How can you like MLP and not be a tranny?

15321598721 | Heroic Posting Rampage
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ID: Baha
IP: Logged

1,094 posts
ITT: OP doesn't know what transsexual means
rest of the thread confirms it

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
Why would you need to take mind of such small nuisances in worry of offending someone?

It's promoting the mindset that it's ok to be offended by whatever you want
Yeah, man, I just can't imagine why words exist for different things.

Trucks, cars, vans, minivans, low riders, limos, monster trucks, lifted trucks, sports cars, race cars, jeeps, ugh

It's all so dumb

Let's just call them all automobiles so I don't have to think too much.

Vehicles don't compare to gender.

eggsalad | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: eggsalad
ID: eggsalad
IP: Logged

2,495 posts
tbh though from general experience tranny is used a lot less malevolently than shit like shemale or it

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
IP: Logged

14,567 posts
However, even if he was fine with that, referring to him as-such to a third party would still be a terrible thing to do.

what if you're not using it in a negative context

why doesn't context matter when referring to him or her to third parties
Because that is a more open forum, and promotes racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/etc to other people. When you're only speaking to him or a group of individuals that he is comfortable with, then it's simply nothing greater than the usual type of ragging amongst friends taken to a more racey level. Talking in such a manner to another person, however, promotes nothing more than hate and bigotry.

If you call your friend "that idiot over there," it really only says that you have a good relationship and possibly some contempt for that person. If you call him "that faggot over there," it says something a bit more about how you think of any gay people. Saying it only to him says nothing about what you think about gay people as a whole unless you're saying it in an insulting way or if he has told you - rightfully so - that he's not okay with that word being used around him.

It's literally not promoting anything at all
Simply using a word does not say anything about your views on a subject
It's only that way because you and the rest of your SJW posse say it is
Okay, so, now you're just being an idiot. Are you seriously saying that the language you use doesn't represent the way you think about certain groups?

So saying "bitch" doesn't represent how a person might think about women? Saying "nigger" doesn't represent what a person might think about black people? Are you really that daft?

That's what I'm saying
We as a society need to stop indulging in such pretenses

Like I said before I would not call someone I just met "my nigga" or any other term
I acknowledge this is still a delicate subject and it needs to be handled with some grace but still
To just outlaw any use of "slurs" is ignoring why they exist and the power we have to eradicate them

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
IP: Logged

14,567 posts
tbh though from general experience tranny is used a lot less malevolently than shit like shemale or it

Well using shemale or it usually always carries a negative connotation and is intended to provoke

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
ITT: OP doesn't know what transsexual means
rest of the thread confirms it
I'm still figuring some things out

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
Actually, he's not wrong on that being the derivative - just wrong on everthing else.

Gathering sticks is meant to be a woman's work, traditionally, and the term "faggot" was applied to gay and/or effeminate men in order to compare them to women.
Where did you get that from?

Besides, mine is better.
Look at the second one on the list you just linked


Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
However, even if he was fine with that, referring to him as-such to a third party would still be a terrible thing to do.

what if you're not using it in a negative context

why doesn't context matter when referring to him or her to third parties
Because that is a more open forum, and promotes racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/etc to other people. When you're only speaking to him or a group of individuals that he is comfortable with, then it's simply nothing greater than the usual type of ragging amongst friends taken to a more racey level. Talking in such a manner to another person, however, promotes nothing more than hate and bigotry.

If you call your friend "that idiot over there," it really only says that you have a good relationship and possibly some contempt for that person. If you call him "that faggot over there," it says something a bit more about how you think of any gay people. Saying it only to him says nothing about what you think about gay people as a whole unless you're saying it in an insulting way or if he has told you - rightfully so - that he's not okay with that word being used around him.

It's literally not promoting anything at all
Simply using a word does not say anything about your views on a subject
It's only that way because you and the rest of your SJW posse say it is
Okay, so, now you're just being an idiot. Are you seriously saying that the language you use doesn't represent the way you think about certain groups?

So saying "bitch" doesn't represent how a person might think about women? Saying "nigger" doesn't represent what a person might think about black people? Are you really that daft?

That's what I'm saying
We as a society need to stop indulging in such pretenses

Like I said before I would not call someone I just met "my nigga" or any other term
I acknowledge this is still a delicate subject and it needs to be handled with some grace but still
To just outlaw any use of "slurs" is ignoring why they exist and the power we have to eradicate them
Nobody said anything about outlawing shit

We're pretty obviously talking about society

Why is "muh free speech" the first thing everyone's minds snap to when someone says, "Hey, you probably shouldn't say this or you'll generally sound like a fuckin' cunt."

