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Messages - Loaf

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people are allowed to be assholes.

The Flood / Re: Who's going to watch the SuperBowl?
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:05:12 PM »
fuck the god damn superbowl. it's not interesting. it's just a bro dude bee hive. it's a big money funnel for the government. shut up about it and ignore it.

The Flood / Re: Moot is stepping down from 4chan
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:09:24 PM »

this rap that you guys are posting is a total non sequitor.

Faggot, you're less than nothin'
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction
posting musical lyrics isn't against the rules
non sequitor. I was talking about how you called me a faggot and said I am nothing.
those were musical lyrics, representing the difference in cognition between the artistic and logical sides of the brain.
non sequitior. you called a me a faggot.
you choose to belive I called you a faggot
this is kind of a redundant statement.

this rap that you guys are posting is a total non sequitor.

Faggot, you're less than nothin'
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction
posting musical lyrics isn't against the rules
non sequitor. I was talking about how you called me a faggot and said I am nothing.
those were musical lyrics, representing the difference in cognition between the artistic and logical sides of the brain.
non sequitior. you called a me a faggot.

this rap that you guys are posting is a total non sequitor.

Faggot, you're less than nothin'
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction
posting musical lyrics isn't against the rules
non sequitor. I was talking about how you called me a faggot and said I am nothing.

this rap that you guys are posting is a total non sequitor.

Faggot, you're less than nothin'
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction

this rap that you guys are posting is a total non sequitor.

The Flood / Re: Just some thoughts I wanted to share
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:40:50 PM »
well, also would like to add that i originally wrote this for tumblr. I just decided I would copy paste it for here.

The Flood / Re: Just some thoughts I wanted to share
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:34:41 PM »
You're a fucking faggot
awww thanks. you made me smile :)

The Flood / originally written for my tumblr. wanted to post it here too.
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:32:52 PM »
I believe there is more than one part of your brain responsible for thinking. I think that to engage with the environment around you you have to use them, but you can use one side more than the other. I know that the two different hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different actions. It may be impossible to annotate the process of what goes on inside of your head. I feel sometimes like my body is a machine and there is machinery going on behind what I think. I can’t see it and I don’t know exactly how it functions.

What is responsible for controlling our minds? The behavior of humanity, the human condition. I see a lot of people pledging allegiance to their flag. A lot of people go to Church because they say that they need something to believe in. They need a community. There is a basic underlying need behind it. We all seem to be under the impression that we can predict what happens in the world. There really isn’t much wonder that goes on inside the mind of a religious person. They have their explanation of the world and they have their predetermined faith, they have been given something which they feel they desire. The people pledging allegiance to “god” and their country, the country is giving them what they need.

You can have faith in something else besides an invisible man though. You can have a community that is not based off of a congregation of people who all believe in an invisible man, one who imposed rules on our society that we don’t need either. I do believe that if our society splintered off the religions into our own groups, and didn’t try to contain everyone under the same banner of religious or secular, if everyone was just secular and there was no religion, then the world would have a much stronger sense of faith. If we all could just have faith in something that wasn’t something intangible. The world would have stronger characters.

It’s funny to me how people want to pledge allegiance to the country and their god. I wonder how many people actually use their own mind. It seems to me like many people would rather have other people do the thinking for them. Deeper thinkers are the ones who look at things with their own mind and don’t take what other people say without thinking if they agree. Religious people, the patriots of this country. They are all so happy with their system. The system works for them. The people who the government doesn’t work for and the school doesn’t work for don’t get a piece of the pie though. The world was set up for extroverted abstract thinkers who love obeying their authority.

The reason I bring up the different parts of my brain is because those have been abused. The part of my brain responsible for seeing, doing, and experiencing, that part has been damaged after years of abuse and neglect. Abuse by the school system, abused by the isolation and loneliness. I can literally avoid thinking about stuff and it keeps me from getting depressed. But you can’t shut off a part of your brain. The world is set up in a way that suppresses  your will to think on your own or be creative. I have a belief though. Something the pig, insipid, stupid christians never thought of. I have belief that there is something out there for me, a small pocket of humanity out there somewhere for me. I have faith that I will find it. That is what’s most important is living.

