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Topics - Cindy

Pages: 1 2
Serious / The Inevitable Fall of Capitalism
« on: April 22, 2017, 12:28:00 PM »
Hello, my good friends.

Remember like a year ago when I used to post those big threads that went on long tirades about sociopolitical topics and then asked relevant questions to the community? No? You don't because I only ever made two of those threads and half of you people barely even remember my existence?

Well, too bad, because I'm making another one. As you may have garnered from the title, this post is about capitalism and why it is doomed to fail in the (possibly near) future - at least in the semi-purist sense which it exists in today.

If you like watching videos made by bad content creators, you may have seen this one at some point in the past:


That video has a lot of inherent biases, ignores a lot of data, cherrypicks, and generally isn't something that you should tote as your only knowledge of the subject, but the basic point that it makes is definitely substantial; jobs are disappearing at alarming rates due to rapid automation. This automation even poses threats to jobs in more "advanced" fields of work such as diagnostics and surgery, programming and coding, physical and scientific engineering, and so on. While these pose threats in the long run, however, the far more pressing matter is how quickly mundane jobs which make up the bulk of service will start to disappear.

Taxi and uber services? Inventory, restocking, and manual labor jobs of that sort? Retail and food service industries? Delivery, both short-scale (delivering food) and long-scale (semi-truck drivers, postal service, FedEx/Amazon/etc)? All of those are not only going to become *laughably* easy to automate within the very near future, but are also going to be infinitely more cheap and efficient for companies to buy and put into motion. A self-driving car will be a much more expensive purchase up front than a delivery driver's salary, but in the long term, it will be the cheaper option and will be available for work nearly 24/7. Plenty of restaurants and fast-food chains are already phasing out "waiters" in favor of "servers" who simply bring food to your table that you've already ordered off of an electronic tablet - one that's not going to forget or mis-remember certain aspects of your order and one that doesn't require a week's training before they can be put on the job.

Of course, this is all buildup to the main point I'm trying to make - the fall of modern capitalism and how this is going to affect society.

Now, this applies to many western (and worldwide, really) nations, but I'm going to use American culture as the primary example both because it's where I've lived for the last 11 years and thus have a better understanding of, and because free-market capitalism has been something of a hotly debated topic in recent American history. The culture which surrounds "work" in America is...weird. As anyone who's ever lived in Europe (or knows anything substantial about Western and Northern European culture) will tell you, economical and political leanings in America slant fairly heavy to the right even when they appear to slant left from an American viewpoint. There's this hyper-conservative ideal that's really just commonplace and accepted in America that a person's worth is inherently tied to what is often said to be their "contribution to society" but really just ends up being "their monetary worth in their direct surroundings" in many cases. A poor man born into poverty who works two manual labor jobs to provide for his family is often considered to be a leech on society not worthy of assistance while a rich man who contributes little aside from being rich is often heralded as a job creator and wonderful benefactor, which seems a bit backwards.

But these are my socialistic viewpoints intruding too heavily on the argument - the point of this thread isn't for me to challenge the current work-centric and capitalistic mindset of most nations, it's to ask how society will change these viewpoints in the coming future.

Sooner or later, enough jobs will be automated and enough people will exist that, reasonably, enough jobs will not exist for people to inhabit them but enough resources will exist for those same people to live in at least a semi-comfortable lifestyle. We're already seeing this coming at odds with the capitalist mindset; something like four times as many empty houses exist in the United States as homeless people, and our current president is fighting tooth and nail in attempts to bring a nearly three-centuries old system of energy production back into the limelight all in the name of "keeping jobs".

Capitalism, mercantilism, feudalism, and so on are all things that I would consider necessary in an environment that requires most of its populace to directly contribute to the well-being of a state. But once most of the populace doesn't need to contribute? These systems are no longer required and start to appear archaic. We're soon going to be looking at a situation in which most of the populace not only won't need to contribute to the workforce, but in which a significant portion simply statistically cannot contribute to the workforce. In cultures such as America or Japan where a person's worth is often judged primarily on the basis of them having a job and the poor are looked at as "deserving" of their status because they didn't "earn" the right to live comfortably, I personally think this could have a rather devastating impact as the cultures adjust.

