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Messages - Loaf

Pages: 1 ... 323334 3536 ... 124
The Flood / Re: what's gunna be your Halloween costume?
« on: October 02, 2016, 06:44:04 AM »

Shit thread full of shit taste.

The Flood / Re: Is it only me or are youtube ads getting smarter?
« on: October 02, 2016, 06:34:44 AM »
This one video I was going to watch I loaded and changed the tab to avoid the ad but it stopped and only started again when I switched back the tab. Wtf I hate youtube now
Holy shit after all these years you people really don't have ad block to prevent shitty ads from wasting your life. Wow.

The Flood / Re: Reading through some diaries and my old Sep7agon posts
« on: October 02, 2016, 06:32:33 AM »
From October 2014

My morning schedule used to be:
Wake up
drink green tea
Meditate for 15 minutes
Read minimum of 25 pages of a book
Go to school feeling fresh as fuck

That was EVERYDAY. Now I force myself to get up and don't look forward to anything but coming home and sleeping
S A D B O Y S 2 0 0 2

The Flood / Re: Who is the most masculine Sep7 user?
« on: October 02, 2016, 06:30:36 AM »
It is I, the manliest, toughest user on all of sep7agon.

We're all basically the same cunts we were two years ago.
hAHA aren't we just the GOOFIEST bunch? :^) Yeah things around here are just so WACKY. Us guys, right xD

The Flood / Re: Who's the hottest male on all of sep7agon?
« on: October 01, 2016, 07:37:59 AM »
tfw no one thinks I'm the hottest male

The Flood / Re: Who's the hottest male on all of sep7agon?
« on: October 01, 2016, 06:30:49 AM »
I don't even think I've ever seen a picture of jim. Kinda sad considering I've known him for almost a decade now.


The Flood / Re: Who's the hottest male on all of sep7agon?
« on: September 30, 2016, 07:46:55 PM »
I don't even think I've ever seen a picture of jim. Kinda sad considering I've known him for almost a decade now.

The Flood / Re: Since SecondClass Joined The Skype Chat
« on: September 30, 2016, 05:38:22 AM »
what the fuck some idiot just removed me from the skype group

The Flood / Re: Is complete anonymity a good thing?
« on: September 29, 2016, 09:05:11 PM »
absolutely. big brother is watching.

The Flood / C U R R E N T Y E A R
« on: September 29, 2016, 09:00:18 PM »
C U R R E N T   Y E A R
C  U  R  R  E  N  T     Y  E  A  R
C   U   R   R   E   N   T      Y   E   A   R
C    U    R    R    E    N    T        Y    E    A    R
C     U     R     R     E     N     T          Y     E     A     R
C      U      R      R      E      N      T         Y      E      A      R
C       U       R       R       E       N       T            Y       E       A       R
C        U        R        R        E        N        T                Y        E        A        R

The Flood / Who's the hottest male on all of sep7agon?
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:57:04 PM »
C'mon boys, voice your opinions.

The Flood / Re: I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:48:52 PM »

I don't know when you're being serious and when you're not
it should be a given that he doesn't actually condone murder

if someone loaf's age condoned murder, he probably wouldn't be posting here
Not necessarily a given, considering all the shitty, dangerous opinions people have on this site.
lmao dude what are you doing on this site if you don't like shitty opinions? Are you masochistic?
Well yes, but that's not why I'm on here

It sounds gay, but this is the only place where I'm completely transparent, and people know exactly who I am. Coming here and not having to lie about myself is comfort.
You don't gotta lie about yourself to me baby mmm. No though, I understand that, and that's one of the reason I prefer online interaction to interacting with people in person! It's a little sad, but I hate worrying about what other people are going to think of me. I feel like trying to appeal to others is obsequious and tedious and anxiety inducing. Bro.

The Flood / Re: I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:46:27 PM »
Dating sites are thinly-veiled datamining operations, probably backed by three-letter agencies. You shouldn't use them if you don't like having your personality and private life dissected for signs of treason.
lol our world is getting more orwellian every day, isn't it.

The Flood / Re: I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:42:09 PM »

I don't know when you're being serious and when you're not
it should be a given that he doesn't actually condone murder

if someone loaf's age condoned murder, he probably wouldn't be posting here
Not necessarily a given, considering all the shitty, dangerous opinions people have on this site.
lmao dude what are you doing on this site if you don't like shitty opinions? Are you masochistic?

The Flood / Re: I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:33:16 PM »
this is why I would never use a dating site

just a huge institution designed to judge people for petty things
I like you more and more the past few posts I've seen of you. Was it you or another person who agreed with me about masculinity being poison. Dunno if you were serious about that though lol. Idk if it was verbatim or you.
That's me, but I despise you.

