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Messages - Loaf

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lol arent you a grown man why are you asking for christmas presents still
Yeah, and I get them too. Are you jealous? :^)

The Flood / Re: haha no money but I still got drugs
« on: September 18, 2017, 05:58:21 PM »
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to proceed from your topic question when you clearly stated you do drugs. Do not do drugs.

I don't like asking for things cuz I know my mom already does enough for me
Don't be a nigger.

Anime pillow
If you had several hundred dollars? Sounds like an expensive anime pillow.

So, the only things that I could think of to ask for for Christmas, are plushies or rare and/or collectible books. There has to be something else that I actually could use more. Like, idk, some appliance or some really nice coat, or some piece of electronic which would be pretty awesome. I can basically ask for several hundred dollars worth of stuff. The only thing I've asked for so far has been this leatherbound Easton Press version of the complete works of Euronymous Bosch.

In all seriousness, what sorts of things would you ask for if you could ask for several hundred dollars worth of things?

I mean like, spy on them like the ghost of christmas past from the story of scrooge. You can see everything that they do in their private or public life. Would you? The answer to most people would probably be yes.

The Flood / Re: Have you heard of the talking butthole?
« on: September 17, 2017, 03:08:24 PM »
I want to die
I'd give you a hug if I could.
Tfw you can`t hug people on the internet through a monitor

The Flood / Have you heard of the talking butthole?
« on: September 17, 2017, 10:19:15 AM »
The talking butthole says, hi, how may I serve you today? xd



The Flood / Martin Luther King had a dream, and look what happened to him
« on: September 15, 2017, 03:31:40 AM »
Let this serve as a lesson.

The Flood / Re: I would like to share a post from my blog
« on: September 13, 2017, 04:22:01 PM »
Huh, I don't think you are a tans person like I have seen of some people who switch genders, but I might be wrong, but I must say it is getting hard to figure out what you and being confident and being open to your family.

Well at least you can be slightly open to your family, while I cannot, due to concept of saving face in our extended family. Why I prefer to split my personality on both my family and their friends side and among my friends. But even with my friends it is kind of scary to talk, especially when one looked at me slightly weird when I said I had a thing for a dude who was kind of feminine.

Anyway sorry for hijacking, you planning on going back to the club to enter more discussions?

Also having anxiety attacks is a hell of a problem.
I'm not trans, I'm not going to transition to female. That would be ironic, considering I don't really identify with gender. I think that gender is an arbitrary social construct, there's not really any defined rules for what gender should be, and I know that I don't identify with strictly one variant of these generalized social norms. I would say that there's part of me that feel feminine and parts of me that feel masculine, although it's hard for me to even define what gender is in the first place.

The Flood / Re: I would like to share a post from my blog
« on: September 13, 2017, 06:40:32 AM »
yo jim, I didn't remove you

The Flood / Re: I have conflicting feelings about police brutality
« on: September 10, 2017, 11:19:02 AM »
High taxes and big government creates poverty.
That doesn't make sense. What does big government even mean to you? Are you saying that when people can afford college and health care that that creates poverty? Nooooo. You're literally just an echo of right wing talking points. High taxes, okay; but what if those taxes come from the super wealthy, and the wealth isn't concentrated in the hands of a few, and that money goes to the people who actually need it? It starts to sound like your entire statement is wrong; which it is.

The Flood / I have conflicting feelings about police brutality
« on: September 10, 2017, 09:34:33 AM »
You know, I have two very weird conflicting parts of me, concerning police brutality. One part of me knows that a lot of racial profiling happens, and crime is mostly caused by poverty, which is what should be addressed instead of increasing police presence; it's the wrong treatment for the disease. But then, another part of me just gets pissed off that there's people who have to do awful criminal stuff, like roam around the streets at night making it dangerous to walk around for others, and selling drugs to kids and getting into stupid pointless gang battles; and the part of me that thinks of that just thinks, good, go beat the fuck out of those fucking human insects.

