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Messages - Cheat

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 211
Septagon / Re: Delete my accounts
« on: September 23, 2020, 05:44:03 PM »

The Flood / Re: What's Your Favorite Candy?
« on: September 18, 2020, 07:15:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: Should I sell or keep?
« on: September 15, 2020, 07:10:32 PM »
If you need the money I say sell. But these are first editions and you never know if the price might skyrocket in a couple years. I’ve easily seen cards double in price once they are not printing those editions or that pack anymore.

Hold off if you can.

The Flood / Re: What are you eating?
« on: September 08, 2020, 01:09:28 PM »
Just had a waffle with peanut butter.

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 02:16:44 PM »
I mean you can come up with these scenarios all you want and it's not going to change anything. Obviously if it's my life or someone else's I'm going to choose to live; I'm human that way. I have no clue how I'd react in that scenario, really. But I also have no need to be a cop. A cop KNOWS what that job entails and so it's really on them to be OK with the risk. Don't want to maybe get shot? Don't be a cop.

But really, that situation is waaaay different from what you were originally talking about. If a person's life is on the line, that's one thing, but you were talking about businesses burning. It's just stuff.

And yeah, black cops also suck. And I get that not all cops kill people. The problem is a LOT of them fucking DO kill people, and nothing is being done about it. I am talking ZERO accountability. It's looking more and more like we can't really trust cops to investigate themselves fairly so IDK what to even do but defund them and take away some of their power.

Go look at other countries, Deci. Even when criminals come at the cops with knives, they don't resort to SHOOTING them. It's a really big problem and if it can't be sorted out internally, then the system as it is has to go. Sorry if you have cop friends. Maybe tell them to have their coworkers stop executing minorities?

This is why we are not cops, but you also need to see where they are coming from as well, at least the ones that DON'T execute minorities, because not all of them do. I agree that its a big problem in America and it has been for a long time, but I really don't see how the riots are going to make this any better.

Also, regarding what you said about "businesses burning. It's just stuff."

Remember that well should you ever decide to start a small business one day and your stuff gets stolen and your store is destroyed. In fact, keep that in mind if someone or a group of people break into your house and destroy your stuff, including your computer, or they steal your stuff and personal information.

Yes, stuff can be replaced, but your personal information and identity is a very hard thing to get back if it ever falls into the wrong hands.

If the masses of police are as corrupt as you are saying, then society itself with everything going on right now isn't going to last very long.
We're going in circles now.

Only thing I'l comment on is that the protests (they're not fucking riots in MOST cases, dude) are the result of generations of cops killing people and nothing being done. We've tried prosecuting them. We've tried posting stuff on social media and shaming the police who did the killings.

What did you think was gonna happen? It's just happening NOW because COVID happened to knock a bunch of people out of work at the same time another cop publicly executed someone. This was kinda inevitable. What's that overly repeated quote about when you make peaceful resolution impossible you make violent revolution inevitable?

This is just the system correcting itself. IDK how it'll play out, but people aren't going to just let cops keep getting away with this forever.

Then with that said Cheat, I hope that we both make it out of this insanity alive.
I can drink to that.

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 02:11:35 PM »
I mean you can come up with these scenarios all you want and it's not going to change anything. Obviously if it's my life or someone else's I'm going to choose to live; I'm human that way. I have no clue how I'd react in that scenario, really. But I also have no need to be a cop. A cop KNOWS what that job entails and so it's really on them to be OK with the risk. Don't want to maybe get shot? Don't be a cop.

But really, that situation is waaaay different from what you were originally talking about. If a person's life is on the line, that's one thing, but you were talking about businesses burning. It's just stuff.

And yeah, black cops also suck. And I get that not all cops kill people. The problem is a LOT of them fucking DO kill people, and nothing is being done about it. I am talking ZERO accountability. It's looking more and more like we can't really trust cops to investigate themselves fairly so IDK what to even do but defund them and take away some of their power.

Go look at other countries, Deci. Even when criminals come at the cops with knives, they don't resort to SHOOTING them. It's a really big problem and if it can't be sorted out internally, then the system as it is has to go. Sorry if you have cop friends. Maybe tell them to have their coworkers stop executing minorities?

This is why we are not cops, but you also need to see where they are coming from as well, at least the ones that DON'T execute minorities, because not all of them do. I agree that its a big problem in America and it has been for a long time, but I really don't see how the riots are going to make this any better.

Also, regarding what you said about "businesses burning. It's just stuff."

