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Messages - TepStep

Pages: 1 2
The Flood / Re: (Two Complete) Hey leg beasts, I'll draw you things.
« on: July 18, 2016, 01:03:33 AM »
You still owe me drawing requests from last time mister >:(

 Well dang, I was hoping changing my name would work.

 Nah, but what do I owe you bro?
I'm kidding you don't owe me anything

My original request was a cat and a bird dressed as Banjo & Kazooie

 Stupid question but cat is banjo bird is Kazooie right xP?
 Also we talkin' them anthro dudes or jus' straight up cats and birds. Straight up cats and birds would be pretty dang cute, but it's your call dawg : D
Of course straight up cats and birds amigo, they'd look weird of they were anthro o.O
And yes you got it correct cat is banjo, and kazooie is bird

 No idea if this is what you wanted but I had fun doing it!

No, this is most excellent thanks a lpt for this I'm gonna make it my profile pic

 Thanks mang! I'll be sure to touch it up eventually for ya then (emphasis on that eventually x3)

The Flood / Re: (One Complete) Hey leg beasts, I'll draw you things.
« on: July 18, 2016, 12:52:23 AM »
You still owe me drawing requests from last time mister >:(

 Well dang, I was hoping changing my name would work.

 Nah, but what do I owe you bro?
I'm kidding you don't owe me anything

My original request was a cat and a bird dressed as Banjo & Kazooie

 Stupid question but cat is banjo bird is Kazooie right xP?
 Also we talkin' them anthro dudes or jus' straight up cats and birds. Straight up cats and birds would be pretty dang cute, but it's your call dawg : D
Of course straight up cats and birds amigo, they'd look weird of they were anthro o.O
And yes you got it correct cat is banjo, and kazooie is bird

 No idea if this is what you wanted but I had fun doing it!


The Flood / Re: (One Complete) Hey leg beasts, I'll draw you things.
« on: July 18, 2016, 12:20:19 AM »
You still owe me drawing requests from last time mister >:(

 Well dang, I was hoping changing my name would work.

 Nah, but what do I owe you bro?
I'm kidding you don't owe me anything

My original request was a cat and a bird dressed as Banjo & Kazooie

 Stupid question but cat is banjo bird is Kazooie right xP?
 Also we talkin' them anthro dudes or jus' straight up cats and birds. Straight up cats and birds would be pretty dang cute, but it's your call dawg : D

The Flood / Re: (One Complete) Hey leg beasts, I'll draw you things.
« on: July 18, 2016, 12:10:03 AM »
You still owe me drawing requests from last time mister >:(

 Well dang, I was hoping changing my name would work.

 Nah, but what do I owe you bro?

The Flood / Re: Hey leg beasts, I'll draw you things.
« on: July 17, 2016, 11:52:22 PM »
draw you killing yourself



The Flood / (Two Complete) Hey leg beasts, I'll draw you things.
« on: July 17, 2016, 10:52:03 PM »
 Hey spodes, I'll draw you things. Keep it semi serious / fun and we'll have a gud ol' time.

 So here's some o' my jams so you can see the sorto thing I do.

Robot Dude

I'll randomly pick things and I'll post em' up after I finish em'. Might keep going later tomorrow or day after since I've got a procedure early tomorrow.

 Get goopin'!


 Banjo as a cat, Kazooie as a different bird


Maybe something like a cross between Boba Fett and a nazi soldier (general look, not the symbols or swastikas) bounty hunter looking guy holding the gun chris pratt has on his back here

 This is a legit sexy idea, will do eventually

 Here you go dude

The Flood / Re: I'll draw you shit, lazy and sleep deprived edition
« on: July 20, 2015, 01:53:00 PM »
I got real lazy

Hitler Space Brigade

 Sure the KKK hate blacks more but nazis have the funding and technology to accomplish this feat of interstellar hate

Is that Anderson Silva?

 Lol probably, he was the first black guy getting punched that fit

The Flood / Re: I'll draw you shit, lazy and sleep deprived edition
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:34:45 AM »
Maybe something like a cross between Boba Fett and a nazi soldier (general look, not the symbols or swastikas) bounty hunter looking guy holding the gun chris pratt has on his back here

 This is a legit sexy idea, will do eventually

The Flood / Re: I'll draw you shit, lazy and sleep deprived edition
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:32:43 AM »
My avatar in a cocktail dress. That isn't too silly.


 With or without the boobers?

The Flood / Re: I'll draw you shit, lazy and sleep deprived edition
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:31:35 AM »
I got real lazy

Hitler Space Brigade

 Sure the KKK hate blacks more but nazis have the funding and technology to accomplish this feat of interstellar hate

 Hooray :D thanks dawg

A Titanfall pilot as a spartan III

 As in the pilot armor mixed in with spartan armor?

The Flood / Re: I'll draw you shit, lazy and sleep deprived edition
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:28:28 AM »
A cat & parakeet like Mario & Luigi go go go you also seem familiar...

 Do you know of more people that poop regularly?

 I'd like to know these people
No, were all robots meat skin :p now I remember you, you still owe me a banjo-kazooie cat & parakeet >.>.

