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Messages - Loaf

Pages: 1234 56 ... 124
Doesn't it bother you that there's always so much decision making that goes into eating? If scientists just figured out what nutrients we need, they could construct some sort of bar that has all the nutrients you need, and varying bars depending on your needs, and we could use our tax dollars to make these foods freely available, but rationed out to each individual based on their caloric needs.

We could halt all agricultural production besides what is necessary for the Food Bar™. This would end hunger, at least in the United States; it would minimalism environmental damage from the meat industry (which the United Nations just announced needs to be reduced because of it's negative impact on the environment and climate change); it would make everyone extremely healthy, because they aren't deficient in any nutrients, no one would be fat because they don't over eat, and the dating pool would no longer be full of ogreish looking people who I wouldn't fuck with a 10 foot pole.

Just ordered the ZT Sinkevich 450 in titanium. It should arrive by tomorrow.

Okay, so it turns out Nick said the ZT Sinkevich 0450 is a gem and up there with the top 3 best edc knives of all time, with the benchmade and the spyderco, and that it has the best action, which is really important to me. Couple that with the reasonable price, the badass "murdery" aesthetic, and full metal - this is the one. My first choice for a serious EDC knife (because the grimsmo rask is too expensive).

I can't even see a single knife that looks good besides this one called the ZT Sinkovich 0450. I want a modestly size knife with good flipping action, a decent steel blade, simplistic and durable build quality, and no plasticky bullshit like the Spiderco knives. Nick Shabazz didn't do a review of it, he just said that it satisfies his desire for a good flipper which is why he sold his benchmade.

lmao wait until you get into slipjoints
its maddening
you're into butterfly knives, right? What are your favorite knives of any type?

The only thing which looks decent is the Spyderco Paramilitary 2, but that thing is unnecessarily enormous because of the inefficient way it was design, and not attractive looking at all.
There's the para3 now which is smaller
I'm thinking about going with a Spiderco Delica with ZDP-189 steel as my first serious knife, but I'm also interested in a lot of what Zero Tolerance makes. Benchmade would be cool, except for the whole spring that breaks which Nick mentioned, which sucks because I hate sending things in to get fixed EVER.

I fucking hate this about the EDC community. You see something cool, and it turns out that it was some limited run bullshit for knife fetishist hipsters. The Grimsmo Norsman, Spyderco Slysz Bowie, Graham Knives Midtech Razel, millit knives version 2 torrent, Chris Reeve Tilock. Every fucking time I see a knife which I'm like "wow, that looks really cool, I think I'll buy that" it turns out that it's out of production. The only thing which looks decent is the Spyderco Paramilitary 2, but that thing is unnecessarily enormous because of the inefficient way it was design, and not attractive looking at all.

I want to have a few knives, just so I can not only depend on my Victorinox pocket knife.

I basically just want the hardest and sharpest type of blade. The most reliable, and the best built. I was thinking about getting a Damascus steel fixed blade like this one. I'm probably gonna look at knife reviews too.

The Flood / Why music is worthless hedonism
« on: September 01, 2018, 10:24:13 PM »
I have spent a lot of time trying to rationalize and justify why music is important. I have listened to hundreds of albums, many of them dozens of times. All I can think to say is it gives me a “feeling” which doesn’t go away. When you listen to Rite Of Spring by Stravinsky dozens of times, the feeling of that piece becomes a part of you. What I can’t refute with any sort of logic, however, is the way that music seems purely to be a hedonistic endeavor. I cannot say whether it “improves” me, in any way. In relation to what does one improve? I can’t prove that it’s made me smarter, stronger, more capable of success. If anything I can say that it’s a purely emotionally gratifying experience, nothing more.

Exploring the unique ways which music evokes emotion is one of the most fulfilling experiences I have ever endeavored. That is why I have spend thousands of hours, after school, almost every day when I have nothing else to do, devoted to finding new music to hear. It is always amazing when you hear a song that evokes a feeling that you never knew you could ever feel. Always looking for art that expresses something better than you could have expressed it yourself, it seems to expand vastly the capacity for feeling. It is evocative to the extreme.

Yet, what does one who listens to music share with the ignorant masses who blithely exclaim that “music is my life?” Perhaps it’s like people who don’t study philosophy who say that if you can think you are doing philosophy. Many people simply do not listen to music music outside of the pop sensible stuff which circulates the mainstream; music which has suited the public sensibility well enough to be palatable to a wide audience. Those who do this, who do not expand their taste past what is widely acceptable are not challenging themselves. They are philistines. Music appreciation takes countless hours of exposing oneself to experience that one would not have otherwise, going outside of ones comfort zone.