Remember that well should you ever decide to start a small business one day and your stuff gets stolen and your store is destroyed. In fact, keep that in mind if someone or a group of people break into your house and destroy your stuff, including your computer, or they steal your stuff and personal information.

Yes, stuff can be replaced, but your personal information and identity is a very hard thing to get back if it ever falls into the wrong hands.

If the masses of police are as corrupt as you are saying, then society itself with everything going on right now isn't going to last very long.
We're going in circles now.

Only thing I'l comment on is that the protests (they're not fucking riots in MOST cases, dude) are the result of generations of cops killing people and nothing being done. We've tried prosecuting them. We've tried posting stuff on social media and shaming the police who did the killings.

What did you think was gonna happen? It's just happening NOW because COVID happened to knock a bunch of people out of work at the same time another cop publicly executed someone. This was kinda inevitable. What's that overly repeated quote about when you make peaceful resolution impossible you make violent revolution inevitable?

This is just the system correcting itself. IDK how it'll play out, but people aren't going to just let cops keep getting away with this forever.

The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: September 06, 2020, 02:02:06 PM »
Just started "The Boys" season 2. Trying to take it slow since they only released 3 episodes and are going to trickle the rest out every Friday. It's pretty great so far.

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 01:58:08 PM »
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished. We want to replace SOME of the police with social workers and programs to help take care of non-violent stuff. The same way police don’t take care of 911 calls for fires, we want to shuffle around funds so we don’t have unstable, hostile, armed cops responding to wellness checks, getting spooked, and executing a 9 year old.

See but that's not want BLM wants. BLM wants the police abolished, there haven't been any actual protests or anything of the sort because it doesn't fit their political agenda.

Also BLM doesn't even care for black people.
No. Some individuals want the police abolished. I am one of them.

But I’ll settle for defunding them.

Okay, say the police are 100% abolished and gone from the country. Now what? What are you going to do when shit hits the fan?
When has a cop ever helped you? My only interactions with them are when they pull me over to ticket me or after a fender bender. They are no help when “shit hits the fan” in most cases. You’re thinking of paramedics or fire fighters.

I’m pro gun. I have one as a last resort because I’m not naive, but what makes you think a cop is going to save you if some maniac breaks into your house?

Then this really is varied based on our communities, because (probably doesn't count) I've had a cop that was there to watch over the middle school students when security wasn't enough help me out in middle school when I was getting picked on and the shit beaten out of by other kids.

Again that probably doesn't count because I wasn't an adult back then. She was nice at least, when I think of good cops I think of people like her.

I've also been stopped by a cop just from walking home since he was watching the area, and that's because someone matched my description committed a robbery in that neighborhood. I was expecting to get arrested tbh. He asked where I was headed, checked my I.D, and let me go. I told him "Sorry for any trouble" and his reply was "Just doing my job."

This was back in 2012 so shit was different back then compared to now. I honestly think this varies on our communities. I'm sorry that the cops in your community sucks, I really am. I'm sorry that you never had a good experience with them and they've always fucked you over.

In my case I technically live in a bubble because of how the community I live in is currently managed. That isn't to say shit can't change overnight, because it can, but it hasn't happened, that also doesn't mean that there aren't corrupt cops in my community. There very well are and even one of the DA's have been arrested by the FBI. I just haven't met any of them.
You're super sheltered, then. Might want to take a look at other neighborhoods, and not through the lease of cable TV news.

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 01:54:46 PM »
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.

Okay but has that guy done anything to get killed buy a cop? Has every guy done anything to get killed by a cop or were they just standing their innocently?

All sides need to be looked into here.

What are you even talking about? Even murderers deserve a trial, guy.

Okay, here's a hypothetical example, Cheat. Say you are a cop. You are responding to a 7-11 robbery in progress. The robber comes out and decides he is going to aim his weapon at you and shoot you. You are armed and you have a gun aimed at him. What do you do?

Will you let him shoot and kill you?
I am not a cop. I don’t know what to tell you other than my go to probably wouldn’t be to fucking kill him.

So in this instance you'd let him kill you yes?

This is the point I'm trying to make here, I'm not a cop either but say you were in the shoes of one. Maybe you're alright with getting killed, but most people value their life, even if they are police. They don't know if they're going to live to see tomorrow, and honestly, when someone is armed in dangerous and they point the gun at police, the police don't have much of a choice because it turns into a "us or them scenario"

Now if the person is unarmed, I agree that they shouldn't shoot them, and they are in the wrong for that, but again that doesn't mean every police officer is a murderous asshole that kills someone because of their skin color.

