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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:07:39 PM »
Why did Loaf get mad today? ._.
Who gives a shit. The universe has already made up it's mind. They have already prepared me for the harvest. In a short matter of time I will probably be culled from this website to promote a nicer, more efficient environment.

The Flood / Report me, ban me you cunts
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:06:27 PM »
I have been here only a couple days. I can see that no one really gives a fuck unless you give to them. No one really gives a fuck about you and only wants to troll you. If you expect me to give without asking for anything in return, and then get trolled by a bunch of assholes, then put me under watch when someone reports me... you people are only give and take. Your whole ethos is based off of just blithely following the rules, and then not really giving a fuck about anyone but yourselves, then expecting it all to work like a nice little system. No wonder people live such boring and meaningless lives. You're a fucking disgrace and I fucking hate this.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:02:18 PM »
I'm pretty sure cannabis helps.
You are one snide retard. I told you in the skype group that I didn't want to hear about weed. I told you a million times I can't get any of it here. You can seriously go jump in front of a fucking truck. You are being a cunt and I don't want to deal with you. Please fuck off and/or die. Fuck you.

Good, report me you stupid fuck. I'm glad to see that you're so butthurt. Or better yet, you're probably laughing so fucking hard. You're probably having the time of your pathetic life. Go on and laugh it up. I hope that you feel worse when your little ego trip, your little high off your own self importance comes crashing down. I hope that when it crashes down that it destroys your pathetic little mind. Fuck you.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:58:16 PM »
I'm pretty sure cannabis helps.
You are one snide retard. I told you in the skype group that I didn't want to hear about weed. I told you a million times I can't get any of it here. You can seriously go jump in front of a fucking truck. You are being a cunt and I don't want to deal with you. Please fuck off and/or die. Fuck you.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:52:10 PM »
Can't say I relate to that. Have you ever considered talking to a professional about this?
I have been talking to one for about 10 weeks. Whenever my parents ask me if it's helping I just say "I don't fucking know."

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:45:52 PM »
I'm sorry, but tl;dr.
I really wish that people would just not even bother to make a comment if all they have to say is tl;dr. That has been a pet peeve of mine for years.

The Flood / Re: I want hugs.
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:43:14 PM »

what movie is this? it looks like some pixar children's movie but i keep seeing people posting that woman's face.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:40:06 PM »
I forgot the part about school where usually after a little while I just get fed up with my classmates. I have told people on numerous occasion to shut up, kill themself, in the middle of class. I just can't stand school.

The Flood / Re: Are You Happy With Where You Are In Life?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:33:24 PM »
Hell yes.  On track to get a bachelor's in computer information systems and making $600/mo. teaching guitar, bass and drums for about six hours a week.

Life is great.
I hope you get hit by a car and get strune across the street as a big fucking tire track splatter. You fucking cunt. Fuck you and your happy life. All happy people deserve to die a gore splatter death.
hyperbole is fun!
whoa, that is an awesome word. I will need to remember that, because that makes up a big chunk of my vocabulary is hyperbole.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:29:52 PM »
Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
Now a days I just feel completely dead inside most of the time.
Well that took a turn. ._.
Not a turn. Just a culmination of two feelings. I used the thread to put one idea, made up of two ideas.

The Flood / Re: Are You Happy With Where You Are In Life?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:24:08 PM »
Hell yes.  On track to get a bachelor's in computer information systems and making $600/mo. teaching guitar, bass and drums for about six hours a week.

Life is great.
I hope you get hit by a car and get strune across the street as a big fucking tire track splatter. You fucking cunt. Fuck you and your happy life. All happy people deserve to die a gore splatter death.

The Flood / Re: Are You Happy With Where You Are In Life?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:21:50 PM »
Hell fucking now. Happy hasn't been the majority of my emotions for years. In fact I'd say a good day for me is an extreme minority. I completely resent people who have happier lives than I do. It's not fair that I am part of the human race and I don't get a piece of the pie. I guess that's why they call it a race though. It's a big fucking rat race to get ahead of each other. No one really gets a fair chance unless they go out of their way to really accomplish something. Or if they are given a silver spoon when they are born. Healthy mind, healthy community, healthy family, healthy friends. Not everyone is that fucking lucky though. You mother fucking son of a bitch. Fuck people.

The Flood / Re: Petition to turn Sep7agon into a hugbox
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:18:04 PM »
I've had enough of these mean-spirited posts and ganging up on users, and it needs to stop. We should be a welcoming community for everyone of any background. We should change and enforce the rules to reflect that.

Threads call call out specific religions or lifestyles in a negative manner should be locked on sight. Some topics should be completely off-limits so we don't offend anyone. The last thing we want is a witch hunt.

