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Messages - Loaf

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I miss them so much.

The Flood / How the fuck did I take 4 huge shits today?
« on: February 15, 2017, 04:04:28 PM »
I didn't think I had it in me. I woke up, took a shit. An hour or two later, I took another shit. I was just laying in bed reading my book, and then I took another shit. Then a while later, I took another really big shit. I have no idea how my body is capable of producing so much waste byproduct.

The Flood / Re: Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 15, 2017, 11:09:50 AM »
Marilyn Manson is garbage. Just shock value with no artistic merit.

shocking people has artistic value.
I can't have an objective discussion about what is artistic value. I will say I respect Manson, I just don't like his music.

how do you call his music garbage but then say you respect him?
Think about it, just take a minute to ponder the question you just asked.

so you dont have an answer? gotcha
It's called separating art from artist.

The Flood / Re: Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 15, 2017, 08:02:46 AM »
Marilyn Manson is garbage. Just shock value with no artistic merit.

shocking people has artistic value.
I can't have an objective discussion about what is artistic value. I will say I respect Manson, I just don't like his music.

how do you call his music garbage but then say you respect him?
Think about it, just take a minute to ponder the question you just asked.

The Flood / Re: Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 14, 2017, 08:22:23 PM »
Marilyn Manson is garbage. Just shock value with no artistic merit.

shocking people has artistic value.
I can't have an objective discussion about what is artistic value. I will say I respect Manson, I just don't like his music.

The Flood / Re: Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 14, 2017, 07:26:26 PM »
I'm a Marilyn Manson fan. I think my stance is clear.
Marilyn Manson is garbage. Just shock value with no artistic merit.

The Flood / Re: Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 14, 2017, 11:33:58 AM »
I'm not reading this.  Make what you want, don't expect people to like it, and it shouldn't be publicly funded
Also, making fun of Christianity in art isn't "daring", it's so overdone that it's just kicking someone while their down. How about making something that criticizes Islam or depicts Muhammed, see what happens then
How about, instead of kicking christianity while it's down, you curb stomp it in the face until it's brains splatter on the concrete? And I wasn't really even talking about christianity, I was talking about it's ingrained effect on the cultural attitude of our society.
I was ranting.  But if you wanna make art about that, go ahead, but it's nothing new, nothing special.  I'm mostly tired with the art community, or at least modern art, and Trump can't cut funding soon enough.
Really not the point, you're an idiot.

The Flood / Re: Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 14, 2017, 08:21:32 AM »
#Invalid YouTube Link#

The Flood / The real reason why women hate rape
« on: February 14, 2017, 08:09:20 AM »

The Flood / Re: Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 14, 2017, 07:59:24 AM »
I'm not reading this.  Make what you want, don't expect people to like it, and it shouldn't be publicly funded
Also, making fun of Christianity in art isn't "daring", it's so overdone that it's just kicking someone while their down. How about making something that criticizes Islam or depicts Muhammed, see what happens then
How about, instead of kicking christianity while it's down, you curb stomp it in the face until it's brains splatter on the concrete? And I wasn't really even talking about christianity, I was talking about it's ingrained effect on the cultural attitude of our society.

The Flood / Re: Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 14, 2017, 07:50:18 AM »
stop posting your philosophy 101 papers here
You can disapprove all you want but I'm not going to stop doing what I will voluntarily do. I don't really care what you say though, someone will call someone a name if they don't like them regardless. You can call it my philosophy 101 paper, implying my opinions are sophomoric, but if you haven't realized by now, I don't really care. You're probably not even smart enough to appreciate what I'm trying to say, let alone respond to it coherently.

The Flood / Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 14, 2017, 07:45:18 AM »
Honestly, I feel that provocation in art is extremely important. I can’t stand it when moralizers try to step in and say “no, that’s too provocative”. I don’t think there should be any limits in art, I think art should be a medium in which anyone can express the most vile things, and the most immoral and questionable or outright shocking. It’s just art, and art is the place for that in a society which limits people’s expression in their every day action through law. If you want to limit people’s every day actions through law, then limiting their art too is just an attempt at total subversion of the human will to that of the group. You can control people’s actions, but you can’t control people’s minds. Nothing in art is off limits, art is supposed to be and should be as provocative as possible.