Saleem | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Saleem
IP: Logged

2,483 posts
Sigs fo nigs
This thread isn't long for this world so I might as well throw something in.

On MLP: Ain't got a clue why grown men enjoy a show specifically designed for young girls.

On Trannies: I'm shortening it because I'm too lazy to spell out the whole word, fite me. But isn't it technically a mental abnormality? When diverging from the usual XY and XX chromosomes and basing your gender on your feelings is that not against nature and biology? Sure humans defy nature regularly but we can only go so far before something fucks up royally, and that seems to be starting in the general vicinity of sex and reproduction.

Homosexuals, trans, downies, ect. I don't have anything against their existence and their lives should not be excluded from everyone else's, but I'm certainly not for prolonged promotion of mental disability/abnormalities. Such things most likely will and should slowly breed out of the gene pool.

I'm going to be fucked for this post
Homosexual behaviors precede humans by a long shot and I don't think anything's happening to change that. Similarly, dysphoria probably won't either. I don't understand the discomfort people get at the idea that being gender dysphoric is something we shouldn't stigmatize. We know it's a fucking debilitating disorder. That's what transition is, the treatment. "Promoting" it is promoting the idea that someone should be able to treat themselves for the disorder and not go through all of the shit that people have to right now. You don't object to the asthmatic using their inhalers.
I know homosexuality predates man and exists in other animals. Homosexuality isn't a big problem and holds little significance to me and they can live their lives as they please. In retrospect I shouldn't have mentioned it.

The others I mentioned can also live their lives as they choose and go through whatever it is that makes them happy, but I'm looking forward past my own lifetime to humanity itself in the future. Hoping it smooths out any edges and improves upon what we have trouble with now. Troubles in society, religion, and the sort. As it stands now the clusterfuck surrounding trans and the likes of both sides urks me.

These abnormalities I don't focus on as some Achilles heel in mankind, but more as bloated coding. With them there it has no ultimate effect on the function of whatever process may be running. However, improved coding achieves the same result in a smaller and refined form.

Evolution is a slow process, there will be plenty of bugs. Many won't hold much significance and they will get their time to be patched out just to make things shinier.

Don't think I hate any of these people, they have my pity. I wish them good lives an hope things will get better.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Hell, anything is an insult if you want it to be.
now you're catching on
nigga, I already knew this, so stop being such a condescending twat.

Banning words is one of the dumbest things you could possibly think to do.

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
ha ha

lol poney are bad

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Actually, he's not wrong on that being the derivative - just wrong on everthing else.

Gathering sticks is meant to be a woman's work, traditionally, and the term "faggot" was applied to gay and/or effeminate men in order to compare them to women.
Where did you get that from?

Besides, mine is better.
Look at the second one on the list you just linked

That's not what you said though. The only thing similar was it mentioned women and bundles of sticks.

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
Why would you need to take mind of such small nuisances in worry of offending someone?

It's promoting the mindset that it's ok to be offended by whatever you want
Yeah, man, I just can't imagine why words exist for different things.

Trucks, cars, vans, minivans, low riders, limos, monster trucks, lifted trucks, sports cars, race cars, jeeps, ugh

It's all so dumb

Let's just call them all automobiles so I don't have to think too much.

Vehicles don't compare to gender.
Luckily; transvestite, transgender, and transsexual don't refer to gender - they refer to different 'types' of expression someone may have of themselves that isn't cisgender, thus the differentiation.

You can't lump everything of that variety as "other" just because you're too lazy to differentiate. There are heavy, HEAVY differences between a transsexual girl and a transvestite man - unless you think Eddie Izzard actually has a vagina and identifies as a woman.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Hell, anything is an insult if you want it to be.
now you're catching on
nigga, I already knew this, so stop being such a condescending twat.

Banning words is one of the dumbest things you could possibly think to do.
nobody is talking about banning words

i never call people "nigger"--oh god, am i infringing my own 1st amendment rights!?!?!?!?!?

all we're saying is, "maybe we shouldn't use this word, huh"

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
Actually, he's not wrong on that being the derivative - just wrong on everthing else.

Gathering sticks is meant to be a woman's work, traditionally, and the term "faggot" was applied to gay and/or effeminate men in order to compare them to women.
Where did you get that from?

