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Messages - Loaf

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I want to smash your pumpkin
omg my halloween costume
I thought you were going as a girl.

Serious / Re: I actually really like the idea of a safe space
« on: October 29, 2016, 08:34:26 PM »
I don't hate feminism or social justice, I just think this new youth movement under those terms is a joke.

Claiming white people are inherently racist simply because they are white.

Wanting to do away with "western" science because it's "oppressive."

Avoiding having to speak about radical Islam out of some fear of being insensitive, even though Islamic nations are notorious for real oppression against women.

Telling people they can't use a canoe or have dreadlocks because it's "cultural appropriation."

It's completely illogical.
I agree that cultural appropriation is illogical, but I do think that there are inherent racial biases inherent in basically everyone. I think the avenue Q musical was right when it said that everyone is a little bit racist something, we all feel a bit funny when we're around other races. I don't think that it means that everyone is like, a kkk racist, I think that's just a misunderstanding of the people who like to sensationalize and twist what people who say that everyone is racist like to think.

And yeah it's true there's some muslim terrorists, but it's also good to remember that not all muslims are terrorists. That's just common sense, it would make things ridiculous if we started thinking otherwise. It's not being too politically correct or something, it's just having a world view that in line with reality.

The Flood / Re: Your favorite albums?
« on: October 29, 2016, 05:40:35 PM »
I like how everyone else likes typical /mu/core trash and you wouldn't even be able to recommend them music because their taste is so generic you couldn't tell what they like; because they have no taste and their taste is just an amalgamation of popular albums. And I'm just right here with this incredible taste and I'm just feeling like I'm on top of a mountain with this bird's eye view of the filthy peasants living at the bottom of it, and you all just look so small.

What I've noticed is when people bully you, all the stuff they choose to bully you for is stuff they wouldn't normally pick on someone for, unless there was something else you didn't do. I see it all the time, if someone is hated then people will choose any reason to pick on you for it. So it's easy to get caught up in all the stuff that people say, and think that they actually take issue with a bunch of things about you. It's good to remember that although the people act like they can write your biography about you because they act like they know you so well, they actually only take issue with something you may or may not remember, and they are low class because they're the ones who choose to start controversy.

The Flood / Politics is a stupid thing to be passionate about
« on: October 29, 2016, 10:19:33 AM »
So, I remember seeing on a literature forum, a thread about a quote from an author who's name is not important, who said that sports, politics, and religion, are the passions of the uneducated. The other two are obvious, but with politics it also makes sense. With politics it's a game of what you know, the reason that politics isn't even viable to argue about is because there's so many sides to one story, that trying to argue it becomes a matter of two people who heard different stories and can't come to an agreement on the full picture. It doesn't take intelligence, it just takes getting a bunch of people to repeat generalities about commonly held notions which were told to them by the media. This is why I've started to think that talking about politics with people in general is a waste of time.

The Flood / Re: Your favorite albums?
« on: October 29, 2016, 10:01:17 AM »

Just me and my 💕daddy💕, hanging out I got pretty hungry🍆 so I started to pout 😞 He asked if I was down ⬇for something yummy 😍🍆 and I asked what and he said he'd give me his 💦cummies!💦 Yeah! Yeah!💕💦 I drink them!💦 I slurp them!💦 I swallow them whole💦 😍 It makes 💘daddy💘 😊happy😊 so it's my only goal... 💕💦😫Harder daddy! Harder daddy! 😫💦💕 1 cummy💦, 2 cummy💦💦, 3 cummy💦💦💦, 4💦💦💦💦 I'm 💘daddy's💘 👑princess 👑but I'm also a whore! 💟 He makes me feel squishy💗!He makes me feel good💜! 💘💘💘He makes me feel everything a little should!~ 💘💘💘 👑💦💘Wa-What!💘💦👑

The Flood / Re: "man that person has such a punchable face"
« on: October 28, 2016, 11:36:06 PM »

I wouldn't say his face is punchable as much as it's hilarious how he looks more squid than human, and his face is literally always a shit eating grin and literal troll face.

The Flood / Re: "man that person has such a punchable face"
« on: October 28, 2016, 04:54:34 PM »
I can't think of anyone who I'd want to punch in the face unless I was angry. I can't think of anyone at the current moment who I'd want to punch in the face.

Serious / Re: I actually really like the idea of a safe space
« on: October 28, 2016, 04:45:02 PM »
Conservatives have a habit of demonizing every nice thing they come across.

