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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / I'll sum up human behavior for you
« on: May 25, 2017, 10:29:30 AM »
People will only care about you as long as you keep trying to uphold their approval. You need to do something to earn the respect of other people, and if you don’t earn the respect of other people, then you are nothing to them. Respect and adoration are a commodity to be bought and sold, either with effort or because some insipid fuckers are born with admirable qualities. People are tribal creatures, and if they feel that you are a part of your group, they will stick up for you insofar as they feel it is in their best interest. If you are not a part of the tribe of another human being, then you are nothing. You are a slave to your fellow man.

Try to deny that it’s true, when the stanford prison experiment shows what happens to people who are given unchecked power and control over their peers. People turn on each other, people torture each other, people have been going to war with each other since the dawn of man. Human beings are a naturally adversarial creature, our way of interacting is no different than the darwinian process of natural selection. The darwinian process of natural selection is just an inescapable law. In their own way people are slaves to this law, because in the end all human beings are inherently selfish.

The way to get hurt the most in this world, is to hope or even expect that other people might care about you or give a shit about you. The only people who it seems to me you can expect that from are your family. You cannot expect anyone to give a shit about you, because there is always a chance that people will discard you, like you are nothing, like you’re worthless. Human beings are scum, they’re selfish. Perhaps, paradoxically, it’s selfish to wish that everyone would just like and respect you. Perhaps it’s selfish to think that you don’t have to give your love and adoration to everyone around you. Either one seems like it would work as well, it’s arbitrary, absurd either way.

Human beings are nothing more than hives of unthinking cells which just are. It is simply the process of nature, nothing more. It is a cruel, and unfair world.

Yeah talking to yourself is a big sign of autism. He might not even realize he's doing it
Is constantly whistling a sign of autism too? Because if it is then I must be autistic as fuck xDDDD CURSE YOU BEETHOVEEEEEEEN

The Flood / Re: There is no such thing as a good republican
« on: May 24, 2017, 02:21:09 PM »

the Republican Party has no redeeming qualities
It's bad, the Democrats are the worst.
Kill yourself, retard.

I was just thinking about how awful human beings are, but then I remembered that a ton of them got blown to pieces just yesterday or the day before. That's actually kinda uplifting, because you always wish that it would come around to all these people you hate, but then you think at least it happened to someone. Not that I think Jihad is really smart and cool or whatever, but just the fact that a bunch of people died, that's a good thing.

The Flood / Re: Ever been hit on by a gay dude?
« on: May 24, 2017, 10:40:08 AM »
I wish. No one would hit on me except desperate fat guys though, who probably think I'm good low hanging fruit. Insecure, lanky. I probably fulfill their twink fantasy, but at the same time seem like I'd be easy and desperate. That's just the cruel reality of the world we live in, if you're insecure and awkward, you're lower on the pecking order.

The Flood / Re: I hate SJWs so much
« on: May 24, 2017, 10:38:01 AM »
yeah i'm not much a fan of them either but it's hard to disagree with them
It's not about agreeing or disagreeing on ideology, it's about being attacked out of nowhere for saying things they don't like, even when the thing you're saying is benign and has no bad intent.

The Flood / I hate SJWs so much
« on: May 24, 2017, 08:49:37 AM »
You know, being a part of the lgbt community, sometimes I like a place where I won't get harassed. But when you go to these "nice" servers, the people in there freak out at you over the slightest impasse. Like, I said the education system is a joke, then this fat cunt starts talking shit to me about how I "reek of foul privileged bullshit". Then I call her a dumb mongoloid and this other cunt comes in and starts telling me how I'm speaking ableist bullshit and I can go fuck myself. These places aren't always like this, but every once in a while when it happens, it just makes my blood boil. I have anxiety and it's hard to calm down when someone earnestly comes out of the blue and starts talking stupid unfair shit to you.

You're always walking the line when you interact with people, always making sure to mind your manners, make sure you tailor whatever you say to suit others. Sometimes it's not that hard, but other times it's a fucking pain in the ass. I'm just sick of human beings. Look at how fucked up this retarded planet we live on is right now. There's no way human beings could ever get along with each other on this planet. The more you look at it, the more you realize just how small the human mind is, and how small of a capacity humanity has for living civilly with other human beings. This whole world is a fucking shit show.

The Flood / Re: There is no such thing as a good republican
« on: May 24, 2017, 08:10:58 AM »
>still believing in the (((two parties)))
I said I vote progressive, idk what you're talking about.

The Flood / Re: There is no such thing as a good republican
« on: May 24, 2017, 07:28:39 AM »
Trump isn't libertarian but he's the next best thing. Democrats, pretty much poisoning America.
Trump is enacting every horrible GOP policy under the sun you blithering moron. There's no hope for you.

The Flood / There is no such thing as a good republican
« on: May 24, 2017, 06:37:08 AM »
You have to be a piece of shit to be a republican. I used to deliberate over whether there was anything good about being republican, I thought long and hard about whether or not there was anything good, in principle, about the ideology. In order to be a republican, you either have to be incredibly brainwashed and stupid, or incredibly selfish, prejudice, afraid of those who are different, and jingoistic. To be honest, the united states of america would actually be a wonderful country if all republicans committed suicide.