Hell, what about black police officers? Do they not matter?
I mean you can come up with these scenarios all you want and it's not going to change anything. Obviously if it's my life or someone else's I'm going to choose to live; I'm human that way. I have no clue how I'd react in that scenario, really. But I also have no need to be a cop. A cop KNOWS what that job entails and so it's really on them to be OK with the risk. Don't want to maybe get shot? Don't be a cop.

But really, that situation is waaaay different from what you were originally talking about. If a person's life is on the line, that's one thing, but you were talking about businesses burning. It's just stuff.

And yeah, black cops also suck. And I get that not all cops kill people. The problem is a LOT of them fucking DO kill people, and nothing is being done about it. I am talking ZERO accountability. It's looking more and more like we can't really trust cops to investigate themselves fairly so IDK what to even do but defund them and take away some of their power.

Go look at other countries, Deci. Even when criminals come at the cops with knives, they don't resort to SHOOTING them. It's a really big problem and if it can't be sorted out internally, then the system as it is has to go. Sorry if you have cop friends. Maybe tell them to have their coworkers stop executing minorities?

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 01:44:59 PM »
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished. We want to replace SOME of the police with social workers and programs to help take care of non-violent stuff. The same way police don’t take care of 911 calls for fires, we want to shuffle around funds so we don’t have unstable, hostile, armed cops responding to wellness checks, getting spooked, and executing a 9 year old.

See but that's not want BLM wants. BLM wants the police abolished, there haven't been any actual protests or anything of the sort because it doesn't fit their political agenda.

Also BLM doesn't even care for black people.
No. Some individuals want the police abolished. I am one of them.

But I’ll settle for defunding them.

Okay, say the police are 100% abolished and gone from the country. Now what? What are you going to do when shit hits the fan?
When has a cop ever helped you? My only interactions with them are when they pull me over to ticket me or after a fender bender. They are no help when “shit hits the fan” in most cases. You’re thinking of paramedics or fire fighters.

I’m pro gun. I have one as a last resort because I’m not naive, but what makes you think a cop is going to save you if some maniac breaks into your house?

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 01:41:48 PM »
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.

Okay but has that guy done anything to get killed buy a cop? Has every guy done anything to get killed by a cop or were they just standing their innocently?

All sides need to be looked into here.

What are you even talking about? Even murderers deserve a trial, guy.

Okay, here's a hypothetical example, Cheat. Say you are a cop. You are responding to a 7-11 robbery in progress. The robber comes out and decides he is going to aim his weapon at you and shoot you. You are armed and you have a gun aimed at him. What do you do?

Will you let him shoot and kill you?
I am not a cop. I don’t know what to tell you other than my go to probably wouldn’t be to fucking kill him.

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 01:37:50 PM »
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished. We want to replace SOME of the police with social workers and programs to help take care of non-violent stuff. The same way police don’t take care of 911 calls for fires, we want to shuffle around funds so we don’t have unstable, hostile, armed cops responding to wellness checks, getting spooked, and executing a 9 year old.

See but that's not want BLM wants. BLM wants the police abolished, there haven't been any actual protests or anything of the sort because it doesn't fit their political agenda.

Also BLM doesn't even care for black people.
No. Some individuals want the police abolished. I am one of them.

But I’ll settle for defunding them.

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 01:36:49 PM »
Deci every day a new video emerges on twitter of a black guy getting his grey matter evicted from his skull by a cop who goes on to not be held accountable in any way, shape or form. If your takeaway from this is Rioters are the problem because some murdoch press ‘journalist’ posted a video of an empty shopfront ablaze with no context then I think you really need to re evaluate your line of reasoning because you’re essentially being the same guy that stands up and screams ‘not all men’ the nanosecond sexual abuse is brought up.

Okay but has that guy done anything to get killed buy a cop? Has every guy done anything to get killed by a cop or were they just standing their innocently?

All sides need to be looked into here.

What are you even talking about? Even murderers deserve a trial, guy.

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 01:31:26 PM »
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

The root word of Defund is to take funds away, cut their pay, their salary. If you want the definition of defund, prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Defunding the police should mean to cut their pay, but its going far enough to cut their jobs entirely. The collective left wants the police abolished. We want to replace SOME of the police with social workers and programs to help take care of non-violent stuff. The same way police don’t take care of 911 calls for fires, we want to shuffle around funds so we don’t have unstable, hostile, armed cops responding to wellness checks, getting spooked, and executing a 9 year old.

