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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / please judge my new selfie
« on: October 26, 2016, 09:28:03 PM »

I want to lose like 5 pounds :(

The Flood / Re: My philosophy on life.
« on: October 26, 2016, 04:12:55 PM »
Hi, serious responses please.

The Flood / Re: My philosophy on life.
« on: October 26, 2016, 10:58:05 AM »
This is supposed to be the serious board, I've reported you for not following the rules and derailing my thread.

The Flood / My philosophy on life.
« on: October 26, 2016, 10:53:56 AM »
My whole philosophy on life, is that I don't think people should have a problem with people; they should take issue with the way behavior effects the order of the world around them. People aren't like computers, people are delicate and not based on hierarchies of intelligence and information; we're prone to mistakes and totally lack of judgment. A lot of times there's really no clear right or wrong for anything. That's why I find it so difficult to get along in a world where people basically base their judgments off of the primitive parts of their brain, like fear hatred and disgust; those aren't connected to higher thinking parts of the brain, responsible for things like rational thinking. So when I live in a world where people have problems with other people, just instinctively, not as though there's any reason attached to it; not based on any sort of hierarchy, or really any intelligence at all, but instead based on base emotions; I start to feel paranoid that I'm living in an orwellian sort of society. In a way I am.

Because generally accepted points of view in general aren't based off of reason, they're based off of group think. And people hold judgments based on superficial levels, not based off of any sort of complex means of intelligence. It's like, everyone is goldstein, and everyone is big brother, combined.

Because we can't know what other people are thinking, we can never judge people fairly. If everyone knew exactly what someone else was thinking, all the time, no one would ever hate or judge anyone. That's this core problem that I struggle with every single day, and it's like cataclysmic war inside my head every day, trying to deal with all these issues.

This is why I am so excited for artificial intelligence, I crave to live in a world where robot intelligence, based entirely off of rational thinking, finally becomes a part of our civilization. Can you imagine how benevolent such a creature would be? People weren't even capable of imagining the sort of divine fairness that an intelligence based entirely off of rationality would feel, when they invented god.

The Flood / My philosophy on life.
« on: October 26, 2016, 10:44:19 AM »
My whole philosophy on life, is that I don't think people should have a problem with people; they should take issue with the way behavior effects the order of the world around them. People aren't like computers, people are delicate and not based on hierarchies of intelligence and information; we're prone to mistakes and totally lack of judgment. A lot of times there's really no clear right or wrong for anything. That's why I find it so difficult to get along in a world where people basically base their judgments off of the primitive parts of their brain, like fear hatred and disgust; those aren't connected to higher thinking parts of the brain, responsible for things like rational thinking. So when I live in a world where people have problems with other people, just instinctively, not as though there's any reason attached to it; not based on any sort of hierarchy, or really any intelligence at all, but instead based on base emotions; I start to feel paranoid that I'm living in an orwellian sort of society. In a way I am.

Because generally accepted points of view in general aren't based off of reason, they're based off of group think. And people hold judgments based on superficial levels, not based off of any sort of complex means of intelligence. It's like, everyone is goldstein, and everyone is big brother, combined.

Because we can't know what other people are thinking, we can never judge people fairly. If everyone knew exactly what someone else was thinking, all the time, no one would ever hate or judge anyone. That's this core problem that I struggle with every single day, and it's like cataclysmic war inside my head every day, trying to deal with all these issues.

This is why I am so excited for artificial intelligence, I crave to live in a world where robot intelligence, based entirely off of rational thinking, finally becomes a part of our civilization. Can you imagine how benevolent such a creature would be? People weren't even capable of imagining the sort of divine fairness that an intelligence based entirely off of rationality would feel, when they invented god.

The Flood / why aren't there more thinks to cook pumpkin intog
« on: October 26, 2016, 08:40:00 AM »
Guys, pumpkin is seriously one of my favorite flavors ever. Everything I eat with pumpkin in it is awesome, coffee, pie, whatever. How do I incorporate pumpkin into my every day diet?

The Flood / ( / = ^ u ^ = ) /
« on: October 24, 2016, 07:44:19 PM »

Tastes good. Tastier and more fun than plain apples, not as sweet as something like apple pie though, because I used only a small amount of maple syrup. I was supposed to use brown sugar, but whatever. I use honeycrisp apples too, because those are the best.

The Flood / I'm baking apples in the microwave with nutmeg and cinnamon
« on: October 24, 2016, 05:03:07 PM »
with pure maple syrup to make it stick.

Let's see how this bitch tastes

I microwaved it for 3 minutes

Yeah, but if your voice is just one thing, then what is the part of you that observes the voice, and what are emotions?

Idk I don't think you actually think in a language, I think your inner voice only has language once you engage it and put words to it, because you may notice when your mind won't quiet down, that same inner voice which is responsible for everything you say, it still goes on and babbles without any words attached to it.

And idk if blind people dream in color, we can't talk about that because it's not possible to.