That thread you made earlier where you congratulated a guy for killing a girl and her kid was sick.
Oh yeah, so sick! Oh mr virtue signaling. I am so humbled by your superior morality. Lul
You don't have to be some paragon of morality to know that murder is wrong.
Yo, dude, get off that. Like, literally you're just taking things too seriously. It's obvious that you missed the point of what I said, not gonna lie, because it's obvious I actually don't care how people perceive what I say. I'm telling you right now though, to stop taking everything so seriously. You're not gonna see me saying that to people in general, or really saying much of anything to people on this website, but yeah, stop taking things so seriously and don't be presumptuous. If you think that everything I post is literally what's on my mind, then, I gotta be honest that you're being presumptuous.
I post what I mean. If you don't, then I don't know who you are.
You can't be serious with this bullshit.
I don't know when you're being serious and when you're not, dude. The threads where you advocate murder or genocide have no trace of irony.
Well, there's truth in what you said, there's no social cues on websites and it's very difficult to tell what other people are saying and thinking. That is one of the reasons why I hate online environments; although I couldn't boil down what I hate about them that small, and I don't hate all of them. I literally just like posting the absolute worst thing I can possibly think of, and to be honest lately I have had a lack of ideas, I feel like I've already scraped the bottom of the barrel without saying something that gets me criminally indicted. Not so much a fan of the police investigating me lol.

The Flood / Re: I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:26:47 PM »
this is why I would never use a dating site

just a huge institution designed to judge people for petty things
I like you more and more the past few posts I've seen of you. Was it you or another person who agreed with me about masculinity being poison. Dunno if you were serious about that though lol. Idk if it was verbatim or you.
That's me, but I despise you.

That thread you made earlier where you congratulated a guy for killing a girl and her kid was sick.
Oh yeah, so sick! Oh mr virtue signaling. I am so humbled by your superior morality. Lul
You don't have to be some paragon of morality to know that murder is wrong.
Yo, dude, get off that. Like, literally you're just taking things too seriously. It's obvious that you missed the point of what I said, not gonna lie, because it's obvious I actually don't care how people perceive what I say. I'm telling you right now though, to stop taking everything so seriously. You're not gonna see me saying that to people in general, or really saying much of anything to people on this website, but yeah, stop taking things so seriously and don't be presumptuous. If you think that everything I post is literally what's on my mind, then, I gotta be honest that you're being presumptuous.
I post what I mean. If you don't, then I don't know who you are.
You can't be serious with this bullshit.

The Flood / Re: I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:17:27 PM »
this is why I would never use a dating site

just a huge institution designed to judge people for petty things
I like you more and more the past few posts I've seen of you. Was it you or another person who agreed with me about masculinity being poison. Dunno if you were serious about that though lol. Idk if it was verbatim or you.
That's me, but I despise you.

That thread you made earlier where you congratulated a guy for killing a girl and her kid was sick.
Oh yeah, so sick! Oh mr virtue signaling. I am so humbled by your superior morality. Lul
You don't have to be some paragon of morality to know that murder is wrong.
Yo, dude, get off that. Like, literally you're just taking things too seriously. It's obvious that you missed the point of what I said, not gonna lie, because it's obvious I actually don't care how people perceive what I say. I'm telling you right now though, to stop taking everything so seriously. You're not gonna see me saying that to people in general, or really saying much of anything to people on this website, but yeah, stop taking things so seriously and don't be presumptuous. If you think that everything I post is literally what's on my mind, then, I gotta be honest that you're being presumptuous.

The Flood / Re: I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:12:04 PM »
this is why I would never use a dating site

just a huge institution designed to judge people for petty things
I like you more and more the past few posts I've seen of you. Was it you or another person who agreed with me about masculinity being poison. Dunno if you were serious about that though lol. Idk if it was verbatim or you.
That's me, but I despise you.

That thread you made earlier where you congratulated a guy for killing a girl and her kid was sick.
Oh yeah, so sick! Oh mr virtue signaling. I am so humbled by your superior morality. Lul

The Flood / Re: I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:11:00 PM »
why did loaf like my post, I'm criticizing him

who cares if someone asks what books you like or doesn't understand a certain kind of meme
You didn't even say anything directed towards me. You know I might be more inclined to be friendly to people in general if they were a bit more polite to me. You know that my level of caring how personable I am depends entirely on the people around me's behavior? Like I immediately have no incentive to act obsequiously to people who don't respect me.

The Flood / Re: I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:08:30 PM »
this is why I would never use a dating site

just a huge institution designed to judge people for petty things
I like you more and more the past few posts I've seen of you. Was it you or another person who agreed with me about masculinity being poison. Dunno if you were serious about that though lol. Idk if it was verbatim or you.

The Flood / I attract so many mediocre people on okcupid ;-;
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:01:03 PM »
Go on, tell me I deserve it.