I also think that one of the ways that people try to moralize society, is through moral dogmas, creating things that are socially taboo. This idea seems to trace back to plato, where in he described his utopia as one where he’d ban all play writes and poets, because they could corrupt the minds of the citizens. Authoritarianism, and I believe to a large extent Christian dogma, going back all the way to the time of Plato, is responsible for the trend of moralizing that we see in society these days. I believe everyone should read the 120 days of sodom, everyone should watch john waters movies,  everyone should listen to throbbing gristle, I believe everyone should subvert culturally accepted norms. A society which accepts human nature is one which is better for everyone, fuck law and order.

I have a problem with the idea of “law and order”. It seems that the idea of subverting the human will to an established idea of rules and norms; in itself, aside from the idea of making certain things off limits because they feel it will corrupt people; is problematic. The idea of creating laws and having people follow them presupposes that the person making the laws is the ultimate authority on what is good and what is bad. But who can be the ultimate ruler, who can be the ultimate arbitrator of what is good and what is bad? Plato himself saw this as a problem, what is justice, what is good, can you find a truly wise person to lead a society? His solution to it was total subversion of the will, authoritarianism, a society completely under control.

That is where the idea becomes troublesome, because this subversion of people leads to the authoritarian dogma of plato. A dogma is something which is arbitrarily stated can’t be said or done. But the human mind can’t be subverted by laws, there’s no ultimately cohesive law which can bind all of society together. Because no one operates on any fundamental laws; and if there were any ultimately cohesive laws, society would already be functioning under them; no one can really be expected to follow an arbitrary law, outside of even provocative art. Not to mention, art without provocation is nothing but insipid, bland, moralizing pap. You might as well just watch veggie tales or christian cartoons, because there’s no good art which isn’t provocative in some way.

The Flood / I would like to share my top 100 albums as of 2017
« on: February 12, 2017, 06:40:03 AM »

Open it in a new tab to see the full picture.

The Flood / Re: This forum is like all the worst parts of
« on: February 10, 2017, 07:02:11 PM »
including you lmao
I'm one of the best things things this website has going for it, if not the best thing.

The Flood / This forum is like all the worst parts of
« on: February 10, 2017, 06:55:39 PM »
This forum is all the stupid, unintelligent parts of was a mixture of stupid shit posting and trolling and intelligent and interesting personalities. All there is here is rude shit posting and a bogged down version of what existed on bungie.

The Flood / Re: The Dogma of Human Nature
« on: February 08, 2017, 05:26:17 AM »

Serious / Re: The Dogma of Human Nature
« on: February 07, 2017, 02:55:29 PM »
I agree. I should be able to buy as many Child McSoldiers™  from the local McWarlords as I can afford to take back my harem of pregnant, fourteen year old, Vietnamese sex slaves from the damn neighbor who hired a bunch of lizard men to disable my recreational nukes and steal my slaves so that he could sell the babies for a profit.

Not a one damn thing in that scenario should be considered morally reprehensible.
No, there's really not. Whether or not you think it's reprehensible is arbitrary, because they have their own rules that they abide by, in which your rules do not apply. Unfortunately your mind can't be in two places at once, and you can't accuse someone of at the same time being conscious of your rules, and then accuse them of not following those rules. Every person operates as the main character in their own life, in which you are just a back drop. Your desire to impose your morals on others is egotistical and myopic.
Yes, we're getting somewhere here. Morality is arbitrary and laws should not be passed based upon them as a concept. There is only one constant in life, the NAP, which is universal and godlike in its blind approach to justice.
Oh god, fuck off with that libertarian shit.

Serious / Re: The Dogma of Human Nature
« on: February 07, 2017, 02:32:16 PM »
I agree. I should be able to buy as many Child McSoldiers™  from the local McWarlords as I can afford to take back my harem of pregnant, fourteen year old, Vietnamese sex slaves from the damn neighbor who hired a bunch of lizard men to disable my recreational nukes and steal my slaves so that he could sell the babies for a profit.

Not a one damn thing in that scenario should be considered morally reprehensible.
No, there's really not. Whether or not you think it's reprehensible is arbitrary, because they have their own rules that they abide by, in which your rules do not apply. Unfortunately your mind can't be in two places at once, and you can't accuse someone of at the same time being conscious of your rules, and then accuse them of not following those rules. Every person operates as the main character in their own life, in which you are just a back drop. Your desire to impose your morals on others is egotistical and myopic.