The Flood / Re: Check out the halloween pumpkin I carved!
« on: October 24, 2016, 08:46:03 AM »
Yeah I went to a metal forum and posted it and everyone immediately recognized what it is and I got overwhelmingly more positive feedback lol. I guess I can see people not getting it if they've never seen a baphomet, but every metalhead knows what a baphomet is.

How high are you right now?
Not at all.

The Flood / Re: Check out the halloween pumpkin I carved!
« on: October 24, 2016, 08:37:26 AM »
It's a baphomet.

I was laying in bed last night, with a bunch of anxiety, trying to figure out what your inner consciousness actually is. Because like, these words that I'm saying right now, they're part of your inner voice. You listen to that voice and observe it, but it's so strange. You can observe it, you can just listen to it's wordless babble inside of your own mind and not put it into words. It will just ramble on and on, and then immediately when you choose to engage it, it starts speaking as I am right now, as if it were you. It is what's speaking right now. But I observe it, my own consciousness, me, I am the one speaking right now, but I only observe it. It's so strange. I want to be clear though, that when I say, "my inner voice", I don't mean that I'm hearing a voice that isn't mean, I mean it is me, but I can observe it as if it weren't.

The Flood / When will I transcend feeling like shit?
« on: October 23, 2016, 07:46:26 PM »
I'm sick of living in a world where it's so complicated to interact with people, and people who have an inability to talk to you like a real person. Like, I like joking around, but people treat you like such shit all the time. It stops being like banter after a while, it starts to feel like people just have the inability to actually talk to you like a real person. It just makes me feel like there's not that much good in people in the world, people are generally cold and selfish besides a select few people. Like, honestly, I just wish that I could find a website where everyone is just nice to each other.

In fact, it would be nicer if they had chat rooms in real life, so you didn't have to ever talk to people online. Because people would never talk to you the way that they talk to you online in real life. Strangely though, it feels even more reserved and filled with barriers sometimes when you're talking to people in real life. So you almost don't really get authentic interactions with people in real life, or maybe someone will interact with you briefly but it's just these short superficial interacts that never go any further and you're just playing the role of the person just going about their day with nothing deeper to say.

I'm just sad, I feel sad.

The Flood / Check out the halloween pumpkin I carved!
« on: October 23, 2016, 04:05:24 PM »

The Flood / Re: Should porn be allowed on the internet?
« on: October 23, 2016, 09:34:52 AM »
Yeah, by restricting your child's access to the Internet--not the public's access to pornography.
But this will inevitably lead to children seeing pornography.

The Flood / Re: `I can't stop playing this song
« on: October 23, 2016, 09:14:04 AM »

The Flood / Should porn be allowed on the internet?
« on: October 23, 2016, 09:13:35 AM »
So, as you all know, anyone can look at porn on the internet. Porn is accessible to minors, anyone who has a search engine can look it up. So don't you think it's our responsibility to make sure that it's not accessible?

The Flood / `I can't stop playing this song
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:34:33 PM »

The Flood / Re: secondclass is my boyfriend
« on: October 22, 2016, 07:39:00 AM »

The Flood / Re: secondclass is my boyfriend
« on: October 22, 2016, 07:27:51 AM »
Ha fucking degenerates. Kill yourselves
He's cute, you're a bitch.

The Flood / secondclass is my boyfriend
« on: October 22, 2016, 07:19:25 AM »
Alright guys, me and secondclass are together now so I don't want to see anyone talking shit about secondclass. He's actually a real sweetheart, so don't BUTT IN unless you're have a really cute anus.

The Flood / Re: Here's why believing in god is stupid
« on: October 21, 2016, 07:07:09 AM »
No one cares what you think
Your loss.

The Flood / Re: Here's why believing in god is stupid
« on: October 21, 2016, 06:41:47 AM »
knowledge and hard work to understand a world from this point of view, it takes not being full of yourself and thinking your thoughts are right just because that's what you believe.
Tell that to the liberals.
Why would I say that to liberals?

The Flood / Here's why believing in god is stupid
« on: October 21, 2016, 06:20:05 AM »
I'm against the idea of everyone having their own different versions of reality, this is exactly what religion does. Whereas, if you come to a consensus, look for evidence and test hypothesis; which is actually the closest thing human beings have to an objective reality, one which is repeatable and testable in a lab; then you actually have a world which isn't constantly at odds with each other, you actually have a world which is truly interested in knowledge and understanding. And what a surprise that it takes more knowledge and hard work to understand a world from this point of view, it takes not being full of yourself and thinking your thoughts are right just because that's what you believe.

The Flood / Re: True Turquoise, are you a qt twink or a girl?
« on: October 19, 2016, 07:19:58 PM »
Are you a qt non binary genderqueer art student?

The Flood / Re: True Turquoise, are you a qt twink or a girl?
« on: October 19, 2016, 06:50:41 PM »
You mean a picture of Tru? I've posted my own picture on here several times, I have horrible acne scars from high school and my eyes always have that grey fade around them.

I wanna see a picture
Pictures of tru!

Stop appropriating trans culture, cis scum.

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