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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: secret confessions
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:21:17 PM »
I have honestly been reading your username as "dumb nigger" this whole time. I never noticed that it was "numb digger". huh.

The Flood / Come up with a sentence fragment, next person mad lib
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:19:22 PM »
My dad told me "son, when are you going to stop being such a faggot" and I said "__________________________"

The Flood / Re: When a lady squirts, is it pee?
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:06:49 PM »
This reminds me of a gif on /b/ of zoey quin "squirting" a ton. It was supposed to look like she was orgasming or something. So not only is she a scam artist, but she is also a vulgar bitch who pisses everywhere.

Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:26:55 PM »
you can find virtuous teachings in almost all religions... finding a perfect religion? hm, shoot me a message when you figure that one out.
I have never heard one religious "teaching" that doesn't just sound like preachy crap.
well, many religions have variations of "the golden rule." Matthew 7:12 states "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (NIV) That sounds fair to me- do unto others as you would have them do to yourself. That creates a sense of social obligation and morality and encourages virtuous behavior. Is everything in the Bible virtuous? fuck no, absolutely not. Is the Golden Rule virtuous? Certainly.

You can also find this sort of thing in Eastern traditions. Take Confucianism for example- not necessarily a religious tradition, but Confucianism is an ethical and moral philosophy which stresses social harmony and has influenced East Asian culture for an extraordinarily long time. Of course, there are flaws with traditional Confucian "family roles" (in this day and age, and in our culture especially, family roles and gender/marriage are much more fluid than they would have been in Kongfuzi's time, so we have a different understanding of those things which clashes with the traditional Confucian family roles) but ideas of social harmony and the Rectification of Names (proper designation of things so as to create concrete meaning and foster proper relationships) are certainly virtuous.

Look at Buddhism- at its core, traditional Buddhism teaches us that our suffering stems from our attachment to the transient. We can transcend this suffering by detaching ourselves from earthly things, by practicing mindfulness and meditation. Is that wholly accurate? Perhaps not, but it's reasonable to say that being mindful of our attachment to the transient is virtuous and can lead us on the path to inner peace.

Of course, this begs the question- can we objectively define "virtue?" I think that, by considering established conventional understandings of morality, ethics, and logic, we can objectively define virtue, and many religious teachings can impart virtuous wisdom to those who are willing to consider them with an open mind and proper perspective.
Alright. It seems like religion is really based on culture. It seems to have a very hard time adapting to the shifts of modern times. It seems like a lot of people who are into religion are staunchly into tradition. It seems like a very weak position to hold, to just say "I am happy with things the way they have been for years, and I don't ever want them to change". I have talked to a lot of religious people who just say "well things have been this way for such a long time, and they "work"". No, they don't really work. I think that society has just been able to survive and it has been no better off with religious teachings, and especially not superstition, or the religious dogma of the old ages.

It seems like every religion you point to you also point out how it is flawed in some way. What I see in religion is an institution that adopts a ton of values and calls them it's own values. Anyone can start a religion. Usually a religion is linked to some sort of "important" event, so that way people have some better appreciation of it or something. I think trying to live by some sort of moral philosophy is just pointless. I think if you look at psychology you can tell a lot more about a person by how their parents raised them. I think one of the big tenants of religion is to go and "serve" the lord, or whatever god you worship. That is one of the biggest problems to me in religion. Why would you serve something which doesn't exist? There is no original sin. There is no afterlife. There is no god.

I guess if religion were more about trying to discover your own mind through meditation or something. Maybe if religion actually had proven methods of reaching a higher state of consciousness. Or if it could actually help you with things like mood, feelings. To me the only thing I ever hear about that is that praying comforts some people. It makes them happy to know that the magical sky daddy loves them. I'm sorry to be so condescending. Truly, whenever I hear about religion, I just feel my stomach churn. I have a difficult time listening to religious people talk. If I am in a group of people I have a very hard time talking about it. If I am one on one though then I can usually just hear the person I'm talking to out without going on the offensive side and trying to break down everything they say.
ah, but now you can acknowledge the virtuous teachings despite the flaws, yes? that's a good jumping off point from which to develop your own unique worldview. learn from all of the different world traditions... learn philosophy and theology and ethics and morality, and you will come to see the world and our culture in a new light
I can see that every religion probably has pieces and parts that can be adopted. I don't see why someone would follow one. Please don't "ah" me. That sounds rather glib. But again, I also must point out that all these good tenants of religion weren't born out of the religion themselves. I must say that we don't need the religion itself as much as we need the ideas. The ideas that some of them claim as their own. The so called "golden rule" do on to other etc. is not a uniquely christian view. I think that a lot of christians convince themselves that it is. They say that you can't be good to others without fearing punishment if you don't obey. That should seem demonstrably silly to anyone, because it's pretty much common sense; if someone is obeying someone out of fear of punishment they're not doing it for the right reasons.

Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:09:33 PM »
Jainism is pretty chill, and LaVeyan Satanism is at its core, very atheistic.
I got that sense from Laveyan Satanism too. I've read some brief summaries and talk to a few people. Some were associated with satanists and maybe a few were. If I turned to any religion it would be for shits and giggles. I don't really expect to open up my mind to a new way of thinking or anything. Lavey Satanism seems like the most reasonable of any religion. It doesn't involve worshiping some sort of god or something. Satan represents yourself as just another animal. I get the sense that it's tenants are just an anti religious-dogma stance. I dunno though.

I dunno though. I went to a satanist forum and asked them if that was what it was allow about. They told me that I really shouldn't be talking if I haven't actually read the satanic bible. They said why would it be a religion if it didn't involve following some sort of tenants, or something. So yeah. I dunno if I actually care to read the satanic bible or not. I looked at the pictures of the people on the satanist website and they all seemed pretty edgy looking. I am not really an edgy person. It was an official forum helped set up by some of the founding members of satanism too.

Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:31:47 AM »
Why do people feel the need to have someone tell them what to do? Why do people feel more comfortable learning someone else's teachings than trying to come up with their own? They try to find one ideology to believe in. They want something that will guide them through their confusing and scary life and give them hope. There has got to be a better way to find hope in the world. There has to be a better way than what people are doing. To worship something that something they don't even know exists. To say that that thing which is pretend in their heads loves them. There has to be a better way than that. If that is the way that you live your life, I think you need to really step back and reevaluate your life.

The Flood / Re: / is literally nothing.
« on: January 14, 2015, 08:09:25 AM »
ohh, so that's the one they call slash.


Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 14, 2015, 05:46:08 AM »
you can find virtuous teachings in almost all religions... finding a perfect religion? hm, shoot me a message when you figure that one out.
I have never heard one religious "teaching" that doesn't just sound like preachy crap.
well, many religions have variations of "the golden rule." Matthew 7:12 states "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (NIV) That sounds fair to me- do unto others as you would have them do to yourself. That creates a sense of social obligation and morality and encourages virtuous behavior. Is everything in the Bible virtuous? fuck no, absolutely not. Is the Golden Rule virtuous? Certainly.

You can also find this sort of thing in Eastern traditions. Take Confucianism for example- not necessarily a religious tradition, but Confucianism is an ethical and moral philosophy which stresses social harmony and has influenced East Asian culture for an extraordinarily long time. Of course, there are flaws with traditional Confucian "family roles" (in this day and age, and in our culture especially, family roles and gender/marriage are much more fluid than they would have been in Kongfuzi's time, so we have a different understanding of those things which clashes with the traditional Confucian family roles) but ideas of social harmony and the Rectification of Names (proper designation of things so as to create concrete meaning and foster proper relationships) are certainly virtuous.

Look at Buddhism- at its core, traditional Buddhism teaches us that our suffering stems from our attachment to the transient. We can transcend this suffering by detaching ourselves from earthly things, by practicing mindfulness and meditation. Is that wholly accurate? Perhaps not, but it's reasonable to say that being mindful of our attachment to the transient is virtuous and can lead us on the path to inner peace.

Of course, this begs the question- can we objectively define "virtue?" I think that, by considering established conventional understandings of morality, ethics, and logic, we can objectively define virtue, and many religious teachings can impart virtuous wisdom to those who are willing to consider them with an open mind and proper perspective.
Alright. It seems like religion is really based on culture. It seems to have a very hard time adapting to the shifts of modern times. It seems like a lot of people who are into religion are staunchly into tradition. It seems like a very weak position to hold, to just say "I am happy with things the way they have been for years, and I don't ever want them to change". I have talked to a lot of religious people who just say "well things have been this way for such a long time, and they "work"". No, they don't really work. I think that society has just been able to survive and it has been no better off with religious teachings, and especially not superstition, or the religious dogma of the old ages.

It seems like every religion you point to you also point out how it is flawed in some way. What I see in religion is an institution that adopts a ton of values and calls them it's own values. Anyone can start a religion. Usually a religion is linked to some sort of "important" event, so that way people have some better appreciation of it or something. I think trying to live by some sort of moral philosophy is just pointless. I think if you look at psychology you can tell a lot more about a person by how their parents raised them. I think one of the big tenants of religion is to go and "serve" the lord, or whatever god you worship. That is one of the biggest problems to me in religion. Why would you serve something which doesn't exist? There is no original sin. There is no afterlife. There is no god.