Yet so many people feel that music listening is not an objective experience which can be quantified in ones ability to experience and appreciate. Could there be an argument to counter them, considering the popular sentiment is that music is subjective? Perhaps not, perhaps music listening is simply a hedonistic self serving act which acts as nothing more than mental masturbation. What isn’t self serving, after all? Getting a job is self serving, being president of the United States is self serving, going to war is self serving; but at least one can hide behind the plausibility of being “selfless” in these pursuits. One may feel that a life devoted to others is the life most worth living.

Us music listeners are incredibly self serving, it is only the musicians who give us self serving hedonistic pleasure seekers our pleasure who are the truly “selfless” ones. What is a musician though? An enabler of this hedonistic pleasure seeking. The same as the president of the United States. This self serving pleasure seeking which gratifies the president to enable people who self-servingly seek to “live”. Living is extremely self serving as well. What is the point of living, if not to gratify oneself? Life itself is merely a hedonistic endeavor, an absolute masturbation fest of self serving louses who try to give themselves some sort of justification for self-servingly doing things, when they could very well just acknowledge that their consciousness is a biological anomaly and not act like self important wankers.

The question of whether or not music “important” seems irrelevant, considering that nothing is important. However, who is to say that the music that you listen to doesn’t profoundly affect your behavior? I’ll try to defend music a little bit, although all that I can give music is my own uninformed conjecture. It is, after all, a matter of trying to explain the effects of what happens in my brain, which I can’t see. I can’t see the circuitry, the way that music actually affects my cognitive function. That is what is important after all; I am not one of those people who believes in some sort of metaphysical dualism between mind and body. I do believe that the brain is the center of who we are as human beings.

Perhaps every song that you listen to resides inside your brain, it shapes the neural pathways in your brain. When you listen to Chick Corea, you have pieces of Chick Corea inside your brain, little fragments. It is like a piece of reality is dropped in your head, and it shatters and the little pieces become an inextricable part of you, to borrow from the phrasing used by Rilke in The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Briggs. Perhaps the direction that your emotions push you is the only thing that matters, considering that logic is only a tool, and the emotions that drive logic are the hands that grasp that tool. It doesn’t matter if you’re a genius in some craft, because genius is only a tool which one uses to craft some end, which could be equally malicious or benevolent.

Even then, no one is to say that the music you listen to could be driving you to some "good" end, because no one is really to say what is objectively good. Many have tried to say what is good, and all have failed. It is only a subjective matter, because emotional preference is subjective, and objective logic (if there is such a thing), cannot be part of emotion or right and wrong for that matter. Since music is ostensibly part of emotion, and neither emotion nor logic can determine what end is "good", music fails to hold any significance beyond it's self serving nature. It is self serving, worthless hedonism, and the musicians who herald it merely arm flailing preachers, pretentiously trying to "be something". It is pure pretension, pure masturbation. Music is hedonism, no more or less than all human behavior though.

the chimera of a bear, eagle and hung stallion

I don't understand why society accommodates disabled people. They are leeching off of me, I don't like parasites. All these leeches on our society, eventually they will have to learn the lesson the hard way. Trump will cut their lips off the tit. Then they'll look like zombies with their teeth all exposed lmao. What pisses me off is that the strong can't simply dominate the weak. The politically correct liberal communists think that we live in a loving, caring system. But let me tell you something, love isn't what makes America great. What makes America great is our animal spirit. I see it in Wallstreet, it brings a tear to my eye. Pure, raw Darwin in action. Charles Darwin would be proud. It makes me proud. THAT'S WHY WE'VE GOTTA CUT THOSE LEECHES OFF THE TIT *slams fist on table*

The Flood / nevermind
« on: August 12, 2018, 09:39:06 AM »

After doing my research paper on how capitalism's growth is unsustainable last semester, it became ever more clear to me that not only would an alternative system to capitalism be better, it is necessary for the survival of the planet. It is unlikely these changes would take place within our lifetime, but they are worth keeping in mind because they are the right thing to do.

In the past couple hundred years, the system of capitalism has begun the 6th mass extinction on planet earth, ocean pollution in which plastic is scheduled to outweigh fish in our lifetime, and although we have the capability to make life a lot easier due to the automation of industrial machines, a wealthy few benefit from these advancements and the rest are left working more than is necessary to survive in first world countries where we produce goods not for the sake of using them efficiently, but producing them rampantly so that profit can be generated. While first world countries prosper, the third world still suffers, with the top 8 wealthiest people in the world owning more than the bottom half of the world.

Here is how the society would function in a non growth based economy, to my recollection. What would basically happen is you would get rid of shareholders, and make each person in the company the owner of the means of production. A factory, a shop, etc. They make the full value of their labor, and since you eliminate shareholders there's no need to give them a return on their investment by expanding the company. Capitalism has apparently expanded 16 times since the beginning of the 20th century because of this growth based model. If you switch to a non-growth based economy you could eliminate this dichotomy

The workers would vote on decisions that the company does, because they are the ones who own the company, not the shareholders. In capitalist society, the shareholders are the ones who vote on decisions that the company makes. This is the reason why you see so many companies moving their production over seas. Because the motivation is to make profit at all costs, when worker wages start being too much for capitalists to afford, they need to move the company somewhere where they can pay workers less. Since a democratic workplace doesn't rely on growth, there isn't a need to cut workers when the workers wages threaten to undercut the profit motive.