No seriously, fatasses that look like they have mental problems, christian morons who have this big dumb expression on their face. Idiots who ask you "Hey :) What kind of books do you like to read? Also, what do you mean by depressive existentialist memes? I think I know what you're talking about, but I'm not sure. :b". Fuck. I mean, I have a list of the past 9 books I read this year on my profile. What a shit show. I just get a bunch of idiots who indiscriminately look at anyone's profile, they don't put any effort into finding someone who's actually like them, and that's why they stumbled upon mine.

The Flood / Re: You ever been so irritated with your job
« on: September 29, 2016, 04:21:34 PM »
Yeah man, that's how I feel about life in general.

The Flood / Re: Penn Jillete on his 100lb weight loss.
« on: September 29, 2016, 02:37:39 PM »

HOW IS GOATLOAD THIS FUCKING BADASS? What an epic way to go out, major props to him. True sick fuck, BADASS MUSIC FOR UNHOLY WHORES.


The Flood / Re: Penn Jillete on his 100lb weight loss.
« on: September 28, 2016, 06:25:18 PM »
I like penn gillette a lot.

The Flood / Re: Since SecondClass Joined The Skype Chat
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:36:50 AM »
add me to the skype group please. dematerializing.bodies

The Flood / Wanted to share another writing I wrote yesterday
« on: September 25, 2016, 09:05:39 PM »
I don’t think people understand what I mean when I say that I think work is horrible. They don’t understand that sometimes things literally render me incapable of pushing any further. It becomes so strenuous to do things, when I have lost the will to do them. My body itself will protest in tandem with my mind, against things which they decide they don’t want to do. No matter how much of my own will, through contradictory forces I try to counteract these feelings, it’s no use. You call that laziness? What that is isn’t laziness, because I try to do things sometimes, but the fact is that I am incapable of doing things which I don’t want to do. It’s an absurd conjecture, right? Well, you can protest as much as you want, but my conjecture remains absolutely honest.

Another thing, is that I find certain things absolutely terrifying. The prospects of work, boring and tedious, mind numbing work, produce inordinate dread. It’s always been my habit, throughout my time in the forced labor - education system of my country, to almost completely put off doing work, in favor of more enjoyable things. Where has it left me? You could say that I’m a failure, if you look at it from the opposite side, the side that favors the conditions that poor saddude69 has had to endure. Or, you could look at it as a failure of the system, it has let me down, it’s put me through a system which doesn’t match my qualities. You can’t deny, either way, that school is not built for all types of people, it is only a one way assembly line, built for people to do work or fail.

A lot of people, who I have strong names for which I can’t even begin to describe - we’ll just call them morons - have said that I am lazy, and that I need to get my act together. Ladies and gentlemen, can you honestly say that these people have any ground to stand on? Can you honestly favor their arguments over my conjectures? I am a dreamer, my time isn’t now, I wasn’t born into the right era. I was born too smart for this world, I was born for a time when churches didn’t pock the face of this planet, where reason and fairness are favorable over unfairness and superstition. All societal woes can be linked back to the church, if only as a parallel. What the education system, and what the larger system, the system of the job world really is, is a system based off of superstition. Superstition, in that it doesn’t use methods that work, but are used and believed in anyways. That seems like faith to me.

I execrate the modern age, it’s irate. The future is where reason grows brighter. Right now, we’re living in a ridiculous age. Most of the people around this world don’t think, they can’t be bothered with critical thinking. I realize now, that every time I have felt stupid it’s only because I have a mind that’s been bothered to think about things, more deeply than the people around me who seem so confident; confident in their ignorant. The words flow so fluently out of me when I berate those people around me, it’s like a pressure that’s built up inside of me that just comes flooding out when I think about the ignorant saps who are a cancer in this world. Perpetuating all the unfavorable, unfair circumstances, creating them themselves. Those pompous imbeciles, so sanctimonious and full of pride over their miserable, fucked up creation.

Oh, I know all too well that I’m shouting into oblivion. I’ve taken my time to argue with people whose views dissent my own, I know how challenging it is to see eye to eye on anything, in the great twisted and convoluted tangle of thoughts inside the minds of others. Reason, logic, critical thinking, these are things lost on the modern person, the person who eats up the facade of the world around. You see how futile my harangue is. The only thing that will show through all the ignorant bigots of this age, is the proof of the progress of humanity and technology. When it becomes undeniable, the idiots who were too stupid and bigoted to see the things I’m seeing right now, because of their willful ignorance, will finally have to submit to the tide of change. When I am dead, if my writings are still here years later, they’ll venerate those people like me, who saw so clearly through the lies, who were denied the life they were born to live. RIP to my dreams, the future will awake to my reality.

The Flood / Re: mirror selfie thread
« on: September 24, 2016, 11:13:26 AM »

I don't rock hats well
N U D E S???

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