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 01:24:05 PM »
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

And you're judging the "protestors" by their best, but are judging the police by their worst. I already explained that this is a grey area. You know what the difference is with police and all of those other professions? Police have to deal with scum of the earth in their job, because not every single person that they stop or deal with is law abiding. And as I have been saying, yes there are those that abuse their authority, and those particular people will get what's coming to them, but what about those that have a fucking family and actually have done good in the community? What about when they get gunned down by some fuck nut and their kid doesn't have daddy (or mommy) in their life anymore?

I agree with you on the following, the police ARE suppose to protect and serve, the corrupt ones should be tried and sentenced, but I ask you. What will defunding the police and abolishing them achieve? What are you going to replace them with? You can't replace them with nothing because if you do, crime is going to skyrocket. Never underestimate human nature.

What's happening right now is very far from a protest to call these people protesters. If CNN is your source by any means then I really feel sorry for you. They're a joke of a new organization after they reported that the "protesters are mostly peaceful" despite all the carnage and fire in the background.
Deci, what do you think defunding the police means?

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 01:05:39 PM »
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

I guess this really depends on the community you grew up in. I haven't really had an issue with the police in my neck of the woods. You know that's all fine and dandy if you are going to protest because the police in your area sucks and you want shit changed, but what I have a problem with is when these people decide to terrorize innocent people that haven't done anything wrong. People that have worked really hard in life to get to where they are.

If you seriously believe that every single white person deserves to get terrorized, you have some serious issues. And I'm on the wrong side of history? Are you sure about that? I hope you're armed then should these people decide to come to your neighborhood and break into your house.

And you know man, I'm sorry that you never had a positive interaction with a cop, because there seriously are good ones out there, and yes there are bad ones too. They are after all people.

I just don't see how any of this shit is fair to someone who hasn't done anything to these people, and I DON'T think people should have a free pass to loot and steal from others. Not everyone that has a decent living is rich, especially when they have worked so hard to get far in life. Not every small business owner has millions of dollars, most are middle class with bills to pay and other expenses, heck because of the whole crap with covid many small businesses are barely able to survive now, and the riots completely fucked up their chances of staying open especially if they got destroyed and looted. Mega corporations I get it, they have insurance, but small business? All in the name of Fuck The Police? Tell me how that's right. Tell me how that's okay because that makes zero fucking sense. Again, not all cops are good, I agree with that and not all are bad either. This whole thing right now is a grey area, it always has been, but you need help if you honestly believe that Antifa and BLM's actions are 100% justified. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also no. I read your comment. We already 1v1'd in the past. Not happening again.
You are judging the protestors by their worst, but are judging the police by their best. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

The difference is that we give police extraordinary powers to protect and serve. If firefighters or airline pilots killed as many people as police do, I bet you’d have a serious fucking problem with it.

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: September 06, 2020, 11:01:21 AM »
Fuck police.

I have never ever had a positive interaction with a cop. In the city, I see police cars driving around and I suppose that is good as a deterrent for violent crime. I've never been pulled over by one in the city and they're really just kinda there in the background.

But I'm also super pale white and I've seen how they respond to black people doing anything remotely "bad" like protesting. Cops kill a lot of black people, man.

And then I go back to my home-town, which is the county seat, and see a place flooded with state, city, and county police with nothing better to do than setup speed traps and siphon money away from normal people who may have been going like 5-over the speed limit. I HAVE been pulled over by these types of cops and they are full of it, man. They want you to obey ANYTHING they say and they really do think they have the right to search you, your car, whatever, on a whim.

These pieces of shit are let loose on communities with barely any legal training and a license to kill. They absolutely need to be defunded and let that money go toward programs and professionals who know how to deal with poor and desperate people without shooting or arresting them.

And yeah, all lives matter, but police happen to be killing black and brown people like crazy. Like seriously dude, these people are legitimately executing people on video now and nothing is being done -- they're immune. Just because black people decide to burn down a 7-11, doesn't mean police should fucking shoot them. Yeah, arrest them. Duh. But you can't honestly tell me someone's property that is insured is more valuable than a life. That's how you GET riots, you idiot. People get pissed off that their family members and friends keep getting killed.

I don't wanna be put on a watch list or anything for saying this, and please know I don't advocate violence, but I absolutely understand why people are starting to burn shit down. It's the only way anything gets done. Rich people don't give a shit until their property starts being destroyed.

You're a fucking moron and are on the wrong side of history if you honestly believe police are the good guys here and the protestors are the bad guys.

/rant. Also we should 1v1 on Halo,

The Flood / Re: Post your list of warnings / bans on Sep7
« on: August 30, 2020, 05:15:28 PM »
I have no warnings.
when do I get my nameplate back
Day or two most likely.