The democrats aren't that great, they need to improve on economic issues (become more progressive) and not condemning whistle blowers, and constitutional rights (not letting the government have a back door into your computer, unnecessary search and seizure), and a few other things. The progressive party fixes all of this. The republicans are just an irredeemable joke though.

The Flood / Re: Morals are an ethereal thing
« on: May 16, 2017, 09:06:37 AM »
If morals are man made, then man made them for a reason.
It doesn't change the fact that they exist physically in the mind, as a sort of neurological house of cards, and shared fiction. This is objective, this is not about personal gain or motivation. This is simply how I view the universe and it's for you to decide whether I'm right or wrong, but I'm sure that I would disagree with most of you.

The Flood / Re: Morals are an ethereal thing
« on: May 16, 2017, 07:39:20 AM »
That's not what ethereal means you fucking clown
extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
"her ethereal beauty"
synonyms:   delicate, exquisite, dainty, elegant, graceful; More

It means exactly what it's defined as, and how I intended to use it.

The Flood / Morals are an ethereal thing
« on: May 16, 2017, 07:36:03 AM »
It makes no difference whether I morally object to something, which I often do, because morals are a man made construct. Everything is simply a part of nature, and I respect nature. Nature itself has no moral code, it simply drives everything unthinking and unfeeling, it drives all of us. That is why man made rules are so often broken, and so precious. A moral is an ethereal thing, they exist only insofar as they are constructed within someone's mind.

The Flood / Re: Worked my first eight hour work day
« on: May 10, 2017, 10:10:56 PM »
It sucked.  Older people always says kids will like capitalism once they get their first real job. I don't buy it, especially when there are countries with only 35 hour work weeks that are considered full time. Fuck  this country's obsession with working yourself to death.
Smashed that mother fucking like button.

The Flood / Re: Why are vaginas attractive
« on: May 10, 2017, 10:09:45 PM »
tbh they look like slash wounds, so why do guys like them?  And don't pull a "well why are dicks attractive?" We all know that they are, otherwise we wouldn't obsess over them, either feminine or masculine penises
I couldn't agree more.

The Flood / Are you down with the rectangle?
« on: May 10, 2017, 05:06:19 PM »

Trust me Loaf, there's tons of users here who would pay to see you get Batista Bombed through a flaming table

The Flood / Re: I have this huge nasty bush on my pubes
« on: May 09, 2017, 08:20:31 PM »
i shave that hair with a straight razor

not even joking lol

its just waaay easier and the hair just falls off

you gotta do it after being in a hot bath for a while so the hair gets really soft
A fucking straight razor? Those things are fucking terrifying.
yeah i sharpen them to the point where you can shave a hair into even smaller hairs

this is the razor i use

i strop the blade on a kangaroo skin leather strop with super fine polishing compound
Jesus christ dude.

The Flood / Re: I have this huge nasty bush on my pubes
« on: May 09, 2017, 08:13:32 PM »
i shave that hair with a straight razor

not even joking lol

its just waaay easier and the hair just falls off

you gotta do it after being in a hot bath for a while so the hair gets really soft
A fucking straight razor? Those things are fucking terrifying.

People probably see that in you, Loaf.
Then fuck them

So I was just in this chat room and this idiot who has this mentally disabled friend wanted their friend to come in, and they asked me out of the 3 other people in the chat room to leave because apparently their friend doesn't like being around people she's never met. I wanted to just tell her that her friend and herself could fuck off, but then I thought that that would be a bad diplomatic move, because then I would create tension between myself and other people in the chat room. So I just said oh my fucking god and I left.

None the less I feel like I could stab her retarded disabled friend. Do you ever feel the will to just beat the fucking shit out of someone much weaker than you? I feel like I could beat my fist against her stupid face and it would feel good.

The Flood / I have this huge nasty bush on my pubes
« on: May 09, 2017, 04:38:31 PM »
Should I shave it off, or would that be gay?

The Flood / Has political correctness gone too far?
« on: May 09, 2017, 04:24:43 PM »
This country has really gone down hill since they allowed niggers, gays, and women the right to vote.

The Flood / Re: Being sick sucks
« on: May 09, 2017, 04:23:45 PM »
Nigger. You're probably unhealthy and don't eat a nutritious diet.


The Flood / Jim, I summon thee.
« on: May 09, 2017, 08:17:22 AM »
You heard of any good recent metal albums? I haven't heard anything new from the metal scene lately.

The Flood / Yesterday I was out at lunch...
« on: May 01, 2017, 05:55:26 AM »
and I arched my back, I cocked my head back, I tucked my elbows to my side, and I screamed at the top of my lungs GLOBAL WARMING ISN'T REAAAAAL GLOBAL WARMING ISN'T REAAAAL and I got a roaring round of applause. Btw yesterday was my birthday.

If you go into the bathroom when you're an america, when you're in the bathroom European.

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