Safe spaces, microaggressions, feminism...
I agree.

Serious / I actually really like the idea of a safe space
« on: October 28, 2016, 04:38:16 PM »
You know, I think having a place to talk where it won't degenerate into arguments is great. It makes sense. I actually like environments that are safe spaces in general, environments where people are kind to each other and can get along without having a bunch of tension, an environment where people aren't allowed to just be mean to you because they feel like it. I wish that the whole world was like a safe space, actually.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:03:13 PM »
at first it seemed like you were saying women can just be as strong as men in that the peak of both would have the same capability

i have nothing to argue because you were saying a woman can train to be as strong as an average man and not particularly strong man
No, holy fuck. You're so stupid, you can't even understand what I said when I said it so fucking clearly. You don't even understand what we're arguing about.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:59:18 PM »
I just don't feel like arguing this right now, there's not a reasonable discourse going on right now, the people opposing mine and class's argument are shit posting. Plus people say one thing and then act like they mean another thing, or just just straight up ignore the whole question in the first place. Like, you're talking about the strength of certain genders determining masculinity or femininity, we already determined that is false but we're still having this pedantic argument about it. Do you know what pedantic means? Overly concerned with minor details, this shit doesn't actually progress us towards a deeper, more insightful point. I'm just arguing with some people who want to be right, and want to force their point of view down other people's throats even though they've never taken the time to think about what they're actually saying and become an automatic expert on the subject and shove it down other people's throats. Except I'm probably just being trolled, in which case what's the point of arguing? It's not even funny.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:48:00 PM »
Yeah but women CAN BE
they literally can't though

sorry, nature is sexist like that

i didn't design it that way, but it's true

i'm the biggest feminist on this website but i'm not just gonna start tossing science out the window
doesn't mean they're masculine. You missed the whole point and immediately go to your canned argument.
it wasn't an argument, it was a question thinly veiled as a statement of fact
There's women who are way stronger than you, I guarantee it.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:41:02 PM »
girls can be just as strong as men
why do we divide men and women at the olympics, then

is it because the olympics are sexist or are you just wrong because women would get blown out in every event
Yeah but women CAN BE, doesn't mean they're masculine. You missed the whole point and immediately go to your canned argument.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:24:34 PM »
Secondclass is right.

The Flood / Why is that retarded nigger faggot chris mod in the discord?
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:24:46 AM »
He just banned me for saying lmao when he said if I post gay porn again he'll ban me. I honestly hope someone kills his family.

The Flood / What website has the highest average intelligence?
« on: October 27, 2016, 07:59:25 AM »
So, I mostly just use 4chan and sep7agon, and while there's some smart people thrown into the mix, it would be nice if I could be in a community where the average intelligence was very high, so I could talk about more intelligent things. I mean, these websites are okay, for just shit posting and having fun or whatever, but it would be great to be in an intellectual paradise, especially one where everyone is mostly atheist and shiiiet. I actually got banned from a few atheist websites though because they just didn't like me very much, and they were some pretty unintelligent pricky people who wouldn't really say that much intelligent stuff in response to what you say; but unlike here they actually get really hostile and the mods ban you from the website. That's why I tend to like websites like 4chan and sep7agon, it's fun, but I don't think I've really tasted intellectual paradise yet, I don't think atheist forums count. If they do, then I'm sure there were a bunch of chill people, but I only got mixed up with the butt fuckingly stupid people, because they post most.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 07:41:15 AM »
You gotta start working out fam. Metal heads are supposed to be big, you looking like a emo twink.
Metalheads these days are fat fucks. Go watch heavy metal parking lot, and you'll see that it's not about being a metalhead, but just about how americans in general are fucking disgusting slobs. It's especially bad in the metal community though, because metalheads have always been sort of hedonistic, so the ones that you saw doing all the drugs in heavy metal parking lot now have access to shitty food; hence the rise of the obesity and diabetes and heart disease epidemic in america. If anything I'm way healthier than any of those pigs, and I don't appreciate how you're just mindlessly trying to provoke things, when you're just as much of a product of their brainwashing as they are. You're in a society where it's seen as normal to eat the sort of shit that people eat, so you don't step back and wonder whether or not this is normal and if this is the way a person should be living. Go look at eastern countries, I am a weight comparable to them, but even they probably have less body fat than I do because I naturally always have a little body fat on me.

And btw, fuck your heteronormative idea that all guys should be "buff", that's just wrong.