Besides, mine is better.
Look at the second one on the list you just linked

That's not what you said though. The only thing similar was it mentioned women and bundles of sticks.
Yeah, yeah, not similar at all. The only similarity was the entire fact that "faggot" is meant to equate gay people to women and originated from the term for a bundle of sticks.

Oh, wait, that's pretty much what I said, isn't it?

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
tbh though from general experience tranny is used a lot less malevolently than shit like shemale or it
Well, yeah. Shemale, it, and trap will always be worse than 'tranny', but that doesn't mean that the latter's a lovely thing to hear.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Actually, he's not wrong on that being the derivative - just wrong on everthing else.

Gathering sticks is meant to be a woman's work, traditionally, and the term "faggot" was applied to gay and/or effeminate men in order to compare them to women.
Where did you get that from?

Besides, mine is better.
Look at the second one on the list you just linked

That's not what you said though. The only thing similar was it mentioned women and bundles of sticks.
Yeah, yeah, not similar at all. The only similarity was the entire fact that "faggot" is meant to equate gay people to women and originated from the term for a bundle of sticks.

Oh, wait, that's pretty much what I said, isn't it?
Except women are not gathering bundles of sticks.

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
Why would you need to take mind of such small nuisances in worry of offending someone?

It's promoting the mindset that it's ok to be offended by whatever you want
Yeah, man, I just can't imagine why words exist for different things.

Trucks, cars, vans, minivans, low riders, limos, monster trucks, lifted trucks, sports cars, race cars, jeeps, ugh

It's all so dumb

Let's just call them all automobiles so I don't have to think too much.

Vehicles don't compare to gender.
Luckily; transvestite, transgender, and transsexual don't refer to gender - they refer to different 'types' of expression someone may have of themselves that isn't cisgender, thus the differentiation.

You can't lump everything of that variety as "other" just because you're too lazy to differentiate. There are heavy, HEAVY differences between a transsexual girl and a transvestite man - unless you think Eddie Izzard actually has a vagina and identifies as a woman.


but that confuse

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
IP: Logged

14,567 posts
However, even if he was fine with that, referring to him as-such to a third party would still be a terrible thing to do.

what if you're not using it in a negative context

why doesn't context matter when referring to him or her to third parties
Because that is a more open forum, and promotes racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/etc to other people. When you're only speaking to him or a group of individuals that he is comfortable with, then it's simply nothing greater than the usual type of ragging amongst friends taken to a more racey level. Talking in such a manner to another person, however, promotes nothing more than hate and bigotry.

If you call your friend "that idiot over there," it really only says that you have a good relationship and possibly some contempt for that person. If you call him "that faggot over there," it says something a bit more about how you think of any gay people. Saying it only to him says nothing about what you think about gay people as a whole unless you're saying it in an insulting way or if he has told you - rightfully so - that he's not okay with that word being used around him.

It's literally not promoting anything at all
Simply using a word does not say anything about your views on a subject
It's only that way because you and the rest of your SJW posse say it is
Okay, so, now you're just being an idiot. Are you seriously saying that the language you use doesn't represent the way you think about certain groups?

So saying "bitch" doesn't represent how a person might think about women? Saying "nigger" doesn't represent what a person might think about black people? Are you really that daft?

That's what I'm saying
We as a society need to stop indulging in such pretenses

Like I said before I would not call someone I just met "my nigga" or any other term
I acknowledge this is still a delicate subject and it needs to be handled with some grace but still
To just outlaw any use of "slurs" is ignoring why they exist and the power we have to eradicate them
Nobody said anything about outlawing shit

We're pretty obviously talking about society

Why is "muh free speech" the first thing everyone's minds snap to when someone says, "Hey, you probably shouldn't say this or you'll generally sound like a fuckin' cunt."

No you clearly are talking about outlawing shit
Especially when you get all over someone's ass for saying something

It's not even free speech as I've been saying this whole thread
It's about eradicating the hate from these words and that won't happen when you shush up people at the first mention of something that might be "offensive"

And what you're doing is way beyond "hey you probably shouldn't say this"
You're going out of your way to make people be quiet about shit you just want to push to the side

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Hell, anything is an insult if you want it to be.
now you're catching on
nigga, I already knew this, so stop being such a condescending twat.