The Flood / Re: Post your list of warnings / bans on Sep7
« on: August 30, 2020, 10:05:51 AM »
I have no warnings.

The Flood / Re: Parking Next to a Car in an Empty Lot
« on: August 28, 2020, 10:47:56 PM »
My friends and I had a bit of fun with a sports car that parked waaaaaay back in the back of the Six Flags parking lot. There were no other cars around for at least 3-4 rows and we parked right next to this car in my friend's beater. Had a laugh and walked the long walk to the park.

When we came back to the car a couple hours later for lunch (had to get our money's worth and food in there is STUPID expensive) the car had moved one row forward.

So...we also moved one row forward and re-parked next to him before we headed back to the park.

Good times.

The Flood / Re: Can we ban notCarmen?
« on: August 27, 2020, 09:26:05 AM »
Also it's illegal to share DMs
not true

The release of other user’s personal information, including full names, addresses, social media accounts, images, private messages, etc. without their consent is not tolerated. Doing so will lead to the information being edited out and bans being applied.

The Flood / Re: What are you listening to right now?
« on: August 26, 2020, 06:13:43 PM »

gd that is a lot of bad dragon toys
Well, you know. I'm working from home now-days; lots of extra time.

The Flood / Re: New Design Feedback
« on: August 23, 2020, 05:23:19 PM »
One thing I haven't brought up, you seem to be putting most of your focus on mobile so far. How are things looking for desktop?
Haven't even touched it yet tbh. I'm of the philosophy of progressive enhancement, so as soon as I get a few more mobile screens finished and have a general "feel" of the UI, I'll slug through desktop.

I'm open to ideas if you have some suggestions ahead of time. I know one of the criticisms is that the forum has a lot of wasted space on the side, which is something I do want to address. The other major thing is if we'll have a sidebar in forum view. If so, what will it be?

The Flood / Re: New Design Feedback
« on: August 23, 2020, 11:29:23 AM »
Will there be beta tests?
For sure. And alphas before that.

The Flood / New Design Feedback
« on: August 23, 2020, 10:59:00 AM »
Hi everybody! It might be a shock, but Septagon 3.0 is something I'm actually making progress on after like 4 years. So, I posted these comps in the Discord channel for development, but I know a lot of you guys don't really participate in it (understandable), so I wanted to make a thread here to get some extra feedback.

The original concept was this:

Nuka pointed out it looks a LOT like And it does. I kind of naturally...fell into that trend as I designed it so that the focus could be on content, but I do understand the draw to the old way of doing things. After some discussion, I think the best thing to do would be to have the above as the default style for new users and guests, and then have a simple toggle in settings that will let you theme the site with the older style in mind.

Here's what that might look like:

New ranking changes are as follows:
  • On the new style, only staff and special ranks are given colored labels. Normal ranks would look the same but would read differently. The highest rank, Mythic or Marty, would get to be a colored label, to show off.
  • Users would get both a cumulative rank (level) based on posts, activity, liked posts, ban count, etc. over time. This would only go up. Users would also be ranked relatively against each other for their Heroic, Legendary, Mythic, etc.
  • If you use the old style, the nameplates would behave similarly to how they do now, with the background color matching your rank (Legendary, Mythic, etc.).

Lemme know your thoughts here. Would the majority of you be OK with the default theme being the new style as long as you could toggle on the old style from settings? Coup would be an additional option on top of this, so you could have both enabled.

Higher quality videos of these comps are in the discord server.

The Flood / Re: Discord Chat
« on: August 23, 2020, 12:16:59 AM »
Why is this pinned? Both the Discord and the thread are dead.

Anyone who wants to contribute (design, development, or just bitching and sharing opinions), head on over to the development channel once you join up. New shit has come to light.

The Flood / Re: Need recommendations for a portable charger
« on: August 22, 2020, 05:50:17 PM »
The Anker Powercores are pretty good
thats the kind that went out lol.

How long did it last?
Those have pretty much been the only ones I use and they work fine for me
About 8 months.

The Flood / Re: Need recommendations for a portable charger
« on: August 22, 2020, 03:28:50 PM »
The Anker Powercores are pretty good
thats the kind that went out lol.

The Flood / Need recommendations for a portable charger
« on: August 22, 2020, 01:58:43 PM »
My portable charger / power bank is not charging my iPad / MacBook anymore and I’m looking to get a new one. Anybody have one that you can recommend? Price isn’t a huge factor, but ideally I’d like to keep it under $100 if possible.

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