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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: Controlling parents
« on: January 09, 2015, 08:01:07 PM »
Leelah Alcorn was basically told she will never be allowed to be a woman when she's transgender. How can that alone not be a signal to you that she was being treated terribly? Not only did she suffer through the intolerance of her own parents, but she was taken out of school and her internet was taken away too. Not only did she have no one at home to accept who she was, she didn't have friends online who she could talk to either. She was sent to "therapists" who basically told her that she was wrong and selfish for being transgender. That is child abuse. I don't think you understand what transgender is, and I don't think you understand how it effects the people who wish they were a different gender. It is crushing to them. I was close friends with someone who is transgender.

The Flood / Re: Controlling parents
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:57:36 PM »
psh, shutting off the wifi is nothing.
Trust me, it can be a lot worse.
yeah you could be Leelah Alcorn. rip.
You just went there...
Honestly, I don't think she had it nearly as bad as people like to claim. There are so many people who have had to live through so much worse.
You can't deny that what she went through was bad. Please don't tell me you're one of those people who criticizes her.

Btw yes what she went through was terrible.

The Flood / Re: Most hardcore person in music?
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:41:42 PM »
you forgot to post the footage of gg allin actually doing that shit (warning: video contains scat)


The Flood / Re: Most hardcore person in music?
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:39:49 PM »
I'm assuming by "hardcore", you mean "edgy".

Trent Reznor
what the fuck, are you serious?

The Flood / Re: Most hardcore person in music?
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:39:22 PM »
Hanatarash was pretty violent. They would just smash stuff and that was the entire concert and one time they drove a bulldozer on stage and destroyed shit with it. the also tried to throw a Molotov cocktail on stage but were stopped somehow. I would go with gg allin too though.

The Flood / Re: Controlling parents
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:34:05 PM »
psh, shutting off the wifi is nothing.
Trust me, it can be a lot worse.
yeah you could be Leelah Alcorn. rip.

The Flood / Re: When a lady squirts, is it pee?
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:29:35 PM »
this is literally the people who are saying piss is gross itt

The Flood / Re: When a lady squirts, is it pee?
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:25:32 PM »
And they're testing this why?

« on: January 09, 2015, 07:23:16 PM »
what an ironic fucking name for such a fat dog.

The Flood / Re: Controlling parents
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:22:10 PM »
I'm 20 years old and just a couple weeks ago my parents gave me a lock to my bedroom door, and I am moving out in a month anyways. Just last year I asked my mom for help sewing on a death metal patch to my back pack. She refused because "what if someone who doesn't like death metal sees you and tries to shoot you". I am dead fucking serious, she said that. She sewed it on the next day because I explained to her that I ride my bike through a really rich neighborhood and that wouldn't happen in a million years. My parents used to turn off the internet when I disobeyed them all the time when I was younger.

The Flood / Re: Do any of you faggots know what Cheerwine is?
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:05:47 PM »
Looks like a shitty soft drink.

The Flood / Re: Come and eat, my little birdies
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:04:19 PM »
this isn't shit or marijuana. this is bird food for little birdies. eat up.

The Flood / Come and eat, my little birdies
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:01:02 PM »

I was eating some salad with spinach, two tablespoons of light dressing, and blackberries. I was trying to keep the dressing low and I just kept adding more and more spinach so I could eat more of it. Well eventually there was no more dressing and I had a mouth full of plain spinach. So it was too gross and I spit it out. I thought that maybe some of my little baby birdies would appreciate the nutrition. Eat up little birdies ^‿^

My best qualities is that sometimes I eat cookies and then the cookies are inside of me. So therefor for a brief period of time I literally am part of the cookie and the cookie is part of me. The worst part is I can't always be made of cookies.

The Flood / Re: How much of a phaggot is OP?
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:23:51 PM »
op is this much of a faggot o_____________________________o

The Flood / Re: whoaaa this is just like the old site
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:19:07 PM »
Lofe get some Doc Martens but if you wanna be cool get Solovairs or some shit actually still made in England.
You're the /fa/ man, dude.

My take is that there should be people who are allowed to allow genetic modifications to themselves but not for their kids or for other people. It would be chaotic if people got modified at birth. That is pretty much eugenics. I think that if a person wants to modify their dna code under their own volition then they should be allowed to. I don't know how that would even work though.

The Flood / Re: whoaaa this is just like the old site
« on: January 09, 2015, 05:55:51 PM »
I wouldn't go for that really cliche overcoat look or something. I saw someone who had a style that I really admired on the bus. I really like the working class style. I hate preppy pretty kids who wear all their stupid slick outfits to look like they're special. I would go for something between a cross of hardcore punk and columbine overcoat and combat boots style. Like, I wanna look ratty and cool, but I don't want to look like some fedora school shooter. You know what I mean? I also don't want to look like some trendy follower of the punk style. I am really bland when it comes to outfits though. I don't like to be really bold and attention seeking with what I wear.

The Flood / Re: whoaaa this is just like the old site
« on: January 09, 2015, 05:48:11 PM »
I see no free for all thread so I'll just post this here.

I want some fucking combat boots. none of that girly stylist crap either that you see in google image search. I want something that says that I AM THE FUCKING AUTHORITY.

The Flood / Re: So my college is reprimanding me for "Islamaphobia"
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:51:58 PM »
I wouldn't even go. The "sensitivity class" sounds really pointless. I would just say "fuck islam. all the towelheads worship a pedophile" right to their face. I would too, don't doubt my boldness. I have said shit in college that got me kicked out of classrooms. I really hate the politically correct phase that our country is going through. It's good that we have equality and there aren't as many people being persecuted I guess. What I hate is how we have this hyper sensitive fear of being intolerant or racist. I have started to allow myself to say more racist jokes and make more offensive racist remarks, but because I no longer feel like I should be obligated to be held down under some sort of social control like I felt when I was younger.

The Flood / Re: whoaaa this is just like the old site
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:44:19 PM »
aw man. no wildfire :(
If there's one thing I miss about bnet is how there were so many adorable gay users. I kinda am trying to decide if I am into guys too. I mostly only think about guys in terms of my sexual orientation but I also am kind of late in the development of sexual orientation. I really don't know if I would actually fuck a guy, or if my entire porn folder and tumblr being filled with gay porn is just an experimentation or something.
10/10 avatar dude, one on the left is the cutest imo.
You disgust me.
>hating cute boys

The only disgusting one here is you.
What's the point of being gay when you like overly effeminate metrosexual boys?
because boobs are gross af.

The Flood / Re: whoaaa this is just like the old site
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:34:35 PM »
is wyldfyre still here o3o

adub /^3^\

hi everyone
Dope avatar :^)

An oldfoman perhaps, rejoining the fray?

It's been too long since I've seen old faces.

The Flood / Re: whoaaa this is just like the old site
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:27:20 PM »
adub /^3^\

hi everyone

The Flood / Re: Music thread!
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:05:43 PM »
I really want to get into drone music. I have been listening to a ton of whitehouse lately. My current favorite genre is power electronics. I like a ton of different genres. I think I know a ton of music and I couldn't really tell you all of it without having a long conversation with you or writing down everything I like which would take forever. I really enjoy this whitehouse song but it's not a good reflection of my whole taste at all

The Flood / whoaaa this is just like the old site
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:02:49 PM »
good times man. good times. remember when it used to be a good forum and not weird af? do they still let you block people here?

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