But what are your thoughts on this phenomenon, friends?

Serious / Trump needs a safe space
« on: February 18, 2017, 07:42:32 PM »
Trump was upset that the results of his poll were mostly negative because democrats "rigged" it - i.e. because people responded to it in a manner that wasn't sucking his dick.

So, since he's a huge baby who overcompensates for everything, he threw out the results of that old poll and made a new one without any fill-in-the-blanks so people can't say mean stuff to him.

Also, half of the "questions" are actually just grammatically faulty statements and a good portion of them focus on his campaign and Hillary Clinton, despite the fact that he's already won.

This guy must have a really, really small dick.

Serious / Pizzagate
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:10:17 AM »
Hey-o, faggots. It's me.

What are this board's thoughts on the fuckin' stupid-ass meme that is pizzagate?

Do you recognize it for the meme it is, or do you think the entire DNC is comprised of satanic child raping cannibals?

Serious / I do not understand how people support Trump
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:55:57 AM »
There exist people that wholeheartedly support Trump - a lot of people, in fact - and that just makes my head hurt. I understand a difference of opinion and, while I personally would honestly rather have Trump than Cruz because of issues that I feel strongly about, I don't understand how anyone can actually be pro-Trump. His entire campaign is just a massive exercise in appeals to emotions, and none of the largest talking points of his campaign have any depth to them.

Like, the only reasons that I imagine people support him is because they're either:

a) so radically anti-establishment that they will vote for whoever isn't part of the "typical government" and looks to have a chance at winning

b) non or single-issue voters that jumped ship once they noticed that Sanders wasn't gonna win because they're deathly afraid of not meeting the status quo

c) neckbeards that like Trump because he's "alpha", use "cuck" to describe any political or social opposition, think that Muslims are ruining Europe, and whose greatest fear in this world is biracial couples.

I honestly cannot fathom anyone who actually, legitimately supports Trump on all of his policies - what little there are.

The Flood / The Girl From Another Place
« on: March 08, 2016, 01:00:30 PM »

The Flood / It's almost 3am
« on: March 07, 2016, 02:42:17 AM »
And I'm still not asleep

Should I just try to stay up the whole day at this point, fam?

I've done it before

The Flood / Meme Signup 2016
« on: February 24, 2016, 08:56:19 PM »
Post here if you want to be a meme in 2016

If you don't post here then you've officially lost all meme privileges and statuses and are an official non-meme

The Flood / AMA Just ate a sandwich ask me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:14:16 AM »
It was a grilled cheese with ham

Fascism is a far-right movement and, simply as a fact, the farther and more extreme one goes on the right side of the political spectrum, the closer one moves to fascism.

Trump wants to persecute, physically identify, and exile racial and religious minorities because he perceives the economic and social problems in a country coming from an immigrating minority group.

Sounds kinda similar, js.

The Flood / If robot bodies were invented, would you get one?
« on: February 16, 2016, 04:50:28 AM »
Referring to something on the same level as a the movie Surrogate - bodies physically mechanical but outwardly indistinguishable from human bodies, flesh and function alike.

For the purpose of this discussion, assume that your brain could be uploaded to a hard-drive-like "brain" and that backups could be made.

Your robot body would be fully customizable so long as it stayed without the realm of humanoid, though more far-off "body mods" would likely be incredibly expensive. Think of it like a car, basically, only more universally available.

Assuming that you had the funds to acquire such a body, would you think it morally right to do so?

I'd say yes for obvious reasons but y'know it's discussions and shit.

The Flood / >tfw there aren't any threads to be a spooky skeleton in
« on: January 15, 2016, 11:34:33 PM »
How the fuck am I supposed to get my kicks if I can't yell at cunts?

