggests, this is the place for serious discussions like religion, politics, and other controversial opinions or ideas. Since I have a pretty good idea how much of a hotbox this place could turn into, this board will be rigidly moderated.

Redacted Rules
If you cannot keep your head here, then don't post. You'll get banned. In addition to the regular rules of the forum, everyone needs to read and abide by the following guidelines:

No Trolling, No Baiting
The mods can tell the difference between something legitimate and a topic you're posting just to incite rage. If you have an idea for a thread that you aren't sure whether to post or not for fear of being banned, PM a moderator and ask or post in this thread.

No Sweeping Generalizations
"All republicans are..." and "All homosexuals are..." are not good ideas for a topic or post.

Keep it Civilized
There's a difference between a heated discussion and a fight. If you start getting into it with another member, you'll both be banned. Keep on topic, respect different opinions, and play nicely.

Attacking a subject or topic is not the same as attacking an individual. Understand the difference before making posts here, because while tearing an argument down is fine, doing the same to a member will get you banned.

It's up to the moderator as to what punishment is dolled out to rule breakers, but you are more likely than not going to be banned if you break the rules here. Temporary bans won't be up for repeal.

EDIT: I've removed the specialized rules for this board except for the Keep it Civilized rule. This makes things a lot less confusing for members who want to discuss politics and religion.

News / Meet the new Mod
« on: July 31, 2014, 11:31:38 AM »
Kiyo has been promoted to Forum Ninja. She'll be assisting the rest of us staff members in taking care of you crazy kids.

You may relay your congrats on her orangeness here if it suits you. 8)

Septagon / Low-End Mobile Version
« on: July 30, 2014, 10:36:56 PM »
So, the Tapatalk is still out of commission. While that's broken, I found some neat forum views that might be of interest to those of you with a phone. They are extremely low end and basic, so be warned.

Edit: Tapatalk seems to be working, so I'll unpin this.

News / Don't block our ads
« on: July 30, 2014, 09:49:02 PM »
I've put up a single ad to help us raise money for future costs of operating the forum. It would be just splendid if you could disable your ad blocker for


News / Here's Why The Site Was Down
« on: July 30, 2014, 11:47:38 AM »
Posted on Bungie:
Here's what happened (for anyone who cares):

We are a larger community than most forums (excluding the commercial forums like this one; of course they're enormous; that's not my point). The notifications option that was toggled spat out "Your thread was commented in by..." posts like nobody's business continuously, day in day out, and the host tagged it as spam, locked the account, and logged it in a support ticket.

Of course it wasn't spam, but they didn't know that. I resolved the issue and I am currently waiting for it to be turned back on. When it is, the site will be in maintenance mode while I disable email notifications and daily email reports and the like.
In response to this, I have sabotaged most of the email functionality of the site. You shouldn't get new notifications and you certainty shouldn't be able to subscribe to anything else. If you can, please, please go to your profile >> Modify Profile >> Notifications and uncheck everything. The on-site notifications that pop up will still work even with these disabled, so you won't be stuck with nothing.

Getting the fatcow page on certain items?
Clear your cache and do a hard refresh. It's all good server side.

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