Banning words is one of the dumbest things you could possibly think to do.
nobody is talking about banning words

i never call people "nigger"--oh god, am i infringing my own 1st amendment rights!?!?!?!?!?

all we're saying is, "maybe we shouldn't use this word, huh"
>Voluntarily banning words from vocabulary
>Not banning words

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
Actually, he's not wrong on that being the derivative - just wrong on everthing else.

Gathering sticks is meant to be a woman's work, traditionally, and the term "faggot" was applied to gay and/or effeminate men in order to compare them to women.
Where did you get that from?

Besides, mine is better.
Look at the second one on the list you just linked

That's not what you said though. The only thing similar was it mentioned women and bundles of sticks.
Yeah, yeah, not similar at all. The only similarity was the entire fact that "faggot" is meant to equate gay people to women and originated from the term for a bundle of sticks.

Oh, wait, that's pretty much what I said, isn't it?
Except women are not gathering bundles of sticks.
Bruh, it literally says on the page "I MEAN MAYBE THIS IS WHERE IT'S FROM BUT IUNNO"

Wikipedia lists both your example and mine as well as about five others. It's pretty unknown where the slur originated.

Thun | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Steam: Thunder
ID: Suarez
IP: Logged

8,991 posts
Cindy, why don't you ever reply to my lewd PMs?

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
However, even if he was fine with that, referring to him as-such to a third party would still be a terrible thing to do.

what if you're not using it in a negative context

why doesn't context matter when referring to him or her to third parties
Because that is a more open forum, and promotes racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/etc to other people. When you're only speaking to him or a group of individuals that he is comfortable with, then it's simply nothing greater than the usual type of ragging amongst friends taken to a more racey level. Talking in such a manner to another person, however, promotes nothing more than hate and bigotry.

If you call your friend "that idiot over there," it really only says that you have a good relationship and possibly some contempt for that person. If you call him "that faggot over there," it says something a bit more about how you think of any gay people. Saying it only to him says nothing about what you think about gay people as a whole unless you're saying it in an insulting way or if he has told you - rightfully so - that he's not okay with that word being used around him.

It's literally not promoting anything at all
Simply using a word does not say anything about your views on a subject
It's only that way because you and the rest of your SJW posse say it is
Okay, so, now you're just being an idiot. Are you seriously saying that the language you use doesn't represent the way you think about certain groups?

So saying "bitch" doesn't represent how a person might think about women? Saying "nigger" doesn't represent what a person might think about black people? Are you really that daft?

That's what I'm saying
We as a society need to stop indulging in such pretenses

Like I said before I would not call someone I just met "my nigga" or any other term
I acknowledge this is still a delicate subject and it needs to be handled with some grace but still
To just outlaw any use of "slurs" is ignoring why they exist and the power we have to eradicate them
Nobody said anything about outlawing shit

We're pretty obviously talking about society

Why is "muh free speech" the first thing everyone's minds snap to when someone says, "Hey, you probably shouldn't say this or you'll generally sound like a fuckin' cunt."

No you clearly are talking about outlawing shit
Especially when you get all over someone's ass for saying something

It's not even free speech as I've been saying this whole thread
It's about eradicating the hate from these words and that won't happen when you shush up people at the first mention of something that might be "offensive"

And what you're doing is way beyond "hey you probably shouldn't say this"
You're going out of your way to make people be quiet about shit you just want to push to the side
TIL that saying "hey that dehumanizes people and here's why" is the same thing as saying "you should be imprisoned by the government for saying that word"


| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
>Voluntarily banning words from vocabulary
>Not banning words
not using a word =/= banning it

i haven't banned "nigger" from my vocabulary
i just choose not to use it

i used it at least five times in this thread, actually--i just choose not to refer to people with it

that's just a shitty use of the word "ban"

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
Cindy, why don't you ever reply to my lewd PMs?
I respond to, like, one out of every five.

15321598721 | Heroic Posting Rampage
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ID: Baha
IP: Logged

1,094 posts
If I don't shitpost does it mean I advocate making shitposting a bannable offense

Saleem | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Saleem
IP: Logged

2,483 posts
Sigs fo nigs
This thread should probably move to serious.

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
This thread should probably move to serious.

me not agree

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts

choosing not using a word for a specific purpose =/= banning it

Thun | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
Steam: Thunder
ID: Suarez
IP: Logged

8,991 posts
Cindy, why don't you ever reply to my lewd PMs?
I respond to, like, one out of every five.
Okay, thanks for clarifying. I will now send you 100 lewd PMs per day.