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:56:18 PM »
a thread like this probably isn't the way

I didn't bother reading, sorry
I sense some sort of malicious intent here.
try reading some of your own posts sometime, edgelord. maybe people would be more willing to take you seriously if you werent constantly acting like a creepy school shooter.
you don't even fucking know me. I can just imagine your mother right now, and me punching her. I just get the feeling that everyone who grows up to be such a horrid rude human being as yourself would have horrible parents. I didn't do shit and I would be talking nicely if you gave me some respect. all I can imagine right now though is me taking a dry wall cutting saw and sawing through your skin. I would knock you over the head with a sledge hammer and if your head didn't explode from the impact, and if your skull didn't crack leaving you dead on impact, then I would saw you up and try to leave you as cut up, yet still alive as possible. that's what I am thinking about right now really. take it or leave it. but just so you know please don't be a cunt, because that hurts my feelings.

Either you're trolling or the biggest autistic faggot on the Internet.
mmmmm self validation. it's okay, I accept that I am the biggest autistic faggot on the internet. it makes me happy that I can continue to confirm it. gives me a real sense of comfort and complacency, you know?
This was kinda funny at first, but now it's just cringy as hell. Just take a break from the screen before you embarrass yourself even more.
I'm really not worried about embarrassing myself. I'll feel embarrassed about something I actually feel I fucked up. I don't need to set some sort of arbitrary guideline about what I feel needs to happen in communication. frankly I am getting kinda tired of discussing it with you. you don't seem like someone who has much empathy to begin with. I doubt you would have much to offer me.
All I'm saying is that whether you like it or not, there are real guidelines that you have to follow in normal conversation. The sooner you can accept that and try to legitimately overcome your condition, the sooner you can start living a happy life.

I do have empathy, but your posts ITT have just been terrible.
I don't see no fuckin guidelines.
Educate yourself. Social guidelines aren't something you're taught, they're something you're supposed to just pick up on. I don't know why you haven't, but it's obviously something you need to improve about yourself.
I hate reading.

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:47:51 PM »
a thread like this probably isn't the way

I didn't bother reading, sorry
I sense some sort of malicious intent here.
try reading some of your own posts sometime, edgelord. maybe people would be more willing to take you seriously if you werent constantly acting like a creepy school shooter.
you don't even fucking know me. I can just imagine your mother right now, and me punching her. I just get the feeling that everyone who grows up to be such a horrid rude human being as yourself would have horrible parents. I didn't do shit and I would be talking nicely if you gave me some respect. all I can imagine right now though is me taking a dry wall cutting saw and sawing through your skin. I would knock you over the head with a sledge hammer and if your head didn't explode from the impact, and if your skull didn't crack leaving you dead on impact, then I would saw you up and try to leave you as cut up, yet still alive as possible. that's what I am thinking about right now really. take it or leave it. but just so you know please don't be a cunt, because that hurts my feelings.

Either you're trolling or the biggest autistic faggot on the Internet.
mmmmm self validation. it's okay, I accept that I am the biggest autistic faggot on the internet. it makes me happy that I can continue to confirm it. gives me a real sense of comfort and complacency, you know?
This was kinda funny at first, but now it's just cringy as hell. Just take a break from the screen before you embarrass yourself even more.
I'm really not worried about embarrassing myself. I'll feel embarrassed about something I actually feel I fucked up. I don't need to set some sort of arbitrary guideline about what I feel needs to happen in communication. frankly I am getting kinda tired of discussing it with you. you don't seem like someone who has much empathy to begin with. I doubt you would have much to offer me.
All I'm saying is that whether you like it or not, there are real guidelines that you have to follow in normal conversation. The sooner you can accept that and try to legitimately overcome your condition, the sooner you can start living a happy life.

I do have empathy, but your posts ITT have just been terrible.
I don't see no fuckin guidelines.

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:44:34 PM »
a thread like this probably isn't the way

I didn't bother reading, sorry
I sense some sort of malicious intent here.
try reading some of your own posts sometime, edgelord. maybe people would be more willing to take you seriously if you werent constantly acting like a creepy school shooter.
you don't even fucking know me. I can just imagine your mother right now, and me punching her. I just get the feeling that everyone who grows up to be such a horrid rude human being as yourself would have horrible parents. I didn't do shit and I would be talking nicely if you gave me some respect. all I can imagine right now though is me taking a dry wall cutting saw and sawing through your skin. I would knock you over the head with a sledge hammer and if your head didn't explode from the impact, and if your skull didn't crack leaving you dead on impact, then I would saw you up and try to leave you as cut up, yet still alive as possible. that's what I am thinking about right now really. take it or leave it. but just so you know please don't be a cunt, because that hurts my feelings.