The Flood / Fucking Feminists tbh
« on: December 14, 2015, 01:47:01 PM »
Fucking feminists ruining everything. Did you know that ALL feminists say that men are terrible? Fucking generalizations, seriously. That's the exact thing that HITLER did. Honestly they're just a bunch of cucks who wanna make black people better. Uhhhh that's FUCKING RACIST?!?!!?

Jfc, I swear, they just wanna ban everything because it hurts their feelings. Well you can't just BAN things. BANNING things is CENSORSHIP and that's against my RIGHTS. ANY opinion, no matter how terrible, should be allowed to exist in the world.

Well, uh, except muslims. Fuck those brown, backwards-ass, barbarians. We should pretty much ban them from the U.S. or at least have some kind of way to keep track of them, you know? Any Muslim COULD be a terrorist, so we should ban all of them.

Back on track, though, it really grinds my gears when feminists say that men are terrible because some men rape people. Jsut because any man COULD be a rapist doesn't mean that they all ARE rapists, you know! I hate generalizations, and it really fucking annoys me how ALL of those feminazi CUCKS do this.

They just get offended too easily, tbh

The Flood / I'm bored as fuck and I wanna make a thread
« on: December 13, 2015, 06:50:27 PM »
What sort of thread should I make, lads?

The Flood / Good Tabletop Systems?
« on: December 11, 2015, 10:30:46 AM »
In attempts to make my own Tabletop system because I'm a massive fucking nerd, I'm trying to amass a knowledge of many different systems so that I might borrow from them.

So far I'm reading over GURPS and W40K, and I already know plenty about D&D/Pathfinder and Savage Worlds.

Any other suggestions, lads?




The Flood / Saleel al Sawarim
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:46:12 PM »
Nasheedul ubah

Septagon / How's a nigga tryna block a hoe?
« on: December 02, 2015, 10:42:16 PM »
Is there a way to block/mute someone on this website?

AAVE included for effect

Gaming / ITT: Game trailers with amazing fight choreography
« on: November 28, 2015, 08:37:18 PM »




Ubisoft may not be able to make a good game, but by god can they make a good trailer

Link more, lads

The Flood / What is the best-written song you've ever heard?
« on: November 26, 2015, 06:53:12 AM »
In an ironic sense, not an actual one. This question would be boring if I was asking it normally.

My vote goes to -


The Flood / What it is with all these cucks and their sangheili names?
« on: November 25, 2015, 09:59:25 PM »

Why doesn't anyone use names from the other covenant races, lads?

Are sangheili to the weird halo fetishist community like wolves/foxes are to the furry community?

The Flood / Question for all users of Sep7
« on: November 19, 2015, 03:41:47 PM »


Oh my, is it already that time?

Well actually I usually post these on Thursdays so it was that time a couple of days ago, but...fuck off, it's that time again now.

Welcome, one and all, to Spooky Skeleton Cindo's thread of the week where I will attempt to post a topic on Serious that will actually generate conversation and that isn't about god damn fucking politics holy fucking shit this fucking board always fucking talks about politics god damn.

And don't bitch at me for writing a wall because, god dammit, that's what these threads are made for.

So what's the topic of this week's lovely thread? Well last week's was a bit of a bust - people weren't really opposed to anything that I was saying and that sort of ruins the fun of the thread, now doesn't it? So I thought long on hard on what topic to make this week's thread about until I finally arrived on an answer. This forum was founded from Bungie which was founded from gaming, right? So let's make a thread, I thought, about the type of thing that people on this website should get fucking FIRED UP about - sexism within the gaming industry.

Now, before I continue, let's establish one thing - I don't like Zoe Quinn or Anita Sarkeesian, but I also don't like those fuckwits over at /r/KotakuInAction or /r/Gamergate. The former is a group of people who overreact to pretty much everything that could possibly have harmful implications and the latter is a group of kissless virgin neckbeards who are angry that their sacred "gaming" culture is being invaded by people who they feel owe them sex.