 Why all the cats and parakeets x3
They represent yin and yang

 I feel like that's not correct, but I'm not gunna question it

The Flood / Re: I'll draw you shit, lazy and sleep deprived edition
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:27:48 AM »
father time

 Here you go

Father Time

The Flood / Re: I'll draw you shit, lazy and sleep deprived edition
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:01:08 AM »
A cat & parakeet like Mario & Luigi go go go you also seem familiar...

 Do you know of more people that poop regularly?

 I'd like to know these people
No, were all robots meat skin :p now I remember you, you still owe me a banjo-kazooie cat & parakeet >.>.

 Why all the cats and parakeets x3

The Flood / Re: I'll draw you shit, lazy and sleep deprived edition
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:00:28 AM »
 I got real lazy

Hitler Space Brigade

 Sure the KKK hate blacks more but nazis have the funding and technology to accomplish this feat of interstellar hate

The Flood / Re: I'll draw you shit, lazy and sleep deprived edition
« on: July 20, 2015, 02:25:58 AM »
A cat & parakeet like Mario & Luigi go go go you also seem familiar...

 Do you know of more people that poop regularly?

 I'd like to know these people

 I have just completed a laborious (butt pleasant) poop and fap and have no plans on sleeping for the next few hours. So send some requests my way and I'll fill them out in a very inefficient and helter skelter manner.

 The basic rules are; limit it to one character, and try not to get too silly.

 Here's some shit I've done for reference; note these took longer than 20 mins so quality of requests may vary




 Come at me bros

 Completed Requests:

Hitler's Space Brigade

Father Time

Nazi Bober Foots

The Flood / Re: Do I Love You Or Hate You?
« on: June 07, 2015, 07:44:22 PM »
 I like the character in your avatar, but other than that I dunno you :3! So I dunno how you feels about me dawg

The Flood / Re: What're you drinking?
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:45:09 AM »
Fight Milk

The Flood / Re: (☠) describe the user below you
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:41:05 AM »
 Probably an okay guy, I have no idea : D

The Flood / Re: What do You Think You're Known for on Sep7?
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:33:52 AM »
I dunno man, I'm pretty good at clapping


Those drawing skills though. Where'd you learn those skills? How many years?! Did you have to sell your parents for them? TELL ME.

 Gotta clap man, all the time.

 Nah that's only part of it, I guess I got supes serial about doodling the summer before freshman year of highschool. And that's actually because of an b.old thread talking about the coolest armor in fiction, since some dude posted
this sexy goodness
and I immediately fell in love. After some research I found out it was done by a sexy sexy man by the name of
Dan (The Cat Man) Luvisi
So I started looking at all his livestream vids and tutorials, found other awesome artists such as
Anthony Jones
John J. Park
. So I studied all their work, read some books an' practiced a fuck ton. Right now I'm focusing on perspective and coming back to anatomy a little bit.

 So TL;DR, study and practice a ton : D

Why does the Daft Punk Titanfall Ninja Robocop in the first picture have Jellybeans in his tactical pouch?

 Initially Dan painted this dude up and got kinda bored so he added the jelly beans. In the finished story however they are candies that power up the person eating them. Different colors mean different power ups an' stuff.

 The full story is called "Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter" it's written as a satire on typical sci-fi action adventure tropes and what not. It's good shit mang

The Flood / Re: what are you listening to
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:29:51 AM »
The hum of my computer, I don't know why but music doesn't do what it used to for me mang
How depressing

 It kinda is to be honest, but fuck it dawg I'm good : D

The Flood / Re: so we broke our "most online" record yesterday
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:30:16 AM »
 I'm pretty sure this site would be dying less if we stopped using senior users to make soylent green

The Flood / Re: what are you listening to
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:17:37 AM »
 The hum of my computer, I don't know why but music doesn't do what it used to for me mang

The Flood / Re: What do You Think You're Known for on Sep7?
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:11:54 AM »
I dunno man, I'm pretty good at clapping


Those drawing skills though. Where'd you learn those skills? How many years?! Did you have to sell your parents for them? TELL ME.

 Gotta clap man, all the time.

 Nah that's only part of it, I guess I got supes serial about doodling the summer before freshman year of highschool. And that's actually because of an b.old thread talking about the coolest armor in fiction, since some dude posted
this sexy goodness
and I immediately fell in love. After some research I found out it was done by a sexy sexy man by the name of
Dan (The Cat Man) Luvisi
So I started looking at all his livestream vids and tutorials, found other awesome artists such as
Anthony Jones
John J. Park
. So I studied all their work, read some books an' practiced a fuck ton. Right now I'm focusing on perspective and coming back to anatomy a little bit.

 So TL;DR, study and practice a ton : D

It went sort of like this

 Honestly though I'm not totally sure. there was this one time I remember I was playing halo 3 and I heard a fucked up growl noise that didn't sound like anything in the game (and it kept going for a bit after I paused it). That shit made me run out of the room.

 Other than that not really, I think my constant masturbation scares the spoops away

The Flood / Re: What do You Think You're Known for on Sep7?
« on: June 07, 2015, 12:39:55 AM »
 I dunno man, I'm pretty good at clapping



A bearded dragon wearing a suit of armour.

 This one was a lot of fun so I spent a lil' more than 30 on it : 3
BeardedDragon Knight
this is amazing

 Thanks man : D
if you wanna do something similar with a tiger I would not object >.> maybe a different style of armor

 That'd be sweet : 3! maybe armor like

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