The Flood / Re: The Dogma of Human Nature
« on: February 07, 2017, 08:35:30 AM »

Serious / The Dogma of Human Nature
« on: February 07, 2017, 08:23:55 AM »
I just finished reading the introduction to the new translation of The 120 Days of Sodom by Marque De Sade. I found myself smiling a lot at the stories of his actual life, he was a wrongfully persecuted hero of sexual desire. A man with such passion, leading such an interesting life, only deserves praise. Even spending large amounts of time in jail; narrowly escaping death, writing enduring works of fiction to last throughout centuries, and living a life of sexual excess; he’s out lived most of the people who would ever live. His work surviving today, overcoming the dogma of moralists who try to ban it, is proof of it’s influence on sexually liberating the society as we see it today. No less being published in a time when homosexual sodomy was considered a “capital offense”. You wonder when these conservative dip shits will realize they’ve been going back against the tide for eons.

I find on my own terms, aside from these works of fiction, that the attitude towards sexuality in society is abhorrent. Look at the way that people respond to sexual fetishes, like the ABDL community, the furry community, fandoms of pony shows, scat lovers. All of these are very valid forms of sexual expression, they all give their participants sexual satisfaction. While people may not be actively morally crusading against these sorts of things, there is still an inherent “shock value”. People look at these sorts of works with disgust. I’m going to shift for a second from argument to rant. These people who feel disgust at things which immediately make them uncomfortable, are displaying conservative attitudes, which disgust me. You dip shits who cast your judgment on others simply because you don’t share the same pleasures as someone else, fail to reconcile with human nature.

It offends me that human nature can become “taboo”. Why do we cover up parts of our society, and act like they don’t exist? We do this by banning books, we do this by putting people on trial in the court of public opinion. That aforementioned conservative feeling of disgust, is the precursor to this collective condemnation of any - not just sexual - acts deemed socially unacceptable. The same thing is happening right now with transgender people as it’s been happening for hundreds of years with homosexuals. The public is ignorant and stupid, they base their conjectures off of erroneous ideas, such as the idea that pornography, music, video games, literature, or movies can corrupt the minds of people; or that homosexuality is a “sin”, or that god exists; all of the concepts of religion fall into this category as well.

You will not eliminate sexual desire by trying to eliminate traces of it from human nature, because it is innate in our nature. Just look at priests who copulate with little boys or have homosexual intercourse while preaching about how these things are sinful, only to turn around and say they’ve repented for what they’ve done. I believe that the church plays a large role in this dogma of human nature. While the church may be only a reflection, ironically, of man’s own innate tendency to make those aforementioned erroneous conjectures, it is an institution of it’s own, whose purpose is not to understand the nature of man, but to control it. It’s this ignorance which I believe is a damaging idea to the nature of humanity, and I believe only on conjecture, that years of this institutionalization of the denial and dogma of human nature, has become pervasive and a socially ingrained phenomena.

It’s the reason why people feel this inherent revulsion. Perhaps young children not exposed to these ideas of prejudice wouldn’t feel these prejudices as adults, when they’re old enough to make up their own minds about the world. That is one of the ways that religion gets people to become religious, is through centuries of societal ingraining, brainwashing children at a young age when they’re susceptible to believe lies and santa clause, believing in these things because it’s socially acceptable to believe in it, and it was told to them when they were children, and there’s a fear of not believing in it instilled into them. This same fear and dogma is evident in the way that people feel towards sexual “perversions”, or “anything that’s not vanilla sex”. Even if it isn’t an institutional persecution of these acts, through the exercising of power through law enforcement, it’s shown in people’s inherent gut reactions to these things. The societal fear and ingraining which makes people act out of collective consciousness, instead of individual

Furthermore, I fantasize of a world, where people aren’t influenced by societal dogma, and accept things purely as human nature. I’ve been neglecting until now to mention groups of people who I have defended throughout many of my writings; pedophiles, rapists, murderers. These are also classes of human nature, which I must in order to be intellectually consistent, also defend. These are also aspects of human nature, which moralists can’t account for. Supposedly, in a world where the supposed “causes” of these phenomena are eliminated; whether it be through banning music, movies, video games, pornography, books; they conclude that they will eliminate these things from society itself. Not so. These are also parts of human nature, the parts of human nature that no one wants to admit is a part of human nature. Even though the methods of murder become justified, when it’s soldiers doing it over seas. When it’s seen as something that effects another group, not our own, then it’s justifiable. Hence why we think it’s okay to kill murderers, another example of this in group, out group dichotomy. Hypocrisy.