I guess if religion were more about trying to discover your own mind through meditation or something. Maybe if religion actually had proven methods of reaching a higher state of consciousness. Or if it could actually help you with things like mood, feelings. To me the only thing I ever hear about that is that praying comforts some people. It makes them happy to know that the magical sky daddy loves them. I'm sorry to be so condescending. Truly, whenever I hear about religion, I just feel my stomach churn. I have a difficult time listening to religious people talk. If I am in a group of people I have a very hard time talking about it. If I am one on one though then I can usually just hear the person I'm talking to out without going on the offensive side and trying to break down everything they say.

Serious / Re: Long-term consequences of adolescent cannabis use
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:43:16 PM »
I get really annoyed at my stoner friends online for smoking that crap as much as they do. My one former friend was 17 years old and she would smoke it every day and always be telling me about their bong hits and shit. Not only is it annoying, but I seriously think that it effects their cognitive function. People always seem a bit slower when they are smoking weed and trying to talk to me. It's like it's harder for them to carry a train of thought. It's a really fucking annoying drug that gets way way way way way too much notoriety among people. I would smoke it, and I would legalize it, but I just think that it's really stupid the way some people treat it.

Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:37:37 PM »
you can find virtuous teachings in almost all religions... finding a perfect religion? hm, shoot me a message when you figure that one out.
I have never heard one religious "teaching" that doesn't just sound like preachy crap.

Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:27:02 PM »
I don't even understand what the benefit of being religious is.

Serious / Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:23:12 PM »
I always think of how I don't like religion. I don't like how it requires to try to believe in something that you can't prove exists. I don't like how it seems to be so focused on family values (such as things that you would only do with your kids around). How it seems to be a huge source of bigotry and hatred (westboro baptist church, kids being kicked out of their house for whatever, wars). Hell, just look at Islam. It's like the biggest source of war in the whole world. It is so hard for me to understand why people defend religion. Does religion seriously seem cool to you? What do you have to gain? All I ever hear is "oh well the magical sky daddy is really comforting to some people." :u

The Flood / Re: on today's episode of tumblr in action...
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:15:39 PM »
what annoys me about people who pick on tumblr is that tumblr isn't one person. everyone on tumblr that I see is fine and uploads a lot of stuff I actually care about looking at. If you choose to only look at the social justice warrior blogs then that doesn't give you a realistic idea of what tumblr actually is. Pretty much every person who I have talked to that doesn't use tumblr seems to have this same, preprogrammed idea that tumblr is just a terrible place where there is no logic whatsoever. Maybe it's like that in some places, but it's not like that on all of tumblr.
ive been on tumblr for years. i have 29k posts. you're right- tumblr is populated by a wide variety of people with an even wider variety of interests and "blog styles." however, the colloquial understanding is that tumblr provides an echo chamber for social extremists- it has become quite popular (and very easy) to browse through tumblr and find some stupid shit like this that's been reblogged almost 16k times. of course, many microblogging sites incubate and catalyze that sort of behavior, but tumblr is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, and with that popularity comes increased scrutiny
To this day I have never found one of these extremist social justice warrior blogs or feminist blogs that people always talk about. Probably because I have no interest in them and I never go looking for them.

The Flood / Re: on today's episode of tumblr in action...
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:09:51 PM »
what annoys me about people who pick on tumblr is that tumblr isn't one person. everyone on tumblr that I see is fine and uploads a lot of stuff I actually care about looking at. If you choose to only look at the social justice warrior blogs then that doesn't give you a realistic idea of what tumblr actually is. Pretty much every person who I have talked to that doesn't use tumblr seems to have this same, preprogrammed idea that tumblr is just a terrible place where there is no logic whatsoever. Maybe it's like that in some places, but it's not like that on all of tumblr.

The Flood / Re: how much is Ohio state going to beat Oregon by?
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:05:20 PM »
I will never understand people's fascination with sports. It was kinda fun to play when I was younger, until everyone on the team started taking it seriously instead of just having fun. I could never get into watching it be played on television though. It seems so trivial to me.

The Flood / Re: Why would you be attracted to boys trying to be girls
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:44:55 PM »
why wouldn't you be?
are you into men or women?
everyone is bisexual to some degree, and gender is on a scale of androgyny. you think in black and white.
no I don't have sex with black people

The Flood / Re: Why would you be attracted to boys trying to be girls
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:42:24 PM »
why wouldn't you be?
are you into men or women?
everyone is bisexual to some degree, and gender is on a scale of androgyny. you think in black and white.

The Flood / Re: Why would you be attracted to boys trying to be girls
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:40:40 PM »
why wouldn't you be?

The Flood / Re: Come up with your ultimate fantasy right now
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:29:53 PM »

The Flood / Re: Come up with your ultimate fantasy right now
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:29:13 PM »
That is the strangest sexual fantasy ever.
you saying your ultimate fantasy wouldn't be at least partially sexual?