So, anyways, onto the actual post -

The culture surrounding gaming and the development is sexist as a baseline and that's pretty much a fact. Say what you will about the continuing careers of Quinn, Sarkeesian, and Wu, but the initial "Gamergate" scandal was nothing more than a bunch of people harassing some girl based off of shit her ex-boyfriend lied about. Her game was abject shit, no denying that, but when an entire movement forms out of a claim with no base that some woman might be whoring herself out for money, it's pretty evident that there's a problem.

As for sexism within the games themselves, I'll say that things are getting much better. A large portion of the reason that said media appears as sexist is simply that it's appealing to what has, for the majority of it's lifetime, been the primary audience - straight white dudes. It makes sense that most of the women are busty, attractive girls that love wearing skimpy clothing and that most protagonists are the "generic white dude" that shows up in pretty much every game ever, but that doesn't mean that such things should continue as gaming becomes more popular for all involved. Naturally, all games don't need to cater to these things, but the culture should shift in that direction. The fact that so many games including women as playable characters is looked at as a "bonus" feature or something that the developers couldn't really spend time into is evidence of said problem.

HOWEVER, I think a key point is often missed in the fact that sexualization =/= objectification. Sure, if a female character's only purpose is to stand around and look hot, then that's just ridiculous, but a female character being sexualized isn't inherently wrong if there are also other aspects of her character. I always use League of Legends to argue this point only because there's a large portion of the fanbase that gets all up-in-arms about how sexualized all of the female champions are and how they all "show off too much skin" and have "unrealistic body proportions" - this, in my opinion, totally ignores the fact that there are plenty of champions and skins that have buff hotties with chiseled abs walking around next to the busty girls.

This post was kinda lower-effort than my last ones, but, oh well. Sue me. I wasn't as organized.

Also consider this a place to rant about the cesspool that is everything to do with Gamergate, because I love ranting about the cesspool that is everything to do with Gamergate.

Septagon / When do I get to make my title bar and outline in pretty colors?
« on: November 07, 2015, 01:06:06 PM »
I wanna be one of the cool kids

The Flood / Ask Cindo Anything
« on: November 07, 2015, 11:05:32 AM »
I am a German-Jewish transgirl living in Southeast Texas because my dad works at NASA and my family has entirely too much money (not really tho but I mean we're decent). When I'm not hanging out with friends I play too many video games, binge watch shows, work on graphic design shit for fun, maybe run or swim a bit, and wallow in self-pity. I suffer from major depressive disorder, general anxiety disorder, and obviously also gender dysphoria because if you didn't guess that last one then you're a fuckin' dumbshit.

I also like to make posts on shitty Bungie-offshoot websites for attention when I'm bored and tired because, well, I'm bored and tired and I want shit to do.

Ask me things, you fucking narcs. Sate my desire for attention.

Are you ready for another thread that will get like a billion posts in two days and then die almost immediately because it's about a controversial topic and is being posted by your resident ooky-spooky ess jay dubble yew?

I bet you're not.

Well, buckle up, buckaroo, because we're DIVING THE FUCK IN anyways.

This week's thread will be much less confusing and drawn out than the last one - mostly because I'm not going after any specific community using stupid-ass terms that I came up with to harangue people (What? It's not like I don't know that I'm a dickbag, I just think I'm a dickbag for the right reasons.). No, no - today we will be discussing society as a whole and its attitudes towards that of masculinity and femininity, the roles these play in society, and how these effect the way that society views a multitude of issues including LGBT rights but also the rights of straight, cis women and men.

Let's get started, lads.

Like any good high school English Language III class should have taught you, a good essay will begin with the thesis statement after establishing the tone and purpose. Since I can think of no better way to start this off, we'll just go with that bullshit and work our way from there: society as influenced by western values (note that I'm not saying that western values aren't great. I'm not some fuckin' bullshitty weeb that thinks all our problems could be solved by closer emulating some moshi moshi desu shit.) has an inherently negative opinion of femininity as a trait on average, and things associated with said trait are continued to be negatives at face value.