All forms of punishment are examples of tribalism, of this in group, out group dichotomy. Of course, intellectuals realize this and understand that they can behave independently on their own jurisdiction, not partaking in acts that they feel themselves are morally reprehensible, such as copulating with children, or murdering people, or raping people. Empathetic intellectuals realizes that they can read works like the 120 days of sodom, and not go and do all of the things entailed in that book, they can watch horror movies and not go murdering people, they can listen to rap music and not go selling drugs; the empathetic intellectuals realize they can sympathize with people and not hate them because they’re “supposed to” who commit socially atrocious crimes, and not be criminals themselves. This is the point that I hope stays with you most strongly. I do not have to love the things that people do, but to make a judgment on the indifferent, moral vacuum of human nature, where your morals are barred by their arbitrariness, and indifference of the cosmos itself; you’re essentially wasting your energy.

It’s funny, how society seems to embrace ideas of hatred as morally justifiable. As we hypocritically kill people over seas from America, and execute prisoners for the crime of killing another human being from our group; we adopt the philosophy of the Ku Klux Klan, in hating our fellow human beings in ways that we see as morally justifiable. Funny, how even in movies like star wars idea that embracing feelings of hatred is embracing the dark side, it would seem that there’s many cultural signs that have tried to warn us about embracing hatred. All of these things which we try to condemn as a society, in the vast cosmic plane, there is moral indifference. We are responsible for all of the morals that we construct. Whether it be innocuous things, which harm no one, like a sexual fetish, or a sexual orientation, or a different gender identity, or a race; to things that are actually harmful like murdering people, pedophilia, and raping; we should accept all of these aspects as simply human, and reject the dogma of human nature.

The Flood / The Dogma of Human Nature
« on: February 07, 2017, 08:23:18 AM »
I just finished reading the introduction to the new translation of The 120 Days of Sodom by Marque De Sade. I found myself smiling a lot at the stories of his actual life, he was a wrongfully persecuted hero of sexual desire. A man with such passion, leading such an interesting life, only deserves praise. Even spending large amounts of time in jail; narrowly escaping death, writing enduring works of fiction to last throughout centuries, and living a life of sexual excess; he’s out lived most of the people who would ever live. His work surviving today, overcoming the dogma of moralists who try to ban it, is proof of it’s influence on sexually liberating the society as we see it today. No less being written in a time when homosexual sodomy was considered a “capital offense”. You wonder when these conservative dip shits will realize they’ve been going back against the tide for eons.

I find on my own terms, aside from these works of fiction, that the attitude towards sexuality in society is abhorrent. Look at the way that people respond to sexual fetishes, like the ABDL community, the furry community, fandoms of pony shows, scat lovers. All of these are very valid forms of sexual expression, they all give their participants sexual satisfaction. While people may not be actively morally crusading against these sorts of things, there is still an inherent “shock value”. People look at these sorts of works with disgust. I’m going to shift for a second from argument to rant. These people who feel disgust at things which immediately make them uncomfortable, are displaying conservative attitudes, which disgust me. You dip shits who cast your judgment on others simply because you don’t share the same pleasures as someone else, fail to reconcile with human nature.

It offends me that human nature can become “taboo”. Why do we cover up parts of our society, and act like they don’t exist? We do this by banning books, we do this by putting people on trial in the court of public opinion. That aforementioned conservative feeling of disgust, is the precursor to this collective condemnation of any - not just sexual - acts deemed socially unacceptable. The same thing is happening right now with transgender people as it’s been happening for hundreds of years with homosexuals. The public is ignorant and stupid, they base their conjectures off of erroneous ideas, such as the idea that pornography, music, video games, literature, or movies can corrupt the minds of people; or that homosexuality is a “sin”, or that god exists; all of the concepts of religion fall into this category as well.