I think it's high time we become a healthier community. What do you say, my friends?
insulting religion is a good thing though. insulting lifestyles though, not a good thing.

The Flood / Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:15:59 PM »
I don't mean like laws. I think it's pretty easy to not break the law, because it's not really that tempting to run a red light, steal, kill, rape, murder, none of those things really appeal to me. What I am talking about is when you're at school or in a chat room. For me, obeying the restrictions of any place becomes too much to tolerate after a certain amount of time. When I have been in schools it usually takes about a few months in. I just stop caring about going to class. I stop caring about waiting to raise my hand and I may just call something out. That's because sometimes I may just hate the teacher or hate the class.

Then there's chat rooms. I usually don't last more than a couple days in a chat room. What I hate is having to respect authority in a chat room. To me a lot of moderators seem like some retard that was just given a position of power. It's used to lord over all of the members. If you don't like it then you can't speak up. Disrespecting a moderator of some sort is just an easy ticket to get banned. I feel like that wherever I go. It may be because of some rule that you can't insult someone's religion. It may be because you can't complain too much about something. It may be because you aren't getting along nicely with another person. I hate them so much.

I don't know what to do about this situation. I feel unwelcome basically anywhere I go besides my own house. It feels like when I am around my own parents I just get instantly agitated. I bet they are setting this for me for good, but sometimes I don't know; the move to colorado. They are letting me move there by myself in a college town in an apartment. I asked my own younger brother if he'll miss me and he said not really. I feel like there is no one in the world that even gives a shit about me. Absolutely everywhere you go you have to work for some sort of conditional love or friendship. My own relatives feel very uncomfortable around me whenever I am around them. They barely talk to me.

My parents are always out of the house, and I am always in my bedroom on the computer. I don't feel like I have had anyone truly love me or care for me for a very long time. I haven't had an environment where I truly feel loved by anyone for years and years. I haven't talked to any other kid in my neighborhood ever since I graduated high school, almost 3 years ago. I remember clearly in high school being an outcast who no one even talked to. I just feel embarrassed about living. I feel everything I do that causes me some sort of shortcoming, it is just another reason to hate myself for being such a worthless wreck of a human being. I can't even maintain a single friendship, or be a part of a community.

Now a days I just feel completely dead inside most of the time. I guess I just learned exactly what part of my brain is responsible for emitting the chemical that is responsible for depression. I can feel it in my head. Unless I get too overwhelmed I can basically kind of control it now. If I get too depressed then it takes over and I start to feel numb in my head and I start to feel so much mental pain. It doesn't feel like a warm feeling, like when you're angry and it gets you really excited. It feels like my head becomes numb and sensitive to the slightest mental pressure. It becomes so easy to just tick me off and then I just become extremely depressed and angry. It feels like all the blood rushes from my head.

The Flood / Re: Why do people act like 4chan is hard to troll?
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:08:08 AM »
It's because they suck dick.

The Flood / How does one be funny?
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:00:35 AM »
I have examined the "joke" and "funny" and I have concluded that it is "nonsense" which you find "funny". I cannot decipher the method of your "humor". Tell me how to be "funny". 

Septagon / Re: did you update the likes?
« on: January 13, 2015, 07:52:38 AM »
oh, hey that works. thanks.

Septagon / did you update the likes?
« on: January 13, 2015, 07:32:35 AM »
just the first day I joined I was able to look at all the posts I liked and all the posts that people liked by me and how many people liked each post. Now I get notifications which just shows whatever new post got liked, and it shows me what posts people liked by me, but only on a short list that gets cut off, and it shows each individual like, even if it's on the same post. Can you fix this bullshit? I want to actually look at this crap and now it got screwed up like a day after I joined this website.

The Flood / Re: I feel agitated, like my head is boiling
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:56:43 PM »
Lame. But I know what it's like to be devoid of human interaction for prolonged periods of time. It kills you inside.
It's only lame if you choose to look at it that way.

Maybe. But honestly, wouldn't anyone find sitting in their bedroom doing nothing all day lame?
It's not my fucking choice. I can't find anything else to do. You're pissing me off.

It's not my fucking problem if I'm pissing you off or not, mate.
Relax. I am just mad that you belittled me by calling me lame. I honestly want to stab you in the neck right now. I don't believe verbally attacking you will solve anything though.

...I never called you lame? I was calling the situation lame. As in, it's not a fun situation to be in.
My mistake.

The Flood / Re: I feel agitated, like my head is boiling
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:54:06 PM »
Lame. But I know what it's like to be devoid of human interaction for prolonged periods of time. It kills you inside.
It's only lame if you choose to look at it that way.