I do hope that people can have their jobs replaced with robots more and more, and people can be supplemented with what the robots produce so they don't have to work as much. The industrial revolution could have been a means of reducing work for all people, because machines do most of the work. However, instead of subsisting on what the machines produce, human beings need to make more, otherwise this undercuts capitalism's constant need to grow, due "the tendency of the rate of profit to fall". So they create unnecessary products, and extract unnecessary resources from the earth. Profits must be made and continue to grow, otherwise there will be an economic crash. Eventually the economy cannot grow any more, the tendency of the rate of profit to fall causes an economic crash, and the planet was sapped of it's resources in a failed attempt to keep this inefficient model from crashing again.

These are all problems intrinsic to capitalism. The tendency of the rate of profit to fall, the need for endless growth, the undercutting of wages when they threaten the companies profits, the destruction of the environment, and the concentration of capital into the hands of a few. There is ample reason to be concerned that this system we live in is going to cause massive death and destruction on planet earth and likely fail in the future, and if humanity knew what was best for them they would switch to a non-growth, socialist based economic system before it's too late. Unfortunately, they likely won't. However, it is the right thing to do, and I am happy to stand with the likes of Albert Einstein in believing that capitalism is not the way, and socialism is.

The Flood /
« on: August 05, 2018, 03:46:21 PM »

I really wish that there were a way I could become engaged intellectually with a community without getting involved in the political dissonance that paradoxically arises when people become too politically and intellectually engaged. I have always enjoyed sort of anything goes spaces, where someone could get offended by what someone says but there's really no rules, so anyone can just say whatever they want without worrying about someone saying something that might offend them. I've spent a lot of time posting on websites like 4chan, or random facebook groups, chat rooms, websites that don't really have rules, etc.

To me it has always been difficult, because I don't like offending people, but I also like saying what I think honestly without mitigation. I feel like when you're in a group that has political cohesion there is inevitably going to be a sort of conforming that becomes necessary in that group. I've been experiencing that pretty hardcore lately, and yeah I like the people who have a problem with me and I respect their opinions, but they don't respect mine. I don't want to live in a world like that where I have to conform to what everyone else thinks, I want to have an interesting discussion where many views are expressed and many interesting conversations can take place.

The problem is that even that can turn into something toxic, and it often does. I sort of feel like I'm at a loss for anywhere I can go that isn't either belligerent or so politically correct that I feel like I am under threat if I express something that might offend people. It's sort of like being trapped in a purgatory. Because I care about queer issues, anti capitalism, issues regarding race and gender, etc. That puts me in a very left wing camp. However, I don't experience much cohesion with people on the left regardless of this. I experience the same thing with people on the right, a lot of them have their own sort of safe space, where any opposing views get shut down and derided.

Is there no truly neutral place where you can have interesting discussions and it doesn't devolve into a total shit storm? Because I would love to know. It makes me so uncomfortable now a days with things being so political, and I have always had a problem where I don't care whatsoever if someone finds what I say offensive if I believe what I say, beyond simply feeling pity, and sorry that they feel the need to be upset by me. I don't feel sorry for saying things I believe in, and I have stood up vehemently for unpopular positions since I was very, very young. I just wish there were a place I could go where I wasn't trapped in this schism.

The Flood / Re: Ideas for fun things to collect?
« on: August 03, 2018, 10:52:15 PM »
NES games
I have a pretty large collection of them actually.

The Flood / I really don't like whiny rape victims
« on: August 01, 2018, 02:45:28 PM »
Not all of them are bad, but a lot of them are up tight cunts who say stuff like someone reminds them of their rapist. How is it anyone's fault that they were born with the appearance of someone who raped someone? Rape victims couldn't be any bitchier. Second of all, it's not my fucking problem if you were raped, so I shouldn't have to worry about you spilling your big victim juice all over my face. Honestly rape victims are just projecting when they say they hate being raped, because what they really want to do is rape you with their rape victim juices by spraying them all over everyone else.

The Flood / Re: Do you believe in the paranormal?
« on: July 31, 2018, 11:09:40 PM »
No, I'm not a retard.

*shoots karjala and loaf*

trump this
Haha, I'm not dead, retard.

They were a bunch of hippy communists who allowed degeneracy. The great colonists did this country a great favor by spreading western values to the Indians.

Lmao does anyone really give a fuck about that bitch?