Not talking about fat stud, you need muscles my dude. Grow that hair out and get ripped, then you can wear shitty band tees and still get laid.
Well, I like going on walks, and I don't feel like working out beyond going on walks or riding my bike places.

That's all cardio tho my dude, life is about balance. Even light lifting can help, go for that swimmer body look.
Go away.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 07:19:09 AM »
Apparently severe anorexia is "cute".
being thin is what makes your body look good, being cute is what makes your face look good
are you gay cause idk why you want to look like a twink
>not wanting to achieve the ideal form?
The ideal form is between masculine and feminine.
ideal for being gay maybe

thats all i was asking why you have to turn this into a thing

Well, I'm not gay and I still see it as ideal.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 07:14:50 AM »
You gotta start working out fam. Metal heads are supposed to be big, you looking like a emo twink.
Metalheads these days are fat fucks. Go watch heavy metal parking lot, and you'll see that it's not about being a metalhead, but just about how americans in general are fucking disgusting slobs. It's especially bad in the metal community though, because metalheads have always been sort of hedonistic, so the ones that you saw doing all the drugs in heavy metal parking lot now have access to shitty food; hence the rise of the obesity and diabetes and heart disease epidemic in america. If anything I'm way healthier than any of those pigs, and I don't appreciate how you're just mindlessly trying to provoke things, when you're just as much of a product of their brainwashing as they are. You're in a society where it's seen as normal to eat the sort of shit that people eat, so you don't step back and wonder whether or not this is normal and if this is the way a person should be living. Go look at eastern countries, I am a weight comparable to them, but even they probably have less body fat than I do because I naturally always have a little body fat on me.

And btw, fuck your heteronormative idea that all guys should be "buff", that's just wrong.

Not talking about fat stud, you need muscles my dude. Grow that hair out and get ripped, then you can wear shitty band tees and still get laid.
Well, I like going on walks, and I don't feel like working out beyond going on walks or riding my bike places.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 07:11:18 AM »
You gotta start working out fam. Metal heads are supposed to be big, you looking like a emo twink.
Metalheads these days are fat fucks. Go watch heavy metal parking lot, and you'll see that it's not about being a metalhead, but just about how americans in general are fucking disgusting slobs. It's especially bad in the metal community though, because metalheads have always been sort of hedonistic, so the ones that you saw doing all the drugs in heavy metal parking lot now have access to shitty food; hence the rise of the obesity and diabetes and heart disease epidemic in america. If anything I'm way healthier than any of those pigs, and I don't appreciate how you're just mindlessly trying to provoke things, when you're just as much of a product of their brainwashing as they are. You're in a society where it's seen as normal to eat the sort of shit that people eat, so you don't step back and wonder whether or not this is normal and if this is the way a person should be living. Go look at eastern countries, I am a weight comparable to them, but even they probably have less body fat than I do because I naturally always have a little body fat on me.

And btw, fuck your heteronormative idea that all guys should be "buff", that's just wrong.

The Flood / I am a peanut butter boy
« on: October 27, 2016, 07:06:17 AM »
No seriously, I eat so much fricken peanut butter all the time. In my oatmeal, in my rice, sometimes I just eat spoonfuls of it.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 07:04:44 AM »
Apparently severe anorexia is "cute".
being thin is what makes your body look good, being cute is what makes your face look good
are you gay cause idk why you want to look like a twink
>not wanting to achieve the ideal form?
The ideal form is between masculine and feminine.

The Flood / Re: post your breadphones
« on: October 27, 2016, 07:01:43 AM »
For my guitar amplifier AKG K240 with velour ear pads
For my electronic drum kit SONY MDR V6
Retired portable use headphones Sennheiser Momentum
Retired Stationary use headphones Sennheiser 558 with foam mod
For stationary use Sennheiser 650
For portable use AH-MM400 with upgraded audiotechnica ATH-MSR7 ear pads.

Amplifier and dac Schiitz Magni 2 and modi
Portable audio player my phone with 120 gig micro sd

I got 2, 200 micro sd cards recently, after this weekened I'm going to be getting a fiio x5 ii, which has to micro sd card slots and supports FLAC.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 06:48:45 AM »
All the people saying I'm too thin, I'm 6'2 and weigh 170 pounds. I'm well within then healthy weight range for a person my height, and I eat a lot of fat and protein in my diet.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 26, 2016, 09:36:33 PM »
Almost as cute as Keller tbh
Who's keller?

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