Either you're trolling or the biggest autistic faggot on the Internet.
mmmmm self validation. it's okay, I accept that I am the biggest autistic faggot on the internet. it makes me happy that I can continue to confirm it. gives me a real sense of comfort and complacency, you know?
This was kinda funny at first, but now it's just cringy as hell. Just take a break from the screen before you embarrass yourself even more.
I'm really not worried about embarrassing myself. I'll feel embarrassed about something I actually feel I fucked up. I don't need to set some sort of arbitrary guideline about what I feel needs to happen in communication. frankly I am getting kinda tired of discussing it with you. you don't seem like someone who has much empathy to begin with. I doubt you would have much to offer me.

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:35:40 PM »
a thread like this probably isn't the way

I didn't bother reading, sorry
I sense some sort of malicious intent here.
try reading some of your own posts sometime, edgelord. maybe people would be more willing to take you seriously if you werent constantly acting like a creepy school shooter.
you don't even fucking know me. I can just imagine your mother right now, and me punching her. I just get the feeling that everyone who grows up to be such a horrid rude human being as yourself would have horrible parents. I didn't do shit and I would be talking nicely if you gave me some respect. all I can imagine right now though is me taking a dry wall cutting saw and sawing through your skin. I would knock you over the head with a sledge hammer and if your head didn't explode from the impact, and if your skull didn't crack leaving you dead on impact, then I would saw you up and try to leave you as cut up, yet still alive as possible. that's what I am thinking about right now really. take it or leave it. but just so you know please don't be a cunt, because that hurts my feelings.

Either you're trolling or the biggest autistic faggot on the Internet.
mmmmm self validation. it's okay, I accept that I am the biggest autistic faggot on the internet. it makes me happy that I can continue to confirm it. gives me a real sense of comfort and complacency, you know?

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:16:04 PM »
When someone gives you advice, Loaf, what do you do with it? How do you take it?
I read it and then I say alright I get it.

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:15:43 PM »
a thread like this probably isn't the way

I didn't bother reading, sorry
I sense some sort of malicious intent here.
try reading some of your own posts sometime, edgelord. maybe people would be more willing to take you seriously if you werent constantly acting like a creepy school shooter.
you don't even fucking know me. I can just imagine your mother right now, and me punching her. I just get the feeling that everyone who grows up to be such a horrid rude human being as yourself would have horrible parents. I didn't do shit and I would be talking nicely if you gave me some respect. all I can imagine right now though is me taking a dry wall cutting saw and sawing through your skin. I would knock you over the head with a sledge hammer and if your head didn't explode from the impact, and if your skull didn't crack leaving you dead on impact, then I would saw you up and try to leave you as cut up, yet still alive as possible. that's what I am thinking about right now really. take it or leave it. but just so you know please don't be a cunt, because that hurts my feelings.

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:05:13 PM »
a thread like this probably isn't the way

I didn't bother reading, sorry
if you didn't bother reading then how would you know the content of the thread? why would you not bother reading and then reply to the thread? I sense some sort of malicious intent here. I get the feeling that you are just another one of the sharks who infests this forum. you have your own little standards and if I step out of line then you just go on a frenzy. there is no empathy or understanding on this forum which I have tried to show you. I don't know why you're getting so personal with the things you have said. I don't know why anyone on this forum has to be so immature. I am really sick of it all. you in particular are not really annoying me, nuka, but people like numb digger need to kill themselves immediately.

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:00:48 PM »
I am just sick of people saying that the way I naturally talk is wrong. I seriously want to expose their guts.

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 09:59:59 PM »
Socializing is a natural human function. There are some born without the ability to properly grasp social cues and unwritten rules, which is called autism.
there's no fucking rules of communication.

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 09:58:00 PM »
whatever. I fucking hate the flood.

The Flood / so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 09:54:49 PM »
apparently there’s a way you’re supposed to talk to people. I didn’t know that the ways of talking to people was a law of fucking nature. I can’t believe that I have to think so hard about what I say just so I can interact with someone. I hate talking to people so fucking much. It takes so much to find just one person who I can talk to who doesn't feel like I am trying to talk to a chat bot. I try to talk to every solitary person and it just ends in me feeling like an idiot. I hate trying to talk to people so much. the laws of nature are so perplexing.