The Flood / Re: Ideas for fun things to collect?
« on: July 27, 2018, 08:21:45 PM »
Bad Dragon toys.
I do want a bigger sex toy collection. What really want is cute dress up outfits. I'm just not sure where to get them though. Some glass butt plugs, more vibrators, whatever. I'm not sure what other neat sex toys are out there, but it would probably be fun to check some out.

The Flood / Re: Ideas for fun things to collect?
« on: July 27, 2018, 08:20:36 PM »
come on over to the knife life.
Lol. I dunno. I collect a lot of stuff. Pens, CDs, FLAC, collectible books, wrist watches, audio equipment, etc. But all these things serve some purpose for me. As much as I think knives are alright, I have no use for a knife except when I'm opening mail.

d a m a g e  c o n t r o l
Not really. It just started to seem like people were getting really concerned about my mental state and I didn't want to make people get that serious with me about stuff.

I hope you know we read 0% of your posts.
Well you're missing out on a lot of quality content there, bucko.

To be totally honest I am predominantly left wing. 95% of the stuff I say on this website (roughly 19/20) are not reflections of what I actually think. I just like saying stupid stuff. I am a progressive, and you can see my actual list of political beliefs listed in lists of policies I support in a thread I made a couple months ago. I guess I just don't really feel the "consciousness" about language policing that others on the left do.

I have no problem talking with people on the right about my beliefs and I very often get ostracized by leftist groups because I am very loose lipped - I tend to say offensive stuff without really meaning to be offensive. It might be the word "crazy" that I slip up and say, it is very annoying. I recently got scolded for that on a leftist forum, because I always slip up and say "slurs". I don't care. That is probably because I am used to being around diverse environments. I grew up on The Flood on and playing Halo, and browsing 4chan.

I think that these experiences have shaped me into a person who steps over the boundaries set up by what I see as a merely tribalistic human instinct to look at things in terms of binary oppositions. I do not hate women, or lesbians (although I hate that my lgbt center is mostly lesbians and trans masculine people at my college), or black people, or disabled people, and I do not think Louis CK, Trump, and Bill Cosby are moral paragons. To be honest I think it's funny that people get upset about that sort of thing though, even if they are right to get upset about it. So I might make a post instigating people because it's kind of funny to me.

I hope that clears things up a little :)

The Flood / Ideas for fun things to collect?
« on: July 26, 2018, 05:36:31 AM »
The things I like to collect are audio equipment (mostly audiophile headphones and ear buds), plushies, metal EDC pens, collectible books, and wrist watches. I used to collect vintage game consoles and music CDs, but I sort of stopped doing that.

All the wrist watches I want that I don't have are either ridiculously expensive and I'd have to have a very nice job, or they all share the same watch movement. The mechanical device that makes a watch tick is often the same among many watches because there's monopolies on manufacture of watch movements.

I have a few plushies I kind of want but I have no more room.

The problem I have with books is that all the books I want now are a few hundred dollars, which is ((ableist slur redacted by mod)) expensive for a book. So that's sort of off the table.

The one pen I really wanted is discontinued, and the other ones I want are easy to get and there's only a few more.

I like collecting and I'm not sure what else to collect. I could just go buy nice clothes, I dunno.

Loaf has got to be a troll, right? He's constantly flip-flopping between ultra-feminist "women are superior" to right-wing "women are dumb cunts and rape is morally right".
I thought about it to for some long time and I think he might be victim of some ideological environment, I think his perceptions are fucked up too.

For example he states about depressive people being cunts and thats not truth, but what he even means about "depressive"? Is it "depressive" in our sense of this word, or is it "depressive" because someone claimed to be depressed from his friendlist on Facebook just to get attention and play victim? (which is not "depressive" in average person's sense of this word).

Also if we accept that all Loaf said is true, then his Facebook is also ideological environment of far left. Also pay attention where Loaf got accepted without any questions.

What is happening right now in his head is a conflict of what was told to him and logic.
Stop trying to psycho analyze me, retarded bitch nigger.
Dude fuck off, it's blatantly obvious you're basing all your posts on something in your life
It's blatantly obvious that you're a nigger.

Loaf has got to be a troll, right? He's constantly flip-flopping between ultra-feminist "women are superior" to right-wing "women are dumb cunts and rape is morally right".
I thought about it to for some long time and I think he might be victim of some ideological environment, I think his perceptions are fucked up too.

For example he states about depressive people being cunts and thats not truth, but what he even means about "depressive"? Is it "depressive" in our sense of this word, or is it "depressive" because someone claimed to be depressed from his friendlist on Facebook just to get attention and play victim? (which is not "depressive" in average person's sense of this word).

Also if we accept that all Loaf said is true, then his Facebook is also ideological environment of far left. Also pay attention where Loaf got accepted without any questions.

What is happening right now in his head is a conflict of what was told to him and logic.
Stop trying to psycho analyze me, retarded bitch nigger.

Why such vitriol towards me?

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