You will not eliminate sexual desire by trying to eliminate traces of it from human nature, because it is innate in our nature. Just look at priests who copulate with little boys or have homosexual intercourse while preaching about how these things are sinful, only to turn around and say they’ve repented for what they’ve done. I believe that the church plays a large role in this dogma of human nature. While the church may be only a reflection, ironically, of man’s own innate tendency to make those aforementioned erroneous conjectures, it is an institution of it’s own, whose purpose is not to understand the nature of man, but to control it. It’s this ignorance which I believe is a damaging idea to the nature of humanity, and I believe only on conjecture, that years of this institutionalization of the denial and dogma of human nature, has become pervasive and a socially ingrained phenomena.

It’s the reason why people feel this inherent revulsion. Perhaps young children not exposed to these ideas of prejudice wouldn’t feel these prejudices as adults, when they’re old enough to make up their own minds about the world. That is one of the ways that religion gets people to become religious, is through centuries of societal ingraining, brainwashing children at a young age when they’re susceptible to believe lies and santa clause, believing in these things because it’s socially acceptable to believe in it, and it was told to them when they were children, and there’s a fear of not believing in it instilled into them. This same fear and dogma is evident in the way that people feel towards sexual “perversions”, or “anything that’s not vanilla sex”. Even if it isn’t an institutional persecution of these acts, through the exercising of power through law enforcement, it’s shown in people’s inherent gut reactions to these things. The societal fear and ingraining which makes people act out of collective consciousness, instead of individual

Furthermore, I fantasize of a world, where people aren’t influenced by societal dogma, and accept things purely as human nature. I’ve been neglecting until now to mention groups of people who I have defended throughout many of my writings; pedophiles, rapists, murderers. These are also classes of human nature, which I must in order to be intellectually consistent, also defend. These are also aspects of human nature, which moralists can’t account for. Supposedly, in a world where the supposed “causes” of these phenomena are eliminated; whether it be through banning music, movies, video games, pornography, books; they conclude that they will eliminate these things from society itself. Not so. These are also parts of human nature, the parts of human nature that no one wants to admit is a part of human nature. Even though the methods of murder become justified, when it’s soldiers doing it over seas. When it’s seen as something that effects another group, not our own, then it’s justifiable. Hence why we think it’s okay to kill murderers, another example of this in group, out group dichotomy. Hypocrisy.

All forms of punishment are examples of tribalism, of this in group, out group dichotomy. Of course, intellectuals realize this and understand that they can behave independently on their own jurisdiction, not partaking in acts that they feel themselves are morally reprehensible, such as copulating with children, or murdering people, or raping people. Empathetic intellectuals realizes that they can read works like the 120 days of sodom, and not go and do all of the things entailed in that book, they can watch horror movies and not go murdering people, they can listen to rap music and not go selling drugs; the empathetic intellectuals realize they can sympathize with people and not hate them because they’re “supposed to” who commit socially atrocious crimes, and not be criminals themselves. This is the point that I hope stays with you most strongly. I do not have to love the things that people do, but to make a judgment on the indifferent, moral vacuum of human nature, where your morals are barred by their arbitrariness, and indifference of the cosmos itself; you’re essentially wasting your energy.

It’s funny, how society seems to embrace ideas of hatred as morally justifiable. As we hypocritically kill people over seas from America, and execute prisoners for the crime of killing another human being from our group; we adopt the philosophy of the Ku Klux Klan, in hating our fellow human beings in ways that we see as morally justifiable. Funny, how even in movies like star wars idea that embracing feelings of hatred is embracing the dark side, it would seem that there’s many cultural signs that have tried to warn us about embracing hatred. All of these things which we try to condemn as a society, in the vast cosmic plane, there is moral indifference. We are responsible for all of the morals that we construct. Whether it be innocuous things, which harm no one, like a sexual fetish, or a sexual orientation, or a different gender identity, or a race; to things that are actually harmful like murdering people, pedophilia, and raping; we should accept all of these aspects as simply human, and reject the dogma of human nature.

I don't like it because I've never fucking heard of it
I think the word you're looking for is indifference. You can't technically dislike anything about an album you've never heard.
Wrong. Indifference IS not liking something.

Dislike =/= not like
What the fuck? No.

It's really not that great Loaf. It has some fun riffs, but compositionally it's a bore.

I don't like it because I've never fucking heard of it
I think the word you're looking for is indifference. You can't technically dislike anything about an album you've never heard.