There’s no one else to talk to. I’m just still in my bedroom and I’m still trying to talk to people in chat rooms and on skype. Still nothing. Still the same it has been for like 3 years since I graduated high school. What a shitty fucking life this has been. I don’t talk to anyone and I just sit on my computer all day. this is what I’m talking about when I say the world is fucked up. why can’t the world be better set up so I don’t have to feel so miserable that I can’t complete a task like school or something. sometimes when I’m sitting alone all by myself I just think about how I wish I were dead, but I don’t really wish I were dead.

all I can do is think about how fucking garbage the world is. all I can think about is every single person laughing at me. I can hear their confusion through my past experience. I know exactly how people are and they are confused… they piss me off. I don’t know how I can ever get along with people. I just hate them and I get angry and they don’t know why. they think it’s pretty funny, usually. they usually think that I am a pretty bizarre person.

let me tell you about how I feel about your attitude towards me. I can’t say one single thing without feeling like an idiot. I have to worry about other people thinking I’m an idiot. then when they piss me off I can’t say that it pisses me off or that I want to hurt them because then I’m an “internet tough guy”. people piss me off so much. why is it so wrong to say that someone pisses you off? is it really so wrong to say that I want to behead you with a machette if you laugh at me? to me when people laugh at me that sure as hell seems like a sign of disrespect. why should I respect your life if you don’t respect mine? why should I follow your rules of communication? rules just hold you back.

The Flood / Re: humanity is a virus
« on: January 20, 2015, 03:34:01 PM »
pretty funny how people need to use a defense mechanism like little buzz words like edgy to preserve their fucking lie of a life. it is a defense mechanism, I hope you know that. Instead of looking at what I have to say you have to make a pathetic response like that. there's no other explanation. if you actually read what I say and put thought into it it would effect your view of the world. if you don't maintain the lie you end up hating life. you can't hate life because you know life is futile and hating it will just end you in a self perpetuating cycle of misery. So you will maintain your lie. I won't support you though because I think you are shit, a diseased animal, a virus.

Other organisms would do the same, in fact they already do.

You should be happy that your at the very tippy top of the food chain! And the fact that you are capable of abstract thought such as this!
You should fuck off.

And why's that? Because I'm right?
Your a waste of time to argue with. You're a stupid troll.

The Flood / Re: humanity is a virus
« on: January 20, 2015, 03:29:21 PM »
pretty funny how people need to use a defense mechanism like little buzz words like edgy to preserve their fucking lie of a life. it is a defense mechanism, I hope you know that. Instead of looking at what I have to say you have to make a pathetic response like that. there's no other explanation. if you actually read what I say and put thought into it it would effect your view of the world. if you don't maintain the lie you end up hating life. you can't hate life because you know life is futile and hating it will just end you in a self perpetuating cycle of misery. So you will maintain your lie. I won't support you though because I think you are shit, a diseased animal, a virus.

Other organisms would do the same, in fact they already do.

You should be happy that your at the very tippy top of the food chain! And the fact that you are capable of abstract thought such as this!
You should fuck off.

The Flood / Re: humanity is a virus
« on: January 20, 2015, 03:25:19 PM »
This isn't realism, it's naivety.
That's reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally (not) insightful.

The Flood / Re: why did the tranny cross the road?
« on: January 20, 2015, 03:04:48 PM »
kill yourself OP

The Flood / Re: humanity is a virus
« on: January 20, 2015, 02:20:55 PM »
there's some good members of the flood, but there's so many shitty ones... you know who you are.

The Flood / Re: humanity is a virus
« on: January 20, 2015, 02:06:05 PM »
Oh I cannot wait for you to show up in Anarchy. :^)
is that a group? what are you gonna do, dox me?

The Flood / Re: humanity is a virus
« on: January 20, 2015, 01:59:38 PM »
The only way that people can save themselves from seeing how shitty the world is is to lie to themselves about it. That way they can pretend that it isn’t shit and if everyone around them feels the same way then they can all live in a creepy happy brain washed world. A world where everyone is fake happy and no one really cares about your problems. It reminds me so much of the old stereotype of a perfect world, the kind of world that everyone tries to pretend they’re living. One where everyone smiles a cold lifeless smile. That world is our world and we deny it every day. The evidence of our immense decay is right in front of our eyes. We choose to ignore it to preserve our own sanity. Sanity is just constructed by society… It’s a way of thinking that makes everything into a way of looking at the world that preserves the lie.

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