Maybe. But honestly, wouldn't anyone find sitting in their bedroom doing nothing all day lame?
It's not my fucking choice. I can't find anything else to do. You're pissing me off.

It's not my fucking problem if I'm pissing you off or not, mate.
Relax. I am just mad that you belittled me by calling me lame. I honestly want to stab you in the neck right now. I don't believe verbally attacking you will solve anything though.

The Flood / Re: I feel agitated, like my head is boiling
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:51:15 PM »
Lame. But I know what it's like to be devoid of human interaction for prolonged periods of time. It kills you inside.
It's only lame if you choose to look at it that way.

Maybe. But honestly, wouldn't anyone find sitting in their bedroom doing nothing all day lame?
It's not my fucking choice. I can't find anything else to do. You're pissing me off.

The Flood / Re: I feel agitated, like my head is boiling
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:40:18 PM »
Lame. But I know what it's like to be devoid of human interaction for prolonged periods of time. It kills you inside.
It's only lame if you choose to look at it that way.

The Flood / I feel agitated, like my head is boiling
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:36:43 PM »
I'm just pissed because I have been in my bedroom all day. I am feeling devoid of human interaction. I don't have anyone to talk to on skype, and there's nothing interesting to do on websites. I am sick of websites. I snapped when I asked my mom what there is to do besides get a job or go to school. She said I could play music and I said that I tried that. She said "yeah well you gave up and you didn't try very hard". So I chucked a pen across the room and told her fuck you, I did try, asshole. I just feel so irritable. There is nothing in the world that can make me happy. I feel so tired and my mind feels stricken with tons of bad feelings. I don't believe in anything happy.

I don't want to be told by people on the flood that I am an immature autist, or that I am edgy right now. I just feel absolutely miserable. I feel like all of the life has been drained out of me. I have spent about 3 years in and out of colleges. I never get to live on the campuses. I just do the same thing. I go to them, and then I try to do work, then I go home and am too bored to do the homework. So now I've failed college 3 times because each time I was too depressed and miserable to get any work done. So now I am moving to Colorado. They are setting me up with a house that someone will let me use any time I want, and trying to find me an apartment to live in in the town near the college. I will be away from all of my family (not that that matters), and I won't know anyone (just like I don't know anyone right now). I cannot stress enough how fucking miserable I am. Everything I think just hurts.

Its like watching a train wreck, a soviet style train wreck. I feel bad for the Russian people, it is just a never ending cycle honestly. That government will eventually collapse or lose power and the only thing we can hope for is to get a sensible person in charge over there. *Fingers crossed*
No one sensible ever rises to power when there's a revolution.

The Flood / Re: Do you pee standing up or sitting down
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:00:48 PM »
Depends on if I have to pee or if I have to poop while I pee. Sometimes I do both at the same time.

OP probably resents the fact they mutilated his penis. Now he's taking it out on everyone else. I think circumcision is pretty stupid. It doesn't surprise me that so many people look at an uncircumcised penis as disgusting. This is that power complex I was thinking about earlier. People want to erase things from their conscience that make them upset, like circumcision, so they treat uncircumcised penises as gross. This is how society works, when they want to make something normal to compensate for their insecurity.

Good, now they can't spread the  disease
What disease?

The Flood / Re: How does this place compare to old Flood?
« on: January 11, 2015, 11:47:10 PM »
Seems like a lot less super popular people. I remember exalted keza, teh illusive man, jay and harlow (or as I like to call them "pieces of crap"), etc etc. It seems like everyone gets attention around here. It's not a frantic dog pile to get attention like it was a few years ago before the site update. It's still nice around here, I get kinda the same feeling I had in old days too.

Serious / Re: How I feel about the use of "autism" as a derogatory slur
« on: January 11, 2015, 09:38:47 PM »

I don't think it lessens the appreciation or enjoyment at all, if you had to buy it first to be able to hear it then I'd say that would be a step backwards.

All, and I mean all, of the CD purchases I've made have been related to music that I heard first through youtube.
I don't buy a lot of music because it's just not really my thing, but when I have the money to buy the CD of an artist I love then I damn well do so. If the record companies had their way and all illegal music was taken off youtube, then they'd have lost out on about £140 of my money over the years.

But I don't buy the discs because of some moral obligation to getting assfucked by WMG, I buy it because I want to support the artist.
I totally agree about needing to hear music before you buy or download it. I don't know what the world would be like if music wasn't available on youtube to hear before hand.

As for people itt who use youtube for music. Using youtube as a main source of music is rather unwise imo. It is notorious for bad sound quality. I know that I can hear how bad it is on some videos.

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