The Flood / Re: Any rape babies on this forum?
« on: September 09, 2017, 12:56:39 PM »
In 4th grade I was almost raped in a bathroom by a large gay black boy a grade above me during after school program
Did he impregnate you?

The Flood / Re: I would like to share a post from my blog
« on: September 07, 2017, 11:26:38 PM »
loaf you cunt ass bitch why did you delete me on Discord you stupid mong
no lol. I haven't seen you in a while, dude. I'm mittens on discord, add me, or just find me again. I never removed you. I'm late night can't sleep phone posting, so I'm not gonna be on to respond right now.

The Flood / I would like to share a post from my blog
« on: September 07, 2017, 04:17:46 PM »
I have about 20 minutes before I go to my psychologist appointment (yeah, you can tell I’m one crazy bitch, can’t you), so I thought I’d write a little bit about why I find it difficult to talk to my mom about the classes I chose to take this semester in college.

This semester, I signed up for multicultural literature, the theme rotates every year, and this year is lgbt literature. So I had to sign up! It sounded so cool. Yet, yesterday when I was riding in the car with my mom, I couldn’t bring myself to tell her about the classes that I was taking. I mentioned that I was really enjoying the multicultural literature class, and I even said that the short story I read last night was my favorite I’ve read so far. That attempt to coax an inquiry from my mom, seguing into a discussion about the topic, just didn’t happen.

Why I didn’t just bring up the topic to her directly, is because I don’t feel comfortable talking to my mom about lgbt themes. My mom has so many lgbt friends, actually organized a panel to discuss lgbt issue in my city, and talks about going to drag shows with her gay friends from college. Yet, I never talk to her about the issues that I feel, pertaining to my own self image and sexual orientation.

I would say that I’m gender non conforming, I’ve always preferred to see myself as cute, rather than manly. That isn’t to say that I feel like I’m trapped in the wrong body, although I do wish that the skin on my face was softer, and the hair on my legs wasn’t so thick. My mom, however, seems to have inborn biases which are present throughout all people, and so does my dad to a degree; even though I don’t think they’re aware of these things.

I once asked my mom whether or not she thought it was weird for guys to shave their legs; she told me that it’s definitely weird. I tell her often that I wish that my face wasn’t rough because of past acne problems, I even told her that I would prefer to be cute instead of manly, in those words. She says “oh, like a babies butt?” I think she may be trying to lighten the mood, but it does not seem appropriate at all, considering that actually is how I want my face to look, except for the macabre picture of the skin from a babies ass covering my face. What the fuck.

I hate gender norms, and I think that even the issue of sexuality falls into this category, which is why I don’t even feel comfortable telling my parents that sometimes I still go to that lgbt center that I volunteered at; which was just one of several organizations that I said I was interested in, under the moniker that I just really feel passionately about the cause. I’ve told my parents explicitly that I would date a guy, but I don’t find most guys attractive. I even let it slip from my tongue once that I was using the bisexual search option on okcupid. Yet in spite of all of this, I still feel uncomfortable talking about the issue with my mom.

The internet is where I usually cultivate a cuter, more androgynous personality, much like the “femboy” that I see myself as, than the “ruddy” faced (as my mom would say), hairy legged, totally butch guy that I identify as in general. This is one of the reasons I identify so strongly with the trans community I suppose, sometimes I even like to go by they them pronouns. I think I would fall more under the category of non binary though, I just want to reiterate for categorical accuracy, that I don’t see myself as transgender.

I was going to go to the queer student club at my college yesterday, but unfortunately I had an anxiety attack during multicultural literature class, which my mom was driving me home from the hospital from. I went to raise my hand during class, and all of a sudden I noticed that I felt like my hand was about to go limp and I was going to pass out. I was answering the question the professor posed, which was to give examples of bi chic in modern culture; I raised my hand and mentioned lil peep. The anxiety of raising my hand and talking about lil peep did give me some anxiety, but it was mostly because I had drank a medium cup of this unusually strong caffeinated coffee that morning, after not having much breakfast. I am really sensitive to caffeine, and that pushed me over the edge.