If you don't like this album you probably don't like it because you think it's an overrated metal album, or so it would seem. People only say this because the album seems rather popular, and they want to seem like bigger metal fans by disavowing popular albums like dope throne. What really distinguishes someone who likes dopethrone from someone who's a poser and says they don't like it, is that in spite of dopethrone being popular, it still is actually a very good album. In fact, there are very few stoner metal albums that come anywhere close to it, the only other being sleep that I can think of. It is a very good, unique album that is mostly unparalleled, and if someone says they don't like it they're doing so out of sophistry.

swiss chard? tf
you know that different leafy green vegetables have different vitamins and minerals, right? There's a good reason to buy spinach, swiss chard, and kale, as opposed to just kale or something.
eat a burger
Sorry, I don't want to be ugly and fat and in poor health like every other american.

swiss chard? tf
you know that different leafy green vegetables have different vitamins and minerals, right? There's a good reason to buy spinach, swiss chard, and kale, as opposed to just kale or something.

The Flood / Re: Super Bowl Thread
« on: February 05, 2017, 06:06:15 PM »
I wouldn't care at all if football ceased to exist.

I'm looking for good recipe ideas for the foods that I usually buy from the grocery store each week. I buy my food based off of, which shows me what vitamins and minerals I'm getting.

Almond milk
bell peppers
frozen salmon
whole wheat tortilla shells
swiss chard
sweet potatoes
peanut butter
black beans
blueberries (when they're in season)
low fat greek yogurt
a bag of frozen vegetables
cocoa nibs
decaf coffee

What I usually eat with these things are

a wrap sandwich with either a whole avocado or salmon steak, a whole bell pepper (ripped apart by hand and cooked on the stove). a whole ginger root (sliced and microwaved), a couple tumeric roots (chopped and cooked on the stove), a giant pile of green leafy vegetables (cooked down until they're soft), a few garlic cloves sliced with a cheese plane (cooked on the stover), two tortilla shells
>^^^ this is a main staple of my diet

sweet potato with cheese or a whole avocado

oatmeal cooked with a whole banana and oatmeal with cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, (and blueberries when available)

black beans from the can with cheese

Just plain low fat greek yogurt (sometimes with plain cocoa powder)

microwaved chopped apples with cinnamon (as an occasional snack)

frozen vegetables cooked in the microwave in a paper towel, and covered with a mixture of greek yogurt and chopped garlic cooked on the stove.

These are the meals I usually eat, save for the meals where I just have one of these whole foods and don't combine them. I have a lot of stuff to work with here, and I think there's some potential. I want some new suggestions of how to get more vegetabley dishes into my diet, because the huge vegetable sandwich is a bit of a pain in the ass to make, and I'd like simpler dishes that can incorporate vegetables into them.

I'm looking for good recipe ideas for the foods that I usually buy from the grocery store each week. I buy my food based off of, which shows me what vitamins and minerals I'm getting.

Almond milk
bell peppers
frozen salmon
whole wheat tortilla shells
swiss chard
sweet potatoes
peanut butter
black beans
blueberries (when they're in season)
low fat greek yogurt
a bag of frozen vegetables
cocoa nibs
decaf coffee

What I usually eat with these things are

a wrap sandwich with either a whole avocado or salmon steak, a whole bell pepper (ripped apart by hand and cooked on the stove). a whole ginger root (sliced and microwaved), a couple tumeric roots (chopped and cooked on the stove), a giant pile of green leafy vegetables (cooked down until they're soft), a few garlic cloves sliced with a cheese plane (cooked on the stover), two tortilla shells
>^^^ this is a main staple of my diet

sweet potato with cheese or a whole avocado

oatmeal cooked with a whole banana and oatmeal with cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, (and blueberries when available)

black beans from the can with cheese

Just plain low fat greek yogurt (sometimes with plain cocoa powder)

microwaved chopped apples with cinnamon (as an occasional snack)

frozen vegetables cooked in the microwave in a paper towel, and covered with a mixture of greek yogurt and chopped garlic cooked on the stove.

These are the meals I usually eat, save for the meals where I just have one of these whole foods and don't combine them. I have a lot of stuff to work with here, and I think there's some potential. I want some new suggestions of how to get more vegetabley dishes into my diet, because the huge vegetable sandwich is a bit of a pain in the ass to make, and I'd like simpler dishes that can incorporate vegetables into them.

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