You can argue all you want about "pussy pass" bullshit and other ways that people like to argue that women have more privilege in society than men, but the fact is that for a VAST amount of history, women have been INCREDIBLY disadvantaged in comparison to men. Disproportionate advantages and prejudices still exist in today's society as well, of course, but the massive ravine has closed over the years into a pretty damn small gap, so that's not the sort of thing I'll be focusing on today - gender stereotypes and societal discrimination against women may be related to the topic I'm discussing, but it's a whole different can of fuckin' worms, it is.

Whichever one caused the other, women were usually held to generally be worse than men in pretty much all facets of life (save for childcare and cleaning, I guess) until very recently, and there also exists a very negative view on femininity. This negative view may not be as prevalent, since most people don't usually think of women as the "lesser sex" in the modern day, but the sentiment is still very much there despite it being mostly subconscious.

To start off with the type that most on this board will relate to, let's look first at cis, straight people. Clothing, to be more exact. Whatever the crazies on the far corners of Tumblr might like saying, clothing is gendered - it may have been defined as such by society, sure, but you can't deny that a full tuxedo suit is much more masculine while a billowy ball gown is much more feminine due to how we define those things as a society. Why, then are women dressing in men's clothes so much more well-respected? A woman dressing in her boyfriend's boxers, or wearing his loose t-shirt, or wearing pants, or wearing a suit - none of these things are looked at negatively. Hell, a few are looked at as playful or sexy. But the response to a fully straight man wearing a dress, panties, bra, blouse, or any other of a number of feminine articles of clothing? Usually it's either defined as a very odd and private fetish or as homosexual urges.

Moving a bit further, let's move on to homosexuality. Up until recently, homosexuality was not widely accepted, and still remains hated in many smaller communities. However it is often joked about that the "LGBT" acronym is ordered from least to most accepted, and I'll be using those first two letters for this example. Lesbians were typically (and still are, really) heavily fetishized and talked up, and many people who would speak out against homosexual behavior in men would still find two girls going at it to be lovely. Now, all assertions of which one a straight man might be attracted to aside - as true as those statements may be - we're talking about society's attitudes towards an action, not which one you wanna bust a nut to on a lonely friday afternoon. Gay men are often stereotyped as flamboyant, sassy, stuck-up, obsessed with fashion, or a number of other traits that all boil down to that same notion of feminine traits - likely due to the fact that if anybody wants to fuck another dude, they've got to be like a girl, right?

And then on to the final point and the one I naturally most relate to - trans issues. Any time trans issues are brought up, the focus is VASTLY centered around trans women (that would be male to female, for those of you not in the know, like myself and most other trans individuals present on this site) despite the fact that numbers tend to show a decently equal amount of FtM and MtF patients. Trans men are almost NEVER mentioned in any sorts of debates or discussions involving transgender rights, and are even generally shown to be more accepted by society even if they do not fully pass.

So what am I trying to say with all of this, then? Well, as I mentioned earlier, I believe that society in general holds a negative connotation with femininity. Basically, all these points boil down to the following: women attempting to be more like men, whether in body or the pure showing of masculine traits, is seen as a fun, on-issue, and possibly even sexy or admirable trait. Men attempting to be more like women is seen as weak, pathetic, "beta", and any other number of words typically used to describe said genre of a man that doesn't wish to perfectly emulate Sean Connery's Playboy James Bond.

Post your thoughts and/or rants and/or slurs or whatever. I'm finna eat dinner, so I'll respond when I'm back.

Gaming / Daily Reminder
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:44:49 PM »
There will never be a cooler video game trailer than this one ever made


Ubisoft may be shit at making games, but god damn them cinematic

Originally posted in Flood by mistake. Ignore that.

The Flood / Daily Reminder
« on: October 26, 2015, 05:42:33 PM »
Thought I posted in Gaming, fam

Pls delete

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