I won’t go into the effects of the actual anxiety attack, because they are horrendous and don’t need to be shared, I’m still sort of trying to get over how horrifying and somewhat embarrassing it was, but that is what brought up this issue for me in the first place - brought it into focus when usually it’s just something that I tolerate. It’s hard that I can’t even talk to my mom about the class I’m taking, and that it’s related, even if not directly, to what was happening when I had a huge anxiety attack.

Hey, it looks like I was able to finish writing this in 20 minutes! Now I am going to the place where I obviously belong, in the seat of a psychologist, talking about my problem with a person whose intelligent and understanding, and working through difficult, complex issues.

The Flood / Re: Who is the number one pound-for-pound boxer on this forum?
« on: September 07, 2017, 08:00:34 AM »
"Sean "the man with retard strength" Kovalski" lmao

The Flood / Re: Any rape babies on this forum?
« on: September 07, 2017, 06:52:56 AM »

The Flood / Re: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
« on: September 07, 2017, 06:51:49 AM »
And here we finally have it.  We should screen shot this and put it in the museum for all to see. 

Loaf finally posted  something normal
Niggers tongue my anus.

The Flood / (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
« on: September 06, 2017, 06:57:00 PM »
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

If it's a black republican he's likely a good man.
Republican politics as a whole are severely misguided.

Nah fam, usually when I see a black dude walking I think about how I just wanna drop to my knees and worship his big black cock

Is anyone else so annoyed by people who are bitchy about racial identity, that whenever they see a picture of a black person they just think, uggggh, here we go again. It's the black person up in my face about to tell me about how oppressive white people are.

I was just scrolling through tumblr, and I saw a picture of this woman, and my gut reaction was uggggh. But then I thought to myself, it's just a picture of a girl, dude, lmao. Nothing should make me feel like that, but I do, because it's so annoying listening to people bitch about identity politics.

The Flood / I started college and now I don't have a life anymore lmao
« on: September 02, 2017, 06:45:06 PM »
I have to spend all my time studying. I don't have any time to do anything except school, food, sleep, repeat. Fuck, it sucks. You can get caught in such a mindset of pessimism that you just feel like everything is fucking garbage and you want to escape the suffering. But I was just hanging out with my family who are pretty cool, and it unstuck the cyclical mindset of pessimism you can get trapped in, from a whole week of unrequited suffering. I fucking hate school.

The Flood / Re: What is your favorite movie of all time?
« on: September 02, 2017, 06:28:09 PM »
My favorite movie is THE NIGGER.

The Flood / Do people who are happy deserve to live?
« on: September 02, 2017, 01:03:56 PM »
I pose this question to you, denizens of

The Flood / Re: anyone else meme themselves into being gay?
« on: September 02, 2017, 01:03:15 PM »
I'm not sure if meme'd, but either way it fucking sucks.  I hate being gay
HAHAHAHA sucks to be you

The Flood / Re: There should be one world language
« on: August 27, 2017, 01:43:09 PM »
boy shut your dumb ass up and eat your collard greens
I will eat my collard greens. However, I won't be silent.

The Flood / There should be one world language
« on: August 27, 2017, 01:26:56 PM »
Think about it, the whole world is divided by all of their own languages. The world should devise a single government which controls all of the world, and in principle, if that government was logically actualized, they would kill all of the people who refuse to speak English. English is already the most important language in the world, and we need to have a world where we're all united. Now, I'm not saying I would ever personally kill anyone, I'm just saying if there was one world government, that is, by principle, the policy they would enact, if they were logically actualized.

I mean think about it, all the languages of the world are basically saying the same thing anyways, having more than one just creates a language barrier.

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