The Flood / Re: Come up with your ultimate fantasy right now
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:27:25 PM »
You don't want to know.
Try me.

yeah I do.

The Flood / Come up with your ultimate fantasy right now
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:25:48 PM »
So to start off, I would have a completely replaceable bedroom so I could squirt water at whatever I wanted to with one of these little squirty syringes
. That are so much fun for drinking water, but it is also fun to squirt stuff with them. I would also live in an automated, self sustaining, perpetual motion device house, that grows it's own food for me, cleans itself, and keeps everything nice and cozy for me, all for free. Then it could be just like minecraft where once you build a house you don't need to even try to survive anymore. Then uh... I would have a band that would get together and play some music with me. Ideally it would be a bunch of cute femboys who all appreciate the same type of music as I do, who could come over to my perpetual motion house and have raging hot sex with me. And I want to explore the universe and see everything that exists in it and live forever and I want to actually have the ability to enjoy reading books and I would generally like it if nothing bad ever happened ever again and I would like to live forever. Maybe if life was just one infinite steaming hot orgasm that would be even better.

The Flood / Re: who is the prettiest pornstar (sfw pls)
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:17:19 PM »

steven kauk <3

I have so many pictures of this guy.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:01:53 PM »
I dunno. It's starting to sound like I would want to avoid the "anarchy". If it's a time where people just go on inexplicable hateful tirades that doesn't really sound like fun. I will probably be looking out for all the sweet porno though  8)

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:55:40 PM »
I can definitely imagine myself to try to be that guy who doesn't instigate a bunch of people when the "anarchy" comes around. If there's one thing I can't really tolerate very well it's when people are assholes people just to start shit. I won't deny that when someone starts something with me I'll flip a switch and start to say shit to them. I think the world would be a really nice place if no one was ever just an asshole to someone unprovoked.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:37:14 PM »
So I think I have an idea of what anarchy time is now. It's basically a time where everyone doesn't have to abide by any rules, except the ones of the united states law. So basically everyone is saying they're sorry to me in advance because they're all going to try to rip me to shreds? That's not very cool :(

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:28:26 PM »
Another thing, secondclass. No one really needs to be told that they're pathetic or that their threads suck. That doesn't really help anyone, and I think it doesn't serve you well either.
Oh, my comments don't help anyone? I never knew that, man. All I want to do is help people, so thank you so much for finally opening my eyes to the damage I've done with my mean words. From now on, I'll only say nice things to everybody!
maybe you can just sarcastically be nice, from now on, like you're doing right now.
Next Anarchy is going to be so much fun with you here.
What's next anarchy?
A temporary forum where pretty much anything except cp/loli goes. Which means cute boys everywhere!
Count me in! Sign me up. Memo please.
Second Anarchy: Deci
Third Anarchy: Kinder
Fourth Anarchy: Loaf
What is this
You poor, poor innocent soul.
I'm sorry in advance.
???????????????? ?
?????????????????????? ?
?????????????????????? ?
?????????????????????? ?
?????????????????????? ?
?????????????????????? ?
?????????????????????? ?
?????????????????????? ?

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:23:53 PM »
Another thing, secondclass. No one really needs to be told that they're pathetic or that their threads suck. That doesn't really help anyone, and I think it doesn't serve you well either.
Oh, my comments don't help anyone? I never knew that, man. All I want to do is help people, so thank you so much for finally opening my eyes to the damage I've done with my mean words. From now on, I'll only say nice things to everybody!
maybe you can just sarcastically be nice, from now on, like you're doing right now.
Next Anarchy is going to be so much fun with you here.
What's next anarchy?
A temporary forum where pretty much anything except cp/loli goes. Which means cute boys everywhere!
Count me in! Sign me up. Memo please.
Second Anarchy: Deci
Third Anarchy: Kinder
Fourth Anarchy: Loaf
What is this

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:18:50 PM »
Another thing, secondclass. No one really needs to be told that they're pathetic or that their threads suck. That doesn't really help anyone, and I think it doesn't serve you well either.
Oh, my comments don't help anyone? I never knew that, man. All I want to do is help people, so thank you so much for finally opening my eyes to the damage I've done with my mean words. From now on, I'll only say nice things to everybody!
maybe you can just sarcastically be nice, from now on, like you're doing right now.
Next Anarchy is going to be so much fun with you here.
What's next anarchy?
A temporary forum where pretty much anything except cp/loli goes. Which means cute boys everywhere!
Count me in! Sign me up. Memo please.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a problem with following rules?
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:18:26 PM »
Next Anarchy is going to be so much fun with you here.
What's next anarchy?
I love fresh fish.
I love sushi. Fresh fish is nice.

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